







1. Let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy Name – Give God all the Glory, Honour and Adoration; just bless His Holy Name.

Worship Him because we are about to enter into the New Year of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – Let’s go ahead and give Him Glory.

Thank Him for all what He has done for us since the Past one (1) year – Bless the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords and the Ancient of Days. Give Him Glory.

Thank You Father. Glory be to Your Holy Name.

In Jesus Mighty Name we Worship – Amen!

ALSO READ; Special-prayer-points-on-day-1-evening-session-during-the-house-fellowship-leaders

2. This Morning, we want to Pray for almost everybody – Business Men, Business Women, Transporters, Self-Employed People, Housewives, Artisans and their families. Footballers and Pastors – I’m the one adding those ones!

I want you to lift up your Voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, send Help to all of us.

We are Looking Unto You this Morning for Help, send Help to all of us – Send Help to me, my family, my Relations and to all my friends; Young, Old, Male or Female.

Open your mouth and cry to the Almighty God.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!



My Father and my God, we want to Worship You.

Ancient of Days we bow before You – You are the Alpha and the Omega.

We are extremely Grateful to You for what You have done in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in the Past one (1) year.

Thank You for Health, Thank You for Strength, Thank You for Supplies, Thank You for Protection, Thank You for Promotion – Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.

Today, my Father and my God; I’m committing everyone of us into Your Hands – Business Men, Business Women, Transporters, Self-Employed People, Artisans, Housewives, Husbands, Young boys, Young girls, Footballers – Everyine of us Lord; send Help to us.


From “Unexpected Sources”; Father send Help to us – From the East send Help to us; from the West send Help to us; from the North send Help to us; from the South send Help to us.

In this Month of August my Father and my God; the kind of Breakthroughs that we have never had before; my Father and my God make available to us.

You have been with us in January; You have helped us in February; You have Protected us in March; we sought Your Face in April; in May, You are kind to us; in June, You are Generous to us; in July, You did Marvelous Things; and now we are in August, Lord God Almighty, Please give us a New Beginning.

And Your Children who has been Faithful in the Payment of their Tithes and the Giving of their Offerings; Father this Month embarrass them with Your Blessings – Blesss them so much that they will say that this is “Too Much”.


And Lord God Almighty, during this Convention that is beginning from Monday 7th August 2023, my Father and my God; Miracles “Beyond our Expectations” Perform in all our lives.

At the end of it all, take all the Glory.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: God will bless you Mightily today – Amen.

And then, you may Please be seated!



Our RCCG Annual Convention 2023 begins on Monday, 7th of August 2023 as you know.

And the Theme is: “BEYOND EXPECTATIONS“.

That means that it does matter how High your Expectations might be; during this Convention; God will surpass them all – Amen!

I don’t need to appeal to you to come – One thing that I can assure you of is this: If you don’t come you will regret it!

You say: Who said so? – My Daddy told me that!

It is one Convention – The kind we have never seen before.

If you believed that I am truly a Man of God; then take my words for it!

If you don’t believe, if you think: Don’t mind him; he is always just saying “There is Someone here” – We are not even sure whether he is speaking the Truth or not; then don’t come!

If you don’t believed that it is God who sent me, don’t come!

If you believed that you know he is a Mathematician and he is just saying Mathematical Theories to manipulate us.

If you think it is Mathematics that took The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) from forty (40) Parishes in 1981; to a Church now in more than one hundred ninety (190) Nations of the world.

If you think that is Mathematics, then don’t come!

But if you believed that there is a God in Heaven – The One who can do Exceedingly Abundantly Above all you can ask or think.

If you believed that He is the One who choose for us the Theme: “Beyond Expectations” as the Theme for this Convention.

Then whatever it is going to cost you, make sure that you are there!

Because just like He said: This is a Convention that will never be forgotten – Amen!


Oh, I can watch it on DOVE TV – That is true. He is the One who gave us Dove Media.

May the Name of the Almighty God be Blessed – Amen!

Technology has Advanced – You can Phone your children in America and be looking at them and they will be looking at you.

But on one occasion, I was Phoning my Grandchildren and I was eating Pounded Yam – I said sorry o; we have not reached the Technology yet where I can send Pounded Yam across.

Let me tell you the Truth – There are certain Miracles that cannot go by Television!

When God says: ‘There is Someone here” – By “here”, He is talking about the Redemption Camp Ground.

And you say I sit in my Room and I Claim it.

Half a word is enough for the Wise!

And this Morning, we are to talk about: “Looking Unto Jesus”.

Hebrews 12:2 – Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith; who for the Joy that was set before Him endured the Cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the Right Hand of the Throne of God.

… We will stop there for now because of Time!

ALSO READ; special-prayer-points-on-day-1-evening-session-during-the-house-fellowship-leaders

Psalms 34:5 says: They looked unto Him and were Lightened and their faces were not ashamed.

I decree in the Name of the One who is called “Jehovah El-Shaddai”; as many of you that will “Look Unto Jesus” today, you will never be ashamed again – Amen!

Psalms 121: 1-2 – David said that I will lift up my eyes unto the Hillls, from whence cometh my Help? My Help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth.

“Looking Unto Jesus” – Who are we being asked to “Look Up” to?

1. We are being asked to Look Unto “The Healer”.

Exodus 15:26 says: I am the Lord that Healeth thee.

We are asked to Look Unto the One who never refers a Case.

The One that is written concerning Him in 1 Peter 2:24 – By His Stripes we were Healed.

2. We are being asked to Look Unto the One who is called “The Provider”.

Philippians 4:19 says: But my God shall Supply all your Needs according to His Riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.

We are asked to Look Unto the One who says Silver is Mine, Gold is Mine – Haggai 2:8.

3. We are being asked to Look Unto the One who is called “The Great Deliverer”.

The One who said in John 14:6 – I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.

And it is written in John 8: 32 and 36 – It says:

You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you Free – Verse 32.

Whosoever the Son shall set Free shall be Free Indeed – Verse 36.

4. We are being asked to Look Unto the One who is called “The Promoter”.

The One who said in John 12:32 – He said: If I am lifted up, I will draw all men to myself (Upwards).

Because Promotion does not come from Man; not from the East, nor West, nor South – According to Psalms 75:6-7; God is the Judge, and He is the Promoter.

When God Promotes you, then you are Promoted!

I was listening to the News and I heard of Someone who has been nominated for a Ministerial Appointment and she got to the Senate where she was to be screened only to be told that your name has been withdrawn.


That is not my God – When my God Promottes you; you are Promoted!

When He (God) Promotes you, you don’t need any Screening.

I decree right now or as you read on the Label of DMC; to all of you who will Look Up to Jesus Christ, you will just keep on going Higher – Amen!

5. We are being asked to Look Unto the One who is called “The Hope of the Hopeless”.

Colossians 1:27 says: Christ in me, the Hope of Glory.

6. We are being asked to Look Unto Him who is “The Source of Joy”.

The One who says that all you need to do is to just ask.

John 16:24 – Ask until your Joy is Full.

7. We are being asked to Look Unto Him – Of course to the One who is called “The Saviour”.

Because that is His Name.

Matthew 1:21 says: You shall call His Name Jesus, for He shall save the Peoole from their sins.

Quickly, then let me take about three (3) or four (4) Specific Instances to show you what happens when People Look Unto Him:

1. In Mark 5: 25-34; a woman Looked Unto Him when Doctors has failed.

She moved from one Doctor to the other until they drained every Penny she had. But instead of getting better, she grew worst.

Then she took her eyes off Doctors and Look Unto Jesus and got “Instant Healings”.

In 1983, a Young Man had cancer of the Jawbone – A son of a Wealthy Man. His father was an Ambassador of Nigeria.

And one of the Doctors in the Best Hospitals in London told the father – You want your son to see his Native Land again, take him now because he has less than two (2) weeks to live.

And Someone told the father that there is a God in a Place called “Redemption Camp” – Take your son there.

They brought the boy – When I looked at him, his head was swollen like a Big Container. The head was so enlarged, the throat is contracted that it took him one hour to drink a bottle of coke..

… He was hungry but Nothing can go down the throat.

And the coke that he was sipping, he has to take small at a time.

When I saw him, even my Faith shook.

But we Looked Unto Jesus, we looked unto the One who has never referred a case – He is Alive today!

When he went back to the same Doctors, they said that you are not the one we saw before. And he said that I am the one.

They told him: Okay, Congratulations; we don’t know what happened.

But because off the Chemotherapy – This Therapy, that Therapy; you will never be able to Produce a Child because your body is already destroyed by all kinds of Chemicals.

He came and told me and I said that I know my Father – He doesn’t do job halfway. When He heals, He heals.

Today, he is married and has children.

Why am I telling you this? – There might be Someone listening to me, wherever you might be or reading now on the Label of DMC – The Doctors has said that there is no Hope for you; Look Unto Jesus. The same Doctors will hear your Testimony!

2. When it looks as if the Enemies has Captured you and there is no way of Escape – Look Unto Jesus!

Acts 16: 23-24; tells us the case of Paul and Silas – They were thrown into Prison because they are going to be Executed the following day. And they told the Jailer – This Priisoner must not escape. And the Jailer said no Problem – Bound them tight and lock the door off the Prison,

And the Bible says that at Midnight, Paul and Silas began to Pray and Sing Praises unto God – They didn’t look at their shackles but they looked Unto Jesus.

And my Father came – Send an Earthquake, shook the Prison doors, flung them open and the yokes were destroyed.

You know the rest of the Story – Even the Jailers came, fell at their feet and said I must know something about this your God. And the Jailer got saved.

The following Morning, those who threw them to the Prison said that we have Changed our Mind – Let them go!

And thank God for People like Paul – He said that you threw me to Prison, my God freed me; you want me to go now, then come and beg me!

Everyone of you that the Enemies thought that they have Captured; they will come and beg you – Amen!

In one of this Countries where The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) is; they arrested one of my Pastors – He was just on the Streets when they just grabbed him and threw him into the Jungeon.

We couldn’t locate him but just knew that he disappeared – It was the wife who alerted us that she can’t see her husband. But God knew where he was.

So, we Look Unto Jesus – You are the One who says that we should go into all the world and Preach the Gospel and that is why we sent Your son there. You have to intervene!

And then all of a sudden, my son said – Wait a Minute Lord; today is March 2nd, today is the Birthday of Your son – Give me a Birthday Present.

And after Months, those who has thrown him to Prison said: What is it that he has done? And they came and say that you are Free and you can go.

Well, today is not my Birthday but everyday belongs to the Lord. And on this Special Day, I decree: Everyone of you in any form of Bondage; be Free in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen!

3. When it looks as if your case is already “Too Late” – There is Nothing anybody can do to help you at all. When your Relatives too think that: Don’t worry the Pastor, your case is “Beyond Help”; Look Untto Jesus!

Because in John 11: 39-44; by the time they got to the Burial Grounr of Lazarus, he has been Dead and buried for four (4) days.

The Sister told the Lord Jesus Christ – Excuse me sir, it is not Your fault that You came late as You are busy doing Your Father’s Business but if You had come earlier. For now, let us go home as he is already sinking by now.

But there is a God who can reverse the Irreversible – That is the God that I served!

Jesus Christ said: Hey, just move aside; let me show you who I am.

You know the rest of the Story – By the time they removed the stone; my Father spoke a Word.

Check what He said – He only said: Lazzaruss come forth. He didn’t Pray some serious Prayers that He has to shake His Body.

And Bible Scholars said that if He had not specifically mentioned Lazarus by name; every Dead Persons would have come out of the Grave that Day because the One who was speaking is “The Ressurection and The Life”.

Whether you believed it or not; He is still alive and He is here today or as you read on the Label of DMC!

And He is saying to those of you who Doctors and Relatives says that your case is “Beyond Help”; He is saying unto you – Look Unto Jesus and I will give you a Testimony that will shake the world (Amen).

I’m sure that you remembered the Story of a Sister who made a mistake while she was in Secondary School – Became Pregnant and since her Parents mustn’t hear about it, she decided to abort it. She took some drugs and started bleeding.

By the time they took her to the Hospital, the Doctors felt that there is only one way to save her Life – And that is by taking out her Womb.

So she survived and then went ahead and got married. And of course, she had no issue.

And then she got Born Again, her Pastor said that: “With God, all things are Possible” and so she kept coming and they were Praying.

Then one day, the Pastor said: Wait a Minute, everybody I Prayed for they are already Testifying; why is your own different?

She said that my Story is that I have no Womb!

The Pastor said: You have no Womb and you are asking me to Pray for you for you to be Pregnant?

In the Name that is above every other name, every Impossibilities in your Life will become Possible today – Amen!

From that Day onwards, anytime the Pastor saw the woman coming this way, he will dodge that way.

One day, the woman discovered that the Pastor was dodging her and she stopped Looking Unto the Pastor – She turned her face to God and say: God I’m not Trusting the Pastor for my Miracles now but I’m Trusting You.

She had a Dream that Night – She found herself Standing naked and saw a “Huge Man” coming into the Room with the skin of an animal in his hands.

She was so frightened – The Man got close to her and wrapped the skin round about her body and she woke up and discovered that she was Mensurating.

By the Last time that I heard of her, she had five (5) children.

Everything that is considered Impossible in your Life would be made Possible today – Amen!

4. When your Business seems to be Collapsing; when you have done everything you know and instead of succeeding, you seems to be failing.

People are already looking at you and calling you “Afamako” – That is what they used to called them in the Olden Days.

Afamako” is used in Lagos – “Afamako, ise lari, a o ri owo” – Meaning that we can see the Labour but where is the Fruit?

Look Unto Jesus, He will surprise everybody because in Luke 5: 1-7; the Bible tells us that Peter fished All-Night. And he caught Nothing.

Peter was not a Lazy Man – Lazy Man don’t work All-Night!

Then Jesus Christ stepped into the boat – One Single throw with just one Net despite being advised to throw all Nets. Probably if he had thrown all the Nets, he could have caught all the fishes in the River that Day. Just one Net caught enough fishes to fill two (2) boats.

We had a Congress – We used to call it “Christ Redeemer Congress” in those Days in Akure (Capital City of Ondo State, Western Nigeria).

We finished the Congress, Prayed for everybody and told them that you can go home.

And then a Man stopped me and said that you have to Pray for me.

Then He told me his Story – He was a successful Business Man, and he had a Sawmill. But then, everything just went rough – All the Machines refused to work and every attempts to repair them failed,

So, he began to borrow money to feed and he borrowed so much money that it got to a Stage that when his friends saw him coming, they dodged – They were not asking him to Pay the debts but they don’t want him to borrow more.

Well, when your Creditors begin to dodge you, then you know that you are in trouble.

Things got so bad – Hunger at home, hunger for husband, wife and the children. Things went so bad that the wife went Mental.

And because they had no Money to maintain her in an hospital; they just took her to one Herbalist and just dump her there.

Then He told me that you are not going anywhere sir.

Then I said fine – Stretch forth your hands. I laid my hands on his hands and I Prayed a Simple Prayer.

He got home, laid his hands on the Machines and everyone of them jumped back to work.

When he saw that the thing is working, he ran to the Herbalist house, laid the hands on his wife and the wife said: Ha, Ha; what am I doing here?

The last time I heard about my friend, he has been made a King of his Town – He has cars now and not just one.

You are having Financial Difficulties, Look Unto The Great Provider!

I decree in the Name of the One who sent me – Before the end of this Year (2023); you won’t even know what is it to be Poor again (Amen).

Look Unto Jesus, The Saviour – There is Nobody too far gone for Him to save!

Paul the Apostle said in 1 Timothy 1:15 – He himself said that I am so bad and I considered myself “The Chief of Sinners”.

But then, He had an Encounter with Jesus Christ – The One whose Blood Cleanses from all sins (1 John 1:7).

The Chief of Sinners was cleansed by Jesus Christ that we asked you to Look Unto and immediately, everything Changed.

The one who started as Chief of Sinners ended up as one of the Chiefest Apostle.

When I was a Lecturer at the University of Ilorin and I was looking over our Little Church there at that time. An Alhaji attended the Church one day.

I don’t know how it happened but he came!

And he heard me Preacching about Salvation that there is Nobody Jesus Christ cannot saved, no matter how bad.

So, I made the Altar Call and he came forward and gave his Life to Jesus Christ and then went home rejoicing.

Then he came back and said I don’t think this thing can be true? I said what do you mean?

He said that I am not the kind of Person Jesus Christ can forgive – I have done so many evils. And then, He told me Series of Terrible Things that he has done.

And he said: Do you think Jesus Christ can forgive Somebody like me?

I said that the Blood of Jesus Christ Cleanses from “All” sins – You surrender your Life to Him and your sins are gone! And he went back home rejoicing.

Few days later, he came back – He said, I didn’t tell you all. And then he told me some more and I assured him again.

Then finally he came and said that I will tell you one more thing I did – If you think that Jesus Christ can forgive Someone who did that then I will fully surrender.

And then he told me something he did and I am telling you that even me I was horrified.

And I said: Wait a Minute, let me read to you what is in 1 John 1:7 – The Blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanses from “ALL” sins.

I said that I just want to ask you a Question – What is the meaning of “All”?

He looked at me and said: I think “All” means “All” – And he said that is Settled and no more Problem for me.

There is a God who can save anybody – It doesn’t matter how bad you might be, the Bloid of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sins!


If you are here or reading now on and you are not yet saved, the Altar is Open – Come!

Come and Look Unto Jesus – He has enough Power to save anybody. And when He saves you; everything will become New!

Do you know what the Bible says – If any Man be in Christ, He is a New Creature; Old Things has Passed away, behold all things has become New (2 Corinthians 5:17).

So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ; I will count from one (1) to five (5). You get to the Altar before I say five (5) – We will Pray together and He will save your Souls.

I am counting now!

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Now, those of us who are already infront; let us talk to the Almighty God with all our Heart – And say: Lord have Mercy on me; save my Soul. I Surrender my Life to You – Every sins that I have ever committed, wipe it away today, give me a Brand New Beginning and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

And the rest of us, let us Stretch our hands towards these People and intercede for them – Pray that the One who saved your Soul will save their own Souls also.

Thank You Lord!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, I want to say Thank You.

Thank You for Your Words, Thank You Saviour, and Thank You for these People who has humbled themselves to surrender their lives to You.

Father, Please save them, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wipe away all their sins, save their Souls Lord, write their names in the Book of Life, and receive them into the Family of God.

From now on, anytime they called on You, Father answer them by Fire. Let everything become New for them and let them serve You to the end.

Thank You Father!

Lord God Almighty, in a moment; I am going to ask Your Children here to cry to You – Everyone who will Look Unto You today for Help; Help them immediately.

Father, I Pray that this Sunday will be a “Landmark Sunday” in the Life of all of us.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Anen!

Those of you infront shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Please stay where you are.

The rest of us – How many of you believed that God will answer you today? – The DMC Family Members!

Stand on your feet and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Forget everybody around you now and Look Unto Jesus.

And say: Jesus, I come to You today, don’t let me ever know shame again – You are the Hope of the Hopeless!

Go ahead and talk with Jesus!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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