Let Us Pray!

I have a Father
Almighty Father
He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords
I have a Father
Almighty God – King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Ancient of Days, the Unchangeable Changer; we Worship You, we Magnify Your Holy Name.
We Thank You for all You have already done since this Convention (AUSPAC 2022 Convention) began. Thank You for what you are about to do right now.
Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
King of Kings, tonight we Pray that in the lives of all Your Children, You will do something Great; You will do something Mighty; You will do something only You can do.
We Pray Lord God Almighty that today, You will save Souls, You will heal the Sick, You will set Captives Free, You will reverse the Irreversible, You will Prove Yourself to be the Almighty in the lives of Your Children. So that by the end of this Particular Service; Your Name will be Mightily Glorified.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
So, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Now, those of you who are celebrating this Convention (RCCG Australia Pacific Region); I celebrate with you because the Almighty God Himself who has been blessing you, will continue to bless you and He will move you from Glory to Glory.
Now, the Theme of this Convention (AUSPAC Convention 2022) is: “THE KING IS COMING”,
My Bible Text for this Particular Message will be: Revelation 19: 11-16.
Revelation 19: 11-16
11. And I saw Heaven opened, and behold a White Horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in Righteousness he doth judge and make war.
12. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many Crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
13. And he was clothed with a Vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
14. And the Armies which were in Heaven followed him upon White Horses, clothed in fine linen, White and Clean.
15. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
16. And he hath on his Vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
“The King is Coming” is our Theme and I’m sure that by now, all those who has spoken before me must have explained to you that the One we are referring to is not other than “Jesus Christ” and they are discussing the fact that Jesus Christ will soon return.
But I want to look at this Topic tonight simply by defining: “Who is this King”?
Oh, that He is coming again – That one is for sure and you can’t stop Him from returning – He will surely come!
According to His Words – Even if Heaven and Earth will Pass away, His Words will be Settled, His Words will not Pass away. He is Coming.
I want to talk to you about the Importance of this King in your Day to Day Life, even as from now!
So let me start by saying: “WHO IS A KING”?
Because we are talking about “The King”. But let us define who is a King?
A King is Someone who rules by Decrees!
I. He is not Elected and so you cannot Vote him out of Office. He is a King and a King forever.
II. He does not consult anybody before doing anything – He rules by Decrees!
Ecclesiastes 8:4 says: Where the King’s word is, there is Power and no one can say to him what doth thou – You don’t query a King.
In the real sense of the word, a King speaks and it is done – Just like in Genesis 1:3; God said: Let there be Light and there was Light Period. No Discussion, no Consultation – Just a Decree!
It is written in Psalms 33: 8-9 – The Bible tells us that the reason why the whole Earth should fear before God is that He speaks and it is done.
… Once he has Spoken, that is Settled – That is what a King is.
Unfortunately nowadays, People don’t even know the Value of a King.
A King is not a President – A President is Elected for a certain Term and if the People who Elected him don’t want him anymore, they Vote him out.
So, a President cannot rule by Decrees – He has to consult the Senate, he has to consult the House of Representative et cetera et cetera.
If some People don’t like what the President has done, they can sue him.
But a King in the real sense of the word, does not consult anybody. He speaks and it is done.
And then, ww are not talking about a King now, we are talking about “The King”.
Who is “The King”?
“The King” is the One who controls other Kings. That is why He is called “The King of Kings”. And that is the Lord Jesus Christ – He is the only One Fellow called “The King”. He is the One who commands other Kings.
The Bible says that: The Heart of Kings are in the Hands of this Almighty God. He turns it whichever way He wants – Just like a River of Water.
So, why the King is important, “The King” controls all other Kings.
“The King” can tell a King to become an animal and eats grass for seven (7) years and it will be done.
So, you need to appreciate “The King” in the Theme – The fact that He is coming, that is a Settled matter on its own.
Who is “The King”?
Because you need to know how Powerful “The King” is for you to know that He can command Sickness to get out of your body and it must obey.
In Matthew 8: 1-3; the Bible said that a Leper came unto “The King” and say that I know that you can make me Clean if you are willing. “The King” said “I am willing”. He touched him and immediately, he was Healed – That is “The King”.
That is the One I am introducing you to today – To let you know that it doesn’t matter the Problem(s) you have, it doesn’t matter how long the Problem(s) has been there; “The King” will Command and your Problem(s) will be over – Amen!
… That is “The King”!
And then “This King” is referred to in another Passage of the Bible – In Psalms 24: 7-10 as: “The King of Glory”. Because He Commands, He rules by Decrees and so He can Command Glory to come into your Life.
And when you know that Glory is the opposite of Shame, according to Proverbs 3:35 – “The King” can Command “Glory” to replace “The Shame”.
Which is why I’m decreeing that by the time this Night will be over, in the Name of the One called “The King”; your Shame will be forgotten and Glory will come in – Amen!
Now, to be able to fully Understand who is this King of Kings or King of Glory; we will go to that Psalms 24: 7-10 and see how this King is defined for us.
“The King”, who is “The King of Glory” is the One to whom All gates will lift up their heads, all doors will be lifted up; so that when “The King” wants to come in, there will be no hindrances.
So, don’t let anybody deceive you – When “The King” wants to come, He will come because Everlasting Doors themselves will be thrown wide open for “The King of Kings” to come in whenever He wants to.
Now in this Psalms 24: 7-10; the Question were asked for us: Who is “The King”? And the Answers came:
1. He is “The Lord”.
And who is “The Lord”? – “The Lord” means “The Owner”!
So, when you say: Landlord – You know that you are talking about “The Owner of the House” where you are living.
I. And why do we call him Landlord? – Because he owns the Land on which the house has been built.
The one who owns the Land, owns whatever that is on it!
And it is written about “This King” in Psalms 24:1 – It says: The Earth is the Lord’s and the Fullness thereof.
So, your Nation belongs to “The King” – This King of Kings.
Oh, the Government may tell you that they are the ones in Charge of the Land – “The King” gave them “The Power of Attorney” and He can cancel that “Power of Attorney”. And if they resist Him, He can cancel “The Power of Attorney” for them to even live on the Land.
OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: “The Power of Attorney” or “Letter of Attorney” is a written Authorization to represent or act on another’s behalf in Private Affairs, Business, or some Other Legal Matters. The Person authorizing the Other to act is the Principal, Grantor, or Donor.
The Owner is “The King” – The One Who owns all things!
Haggai 2:8 says: Silver is Mine, Gold is Mine saith “The Lord” – He owns Silver, He owns Gold.
II. He owns the Earth and the Fullness thereof and He owns everything that is Underneath the Earth – Diamond, Gold, Oil, anything that you can find inside the Earth belongs to God.
III. And the interesting thing is that: He is the Owner of Health.
Exodus 15:28 says: I am the Lord that healeth thee.
… I decide whether you will get well or not.
And so I can decree in the Name of “The King” that before you leave here tonight or reading now on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET; your Sickness will be swallowed up by the very Earth on which you are Standing – Amen.
IV. He is the Owner of Deliverance
John 8:36 says: If the Son shall set you Free, you shall be Free indeed.
Who is this Son that we are talking about? – Jesus Christ, The King of Kings.
He is the Owner of Light, He is the Owner of Life – John 1: 4-5 says: In Him was Life and the Life was the Light of Men.
So, the fact that you are even breathing is at His Mercy – It is of the Mercy of the Lord that we are not Consumed.
… So, to realise who “The King” is – He is your Owner!
2. And then the Passage tells us that: He is not an “Ordinary Lord”; it says that “He is the Lord that is Strong” – He is not a Weakling!
Oh Yes, He can appear as ‘A Lamb” but when He comes back at His Second Coming; He will come back as “A Lion”.
Hey, don’t think that He is weak oh – He is Strong!
Isaiah 40: 29-31 tells us how Strong He is – He never sleeps, He never needs to Slumber, He is never tired.
Anyone who needs Strength can go and draw from Him – “Strong Lord”.
He is the One who gives Strength to the Weak.
And because He is Strong, that is why He is the Owner of Success.
Philippians 4:13 – It says that I can do All things through Christ who Strenthens me.
Which is why in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, after this Convention (RCCG AUSPAC Convention 2022); you will be going from Success to Success – Amen!
3. He is “Not just Strong” – Who is this King? It says: “The Lord Strong and Mighty”.
How Mighty is Mighty?
Psalms 91:1 tells us that He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of The Most High, shall abide under the Shadow of The Almighty.
Do you know one of the things that is so Special about “Mighty” is that some People because of their Influence and Position can do some Mighty Things.
But there is Someone who according to Jeremiah 32:27; which says: I am the God of all flesh and there is Nothing too hard for me to do?
Oh, you have seen some very “Great Medical Doctors” – They are very Good and they can do quite a lot. But they get to a Stage when they will tell you – Sorry, there is Nothing more we can do for you.
It is not with “This King” – He is The Almighty!
According to Luke 1:37 – This God is so Mighty that there is Nothimg Impossible for Him.
I. He can make a Barren Fruitful.
II. He can even cause the Virgin to conceive.
Which is Good News for those of you who are trusting God for the Fruit of the Womb – In the Hand of The Almighty, the Impossible becomes Possible (Amen).
III. He is “So Mighty” that He can reverse the Irreversible.
Ezekiel 37: 1-10 tells us that He can cause dry bones to live again.
… That is how “Mighty” that “The Almighty” is!
4. And then he went on to say – Who is “This King” – Not only is He the Lord, not only He is a “Strong Lord”, not only a ‘Mighty Lord”; He said “Mighty in Battle” – He is not a Civilian but He is a Warrior!
Exodus 15:3 calls Him “A Man of War”. And He has never lost a War.
Which is Good News for you because this King is going to fight your battles for you and He is going to give you Victory!
I. He is Mighty in Battle – Mighty on Land.
You don’t believed me, read Numbers 16: 28-35 – When He decided to fight, to defend Moses; He asked the Ground to Open and swallow the enemies.
II. He is Mighty in Battle – Mighty on Water.
Exodus 15: 1-11 – This tells you what happened when Pharaoh and his Army (The biggest Military Force at that time) got drowned overnight.
III. He is Mighty in Battle – Mighty in the Air.
Joshua 10: 1-11 – This will tell you that the number of People “The King” killed by throwing bombs on them from Heaven were far more than Joshua killed by Sword.
So where is the enemy coming from? – By Land, “The King” will ask the Ground to swallow; by Sea, “The King” will ask the Sea to open its mouth; by Air, “The King” will throw Bomb from Heaven above.
So, there is Good News for you because you are going to become “Closely Associated” with this King – That your enemies wherever they are coming from: Either by Land, by Sea or by Air; “The King” will take care of them all (Amen).
You know, that is why He said in His Words – He says in Deuteronomy 28: 1-7 that: If you hearken diligently to the Voice of the Lord your God (To this King); and do His Will. Oh He said that the enemies that rises up against you will be smitten before your face – You won’t even have to fight.
He says in His Words that if God be for us, who can be against us?
He says in His Words that you are More Than Conqueror because He loves you!
5. And then he went on to say that: “This King is the Lord of Hosts”.
I. He is the Controller of the Heavenly Host – He is the Controller of Angels.
Daniel 6: 1-end – They threw Daniel to the den of Lions and God sent an Angel to tell the Lions; Hey this is my son, don’t touch him.
II. He controls even “The Host of Hell”.
Demons must get Permission from “The King” before they can Act.
You don’t believed me, read 1 Samuel 16:14 – When a King misbehaved, the King of Kings sent a demon from Him to go and torment him.
Even Satan must get Permission from “The King” before he can attack.
Job 1: 7-12 and Job 2: 2-6 – The devil said that the reason Job was worshipping God is because “The King” Protected him. There is an Hedge He made round about him.
And I want you to know that: If you are a Child of God, there is an Hedge, there is a Wall of Fire round about you!
And God said: Alright, you want to find out whether this boy will continue to serve me or not? Go ahead; you can touch his Property and Family but don’t dare take his Life.
And I can assured you now that you are a Child of God – Because Job was a Servant of God but you are a Child of God. He will not even give Satan Permission to touch you because you are Special to “The King”.
Now, that is “The King” – That is “The King” that is Coming!
Now when “The King” comes; all manners of “Beautiful Things” will happen!
But right now, He is seated in the Heavens but you can bring Him in to you now – You don’t have to wait till the Rapture or His Second Coming. You can enjoy Heaven here on Earth right now, you can get Him to come into your Life Straightaway! And then you begin to enjoy all the benefits of Heaven even while you are here on Earth.
You know what? – Colossians 1:27 made it clear: Christ in you, the Hope of Glory.
If you say: King of Kings, I know that “You are Coming”; a Day is coming when the Whole world will see, those who are our children will see and then they will leave tris world and go with you.
But right now, I want to enjoy Heaven on Earth.
He will say that is Simple – Open your Heart:
I. I will come in and from now on; it will be Glory all the way.
II. I will come in and show you that I am: “The Lord”; “The Lord Strong and Mighty”;
The Lord who will make sure that you are Victorious in everything you do. Because it is written: Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world – 1 John 4:4.
III. Allow me to come in now, not wait till the time of the Rapture and you can begin to enjoy all the benefits of “The King” Coming into your Life.
IV. Allow me to come in now and you will begin to know the meaning of the Fullness of Joy.
Psalms 16:11 says: In His Presence, there is the Fullness of Joy.
V. Allow me to come in now and I can put an end to Sorrow Permanently in your Life
Oh, you don’t have to wait till the Day of the Rapture before all tears are wiped out of your face!
I mean Luke 7: 11-15 – There was a Widow who was going to bury her only son and “The King” came for her and the dead came back to Life and her Sorrow was turned to Joy and she was never sad again.
You can invite Him in today – You can say: King of Kings, I know that You are Coming (You are Coming for the Whole world). I know that, but I want You to come for me now. And you suddenly discovered that He can turn your Failure to Success.
I mean ask Peter in Luke 5: 1-7 – Peter said: Come into my boat. “The King” came into his boat and you know that all “Fruitless Efforts” was Changed instantly to “Unbelievable Success”.
So, this is my Advise to you:
I. “The King” is Coming – Yes!
II. To take His Beloveth Home – Yes!
III. But when? – We don’t know!
The Bible says that when “The King” returns, we shall be like Him – That is in the Future!
But right now, can I ask “The King” to come in today for me, into my Life? Can I enjoy Rapture before the Rature takes Place? Can I begin to live as if I’m in Heaven from this moment onwards?
The Answer is: YES!
All you have to do is to allow “The King” to come in!
In Revelation 3:20; He (The King) said: Behold, I Stand by the door I knock; if you Open the door to me, I will come in.
To whom is “The King” talking?
“The King” is talking to Someone that is listening to me right now or reading now on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET!
Yes, He has been telling you that: “The King” is Coming and He is Coming.
But you can leave this Place tonight or as you read now on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET saying: As for me, “The King” has come!
Why? – He knocked at the door of my Heart and I opened the door unto him!
So, if you are one of such – You want to invite Him in; you want to experience that Second Coming right now; all you need to do is bow your Head there and Call on the Almighty God to come into your own Heart.
Or better still, if you could just Stand Up, move towards the Altar; so that Jesus Christ will know that you really mean Business. RCCG AUSTRALIA PACIFIC (AUSPAC) CONVENTION 2022 PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE
The Pastor is there to help you and to guide you as to what to do after you have given your Life to Jesus Christ.
But I’m willing to Pray for those of you willing to surrender your Life to Jesus Christ right now.
My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Words. And I know that Your Words is Forever Settled.
I Thank You very much for these People who has given their Life to You now.
Please, receive them, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wash away their sins, save their Souls tonight, receive them into the Family of God.
And from now on, let them begin to enjoy Heaven on Earth, so that every time they cried to You, You will answer them by Fire.
Father, I’m committing all Your Children who are listening to me now or reading now on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET; into Your Hands; as they cry to You and as they say King of Kings Come – Come into my Marriage; Come into my Business; Come into my Life; Come into my Situation.
Please, grant their Requests and let them experience the Fullness of Joy.
Let this Night be a Night they will never forget.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.