1. Well, let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and begin to bless His Holy Name.
Let’s give Him Glory, let’s give Him Honour, let’s give Him Adoration; Thank Him for all He has done for you since the beginning of the Year 2022 – Thank Him for Salvation of your Soul, Thank Him for Preservation, for Health, for Strength, for Joy in the Holy Spirit.
Give Him Glory, Praise the Almighty God – Praise the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, Praise the Ancient of Days. Thank Him for Mercy, Goodness, Loving kindness; that you are still alive even by December 2022; that you have eyes to see, mouth to Speak, you can walk, you can dress yourself.
He is Worthy to be Praised – Thank You Lord, blessed be Your Name.
Remember all those who started this Year (2022) with you and are already gone but you are still here Praising Him.
He has been Good to you – It is because of His Mercy that you have not been consumed.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen!
2. Now, we want to Pray for all Landlords – We want to Thank God for them for Providing Money for them to build the houses.
We also want to Pray for all Tenants – For God Providing Money for them to be able to Pay for their rent.
There are People sleeping under the Bridge but you are not one of them.
So, we want to ask the Almighty God to bless all the Landlords and give them even the Grace to build more.
And we want to Pray for all Tenants that they won’t die as Tenants and that not long from now, they will have their own houses.
Let’s lift our Voices to the Almighty God and Thank Him.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
3. There are a lot of Sufferings going on in the Land.
We want to Pray that the Almighty God will have Mercy on us, have Mercy on our Nation – That our Sufferings will end before the End of the Year.
Let’s talk to the Almighty God to have Mercy on us and put all Sufferings to an End.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Praise God
Father Almighty, we Worship You. We Thank You for Your Goodness, we Thank You for Your Mercy Ancient of Days and Thank You for thus far You have helped us.
Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You for March, Thank You for April, Thank You for May, Thank You for June, Thank You for July, Thank You for August, Thank You for September, Thank You for October, Thank You for November; Oh Lord Thank You for December – Accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
You brought us thus far and we know that we will see the New Year – Accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
My Lord and my Saviour, we Pray for all Landlords today, Please continue to bless them, continue to Prosper them, enable them to build more houses.
And Father, we Pray for all Tenants – Thank You for Health, Thank You for Strength, Thank, You for Provisions; Please Lord God Almighty, if there are Tenants here today owing Rents; in your own Miraculous Way, help them to Pay and don’t let them die as Tenants. Build houses for them.
My Lord and my Saviour, we are Praying for our Nation – We have cried to You over the Weekend, we have confessed our sins to You, we have cried to You for Mercy – Once again, have Mercy on our Nations, let all our Sufferings be over before the New Year. Intervene Oh Lord.
As for Your Children who has been Faithful in the Payment of their Tithes and in the Giving of their Offerings; Please Lord build houses for them, bless them beyond measures and even before the end of this Momth; Father surprise them.
And Lord God Almighty, we Pray that today You will send Your Words to us and Your Words will bring Healings and Deliverance and Joy and Victoy.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Now, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Morning, God Bless You (Amen). And then you may Please be seated.
I am seizing this opportunity to invite you to The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Holy Ghost Congress 2022 that is beginning on Monday, 5th December 2022.
I know that you are Believers but whether you believed it or not, the Holy Ghost Congress 2022 is going to be the Greatest you have ever had.
We are talking about “Double Portion” and so everything is going to be “Double Double” – Miracles will be double, Testimonies will be double, Blessings will be double, Victories will be double and Joy will Overflow.
So, I will see you there – Amen!
This Morning, I have been asked to speak on: “IN MY FATHER’S HOUSE” – Probably because its a Special Day for Landlords; they have chosen this wondertful Topic!
The Bible Text can be found in: John 14: 1-3:
1. Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
2. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
“In my Father’s House” – When we were in the Primary School and that is a little time ago; our Teachers taught us about Nouns and Adjectives.
And then they tell us that there are something that they called “Adjectival Claise” – That is an Adjective that is more than one words.
And so, we see that kind of “Adjectival Clause” in the Topic – “In My Father’s House”.
“House” is the Noun here while the Adjective is “In My Father”.
What is a House?
A House is a Permanent Residence – Something Solid, something that is a Landmark, something that is an Address; not a Tent, not something that is here today and you move it to somewhere else tomorrow. It is something Fixed that you could refer to as an Address.
But a House in the true sense of the word means much more than just where you live!
1. A House could actually be a Family.
In Genesis 7:1; God was talking to Noah and said – You and your house I have found Faithful.
Your House there means your Family – Those who live in that House!
2. But on a Deeper Scale, a House can mean Root.
When you talk about I’m going to my house; you might not be talking about just a little Bungalow, you might be talking about your Village.
I like my friends of the Igbo Culture – When it is Christmas Season, they leave the mansiojs they have here in Lagos and they are heading for the Village. They are going back to their Root.
In Genesis 24: 34-38; Abraham said to his Servant – Don’t marry a Stranger for my son. Go back to my Root – Go to my father’s house and get a daughter for my son to marry.
3. A House can actually mean a Compound.
In Yorubaland (A Tribe in the Southern Part of Nigeria); they call it “AGBO ILE” – A Collection of houses forming a Compound.
The People living in that Compound could be Blood Relatives – Uncle will have his own house, Aunty maybe she has her own house et cetera et cetera. We call that one also a House.
So, you hear from time to time People saying – This is how we behave in our House.
They are not talking about the Particular House they live but they are talking of our Compound; where our families gathered together.
So, when you find a child who is well behaved in Yorubaland; we call him/her – “OMO ILE” – A child of the House!
They teach this one very well in their Compound.
For Example – You are riding in a bus and then there is an Elder who came in and had no seat. You stand up and ask the Elder to come and seat down.
The Elder will look at you and say: You are “Omo Ile” – You are from a Good Home!
So, when Jesus Christ said: In my Father’s House, He is actually saying: In my Father’s Compound, there are many mansions. He is not talking of a Single one but a Collection of Houses.
That is why He could say – In my Father’s House; there are many mansions and not just one building.
Now, God the Father lives in that Compound and all His Children they also have their own mansions surrounding the one belonging to God the Father.
You know that the Bible tells us that in Romans 8:29 – That Jesus Christ is the first born of many Brethrens.
So, in my Father’s House that He is referring to, there are many mansions – And by the Grace of God, I have one there. If you are a Child of God, you have one there too and I will see you there on that Day in Jesus Name – Amen!
Now, the Peculiar thing about the mansions in my Father’s House is that:
1. Each of the mansions is Huge.
A mansion is a house with many rooms. One day, God will open your eyes and you will have a Glimpse of your mansion in Heaven – Amen.
The day you see that mansion, anything that will ever take you back from Jesus is no more existing.
2. Now, each House there is not just Big or Huge – There is no way we can describe it here on Earth; it is very Costly and Expensive.
Jesus Christ was referring to this in Matthew 16:26 – He said: All the Money in the world cannot buy one of the mansions.
He said: What does it Profit a Man if he gains the whole world and lose his Soul?
Do you know the implication of that – If you have all the Money in the world, you can’t even build one of the mansions there.
In the Name that is above every other names, Nobody will take your own mansion in Jesus Name – Amen!
Because over there where we are going, the very mud that is used to build the houses there is Pure Gold – Purest Gold. Gold so Pure that they look like Mirrors. You can read this in Revelation 21:21.
Those of you who have a little idea about Gold, you know that the measure and Purify Gold in Karat – 17 Karat, 25 Karat etc.
I didn’t have an idea of what Karat are until one day that I travelled with a friend of mine to Singapore. And we got to a Place where they sell Gold and they have a Purifying Section where they Clean the Gold.
You see, my friend has been trying to dazzle me with the ring in his finger – Telling me that it is 24 Karat Gold.
Then we got to this Place and they say that they can Purify your Gold. And so he said in that case, can you just clean my ring for me? They asked him – How many Karat? And he said 24 Karat.
They said: We don’t handle such as it is too inferior. They said that if we put it on our Machine, it will melt off.
The Gold in Heaven – I don’t know what Karat and it is that kind of Gold that is used to build the mansions.
NOTES: A Gold karat is 1/24 part, or 4.1667 percent, of the whole, and the purity of a Gold alloy is expressed as the number of these parts of Gold it contains. Thus, an object that contains 16 parts Gold and 8 parts alloying metal is 16-karat Gold, and pure Gold is 24-karat Gold.
There is something Great waiting for you in Heaven brother/sister – I Pray that you will make it in Jesus Name (Amen).
Now, the little bit that I want to talk to you about this Morning is the Statement He made when He said – I go and Prepare a Place for you.
The First Question that could come to the Mind of anybody is: If there are many mansions, why do you need to go and Prepare a Place?
1. The first answer that can come to your Logical Mind is that – Many does not mean Enough.
There can be many houses, many mansions; it doesn’t mean that everybody will get one.
Oh, there are many chairs here but some People are still standing here.
Why? – Many does not mean Enough. Take Note of that.
2. Reservation is talking about how Close you are, how important you are
There are Degrees of Importance when we talk about Reservations.
I think that I have told you before when one President is going to be Sworn-In. And a friend of mine, big Man of God came to where I was staying in Abuja with a Card – Ha daddy, I got an Invitation Card, I’m going for the ceremony and I got a “A” Card. There was “A” written on his Card and he was glad – I said: Congratulations!
Just as we were talking, another one came – Ha daddy, I got an Invitation Card, on the Card, “AA” . So, the man with “A” look at himself – What is going on here?
Not long after that one, another one came in with a Card “AAA”.
Do you know what that means? When the Ceremony is over and it is time to entertain People; there is a Limit to where “A” can go; there is a Place where “AA” can go and there is a Place where “AAA” can go.
So, they all looked at me and said: Alright, you sir we know that you got a Card. So, how many A’s are on your own Card?
I smiled and told them – I don’t need a Card. All I need to do is to just show up.
There are Levels of Intimacy – When we get to Heaven, some People will be about a Billion Kilometres from where Jesus Christ is seated!
And of course, they will be happy that they made it to Heaven.
I Pray that you will make it to Heaven – Amen!
But He said that I am going to Prepare a Place for you. And He gave the reason – He said that so that where I am, you may be also.
How Close will you be to Jesus Christ when you leave this world? – Its a very Important Question!
Because how Close you are to Him is going to be determined by how intimate you are with Him here on Earth!
You will remember very well when the Lord Jesus Christ was going to the Mount of Transfiguration. He took the Twelve (12) Disciples with Him.
The Twelve (12) got to a Certain Stage, He told nine (9) to wait and then He took three (3) with Himself to the Mountaintop.
When they got to the Mountaintop, He was transformed before the three (3) of them while the other nine (9) were down there.
The three (3) saw His Glory, they heard the Voice of God, they saw those who has gone before – Moses and Elijah.
The Glory was so Mighty that Peter didn’t even know when he was saying: Lord, don’t let us leave here again,
And when they were coming down from the Mountaintop; the Lord Jesus Christ told the three (3) Disciples – Don’t tell the nine (9) down there what you have seen.
And on the Cross of Crucifixion; when He looked down from the Cross – Where are the other Disciples?
They have gone into hiding – Only one was there: John The Beloveth.
He looked down from the Cross and said: Son, behold your mother; mother, behold your son.
Beloveth, John happened to be a Landlord because the Bible says on that Day, he took the mother of Jesus Christ into his own house!
Landlords, Ii hope that you are listening to me:
I. Is Jesus Christ living in your House?
II. Can He (Jesus Christ) feel comfortable there?
III. What is the kind of Landlord that you are?
IV. Are your Tenants Praying for you every Morning? Or are they Cursing you?
Anyway, we leave that to you and God!
How Close you are to the Lord Jesus Christ will determine how you will be to Him when you get to Heaven!
God is not a Respecter of Persons – He said in Revelation 22: 10-12; He said: Behold I come quickly and my Reward is with me; to give to every Man according to how his work shall be.
How Close are you to Him? How are you serving Him?
There is yet another aspect – The idea of Reservation!
When things are many but they are not Enough; those who have their Places reserved don’t have to worry. Because once it is reserved, it simply means that no one else can sit there.
Is your Mansion reserved in Heaven? – Your Relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ on Earth, do you think will be Guaranteed?
This Morning, God wants you to think deeply.
In Conclusion: He said that when I have finished Preparing the mansions for you; I will come again. I will come and take you to Myself so that where I am, you will be also.
The implication of that is that: If you Close your eyes here on Earth in death and Jesus Christ is not already Standing by your Side; you aren’t going to Heaven.
You said why? – Read the Bible.
The Bible said that the Angels who claimed that they are Very Special, Angels that can Stand in the Presence of God have six (6) wings.
With two (2) wings they fly; with two (2) they cover their faces and with two (2) they cover their feet.
Why? – Because the Glory of God is so Mighty. If they don’t cover their faces, the Glory of God will just wipe them out.
Meaning what? – If it is an Angel that should come to pick you here on Earth to Heaven, he might get to a certain Level where he can’t go further and he will say the rest is up to you, this is how far I can go.
But the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God Himself has “Direct Access” to God.
And if He is the One who comes to Pick you up and He is holding you on, taking you to Heaven. There is a Gate that has to be crossed before He can get to Heaven. And He can command the Gate to open because He is the Lord of Hosts and the Commander-In-Chief
I hope that you will go in with Him too!
My brothers and sisters, I don’t know why they choose this Topic – It may be because of one Person in Particular. That you think you can’t Pretend to be Close to the Almighty God and you are not!
When it is time to die, if you close your eyes without Jesus Christ Standing by your side to lead you back home; God have Mercy on you!
The People here will say that you have gone to Heaven Straight – One Day, we will discover where the Straight is leading you.
But I’m Praying for you that anything that can hinder you from getting into my Father’s House; my Heavenly Father will help you to deal with it today – Amen!
The Bible tells us that Stephen – That Young Man, Full of the Holy Spirit; just before he left this world he lifted up his eyes and he saw Jesus Christ Standing.
Why was Jesus Christ Standing? Because the Bible told us that when He finished His job here on Earth, He sat down with His Father in Heaven.
But He (Jesus Christ) saw that a Saint was about to come Home then He has to Stand because He is coming on a journey to pick a Beloveth Saint and to take Him Home.
I Pray that all your coming to Church, all your singing, all your shouting Hallelujah will not be in vain in Jesus Name – Amen!
But the Choice is yours – You can keep on Pretending that I’m a Pastor, I’m a Member of the Choir, I’m the Most Senior among the Elders.
You better make your way right with God and do it soon too because He said that I come quickly – Nobody knows how quickly is quickly.
There are many of us who started this Year (2022), who thought that they will see many, many more years – Quuckly came for them and they are gone.
Make your Ways right with God today – It is a Very Special Day for you.
If you have not surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, run forward now.
If you have been Pretending to be a Christian, run forward now.
If you are a Backslider, run forward now.
I will count from one (1) to five (5). And if by the time I say five (5) and you are not here infront of the Altar; I will move on.
I Pray that you will live long but it is Appointed unto Man once to die. When the Day comes, it will be between you and Your Maker.
So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, come now as I count.
Those of us infront – Cry to the Almighty God: Please save my Soul, no more Pretending, no more joking. Save my Soul Oh Lord, let Your Blood wash me Clean, I want to be a Member of Your Family, I want to have my own mansion in Heaven. Cry unto Him!
And the rest of us, let us Stretch our hands towards these People and intercede for them – Pray that the One who save your Soul will save their own Souls also.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Holy Name – Thank You for Your Words and Thank You for keeping these People alive till today so that they can hear these Words and surrender their lives to you.
Father, Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Lord, I am committing these ones into Your Hands – Please receive them, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wash away their sins and write their names in the Book of Life.
Father, I Pray that from today onwards; they will be Members of Your Family and that they will never Backslide.
I Pray that in Your Own Miraculous Way, You will Reserve a mansion for them.
And I’m ca,ling on You Lord God Almighty for all Your Children who are serving You in Spirit and in Truth; that mansion that You have reserved for us; Please don’t let anyone else take it away.
Thank You my Father and my God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Those of you that want to Pray tris Morning, Stand on your feet and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
In the Book of Revelation 3:11 – It is written: Hold Fast that which you have, lest Nobody take your Crown.
Do you know what that means?
Even Somebody that has gotten a Crown of Glory can loose it; Someone who already got a mansion can lose it.
So, you are going to cry to the Almighty God this Morning before the time of Thanksgiving and said: Father, anything that will take away my Salvation, that will make me lose my mansion; don’t let it happen to me.
Open your mouth and cry to the Lord!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.