BIBLE TEXT: Psa.51:1-19.
No man can progress in life without the mercy of God, Prov 28:13, and indeed we
have all sinned and come short of God’s glory, Rom3 :23, to make head way in life
we need to humble ourselves and return to God for mercy. 2 Chr 7:14
1. Father, thank you for saving my soul by your mercy and love in Jesus name.
Joh 3:16.
2. Father, thank you for the supreme prize you paid at the cross of Calvary for
the remission of my sins in Jesus name. Joh 3:16.
3. Father, mercy and forgiveness belong to you, have mercy and forgive my
sins in Jesus name. Joh 3:16. Rom 9:15.
4. Father, have mercy on me and forgive me the sins of my father in Jesus
name. Dan 9:9.
5. Father, please let your mercy prevail over every judgement upon me and
my family in Jesus name. Lam 3:22.
6. Father, show me your mercy and grant me and my family your salvation in
Jesus name. Psa 85:7.
7. Father, hear my cry and be merciful unto me in Jesus name. Psa 86:3.
8. Father, arise and have compassion upon me and my family in Jesus name.
Psa 102:13.
9. Father, please satisfy my family with your mercy so that we may rejoice
and be glad all the days of our lives in Jesus name. Psa 90:14.
10.Father, let your mercy speaks for me and my family throughout this year
in Jesus name Psa 25:6.
11.Father, have mercy upon me and my family according to your loving
kindness and according to the multitude of your tender mercy in Jesus
name. Psa 51:1
12.Father, by your mercy cleanse me and my family with the precious blood
of Jesus Christ in Jesus name. Heb 9:32.
13.Father, let your mercy speak for my family wherever we have lost hope in
Jesus name.1ki.17:12.
14.Father, by your mercy, let my situation receive divine intervention in Jesus
name 1 ki 17:12-15
15.Father, by your mercy, let me receive grace and favour to continue
successfully the journey of this year in Jesus name. Est 2:17.
RCCG FAST DAY 8 – Tue, Jan 18th, 2022