Glory be to Godf Almighty. Shall we Pray Please!
Holy, Holy, Holy Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy is the Lord
Holy, Holy, Holy Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy is the Lord
Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful
Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful
Wonderful is the Lord
Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful
Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful
Wonderful is the Lord
The Ancient of Days, we say Thank You to You Sir.
Thank You for what You did during The RCCG Holy Ghost Service in January in the Year 2023; Thank You for what You are going to do during this Service tonight (The RCCG February 2023 Holy Ghost Service 2023). Father, accept our Thanks in the Name of Jesus.
Father Lord, we Pray that by the end of the Ministration tonight; Your Name alone will be Glorified.
Bless Your People my Father.
In Jesus Name we have Prayed – Amen!
I am grateful to the Almighty God and to our father-in-the-Lord – The General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) for giving me the opportunity to Stand before the High, the Mighty and the Almighty God Himself.
My duty is very Simple – I am to give you a few fish while daddy will come later to give you a Fishing Net.
This Month of February 2023, anything and anyone that will not allow you to rest; will be laid to rest in the Name of Jesus – Amen!
The Theme for The RCCG February 2023 Holy Ghost Service is: “WONDERFUL – PART 2”. And tonight, we shall focus on “The Nature of God”.
By “The Nature of God”; I mean the Fundamental Qualities or Characteristics of God!
You will agree with me that God is Merciful, God is Powerful, God is Faithful and God is Wonderful.
His Love is Unquestionable, His Power is Unconquerable, His Impact is Unmistakable, His Mystery is Unexplainable, His Sacrifice is Incomparable, His Promises are Indisputable, and His Gift is Indescribable. He is the Sole Owner of Glory!
Wherever you are or reading now on the Label of DMC – Please help me give Him Glory.
Glory be to God Almighty – Amen!
The following are the Nature of God!
1. God is Omnipotent
He is All-Powerful – He has Power or Ability to do all things including things that were considered impossible or Irreversible, or irredeemable, irrevocable, irrecomparabls.
I. Psalms 62:11 tells me that: Power belongeth unto God.
That is Power to do all things,
II. In Luke 1:37; an Angel said: For with God, Nothing shall be Impossible.
III. Jeremiah 32:17 says: There is Nothing too hard for God.
IV. Luke 18:27 says: The things which were Impossible with men are Possible with God.
V. In Jeremiah 32:27; God the Igwe (King) of all the Igwes (Kings) spoke. He says: Behold, I am the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me?
Can you Please answer that Question? – No, there is Nothing difficult for God!
God is not Stingy or he is not Ungenerous with His Power!
So, I want to appeal to you my fathers and mothers; my brothers and sisters; don’t write your Conclusion yet because your Present Location is not going to be your Final Destination!
Before the Month of February 2023 expires – In your Life, in your family, in your Country; Iyanu (Wonders) must sele (Happen) in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen!
2. This Wonderful God is Omnipresent
In other words, He is All-Present everywhere. His Presence can Provoke the Miraculous and it is going to happen tonight in Jesus Name – Amen.
I. I read in John 2: 1-10; at a Wedding Function in Cana of Galilee, Jesus Christ was Present.
When the wine was exhausted, Jesus Christ was engaged and He rescued them from shame – He gave them better wine.
II. In Mark 4:39; Jesus Christ was Present when the Disciples experienced a “Terrible Storm”.
Jesus Christ was engaged, He spoke and the Storm heard His Words and it ceased immediately.
III. Psalms 107:29 tells me: He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are Still.
Tonight, this Wonderful God will Still the Storm(s) in your Life in the Name ofJesus Christ- Amen!
IV. Also at the Tomb of Lazarus in John 11: 43-44; Jesus Christ was Present.
He called Lazarus by name, the Grave heard His Words and it released Lazarus immediately.
I Pray for you my fathers and mothers; anything that is still holding you Captive will hear the Word of God this Night and you will be released and set free in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen!
I have Good News for you – Jesus Christ is in our midst right now!
Mathew 18:26 is my Witness – For where two (2) or three (3) People are gathered together in my Name, there I am in the midst of them.
Jesus Christ is here right now and He is going to Perform Wonders in our lives in Jesus Name – Amen!
Please pay attention to these three (3) Possibilities:
POSSIBILITY NO 1: One can abide in the Presence of God.
POSSIBILITY NO 2: His Presence can depart from any one (God forbid).
When His Presence departed from King Saul, Saul became Mentally Unbalanced.
POSSIBILITY NO 3: One can depart from the Presence of God.
Cain departed from God and became a Vagabond!
I Pray for you tonight – God’s Presence will never depart from you and you too will not depart from the Presence of the Lord in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Amen).
3. This Wonderful God is Omniscent or Omniscience
That is, He is All-Knowing – He has information or seemingly Unlimited Knowledge or Understanding.
He knows the End from the Beginning; He knows the details of your Life; He knows your Ways; He knows your Thoughts; He knows your Imaginations.
He said that many eyes look but few eyes sees. God knows and sees everything including what we do in the Secret. So be careful.
4. God is Omnibenevolent
That is He is All-Loving.
Someone said that you can Give without Loving but you cannot Love without Giving!
John 3:16 says that: For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not Perish but have Everlasting Life.
Jesus Christ is a Gift that Produces other Gifts!
For instance:
I. He came from Heaven to the Earth so that we can move from the Earth to Heaven.
II. Jesus Christ the Son of God became the Son of Man so that we can become the sons of God.
III. Jesus Christ was Rich but yet for your sake; the Bible says that He became Poor that you through His Poverty might become rich.
5. God is Holy
I. Infact the Bible says that He is Glorious in Holiness – Exodus 15:11
Who is like unto thee, O Lord?
Among the gods, Who is like thee? Glorious in Holiness, Fearful in Praises, Doing wonders, Hallelujah!
All of you that joined me to sing that Song; before you leave this Ground tonight, God will Perform Wonders in your Life – Amen!
II. 1 Peter 1:16 says because it is written: Be ye Holy for I am Holy.
III. Hebrews 12:14 says: Follow Peace with all men and Holiness; without which no man shall see the Lord.
Brethren, who you follow determines who follows you!
6. God is not a Man
I am sure that you know that – His Ways and Thoughts are different!
Isaiah 55:8 is my Witness – It says that: My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither your way my ways saith the Lord.
God is not a man:
I. Man can fail you but God cannot fail because God is not a man.
II. Man can lie but God cannot lie because He is not a man.
Numbers 23:19 says that if He says that He will do anything, believe Him as He will do it; Provided that you Play your own role.
III. Man can forsake or abandon you but God cannot forsake you because God is not a man.
Psalms 37:25 tells me so – I have been Young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the Righteous forsaken, nor his Seed begging bread.
My brothers and sisters, my fathers and mothers; I told you earlier that my job tonight is very simple on this Altar – I am to give you a Fish while my father-in-the-Lord is coming to give you a Fishing Net.
I beg you in Jesus Name – Grab that Net because I know that He will make an Altar Call for those of you who must surrender your Life to Jesus Christ before you leave here today!
That is your own Fishing Net – Please grab it. Make sure that you surrender your Life to Jesus Christ. A Life without Jesus Christ will suffer crisis, a Life without Jesus Christ will become a Spectator when others are receiving.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, you will never be a Spectator – Amen!
And then let us listen to the Conclusion – Ecclesiastes 12:13 is the Conclusion.
The Bible says: Let us hear the Conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God and keep His Commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
Before we Pray, I want you to know just as we said concerning the Nature of God:
1. That God is Omnipotent – He is All-Powerful.
He Possesses the Ability to do all things including your own.
You can rejoice Upfront because whether you believed it or not, People will Congratulate you, Doors of Opportunities will open unto you, God will give you better Stories to tell, He will Open New Chapters for you, you will Change Positions in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and all your Mockers will bow to your Maker in the Name of Jesus Christ.
2. We said God is Omnipresent.
In other words, All-Present (Everywhere). And I told you that He is here right now. And wherever He is, Iyanu (Wonders) must sele (Happen).
3. I also told you that God is Omniscience.
He is All-Knowing and He knows the End from the Beginning.
4. I also said that God is Omnibenevolent.
He is All-Loving – He loves you, He loves me and that is why He has brought you and I to this Location today despite all the hindrances in Nigeria as at today. But we thank God for availability of Life.
5. And we told you that God is Holy.
He is Glorious in Holiness.
6. And finally, I told you that God is not a Man.
His ways and thoughts are different.
So, I don’t know what man may have said to you; the Unchangeable Changer is here tonight. He is going to Change your Stories and He is going to give you a “Better Story” to tell in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen!
Shall we rise for Prayers?
1. Prayer of Thanksgiving – I want you to say: Father, I Thank You for everything that You have done for me and for everything that You have done through me. Please take all the Glory in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Name we have Prayed – Amen!
2. I want you to cry to God and say: Father, I need an Encounter tonight. Please let me encounter You tonight in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let me receive my own Fishing Net even as the Word will be coming forth from your son.
Thank You Father, blessed be to Your Holy Name. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Father Almighty God, again we want to say Thank You Sir.
We are grateful for this Wonderful, this Unique, this Unusual and this Uncommon Holy Ghost Service. We Thank You for the Great and Mighty Things that You will do tonight.
My Lord after tonight; our lives will begin to Advertise You, People will begin to see Your Handwriting in every areas of our lives in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As a result of the Blessings that we are going to receive today, my Father and God, our lives will Advertise You in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Father we say Thank You very much.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
God Bless You – Please be seated!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.