Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
1. Little by Little, a Month is already gone. But by the Grace of God, you are in the Second Month.
In the Past Month, God Protected you, you didn’t receive Bad News and He kept on Supplying your Needs.
This Morning, I want you to really lift up your Hands and say: Lord, I just want to say Thank You Almighty God for Protecting me, for Preserving me, and for bringing me to the Second Month (February) of this Year (2025).
Thank You for Your Goodness, Thank You for Your Mercy and Thank You for all You have already done for me in this New Year (2025) – Thank You! Thank You!! Thank You!!!
We give You all the Glory, we give You all the Honour and we give You all the Adoration because You are such a Wonderful God.
Thank You for all You have already done for me in this New Year (2025) – Just like Yesterday, we are saying “Happy New Year” and now a Month is already gone and You had been Good in the Past Month.
Thank You for Your Goodness, Thank You for Your Mercy, Thank You for Your Protection, Thank You for Your Provisions and Thank You for everything.
Thank You Almighty God. Glory be to Your Holy Name.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
2. Today, we want to Pray especially for all Market Women, Traders, and Market Associations.
We have to Pray this Prayer with all our Hearts.
The Market is so important a Place that the Elders has a saying that: “The entire Life is like a Market”.
They said that Heaven is Home but all the time you spent here on Earth, you are just in the Market.
So, we want to Pray for all those who are associated with the Market in one way or the other; that the Almighty will take care of them, that He will Protect them, that He will Prosper them and that He will cause His face to Shine upon them.
Let’s go ahead to Pray for them now!
Thank You Lord.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
- Read:The Power of Divine Timing: Trusting God’s Plan When Life Feels Stuck
- Faith-Based New Year Resolutions: Drawing Closer to God in 2025How to Dedicate Your Year to God: A Spiritual Guide for 2025
3. Well, Pray for yourself – Ask God for something Special today.
It is the beginning of a New Month (February):
☆ Ask the Almighty God to Glorify His Holy Name in your Life this Month (February).
☆ That this Month (February), you will know Him better, you will Love Him much more than before and you will do His Will like never before.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour.
The Power of Divine Timing: Trusting God’s Plan When Life Feels Stuck
Christian Perspectives on Homosexuality
Open Heaven 7 February 2025 Today Devotional: MOUNTAIN MOVING FAITH II
Faith-Based New Year Resolutions: Drawing Closer to God in 2025
Ancient of Days, the Unchangeable Lord, the God of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
The God of January and the God of February.
We bless Your Holy Name.
Thank You for all that You have done for us since the beginning of the Year; and Thank You that we are now in a New Month (February).
Father, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
Today Father, we are committing Your Children who are Traders, Market Women, Market Associations and all those who are connected with the Market Place in one way or the other into Your Hands:
Father, bless them, let Your face Shine upon them, let Your Light Shine in all Market Places and keep evil away from the Market Places.
Let it be well with these Your Children and let them serve You like never before.
Father, we are also committing all Your Children who has been Faithful in the Payment of their Tithes and in the Giving of their Offerings to You; this Month (February) Lord, fulfill Your Promises, embarrass them with Your Blessings and let their Blessings Overflow.
And today, even as Your Words will be going forth, let the Power to heal in that Word be manifest.
Heal the Sick Today, set the Captives Free, save Souls Oh Lord and bring Backsliders back to You.
And Please Lord, have Mercy on Nigeria, have Mercy on Your Church and have Mercy on the whole world.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Please shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and Prophesy to them – And say: “This Momth will be a Glorious Month for you”.
And so shall it be in Jesus Name – Amen!
I have something that I must tell you very urgently:
1. At the beginning of this Year (2025), one of the Major Prophesy is that we should Pray against Fire Outbreaks, against Storms, and against Floods.
We have only spent one Month this Year and you know the amount of Fire Outbreaks that we have already in the world.
And remember that I told you then – I said that Nigeria is Part of the world. And so, whatever Prophesy we have concerning the world; that automatically includes Nigeria.
Because God said that we need to Pray – Let’s say Fire Outbreaks now!
So that the Fire Outbreaks this Year (2025) will not make the Fire Outbreaks of Previous Years looks like a Child’s Play.
You know what has happened in America – NOTES: Palisades Fire (California): Started on January 7, 2025, and contained by January 31, 2025. It burned approximately 23,448 acres and was one of the most destructive fires in California History. Kenneth Fire (California): Started on January 9, 2025, and contained by January 12, 2025. It burned around 1,052 acres.
We Pray that will be the end and that there won’t be any anymore – Amen!
Well, you know what is happening in Nigeria – DMC NOTES: Just in the Month of January 2025, there had been reported cases of Fire Outbreaks in Suleja Niger State, Delta and Dutse Jigawa State.
You see, when we talk of Fire Outbreaks, we think only in terms of the kind that happened in America.
But who would have thought that a Tanker can burn and destroyed so many People even in our Land (DMC NOTES: Referring to Nigeria).
Please Pray!
2. Please don’t joke with any form of “Naked Fire” in your surroundings.
And I hope that all farmers who will be Preparing for farming here in Nigeria will take my Advice.
This Year (2025), don’t burn Bush!
Don’t joke with Fire this Year o – Don’t say that I didn’t tell you.
The Almighty God will hear our Prayers and He will grant our Requests in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen!
Deuteronomy 7:9:
Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the Faithful God, which keepeth Covenant and Mercy with them that love Him and keep His Commandments to a thousand Generations.
This Morning, we have been asked to speak on: “The Covenant Keeping God”.
It is a very serious Topic – It is a Topic that we will just touch it on the surface and let God Himself do the rest of the job.
What is a Covenant?
For you to understand a Covenant, you need first of all to understand a Contract – And that one is easy to understand.
A Contract is an Agreement between two (2) or more Parties!
We sit down, we reach an Agreement – If you do this, I will do this; if you do that, I will do that.
And usually, we write it down and then Sign – You Sign and I Sign.
And the moment that we Sign, we are bound by that Contract.
And usually in the Contract, there will be what will happen if any side should break the Contract – It could lead to all manners of Penalties and it could lead to going to Court et cetera et cetera.
… That is what a Contract is.
I mean for Example, we want to build a Church as we have been trying to do; we sit down with the Builders and we Sign a Contract – You do the following and we Pay you so much et cetera et cetera.
Now, a Covenant is a Contract.
The only difference between a Contract and a Covenant is that a Covenant is always Signed in Blood.
That is what a Covenant is – So you know that it is a very serious matter.
And the Penalty for breaking a Covenant is only one – The Penalty is Death!
For Example, in Genesis 17: 1-14; God told Abraham: I am entering a Covenant with you and to Sign that Covenant, every boy born in your house must be Circumcised with no exception – And beginning from you too.
So, when God was speaking to Abraham, he was almost a hundred years old.
Can you imagine a hundred years Old Man going through Circumcision?
And in those days there is nothing called Anaesthetics – Blood must be shed anytime we are talking about a Covenant.
NOTES: Anesthetics are drugs or substances that cause a loss of feeling or awareness. They are used to Prevent pain during Medical Procedures, such as Surgery, Dental work, and Diagnostic Tests.
And the Penalty for breaking a Covenant can be extremely very serious – Death!
1 Samuel 2: 30-31; God said to Eli – We entered into a Covenant that you and your father’s house will stand before me all the days of your Life.
That was the Covenant.
But God says: I am sorry, you broke the Covenant and so I am saying, “Be ye far from me”.
But God didn’t just say that you will no longer be my Priest, He said that He will see to it that every Man in the house will be cut off.
When you read 1 Samuel 4: 10-22; the two sons of Eli died on the same day. Eli heard the News, he died the same day. The wife of one of his boys who died, died the same day too.
… So, the Topic this Morning is a heavy one.
And then the Elders will tell you that when People join Secret Societies (Cults); they entered into Covenants.
Don’t ask me for the details o – I don’t have the details because I am not one of them.
But if you enter into a Cult, there is an Agreement there that you must not betray the Cult.
You don’t do what they asked you to do in the Cult, the Penalty is Death – There is nothing else.
So, you then ask yourself: Why will anybody want to join a Cult knowing fully well that it could be a very serious Transaction?
There are quite a few reasons:
Because if you belong to a Cult, it will be difficult for anybody to tamper with you because every other Members of the Cult will Support you.
2. Some join for the Purpose of “PROSPERITY”.
I’m sure that you have heard Stories of People who will Sacrifice almost anything just because they want to be rich.
3. And of course, there are cases of “PROMOTION”.
You may be doing well in the Place of work, you reach certain Stage and they call you aside – “The Next Level, you have to join us”.
When they say that “You have to join us”; you wonder that what do you mean by joining us? Am I not with you already?
They will say that you are a Child.
So, Promotion to a certain Level in some Places involves a Covenant!
So, if you want to get to that Level, the People there wants to be sure that you are not going to betray them and you are not going to reveal their Secrets to Outsiders.
But then, when we talk about the Covenant between a Man and God; you have everything that you can ever need Included in the Covenant:
Psalms 75: 6-7 tells us that Promotion comes from God.
When God says Yes; Nobody can say No.
When He decides to Promote you, it doesn’t matter what anybody may try; you will reach that Position!
Why? Because He Himself is “The Most High” – He Controls the Hearts of Kings.
And if “The Big Man” says that you will not be Promoted unless you joined us and you take your Stand as a Child of Gid – If Oga (NOTES: “Oga” means “The Leader”) will not allow you to be moved Upwards, then Oga himself (NOTES: “Oga” means “The Leader”) will be moved.
2. And when it comes to PROTECTION.
If you have a Covenant with God, Romans 8:31 says: “If God be for us, who can be against us?”
Who is that Fellow that says, “I will deal with you”; when the Almighty God can say: “Alright, you sleep today and don’t wake up tomorrow”.
I mean that when we are talking of Power; you know that we used to say that: “Power Passes Power”.
Romans 8:37 says: We are More Than Conqueror through Him who loves us.
In other words, when you have a Covenant with the Almighty God, then you don’t have to fight any battle – He will be fighting for you.
Many atimes you would have won the battle before you even know that Somebody was trying to attack you.
3. What about PROSPERITY.
You have a Covenant with God?
☆ The Owner of Heaven and Earth – NOTES: Deuteronomy 10:14.
☆ The One who says that: The Earth is mine and the Fullness thereof – NOTES: Psalms 24:1
☆ The One who says that: Silver is mine, Gold is mine – NOTES: Haggai 2:8.
Not only will He Prosper you – But according to Proverbs 10:22; He will make you rich and add no Sorrow to it.
Oh, do People really get rich if they entered into a Covenant with the devil?
Yes, you better believe it as we have seen Examples:
You will remember the case of one Man who went to the Herbalist and entered into a Covenant – I just want to be “Sinkingly Rich” for seven (7) years only. I want to live for seven (7) years and everybody will know that I lived.
And they entered into a Covenant – And they gave him something to swallow.
He swallowed it but somehow, Money didn’t come and yet the Covenant of 7 years kept on ticking.
Few days to the end of 7 years, he ran into the Church and told us the Story.
You give your Life to Jesus Christ and He will take care of the situation – And he did.
Right there in the Presence of everybody, he vomited that thing which he swallowed – And he rejoiced and we all rejoiced with him.
And for some time, he was regular in the Church.
But after some times, we didn’t see him again and so we decided to do a Follow Up on him.
He said that: They told me that I swallowed that one wrongly.
Meaning what? You have swallowed this thing rightly now? He said Yes!
And of course, Money began to came – I mean like a River.
But then, everytime everybody says “Happy New Year”; he knew that another year had gone.
When it was going to 7 years, this time around he said that I think I know what I will do – The Covenant is here in Nigeria, I will run to London. And over there, the weather is cold and the demons here will not be able to live there.
He died on the Plane.
The Covenant of God for Prosperity is that He will make you rich – Proverbs 10:22, the Blessings of the Lord maketh rich and added no Sorrow to it.
Malachi 3:10 is Part of the Covenant – If you put me (God) first, and Pay your Tithe to me (God); He said that I will open the Window of Heaven and pour in a Blessing that you won’t be able to contain it.
Proverbs 3: 9-10 – He said: Honour me (God) with your Firsr Fruits.
Just Honour me (God) – I don’t need your Money. Anything that I want to do, I can Provide for it but you just Honour me.
The Elders has a Proverb – They said that the King shows his honour by asking People to cut off another Man’s head.
Not that the King wants to drink the blood.
Once you are in Covenant with God, He will move Heaven and Earth:
1. To take care of you.
2. To Provide for you.
3. To make sure that you never Lack.
Once you enter into a Covenant with Him, He will do things that you will not believe when People are talking to you about it.
Once you enter into a Covenant with God:
☆ That I am going to serve You all the days of my Life.
☆ That I am going to do whatever you say.
Sooner or later, People will come to you and say: Tell us your Secrets – How are you doing your own?
I will use The Redeemed Christian Church of God ( RCCG) as an Example:
Now, don’t misunderstand me as I didn’t say that The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) is the only Church that God has a Covenant with o.
I don’t know of others but I know that of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).
I know that God called the Founder of this Church – A Man who didn’t go to any University or Secondary School.
And He (God) told him that if you do the following, I will start a Church through you and that Church will go round the whole world.
And then told him several other things.
And God helped our Founder – He fulfilled all the Conditions that God gave him before he died.
And now today, look at The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG): The Church started in Ebute Metta (Lagos State Nigeria) – Not in New York or London. And now, it is all over the world.
And some People will say: It is because of Pastor Adeboye – You know that he is an Academician.
Ha, there are so many Churches of The Redeemed Christian Church of God in so many Nations of the world where I have never been to.
And I will tell you a Strange Story that will show you what happens when God decides to keep His Covenant:
There is a Country I won’t mention the name.
Over there, being a Muslim Country, the Law there is that you can’t have a Church building at all.
But one way or the other, there was this very high Man in the Society and very Influencier.
How he got to know about The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), I don’t know? How he met our Missionary is a Story on its own?
And he just called our Missionary and say: In my yard, come and start your Church. And the Church started.
And the wife said to him – You? With your Position in Government? With yoir Influence in this Nation? You are having a Church in your Compound?
Do you know what he said?
He looked at the wife and said: If you say a word against this People, I will divorce you.
☆ Is that Pastor Adeboye?
☆ Is it my PhD in Mathematics that has done that?
There is something called Covenant.
When God has a Covenant with you – And you know that God can’t lie. He will not break the Covenant unless you break the Covenant!
God made a Statement – He says in Exodus 19:5 that: “You keep my Covenant and I will make you a Peculiar Treasure.
Everybody will look at you and they won’t even be able to understand how can God knows you this much?
Several times, I will wake up in the Night and I will look at all what God is doing in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).
And I will say: God, how can You love us this much?
Oh People will say: Don’t you know that they can Fast? Don’t you know that they Pray?
There are People who Fast more than us.
I remembered very well when I became General Overseer.
I got some of my friends together and I said: A big work has started o; I need you to come and join me so that we can Pray Non-Stop for 36 Hours.
We start in the Morning and go throughout the day; go throughout the Night and go throughout the day again – We will only break for few Minutes to go to the Toilet.
And so we Prayed then in 1981 Non-Stop for 36 Hours. And we felt “Big” that we have Prayed – Prayer Warriors.
The following day, God brought me across a book where I read about a Man who didn’t Sleep for 30 days and 30 Nights Praying.
I can’t do that o!
And yet, what God did for him is less than one Percent (1%) of what God had already done for The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG)
We are talking of a Covenant Keeping God!
I don’t want to talk about those who used to be in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) who walked out – Because the moment you step out, you step out of the Covenant.
All I want to do is to appeal to you today – All my children all over the world listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC: You are a Covenant Child under a Covenant that God cannot break.
That is why things are happening that Nobody can explain.
I have told you of another Nation where we went and we wanted to start a Church there.
And we went to see the Ambassador – Sir, we want to start a Branch of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) here.
He laughed and said: That can never happen. And he told us the reason why. And that Nation didn’t like Nigeria at all.
I told him – Sir, our own case will be different. And he said okay.
Since you don’t want to hear the Truth, what do you want me to do? – Just help me Submit the Application.
He said is that all? I said that is all.
He Submitted the Application and six (6) Months later, we were Registered.
About 3 years later, we wanted something from the Government and they said that we can’t give you that thing because you are not Registered.
Ha, we are!
They said no way and we Produced our Certificate.
Do you know what it means?
They Registered us not knowing what they are doing.
I am talking of a Covenant Keeping God – When you are in Covenant with God, you are different!
You are Protected and sooner or later you are going to Prosper.
I have always told you and some of you think that I am joking: There is None of my children that will die Poor – No way!
If you are here today or reading now on the Label of DMC and you have not yet Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, then you are missing a lot – Come and join Him.
And they have a Proverb that: “If you can’t beat them, then join them.
You can’t beat God.
Come and Surrender your Life to the Covenant Keeping God.
I am going to count from one (1) to seven (7) – If you want to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ; come now.
I will Pray for you – He will receive you and you will enter into the Covenant of Life, Covenant of Prosperity, Covenant of Protection and Covenant of Promotion.
I’m counting now!
Now, those of you that are already infront, talk to Jesus Christ:
I have come to enter a Covenant with You – Save my Soul and I will be Your Child for the rest of my Life. I will do you Will and whatever You want me to do, that is what I will do.
Forgive my Previous sins Lord God Almighty and give me a New Beginning.
The rest of us, Stretch your hands to this our Brothers and Sisters and Intercede for them.
Pray that the One who saved your Souls will save their own Souls also.
That God will give them a Brand New Beginning and enter into a Covenant of Life, a Covenant of Protection, and a Covenant of Progress with all these People.
Thank You Father
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, we want to bless Your Holy Nane.
We want to Thank You for Your Words and we want to Thank You for the People who has come forward to Surrender their lives to You today.
Father, Please receive them in Jesus Name.
Have Mercy on them and wipe away all their sins away in Jesus Name.
Save their Souls and receive them into the Family of God in Jesus Name.
And Lord, the same Covenant of Life, of Success, of Protection and of Promotion; that You have for the rest of us; Please from now on, have it with them.
And let them serve You till the end.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Now, those of you who has come forward, I rejoice with you.
I want to Promise you that from now on by the Grace of God; I will be Praying for you.
How many of you believed that God is going to remember His Covenant concerning you today?
Stand on your feet and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
My Father and my God, I Stand before Your People as Your Representative.
And I Stand before You Lord as their Representative.
You are the Covenant Keeping God.
The Covenant You made with The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) from now on, let it manifest in their lives.
Beginning from now, wherever they go in the whole world, let them find Favour with God and let them find Favour with Man.
Anytime they knock at any door, let the door be opened.
Where People are saying “Impossible”; make things “Possible” for them.
Covenant Keeping God, we Promise You that we will serve You.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Now this Morning, I want you to enjoy the Power of the Covenant – Particularly the Covenant with The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).
One of the Promises that He made to our father-in-the-Lord is that He will answer Prayers in this Church.
So, I want you to think of something “Big” this Morning – And say:
Covenant Keeping God, I want You to do this for me Today!
Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.