Well, let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and Praise Him – Give Him Glory and Honour; He is Worthy to be Praised.
He is the Great I AM – The I AM THAT I AM, the Unchangeable Changer, All Power belongs to Him.
When He Opens, no man can shut; when He Shuts, no man can open; when He Kills, Nobody can make alive and when He makes Alive, Nobody can kill.
He is the Beginning of all beginnings; the Ending of all ending.
Praise Him – He loves you, so Praise Him. Worship Him tonight and let Him hear your Voice.
Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen!
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour (Jesus).
Ancient of Days, we give You all the Glory; Alpha and Omega, we give You Glory; the Beginning and the Ending, we give You all the Glory.
Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You for March, Thank You for April, Thank You for May, Thank You for June, Thank You for July, Thank You for August, Thank You for September, Thank You for October, Thank You for November and Oh God, Thank You for December – Please, accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.
Father, we are here tonight, we are Trembling in Hope – Somehow, we know that this Day will make a Major Difference in our lives.
And all that we are asking is that You Glorify Your Name, do what You alone can do.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Okay, you may be seated except those who are Born in the Month of December.
If you are born in the Month of December, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
My Father and my God, I commit all Your Children born in the Month of December into Your Hands – Thank You for all what You have done for them thus far.
Now, December is the End of the Year and so I commit all these Your Children into Your Hands – Let them end well, let them end Strong, let them end Gloriously.
In every areas of their lives Lord, let their End be better than their Beginning.
Give them a New Beginning now – Of Joy, of Progress, of Success and let them serve You till the End.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
1. As at 6pm this Evening today – We have three (3) boys and one (1) girl.
And so, the Total number of children born thus far during this RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2022 is fifteen (15) – Seven (7) boys and eight (8) girls.
So, let the girls shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.
And let the boys shout Praise the Lord – Praise the Lord.
2. On the 31st of December 2022, if the Lord tarries; we will have a “Cross Over” Service here at the Redemption City of God.
And the Theme will be: “THE GREATEST CROSS OVER”.
Now of course, you are Free to hold your own Services in your own Churches.
And as usual, on that 31st December 2022; we will have the Last Holy Communion Service of the Year 2022 and then we will have a Service of Songs that will then lead us to the Cross Over Service Proper.
3. In the Month of January 2023 – And whether the devil likes it or not; you are going to make it to the New Year 2023 – Amen!
The first Holy Ghost Service – January 2023 Holy Ghost Service is going to be entitled: “WONDERFUL”.
It will take Place on the 5th of January 2023.
4. And by the Grace of God, in the Coming Year 2023; if the Lord tarries, I will be going with you on “Holy Pilgrimage” to Israel again from the 16th to 24th May, 2023.
And if you want to register to go with us, you should go to our RCCG Website – www.rccg.org and then look for Israel 2023.
Those who have gone before will tell you – We don’t just go visiting the Holy Land:
I. Twice a Day (In the Morning and Last thing at Night); we usually have some very serious Bible Studies.
II. We usually have a Holy Ghost Service in Israel.
III. And then we Ordain our Ministers that are ready for Ordination there.
If you know any of your friends who has gone before with us; they will tell you that whatever it will cost them, they will want to go again.
5. I have a “Little Challenge” that I believed will be over tonight – It has to do with our Power Generation on the Campground.
You know that we need a lot of Power to Lighten Up the whole Campground.
So, we have three (3) Turbines; but currently, one of them is out of Action.
The best thing to have done is to buy a New One outrightly because the one that has broken down has been in Service for some fifteen (15) years now. But that might be a bit Expensive.
But they have told me that they can fix this Old one if I can let them have One Million Dollars ($1,000,000).
And that is where I need your Help.
It will be a Good Thing if I can say: There is Someone here who will give me One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) tonight and then I will see twenty (20) People rushing forward.
In the Name that is above every other names; next time, I need that kind of Money, one of you will give it to me without Questions – Amen.
But as for tonight, if there is anyone who will say: Daddy, why do you have to announce that? Why don’t you give me a Call?
If Someone like that is here tonight, Please see me in the Office before you go.
In case there is no one who could say: One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) is here right now, I will be Grateful to God if I can get about ten (10) People who will just give me one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) each because the issue is urgent.
We need to get this thing fixed before the End of the Year 2022.
So, if you will be willing to help me in anyway – Either to give the entire Money or give Part of it; I will need you to contact me tonight because we still need to Order for it and then wait for it to come.
So, you could get a Piece of Paper if you want – Write your name, your Address and how much you will give me. And when next we want to collect Offering, just drop it in the basket.
And the God that I serve, will do it in such a way that for the rest of your Life, you won’t need to ask for Help – Amen.
Bible Text: 2 Kings 2: 6-12.
This is the Story that is very important, that forms the Foundation for this RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2022.
And you can read it from Verse 1 but for tonight, let’s take it from Verse 6:
6. And Elijah said unto him, Tarry, I Pray thee, here; for the LORD hath sent me to Jordan. And he said, As the LORD liveth, and as thy Soul liveth, I will not leave thee. And they two went on.
7. And fifty men of the sons of the Prophets went, and stood to view afar off: and they two stood by Jordan.
8. And Elijah took his Mantle, and wrapped it together, and smote the waters, and they were divided hither and thither, so that they two went over on dry ground.
9. And it came to Pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee.And Elisha said, I Pray thee, let a Double Portion of thy Spirit be upon me.
10. And he said, Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so.
11. And it came to Pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a Chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and Parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into Heaven.
12. And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the Chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two Pieces.
Normally, it is the inheritance that the Father gives to be firstborn.
If you read Deuteronomy 21:15-17 it is a Commandment of the Lord, that when a father is distributing his Inheritance, the firstborn must get a Double Portion.
Of course when you go through Scriptures you will discovered, not all the firstborn got it – Esau didn’t get the Double Portion.
There was another situation in Genesis 48:8-20, when God decided to transfer that Double Portion to the younger brother instead of the first (The Story about Ephraim and Manasseh).
And then the first Question that comes to my Mind is: Can I get it then since I am not the Firstborn of my Parents?
Well, Glory be to God! According to Romans 8:29 Jesus Christ is the Firstborn of our Father, and He got it.
And in Romans 8:16-17, the Bible made it clear: If you are a Child of God, then you are a Joint Heir with Jesus Christ. That means, whatever Jesus Christ got you can get it also.
So I am believing God for Somebody tonight that, you are going to get a “Double Portion” – Amen!
I am going to be brief tonight, because I don’t want us to delay that Great moment.
There is a lot that we can discuss about the Double Portion – As a matter of fact, it is likely to take us the whole of next year (2023) to finish the Topic.
The Holy Ghost Services Next Year (2023), the Theme for January would be Wonderful – Part 1. That of February, Wonderful – Part 2, and so on and so forth!
And then, the Special Sunday afternoon Sermons that we relate to you via Dove Media is also going to be based on this issue – Double Portion.
So if I am brief tonight, it is because there is still a lot to come
What does it do to you if you get it tonight? What are the things that will be the results:
1. The first thing that it will do for you is that, it will Activate your Potential.
All the things that God has deposited in you, that have been waiting for Manifestations; the moment you get the Double Portion, even you will be amazed as you begin to see these things begin to manifest.
You see, in 1 Kings 19:19-21, the Mantle of Elijah had fallen on Elisha before – Elisha was busy Ploughing; and Elijah was Passing by and he cast his Mantle on him. But he took it back!
And the moment that Mantle touched Elisha that day, it has been settled that – “This fellow will be the next Prophet”. But Elisha waited more than three (3) years before he finally got the Mantle.
May I Prophesy to Somebody tonight – Every Prophesies that had ever come your way will become fulfilled from tonight – Amen.
2. The Second thing that will happen as soon as you get the “Double Portion” is, like Elisha, you will soon begin to See the Invincible.
God will begin to open your eyes and you will begin to see Marvelous Things.
You see, the Bible says in Proverbs 20:12 – The Hearing ears and the Seeing eyes, the Lord has made even both of them.
That means there are eyes that cannot see – Not that they are blind; they can’t see Spiritual Things. There are ears that cannot hear Spiritual Things.
And I am believing God for you: as a result of this Holy Ghost Congress 2022, you will begin to see the Invincible; and you will begin to hear the Inaudible – Amen.
3. And then the next thing that will happen if you get Double Portion, you will find that in 2 Kings 2:13-15.
The Bible tells us Elisha that took the Mantle that fell from Elijah, went back to Jordan River, rolled his clothes like his father (Elijah) did and smooth the river. And suddenly, the river Parted.
There are so many things here – Elijah has received Power now (Mighty Power). But he was on the wrong side of Jordan.
… Wherer his Ministry was supposed to be is on the other side of Jordan!
After he got that Double Portion, the number one obstacle to entering into his Destiny was Jordan River and it parted that day.
In the Name that’s above every other names, that very Destiny of yours; the very reason for which God created you, will begin to manifest after tonight – Amen!
And you will cross over into your Destiny – Amen!
Maybe for you to understand this: I thought God wanted me to be a Vice Chancellor. That is what I thought, that is what I wanted.
I wanted to be the “Youngest Vice Chancellor” in Africa but that wasn’t my Destiny – My Destiny is to Standing before you and Preaching His Gospel.
Several things had happened in my Life that will never have happened if I had remained on the other side of Jordan.
I don’t want to waste time telling you Stories tonight; but I have visited a Nation before and I wanted to see the Head of States, and they told me maximum is fifteen (15) Minutes. I said that is enough – I just want to Pray for him.
I got there, after two (2) hours I had to beg him, “Your Excellency, your People are waiting.” He said let them wait! I have heard of you. They have People they can talk to, me I don’t have. And I don’t know when you are coming back. Now that you are here you must give me answers to my Questions.
After another one (1) hour, finally I got away! And on our way to the car I said to my wife, “who am I but for Jesus Christ? That a President will say No, No, No! You can’t go.
The Purpose for which God made you, after tonight you will enter into it – Amen.
And then when he crossed over Jordan, suddenly he joined a certain Club of “The High and Mighty”:
– He joined the Club of Moses who crossed the Red Sea;
– He joined the Club of Joshua, who crossed River Jordan;
– He joined the Club of Elijah, who has also crossed over Jordan.
Whether you believe it or not (and I am sure you are a Believer; that is why you are here): before very long you will be Dining with the High and Mighty – Amen
And when I am talking about the High and Mighty, I am not just talking about those in Political Power – I am talking about the High and Mighty spiritually.
You heard the Testimony of that Little Girl – I was dancing in my chair when she was Testifying about baby in the Womb dead, Mother dead. Her own Mother Mother was like, ” look at you, you are the One who brought me to Christ.”
And the Little Girl said, “God Please don’t shame me.
Glory be to God!
There is Somebody here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC – My God will see to it that you will never know Shame again – Amen.
Elisha joined the Club of “The High and Mighty”; and then as he crossed the Jordan River, those who were his Peers before – Sons of the Prophet: who were teasing him “Baba’s favourite boy, your father is going today, we will see what will become of you? They came and bowed!
That is what we call, Supernatural Accelerated Promotion:
He woke up that morning as a Son of a Prophet; by the time he was going to bed, he was a Prophet.
I have Great respect for the Prophets, even though I know there are some of them who are liars. But I don’t want that office – I am satisfied with being a Pastor because the Office of a Prophet is a very dangerous one:
If you say “God said” when God didn’t say, then you will come face-to-face with the Almighty God.
But let me sum up Courage and say that, as a result of Tonight’s Meeting, many Prophets will arise among you – Amen.
He woke up in the morning as a Son of the Prophet; by night he was ‘the’ Prophet. And all his Peers came bowing down – in less than Twenty four (24) hours.
It takes God just a brief moment to cause you to excel far, far beyond the reach of your Colleagues.
By the time you return next year (2023); you will have a Testimony – Amen.
One of my Colleagues was speaking – We were having a Meeting far away from here. It was a very important Meeting, I had to attend. It wasn’t easy for me so I had to hire an Heicopter to go.
He said, “Yes we were Classmates, but we are not of the same Class! He said, all of us came here on Land, you came by Air – You are above us”.
I Decree to Somebody tonight – Very soon, your Peers will say, “you are well, well above us” – Amen!
… And then, not long after that something happened.
Thank You Lord!
The Lord said there is a woman here or reading now on the Label of DMC:
He says you have four (4) daughters. Up till now, none of them is married.
Daddy asked me to tell you: All the four (4) will be married next year!” – AMEN.
You know, after he crossed over to the other side of Jordan in 2 Kings 2: 23-24, the Bible says as Elisha was going on to Bethel, some children began to mock him, because he was bald headed.
So they were saying bald headed man get away from here! Then he turned and issued a Decree. He Placed a Curse on them. As soon as he finished speaking, two (2) She-Bear came out of nowhere and silenced the Mockers.
By the time this Night is over, one of the things you will be able to do (I might not remember to tell you to do it after we finish) – But before you get into your vehicle, I will want you to make a Decree that, everybody and everything that has been Mocking you will not be there when you get back home – Amen.
Daddy asked me to tell Somebody here or reading now on the Label of DMC:
He says: Those who are Pursuing you will run into a Barricade of Fire – Amen!!!
When he silenced his mockers, we see in action the Proclamation of God in Psalms 105:14-15.
That is where God said, “Touch not My Anointed and do My Prophet no harm.”
God demonstrated there that, when you see Someone under “Heavy Anointing”, you should be careful how you deal with them because they carry a Power that is like High Tension Electricity wire.
After tonight, if any evil force tries you, they will be Fried – Amen!
Like I said, we will be discussing some details in the New Year (2023); but there is something beautiful even in that Story.
It shows that when you are carrying this “Double Portion Anointing”, for the rest of your Life, God will begin to Outsmart Satan.
You know, Satan was expecting Somebody hairy (as Elijah) to be the one who will take over from Elijah – Because Elijah was a hairy man.
Oh, hairs all over his body, beards, on his head, all over hairs! And here comes a man (Elisha), he was even bald-headed.
*You know, when you have this Double Portion, when the enemy is waiting for you at the Right, you will surface on the Left; If they are Planning for you in the Morning you will surface in the Evening.
But the one I like most about that Story of the Mockers is that Elisha just went on and continue to Perform Miracles.
The baldhead didn’t grow hair. The handicap (as it were) didn’t stop him from going higher.
Thank You Father!
God asked me to tell Someone Special – Here or reading now on the Label of DMC:
He said: In less than two (2) years from now, there will be no Sign left that your family had ever Suffered – Amen!
For Example, in Exodus 4:10-12 Moses told God, I am a Stammerer – How can You send me to Pharaoh? I have been Stammering before I met You, now I have met You the mouth is still Stammering.
God said, who cares! By the time I finished with you, you will become a “god to Pharaoh”.
Everything that has been hindering you and hindering your Testimony; Oh, it will be gone tonight – Amen!
Some of the Elder here will remembered the Testimony of one of our Midwives – One hundred Percent (100%) illiterate. She couldn’t speak a word of English.
She was in the Maternity Centre alone; and a woman came to deliver. The woman couldn’t speak a word of Yoruba. So the Midwife said, what am I going to do now? How am I going to communicate with this woman? Nobody else was around she.
Said, Oh God over to You!
Then she turned to the woman and wanted to tell her (by Signs) “I will try with my hands to tell you what to do.” As she turned to the woman, she began to speak English – Fluent English!
By the following morning: Delivery had taken Place. All is now well, other People have come. She couldn’t speak English anymore.
Everything that has been hindering you, the Double Portion Anointing will Roast them now – Amen!
And then even more importantly; Double Portion is double because:
Portion 1 is to take care of your Problems.
And Portion 2 is to turn you to a Blessing.
You will now become a blessing to many – You will become what is called “A go-to Person” for Help.
The Lord asked me to tell Somebody here or reading now on the Label of DMC:
The People who Promised to help you have been telling you “we are busy now.
God asked me to tell you: Ignore then; I will help you Myself – Amen!!!
In 2 Kings 3:9-20, some Kings had Problem and they came to Elisha. As they ran into problem one of them said, “Is there no Prophet in the land?”
I want to say ‘Amen’ to this one first.
The Lord says: Because My Arms are Everlasting Arms: I will keep Lifting you up forever – Amen.
Thank You Lord!
… And I am saying ‘Amen’ to this also.
Daddy says: The Siege against all your children is over now – Amen.
And mark my word – Daddy says: The one who is Planning a Siege against your children will die – Amen.
This is getting interesting – There is a Story that some of you have heard before.
We were having a Program at Ebute-Metta (National Headquarters Parish of RCCG), and the Word of God came; that there was a Lady in the Congregation, that the mother is the one not allowing her to marry.
This my daughter got home, told her mother.
I was in my Office when the mother came: “Are you the one who said I will die if I don’t allow my daughter to marry?”
Mama, you are not the one – It is the mother that will not allow her daughter to marry.
She asked the daughter to excused us. Then she said, “it is not that I don’t want her to marry; it is just that she is the one taking care of me.”
… How can you – A mother, Prevent your own child from getting married?
I said to Mama, I will talk to the “Future Husband” and they will both take care of you.
She did whatever she did; and six (6) Months later her daughter was married.
Now, the reason why God asked me to tell you that Story is that: As God lives, if there is anybody Standing in the way of my daughters here or reading now on the Label of DMC, that is not allowing them to be married; that Fellow will not see the New Year – Amen.
… I didn’t Plan on telling Stories tonight – but Daddy is Speaking:
Some of you would remembered the Story of a Young man: always doing very well in his Place of work. But when it is time of Promotion, they will forget him.
And then the Word of God came when we were in the very first Auditorium.
And said, “there is Someone here, Somebody Close to you is about to die. Don’t Sorrow over it, because he has to be moved out of the way for you to make Progress.”
The following week the father died; and the boy got rapid Promotions.
I Decree now, in the Name that’s above every other names, that anyone hindering your Progress, because of the “Double Portion Anointing’; that fellow will not see the New Year – Amen!.
You will suddenly become a Yoke Destroyer – Amen.
When you read 2 Kings 2:19-22, the People of Jericho came to Elisha and they told him, “Sir, we have a Problem in our City” (you know the rest of the Story).
In less than one (1) hour, the Problem of the City was over.
The Problems in all your Cities, by the time you get home and make a Decree, the Problems will be over – Amen.
In 2 Kings 4:1-7, there was a woman who was Destitute. By the Double Portion Anointing that was on the Elisha, the yoke of Poverty and Indebtedness were destroyed.
Some of you have heard this one before: a woman came to us completely Destitute.
We Prayed for her and when she was going back she said, “Man of God I know I am the one who is supposed to bring you a Gift”.
But I don’t even have money to transport myself back. So I said, what are you saying? She said, unless you give me money I can’t go back.
So I took the little I had and I made a Pronouncement. I gave her the Money and I said, “this Money will never finished – Amen.
That was June or something; by August she came here bringing a big cow for the Convention. And the Money has never finished!
In the Name that’s above every other names, whatever Money you have left will never finish – Amen.
A man with a Double Portion of Anointing has that anointing that makes you a Yoke Destroyer – That can destroy the Yokes of Barrenness.
You know, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ – In all our Churches, Barrenness is going to be totally forgotten – Amen.
Hallelujah! Amen and Amen.
The Almighty God is saying to Somebody – Because My Name is I AM THAT I AM:
I will make sure that your Success lasts a Thousand Years – Amen!!!
Oh Lord!
Daddy says: I will Arise for you tonight and every Oppositions to your Destiny will be Scattered – Amen!
In 2 Kings 4:8-17, you know the Story of the Shunammite Woman.
Anyway, the Anointing of Double Portion in the Life of Elisha destroyed the Yokes of Barrenness in the Life of the Shunammite Woman.
In 2 Kings 5:1-14, the Double Portion Anointing on Elisha destroyed the Yokes of Reproach in the Life of Naaman.
And I believe the Most Significant (which I can’t dodge) Double Portion Anointing can Outlast you.
I am claiming this for all of you:
Because God is saying to Someone here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC:
The Coming Year (2023) will be a “Year of Continuous Celebration” for you – Amen!!!
Thank You Lord.
Daddy says there is Someone here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC – You will Understand:
That you have been Shaking the Throne of Heaven, crying to Him, “Open this Door Oh Lord; that my Joy might be Full”.
God asked me to tell you: Before the Sun rises, the Door will be wide open – Amen!!!
In 2 Kings 13:14-21 Elijah was sick.
Even when he was in the sick bed he was Decreeing what will happen to the Nation.
His Anointing lasted, he didn’t become an Ex-Prophet, his Character was not soiled, his Good name was maintained. Even when he died is bones still raised the dead.
I Decree: Everyone of us here tonight and those reading on the Label of DMC: you will end well and Strong – Amen.
Even after you are gone; People will get answers to their Prayers by calling on your God – Amen.
The Double Portion that you are going to get tonight is not the Anointing on Elijah; it is going to be the Double Portion of the Anointing on the Lord Jesus Christ.
1. It has to be Someone who is Faithful to his father to the end.
I always shake my head in sorrow when Somebody who had been a Pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) come to me and say, “God has given me a Vision to go and start my own Ministry.”
I say, Yes sir! ” And you’ll always remain my father.” I say Yes Sir. Congratulation Sir. May I shake hands with the New General Overseer?
Faithful to the end – that’s is what Revelation 2:10 says; … be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
2. It has to be Somebody who is Single-Minded.
Elijah didn’t say give me this and that – Just one thing “a Double Portion of your anointing”.
3. It has to be Somebody who is focused – Elijah knew what he wanted.
People have asked me again and again, when all manners of People begin to criticise. Some of them even claim to be Prophets.
And they say Daddy, but you know the Truth about this matter, why won’t you talk? Why waste your energy when you know where you are going?
The Elders have a saying – You know there is this Vegetable they call bitter leaf (Very bitter). That is why they call it bitter leaf. And then there is another one that is called sugarcane.
The Elders have a saying – The same rain that fell on bitter leaf is the one that fell on Sugarcane.
Some People are meant to be bitter; some are meant to be sweet – Which one is your Choice: Bitter leaf or Sugarcane?
Someone said to me, I like your Sermons but what I don’t like about you is when you begin to say “there is Someone here…” And you are always saying Good Things.
I said for Example: and he said like: “There is Someone here who will never weep again.”
What do you want me to say? I can only say what God asked me to say. “For the rest of your Life you won’t know sorrow*.
I told him, you go ahead, go and be Prophesying Destructions. That is not the one God gave me. I can only say what He says;
And in the Mighty Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, those of you who are Genuinely my children: it shall be well with you – Amen.
3. Almost more than anything else the one who is going to get the Double portion must be Focused.
… You must know what He wants and must be ready to do what it takes.
I visited a Country not too long ago and then there was a Panel to Discussion.
And they were saying Young People are no longer coming to Church in their own Country – I said that I have heard you but I don’t know.
And they gave Reasons – They like the Messages but they don’t like the Messengers; I said I see!
You see, those People don’t have a Purpose.
Do you come to Church because of the Pastor!
They said some of the Pastors are “Old Fashioned” – God is “Old Fashioned”; one of His Names is “The Ancient of Days”. He has nothing against the Old ones.
They say they like to go to New Generation Churches, I said that is okay, as long as they will get to Heaven.
They said because the New Generation Churches and the Pastors speak their Language. I said that is good!
But there is only one Language that I know God speaks – That is the Language of the Holy Spirit; the Language of Power.
And I know that when it comes to Speaking in Tongues, it doesn’t matter whether you are Old or you are Young – Speaking in Tongues has as the same Power in the mouth of the Old as well as in the mouth of the Young.
Then they said, Younger ones are Radical. I said, you don’t even know what is called Radical – Ask about me, they will tell you when I wanted to start Model Parishes in Lagos Nigeria; I started using Hotels. When I ran out of hotels I started using Nightclubs.
My friends said that I was Backslidden – “How can you be holding Church Services in Nightclubs?
I said Nightclubs are always empty on Sunday mornings because those who come there to drink they are sleeping at home – So, the Place is empty and ready for use.
They said the Place will be smelling of Alcohol.
And I said, another name for Alcohol is Spirit – We will go there in the morning and ask the Holy Spirit to chase out other Spirits and souls will be saved.
And I told those who were beginning to put Pressure on me, “I have not even reached where I am going. I said, I’m going to be looking for Imams (Moslem Clergies) who will agree with me that, they can use my Church on Friday and allow me to use their Mosques on Sunday.
So, don’t tell me you know the meaning of Radicalism.
You can get to Watch the Full Session of “The Panel Discussions” done during The RCCG Light Up Los Angeles USA on 18th November 2022 on this Link:
Let me make it clear to those of you who say “I can sit down at home and watch every Sermon on Television”. It means you don’t know where you are going – You are not focused at all.
Why go to Church when I can listen to all Sermons on YouTube?
I. God commanded it. He said you must not forsake the Assembling together of one another – Hebrews 10:25.
II. He said iron sharpeneth iron.
III. The bigger the Fire, the hotter.
When we gather together and shout Hallelujah, the Noise will be so much that the devil is frightened!
You say, “when I sit at home and they ask us to shout Hallelujah, I can shout too.” Who is going to hear you? You sit down at home drinking tea, saying you are watching Sermons on YouTube or whatever Tube. And you are growing Cold little by little.
By the time the Word of God that has to do with your case comes; the time you want to say ‘Amen’ there is tea in your mouth; and you cannot say it well.
When the Almighty God wants to send a Word to you directly, you have gone to the toilet. And before you know it, little by little, you’ll become Cold.
When the enemy wants to bring down a ‘Big Man’ of God he doesn’t do it suddenly. He will leak your tank, a drop at a time!
I thank God for those of you who are here tonight – As you shout your next Hallelujah, every Yokes in your Life will be destroyed – HALLELUJAH!
That brings me to the Conclusion; because we are going to Pray very “Violent Prayers” before we leave here tonight.
The one who wants a “Double Portion” Anointing must be ready for A New Beginning – A Brand New Beginning.
When Elisha woke up that Morning, he didn’t know that his Life is about to Change forever! But he was ready.
*If you want a Brand New Life, it begins with Salvation – And I mean Genuine one. Not the kind of Salvation that you say you are coming for and you are laughing; all you want to do is to take the Picture of the General Overseer.
I am talking of the kind of Salvation that even before you get to the Altar, you have already said Goodbye to all those who are your mates is sin; because things will never be the same again after tonight.
So, those of you who want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, and you really mean business; do so now!
This is not an Ordinary Night; it is a Night of all nights. So if you are ready for a New Beginning, begin to come now.
Cry to the Almighty God and say: Lord save my Soul, help me. I am ready for a Brand New Beginning in You. Let Your Blood wash me Clean, let me become a True Child of the Living God. Today I Promise You, I will serve You for the rest of my Life.
… Cry unto the Almighty God!
And Please the rest of us, let’s Stretch our hands to these our New Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them: that the One Who save our Souls would save their own Souls also. Pray for them Brethren; Pray for them.
Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Name. I want to Thank You for Your Word.
I want to Thank You for those who are Genuinely Surrendering their lives to You.
Father Please receive them, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wash away their sins.
Please, save their Souls, receive them into the Family of God. From now on, anytime they cry to You, Please answer them by Fire.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
I rejoice with those of you who have come forward to surrendere your Life to Jesus Christ today;
I want to Promise you that, by the Grace of God I’ll be Praying for you. And so I’m going to need your name, your Address and your Prayer Request. God Bless You!
Alright! The rest of us can keep on worshipping God, while we wait for these and New Brothers and Sisters.
You will be Praying in the next one (1) minute or two (2).
I want you to keep in Mind – That the Day Elijah got a “Double Portion”; there were many sons of the Prophet. They all knew that something is about to happen but only one Fellow got the “Double Portion” of Anointing.
You are going to Pray like you have never Prayed before!
I have told you before – One day on this Campground, around this time (Between 2am and 3am); I was alone walking up and down in the Jungle. The only People with me are the Carpenters.
I cried to God because I know what I wanted – I cry to Him: It is either you will empower me or take me Home.
Because I was minding my business as a Lecturer when You called me – And You said You have a different Destiny for me. I need the Power.
And God heard – The Ground of this Campground shook, there was a “Little Earthquake”.
Some of you will remembered – Pictures hung on the wall in Places like Ijebu Ode and Shagamu (Both are Cities in Ogun State Nigeria) were falling down
But no one will believed that just one Man Prayed!
I have some Questions for you:
I. Why are you here tonight?
II. What do you want out of this RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2022?
III. What is it that you want?
I want to hear you! – The DMC Family Members want: “Double Portion of Your Anointing”.
The Next Question is: When do you want it? – NOW!!!
Then Stand on your feet and cry to the Almighty God.
Elisha didn’t murmur – He cried: My Father!
So, cry to God: JESUS! JESUS!! JESUS!!!;give me a “Double Portion” of Your Power Now! – This Very Night Lord.
Cry to Him and let Him hear your Voice!
In Jesus’ Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Just sit down and remain in the Attitude of Worship. There are some things we need to do briefly; before I do what God asked me to do:
1. First, we will have Holy Communion;
2. Then the Pastors will come and Anoint all of us.
Now, for those of us who have been coming every Night: there was Anointing on Wednesday, there was Anointing Yesterday (Thursday); and there’s going to be another one tonight (Friday).
And you will begin to wonder why? David said in Psalms 23:5, “Thou anointed my head with oil, my cup runneth over.”
David was anointed three (3) times and today we still call Jesus Christ, the Son of David.
I rejoice with those of you who already got two (2) other Anointing, and you are about to get the third one.
But just stay in an Attitude of Prayer – This Service is not over yet, at all. Something is about to happen.
In the Name that’s above every other names, there will be a Spiritual Earthquake here tonight – Amen!
Pastors Please, serve the People.
Once they give you the Bread and I give you go ahead, you will eat: and just keep on with your Prayers.
When they give you the Wine; when I give the go ahead we’ll drink together, and still continue with our Prayer.
… Then we will have a little Thanksgiving Service before we will round up.
Thank You Jesus!
The Lord Jesus the same Night in which he was betrayed took bread: And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my Body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
You can go ahead and eat the Bread, and continue in your Prayers.
Praise God!
Now, when you drink the Wine tonight; you will shift your Prayer just a little bit, and cry to God: that the Heavens will open unto you tonight.
Because the Heaven opened unto Elijah; the Chariots of Fire and Horses of Fire came from Heaven.
You will cry that the Heaven will open unto you tonight.
… That is the Prayer you will Pray after taking the Wine; while Standing.
After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the New Testament in my Blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Thank You Jesus! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen
…. Please, be seated! We are moving steadily to the Climax.
When they Anoint you, you’ll just keep on crying to God – “This is my Night Oh Lord. It is You and I tonight: Open the Heavens, I want a Double Portion tonight.”
Let’s get our Thanksgiving Offering ready. And then as the Band will keep on Ministering; keep Praying even as you go to the nearest Basket to drop your Offering (Online too).
Over to you Band. Thank you!
Now we have come to the Crucial Moment: when Elijah received a Double Portion.
The Bible repeated it again and again, “he Picked up the Mantle that fell from Elijah.”
It was repeated about three (3) times.
… I want to Prepare you for what is about to happen:
Several years ago in the first Auditorium; God told me I should wear seven (7) Agbadas. He knows I don’t like Agbada; yet He asked me to wear seven (7)!
If I didn’t know His Voice I would have said, “what kind of joke is this?” But I obeyed Him. He asked me to dance for five (5) minutes – I did! And He asked me to spread the seven (7) Agbadas across the Altar.
The Lord asked me to tell those who were Present then, that they were to come and ‘touch’ any of the Agbada and the Anointing of God will go into them and solve their Problems.
He told him to touch not to hold.
One man thought: if touching is going to solve my Problems, he said he had many Problems and so he wasn’t going to touch it, he was going to hold!
As he grabbed one of the Agbadas, the Power of God grabbed him and began to shake him like a dog shaking a rat.
I left the Place by 8a.m – I went to my Prayer Room. By 5pm. they came to knock on the door, because the Power of God was still shaking this man, and he was about to die. I had to go and Pray before he was released.
What I am about to do tonight is what I heard God say. If it is Childish to you, Please, don’t Participate.
Whatever Piece of Cloth that you want Anointed; you’ll put it at your feet. The Lord has asked me to remove my Jacket, lift it up Him (while you are watching). And I am going to Pray for certain Minutes and then drop it.
He asked me to tell you that, as I drop it; you will cry: JESUS seven (7) times, then you will Pick whatever Piece of cloth you have dropped on the Ground.
And Please, for God’s sake, don’t joke with what you are about to Pick from the Ground – It will be Saturated with Anointing.
Don’t give it out! – You can use it on People, but don’t give it out. Don’t let it leave your hand.
Please, whatever you want Anointed (it must be a Piece of cloth) put it at your feet now and then Stand Up.
… I hope I have made myself clear?
You can keep on saying ‘AMEN’ while I Pray; and focus on this Piece of Cloth because as it goes down, you are to Pick up whatever you put between your feet; and call JESUS seven (7) times. And I will tell you what you are to do next!
Thank You Father!
Father, I have done what You asked me to do, and I hereby Decree:
All those who believe receive the Double Portion (Six (6) times)!
Receive the Double Portion of the Spirit of God!
Now lay the Piece of Cloth on your own head and begin to:
Decree that every Jordan will open;
Decree that everything that may want to Stand between you and your Destiny will be broken in Pieces;
Decree that all your Mockers would be Silenced!
Decree that you will be a Yoke Destroyer – Destroying Yokes of Curses, Yokes of Poverty, Yokes of Barrenness, Yokes of Reproaches.
That from now on you will be a Blessing and destroy yokes.
Thank You Jesus. Oh Hallelujah!
Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
… Keep that Piece of Cloth on your head!
Father I want to Thank You for this Great Congress and Thank You for all You have done. Glory be to Your Holy Name.
Please, accept the Offering of Your Children; let Poverty become a Stranger to them.
As they go from here, carrying a “Double Portion” of Your Anointing; use them to Perform Miracles.
And Lord God Almighty, Your Children will be asking You for their Christmas Presents; now whatever they ask You, give to them Speedily.
Thank You Almighty God! Thank You for everything. Thank You for being my God. Thank You for Speaking to me. Thank You for Establishing Your Words.
Glory be to Your Holy Name! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Now, for as long as you want, talk to God: ask Him for what you want for Christmas. And then Prophesy to yourself; Prophesy to your future!
After you are satisfied, then you can go home – After Thanking Him (now that the Anointing is still fresh).
God Bless You!