Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
If you agree with me that this is the Best RCCG Holy Ghost Congress so far; Please rise and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Alagbara (The Powerful One)
You are the Mighty God
Eyin la to bi ju (You are the Greatest)
You are the Glorious God
Father Almighty, we want to Thank You. We give You all the Glory because You are a Faithful God.
We Thank You for what You have been doing in our lives for the Past one week, we bless Your Holy Name for the Season of Double Portion. Father, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
Lord, we Worship You – You are the Unchangeable Changer; You are the Unmoveable Mover; You the Uncausable Causer. When You Speak, it is done; when You Command, it will be established. We cannot Thank You enough for what You have been doing. Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
All we have come to do today is to Thank You for Your Unlimited Power.
We give You all the Glory for every things You have done. Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Lord, as we go into Your Words, go with us and bless us.
In Jesus Name we Pray – Amen!
I give All the Glory to the Almighty God for what He has been doing for the Past one week – And I believed that God deserved to be Praised.
- Wherever you are or reading now on the Label of DMC – Lift Up your Voice and say: Thank You Lord!*
I also want to appreciate my Parents in the Lord – Daddy and Mummy GO for giving me the opportunity to bring the Word today. It is our Prayers that God will continually renew their Strength – Amen.
- The Title of my Sermon today is: “UNLIMITED POWER”.
And I’m reading from Psalms 147:5 – Great is our Lord, and of Great Power: his Understanding is Infinite.
- We are gathered here today to celebrate the Almighty God who has been Pouring His Blessings upon us for the Past one week – God has been demonstrating His Unlimited Powers in our lives!
- As a matter of fact, God has blessed us with “Double Portions” in all ramifications!
- And I believed that God deserved to be Praised, He deserved to be Worshipped!
If you agree with me, lift up your Right Hand and say: Thank You Jesus!
- What is Power?
I. Power is simply defined as the Ability to Perform.
II. When we are talking about Power, it can be regarded as the Capacity to Perform.
III. It is a form of Enablement that enables you to Manifest.
In the Book of Acts 10:38 – Because the Lord Jesus Christ is a Power Carrier, He was able to Perform many Miracles during His Earthly Ministry. And up till today, He is still Performing Wonders.
- And I believed that because you have waited till the End of the RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2022; you will still experience some Wonders – Amen!
- Whenever we are talking about Power, there are different kind of Powers – I just want to mention some of them and then we will begin to Thank God!
1. There is what we call Economic Power – This is regarded as the Monetary Power (The Power of Money).
My Brother/Sister; let Nobody deceive you all – Money is Good.
When you have Money, you can undertake a lot of Projects and you can do so many “Wonderful Projects”.
- I Pray that in the Journey of Life, you will not lack Money – Amen!
- The Power of Money can give you Satisfaction, it can give you Comfort, it can help or assist you to accomplish your Goals in Life.
No wonder, the Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 10: 19(b) that: Money answereth all things.
- However Good Money may be; the Power of Money is Limited. Only the Power of God is Unlimited!
That is why I want to admonish you – You don’t have to put your Trust in Money because Money can develop wings and fly away!
Proverbs 23: 5 says: Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an Eagle toward Heaven
People of God:
I. Money can take you to the Best Hospital in the world but it cannot guarantee you Healing.
II. Money can buy you the Best Bed or Waterbed but it cannot guarantee you Sleep.
III. Money can build the Best Mansion for you in the world but it cannot guarantee you Marital Peace.
IV. Money can build a Beautiful House for you but it cannot guarantee a Perfect Home.
… The Power of Money is Limited!
2. There is another Power known as “The Academic Power” – The Power of Knowledge.
Some People call this Power – ‘Bookish Power” (The Power of Book).
- Let me not deceive you – Knowledge is Powerful. If you have correct Information and you acquired the “Required Knowledge”; you can gain entrance and access to anywhere in the world!
- With the Power of Knowledge, you can Witness a lot of Breakthroughs and we can Witness a lot of Technological Transformations!
- Permit me to say – If you have the “Right Knowledge”; at the “Right Time” then you can get to anywhere in the world because Knowledge is Powerful!
Knowledge can also Preserve you as we read in Hosea 4:6 – My People were destroyed because of lack of Knowledge
- It means that with Knowledge, you can be Preserved!
- But however Powerful Knowledge may be, Knowledge is Limited!
If you don’t believed me, ask any Professor – When you see some Professors, they may not dress gorgeously but they walk with what I called “Professoral Confidence”.
But when you move close to them, you will suddenly discovered that they don’t know everything – Only God is Omniscient.
For Example:
I. If you see a Professor and you walk to him and you say: Professor, what is your Field? He can tell you that I’m a Professor of Mathematics.
II. Probe him further and say: Sir, which area of Mathematics? He will tell you Algebra.
- DMC NOTES: Algebra is the Part of Mathematics that helps represent Problems or situations in the form of Mathematical Expressions.*
III. Ask him again, what aspect of Algebra? He will tell you “Boolean Algebra”.
- DMC NOTES: Boolean Algebra is a branch of Mathematics that deals with Operations on Logical Values with Binary Variables. The Boolean Variables are represented as Binary Numbers to represent truths: 1 = True and 0 = False. Elementary Algebra deals with Numerical Operations whereas Boolean Algebra deals with Logical Operations.
IV. You still Probe him further, what aspect of “Boolean Algebra”; he may tell you “Set Theory.”
- DMC NOTES: Set Theory, branch of Mathematics that deals with the Properties of well-defined Collections of Objects, which may or may not be of a Mathematical Nature, such as Numbers or Functions.
V. Probe him further, what aspect of “Set Theory”; he may tell you “Simultaneous Equation”
*DMC NOTES: Simultaneous Equations are two or more Algebraic Equations that share Variables e.g. x and y. They are called Simultaneous Equations because the Equations are solved at the same time.
*He is a Professor but he doesn’t know everything – Only God knows all.
That is why the Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 13:9 that we know only in Part, we Prophesy in Part.
*Knowledge is Powerful but I tell you – It is Limited. It is only our Father (God) that is Omniscient. He is the One that knows everything!
3. There is Political Power – That is the Power of Government.
*Believe me, the Governor or President weird “Tremendous Power”:
I. The Government has the Power to Hire and Fire.
II. The Government has the Power of Acquiter.
*DMC NOTES: Acquiter is the Power to decide Officially that Someone is not Guilty of a Particular Crime!
III. The Government has the Power of Appointment.
IV. The Government has the Power to Regulate Policies.
V. The Government has the Power to Declare Curfews.
*DMC NOTES: A Curfew is an Order establishing a Specific Time in the Day after which certain Regulations apply, especially that no Civilians or other Specified Group of Unauthorized Persons may be Outdoors or that Places of Public Assembly must be closed.
VI. The Government has the Power to cancel Contracts.
VII. It doesn’t matter how rich you are; if the Government want to Freeze your Accounts in less than 30 Minutes – With just an “Executive Order” from the Government, it will be done.
*DMC NOTES: An Executive Orders are Instructions from the President that dictate the activities and Policies of the various Agencies of the Federal Government.
*Government has Power – This is what is called Political Power!
If you don’t believed me – When you Check Genesis 40: 20-23; Pharaoh acquitted the Chief Butler and Executed the Chief Baker.
When you read Genesis 41:14; Pharaoh freed Joseph from the Prison.
And by the time you get to Genesis 41: 41-44; he (Pharaoh) was the one who declared that Joseph should be made a Prime Minister.
*However Powerful the Power of Government may be; it is Limited!
*I say that Political Power is Limited because:
I. The President or Governor can be Impeached.
II. The President or Governor can die.
*It is Only our God that is Immutable and Everlasting!
*DMC NOTES: Immutable means: Unchanging over Time – Something that is Incapable of Change.
Believe me – If the President of Nigeria suddenly declares a Curfew and say: Let there be Curfew in Ghana. People will laugh because his Power is Limited to his own Domain (Nigeria).
III. Even the Tenure of any Government can Lapse. And therefore, the one who is called “The Excellency” today; can become “Ex-Governor”.
*Only our God cannot become “Ex” – He is from Everlasting to Everlasting.
4. There is the Power of Devil – The Devilish Power.
This is also called “The Power of Darkness”.
I. Devil, through his Power can do some manipulations.
II. Devil through his Power can summon Forces of Darkness to afflict, to Punish and to cause Trouble and Confusion.
III. Let me tell you – Devil can also offer fake form of Security and Assurances to People so that he can deceive them to think that he has Power.
*But I want to tell you that – It is Only Our God that has “All Power”.
*I want you to know that the Power of the Devil is Limited!*
If you don’t believed me, read Exodus 7: 10-12 and Exodus 8: 16-18.
In Exodus 7: 10-12; when Moses and Aaron got to the Palace of Pharaoh and they dropped their rods and it became Serpent.
Pharaoh said: What is it that you have done that you are happy? My Magicians can also do the same thing.
He called his Magicians, they dropped their rods and it became Serpents too.
But I want to tell you that the rod of Moses swallowed up their rods.
And by the time you get to Exodus 8: 16-18; Moses brought down Lice upon all the People of Egypt. And Pharaoh called his Magicians to come and do the same thing.
And the Bible says that the Magicians tried but they could not do it.
*The Power of the Devil can fail!
*At the Most Crucial Moments, if you put your Trust in the Power of the Devil; he will disappoint you!
5. This takes us to the Only Power that is Unlimited; the Only Power that cannot fail – And that is the Power of the Almighty God.
*People of God, I want you to know that God weird a “Tremendous Power” – His Power is Absolute. Unlike other Powers, His Power is Unlimited.
I. His Power is not Limited by Space.
II. His Power is not Limited by Domain.
*When He issues a Decree, it goes across the Whole Universe because He is “The God of the Universe”.
*Because He has Unlimited Power:
I. His Power can Overrule Science.
II. His Power can Suspend the Law of Nature.
III. His Power can bring out Water out of the Rock.
IV. On Monday (Day 1 of HGC 2022); His Power accepted our “Sacrificial Praise”.
V. On Tuesday ((Day 2 of HGC 2022); this Unlimited Power Poured the Oil of Gladness upon us.
VI. On Wednesday ((Day 3 of HGC 2022); this Unlimited Power healed all manners of Sicknesses and Diseases.
VII. On Thursday ((Day 4 of HGC 2022); this Unlimited Power broke Curses and brought Blessings upon us.
*There is no other Power that can bring Blessings apart from the Power of the Almighty God!
VIII. And on Friday (Day 5 of HGC 2022); we experienced “Double Podtion” in all ramifications.
IX. And on Saturday (Day 6 of HGC 2022); we got “Overflow Extra”.
*Brethren, you are here today to Praise God:
I. who has Unlimited Power
II. Who has been demonstrating this Unlimited Power in our lives for the Past one week.
Go ahead and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
*This Unlimited Power can give Grace and “Unusual Strength” to a Man of over 80 years Old and yet he will be bubbling like Eagle that its Strength has been renewed!
*This God, his Power is Unlimited that He can give Grace and “Unusual Strength” to a Woman of over 70 years and yet she will still be bubbling.
I can go on and on.
The Power of our God is Unlimited:
I. It can do what no Money can do.
II. Even the case that is rejected by the “Best Doctors” in the world; the Power of God can heal such cases.
*We are serving a God that is Unlimited.
I have been attending Congresses since it started in 1998 *(DMC NOTES: December 18th 1998 at a Program Tagged Lekki “98).
I have never seen one like this Version before because God demonstrated His “Unlimited Power” in an Ususual Way.
Brother and Sister as I Close – I want to invite you, I want to Welcome you to join us in Praising and Thanking God for His Unlimited Power.
It is as if this RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2022 should not end again – We have enjoyed Unlimited Power in all ramifications.
Brothers and Sisters, let us join our Daddy and Mummy today as we give Thanks and Praises to this God who has Unlimited Power.
And then, I can assure you that because you have waited till the End, you are still going to get Icing on your cake this Morning when our Daddy will be Pronouncing “The Final Father’s Blessings”!
Perhaps, you are here today and you are not yet Born Again; I besieged you to give your Life to Jesus Christ. You can only enjoy this Unlimited Power when you are Born Again.
If you are there – Maybe you cane Yesterday and you have not yet given your Life to Jesus Christ; Please come and surrender your Life to Jesus Christ. Our Daddy will Pray for you and I can assure you that you are entering the New Year Triumphantly.
If you are there – You are not Born Again and you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ; Please come, the Lord is waiting for you.
It is when you are Born Again, it is when you come to His Side; that you can enjoy His Unlimited Powers.
Shall we Please rise!
Are you ready to Praise this God who has Unlimited Power? Has He done anything Great for you since the RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2022 started? Go ahead and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Shall we Pray!
Father, we Thank You for Your Children who has surrendered their lives unto You. Accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Lord, we have come today to Praise You, we have come today to give Thanks unto You because You are the One who has Unlimited Power. Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
As we continue to Praise You today; to Thank You; to dance for You today; let Your Blessings continue to move us from “Double Portion” to “Merger Portion”.
Thank You because You have answered us.
For we have Prayed in Jesus Name – Amen!
*And the Church inclusive the Readers on the Label of DMC will say a Louder Amen – AMEN!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
Please Check out;
- openheaven.net/shiloh-2022-sermon-day-4-morning-session-bishop-oyedepo
- openheaven.net/general-announcements-during-the-rccg-holy-ghost-congress-2022
- openheaven.net/open-heavens-6-january-2023/
- openheaven.net/annual-convention-moada-2022
- openheaven.net/gods-love