I want to Thank God for my Spiritual Father – Pastor E.A Adeboye.
I want to Thank God for the Life of a Spiritual Mother – A Mother indeed who seek for the Joy of Others: Mummy Folu Adeboye.
I want to Thank God for Faithful Aaron’s and Hur’s in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) that are holding Up the hand of our daddy.
I want to Thank God for everybody that has made one thing or the other Possible here.
- The Good News that I have for you is this – One day, we shall appear before Jesus Christ and He will say Thank You to you – Amen!*
- The world may say whatever they like, but the One who keeps Records will Reward your Labour of Love – Amen!*
- My job tonight is very Simple – I have been asked to talk on: “MY CUP RUNS OVER”.
Also see; pastor-e-a-adeboye-topic-final-fathers-blessing-rccg-holy-ghost-congress-2022
I understand that it is to Prepare you for “Double Portion”.
So, I’m just a Forerunner to Prepare the Way and so you better listen very well.
If you know that you want your Double Portion tonight; listen with your Heart and follow.
In Psalms 23: 1-6; we have a Beautiful Psalm there:
Psalms 23:1-6:
1. The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
2. He maketh me to lie down in Green Pastures: he leadeth me beside the Still Waters.
3. He restoreth my Soul: he leadeth me in the Paths of Righteousness for his name’s sake.
4. Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5. Thou preparest a table before me in the Presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6. Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
- Verse 5 says: You Prepare a Table before me in the Presence of mine enemies; You anoint my Head with Oil, my Cup runs over!*
- Put your hand on your Head and say: The Lord is anointing my Head with Oil tonight and my Cup is running over – Amen.*
- This Night, my Cup will run over – Amen!*
… As you have Spoken, so shall it be in Jesus Name – Amen.
- “Run Over” means that it will be Full and then Overflow!*
- There cannot be “Run Over” without Thankfulness!*
1. A “Thankful Abel” gave the first born of his flocks and the fattest of his flocks in Gratitude to God who gave him an Inheritance.
He didn’t even know how he came about it.
But an Unentitled and Unthankful Cain, gave his Thanksgiving Offering to God who he considered as Undeserving or Unworthy of an Honourable Offering.
*May you never give God a Dishonourable Offering – Amen!*
*You didn’t create the flocks – You just woke up and God said that you are in Charge.*
*You didn’t Plant the trees, you didn’t create the Seas – You just woke up and God said that you are in Charge!*
*Then it is time to Honour God and you think you can give God an Unthankful Offering – May that not be your Portion in Jesus Name (Amen).*
*But “Unthankful People” never experience an Overflow!*
2. A Thankful Noah gave of every Clean Beasts as a “Burnt Offering” unto the Lord as soon as he got out of the Ark.
3. A Thankful David looked at his House and looked at where the Ark of God was staying and said: No, this is an arbiration. So, he offered to build for God a “Magnificent Temple”.
4. A Thankful Solomon, knowing that it was his Mother that brought shame to David; knowing that it was his Mother’s Adultery that led David to bloodshed. When he was put on this father’s Throne, went to offer a thousand “Burnt Offerings”. And as soon as he did that; there was an Overflow for him.
*Today, your Key to Overflow, for your Cup to “Run Over” is Thanksgiving!*
*May you and I be Thankful to God enough – Amen!*
What do you have that you are not Given? – Do you have a Right to Sunshine? Do you have a Right to Sleep and Wake Up?
Convince me that you have a Right to be on Earth? Tell me that you have a Right to be a Man and not a Monkey?
*Whatever we are, whatever we can do, is a Gift from God!*
*Your Brilliance or Beauty; your Charisma or Charm; your Strength or Talent – They are all Gifts from God. And except that you are Thankful for them; you cannot continue to experience Overflow!*
*May you and I be continually Thankful to God!*
I. Always remember your Humble Beginning as this will help you to appreciate God.
II. When you continue to Thank God, it will open Gates for you.
III. A Truly Thankful Heart is always Humble.
IV. A Truly Thankful Heart bubbles with Joy.
*Why not be sincerely Thankful to God!*
*People that has a Sense of Entitlement are always claiming what belongs to them – They are never Thankful!*
*Unthankful People are Foolish and they will soon loose that whivh they think they have!*
Romans 1:21 says: Because that, when they knew God, they Glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
*Once you drift into Unthankfulness, your Foolishness continues to Mount!*
*May you not become Unthankful – Amen!*
*Murmurers get destroyed!*
God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt and then they got to the Red Sea and they complained – They spoke against Moses and God. They said: You brought us here because there was no Graves in Egypt?
They were Slaves, God set them Free and they forgot to be Thankful.
They could have said: God, Thank You for bringing us out. Look at the enemies, they are coming. We know that You brought us out, so defend us.
They said: Why have You brought us here to die? It would have been better for us to remain as Slaves.
May you not be Unthankful – Amen!
Then God opened the Red Sea, they got through, they Praised God but they didn’t apologised for their “Stupid Talks”.
They murmured at Marah – They said that there was no water as all the water around was bitter.
They complained against Moses saying: What shall we drink?
God gave them water by healing the water.
Then they murmured again for food and God Supplied them.
They murmured against God and they said: Why did you bring us here in the Wilderness? There is no food to eat – They forgot that they were Slaves before and Suffering.
They contended with Moses – They almost made Moses to Stumble. They told Moses that why have you brought us here to Perish? And they were ready to Stone Moses but God was Patient with them.
They tempted the Lord – They said: Where is the Lord?
They got to the Promised Land and they saw Giants. And they came back to tell Moses that you brought us here to die, we are going back.
But at that Point, God told Moses that I am listening to them all these while. They said that they cannot make it – So, it is time to go back as they will not enter into the Promised Land.
But Moses Pleaded with God and God said that alright, though they will enter the Land, it will be their children.
Ask yourself over and over – Have you been Thankful to God or you have been Full of Complaints?
As they travelled again, they murmured until the serpent came out.
Do you want God to visit you? Do you want God to bless you? Do you want your Cup to “Run Over”? Do you want God to anoint you?
Do you want to see Progress in your Future? Do you want unending Blessings?
*Then humble yourself and accept your wrong.*
Say with me: Father, be Merciful to me. Go ahead and ask for His Mercy.
Say: Father, let my Cup “Run Over”. Go ahead and Pray for yourself.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
*If you want your Cup to “Run Over” tonight, there are things you must do:*
1. All murmuring must Stop and you truly repent.
2. You must Humble yourself and accept whenever you are Wrong.
3. You must apologise and make amends (Restitute).
4. If your Cup is going to “Run Over”; you must forgive everyone that has caused you Pain.
5. You must reverse every Negative Declarations.
6. You must show Appreciations for Past Deeds and Goodness.
7. Always make your Requests Known in Prayer – Don’t be like the Murmuring Israelites.
*Those who cannot appreciate what their fellow Men do for them, cannot appreciate what God does for them.*
*If Someone says that: I am Thankful to God and he cannot be Thankful to Men, he is a Liar!*
*Thanksgiving is your Master Key for your Cup to “Run Over”.*
When the Israelites kept on complaining at every Hardship like many of us do; over one Million (1,000,000) of them could not enter the Promise Land because they were Murmurers – They complain and complain until God was tired of them.
*Ask yourself – How Thankful are you in all that God has been doing for you?*
For each time Israel kept on complaining, they forgot how God brought them out of Slavery.
*Whatever you do to a Believer like you; you are doing it to Jesus!*
*If you want your Cup to “Run Over”; then you need to start treating that your brother/sister like you will treat Jesus Christ.*
Jesus Christ said to Saul of Tarsus in Acts 9: 3-5 – Why are you Persecuting me? And Saul said: Who are you? He said that I am Jesus Christ.
It was then he realised that he was doing it to Jesus Christ.
*Do you know that whatever you are doing to that brother/sister; is unto the Lord?*
Jesus Christ said that: Whosoever receives you, receive Him. Insult your Pastor, you are insulting Jesus Christ. He who hears you, hears me.
And one day, Jesus Christ will come back and He will say: When I was tattered, you insulted me. You will say: Lord, when did I do that? You did it to those ones, you did it to me!
To Others, when I was hungry, you fed me. You said: Lord, when do I do that? You did it to those ones, you did it to me.
*Your Cup cannot “Run Over” until you are “Sincerely Thankful” and you begin to Honour your brother/sister.*
*”Sincere Gratitude” will be followed by “Sincere Giving”.*
*When People begin to speak evil of their Pastors; their cups cannot “Run Over”.*
*But when you start showing Love, it is Possible that you are showing that Love to Jesus Christ!*
*Your Cup cannot “Run Over” until you learn to be Truly Thankful to God*
*When People are angry with God, they take it out on their Pastors.*
*When you don’t Honour God with your Tithes; you are only telling God that You are not responsible for my Blessings. And so You have no Share in it.*
What will you do if a Year comes and the Rain does not fall and the Sun does not Shine and your Labour does not Prosper?
What if a Day comes and there is no Source of Income?
Your Cup cannot “Run Over” until you are Truly Thankful.
*Tonight, Double Portion will be released but only those who are Truly Thankful will be Part of it.*
*You cannot be Thankful except that you are Humble to realised that you are Nothing in yourself, you have Nothing on your own, you can’t do Nothing on your own. Everything that you are doing is by the Grace of God.*
*A Man cannot be Truly Humble without realising the Nothingless of himself.*
*Today, my job is Simple – To Prepare you for the Double Portion that will cause my cup to “Run Over”.*
And I want to say:
I. The Pastor that taught you as a “Baby Christian”. Now you have grown and richer than him; when last did you say Thank You to him?
II. The Uncle that saw you through School – You are living in his house. You are richer than him now; when last do you go and appreciate him?
III. The Man that taught you Sunday School. You have risen higher than him now – You are now his Provincial Pastor; when last do you go and Thank him?
IV. The one that sent you to School; when you are jobless, fatherless and homeless. Now, God has made you richer; when was your last Thank You visit?
*You want your cup to “Run Over”? Many of us are suffering Stagnation because of our Unthankfulness!*
Can you Stand Up to your feet now.
When last do you Thank God for Sweet Oranges, for the Gift of a Teacher, Father, Mother? When last do you Thank God for the Gift of “Love Ones”?
Is there Somebody in this Hall close to you that ever saved you from danger or came to rescue you when you are in trouble?
Have you truly been Thankful?
*Look around – Is there Somebody you can go to and say: Thank You to from all your Heart? And remind the Person what the Person did to you two (2) or five (5) years ago when you are still alive?*
I will give you one (1) Minute to do that!
Now listen to me: 1.5 Million Isrealites were Unthankful – They left Egypt but they never got to the Promised Land.
… That will not be your Portion – Amen!
*Unthankful People always lose out at the end!*
God, I Thank You for The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); and I Thank You for Pastor E.A Adeboye.
Thank You for keeping him Standing and alive till today.
You have used him to bless many of us; God Please don’t take him away now. Keep him Strong and Healthy, continue to use him.
He has been a Source of Joy to many of us – God, I Thank You ooo.
On behalf of all these People I say Thank You.
All your Fasting and Prayer, always Punishing yourself so that we may be Blessed.
On the Day Jesus Christ will come, He will say: My Son, when I was hungry, you fed me; when I was Naked, you Clothed me.
*And I’m telling you daddy – The Lord Jesus Christ said that I should tell you: That you should not be weary because He has a “Big Thank You” Package for you.*
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.