
Our Heavenly Father, we want to Thank You because You are such a God that has an Interest in us.
Thank You for Loving us – Loving us Unconditionally, Loving us with an Everlasting Love. Father we are truly Grateful.
We Thank You Lord for this Time that we have to Medidate and Study Your Words.
We ask Oh Lord that the Word of God will anoint these lips of Clay and Minister to Your People and give them Understanding.
Father, we Pray that out of these Words; You will raise Men and Women who will do Exploits in Your Kingdom.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ we have Prayed – Amen!
I want to Thank God for my Father in the Lord – Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye for this wonderful opportunity to be able to Minister to you. I don’t take it lightly.
And I want to greet you all in the Wonderful Name of our Blessed Saviour – The Lord Jesus Christ.
I want you to turn your Bubles to Genesis 30: 25-34.
25. And it came to pass, when Rachel had born Joseph, that Jacob said unto Laban, Send me away, that I may go unto mine own place, and to my Country.
26. Give me my wives and my children, for whom I have served thee, and let me go: for thou knowest my Service which I have done thee.
27. And Laban said unto him, I Pray thee, if I have found favour in thine eyes, tarry: for I have learned by experience that the LORD hath blessed me for thy sake.
28. And he said, Appoint me thy wages, and I will give it.
29. And he said unto him, Thou knowest how I have served thee, and how thy cattle was with me.
30. For it was little which thou hadst before I came, and it is now increased unto a multitude; and the LORD hath blessed thee since my coming: and now when shall I provide for mine own house also?
31. And he said, What shall I give thee? And Jacob said, Thou shalt not give me any thing: if thou wilt do this thing for me, I will again feed and keep thy flock:
32. I will pass through all thy flock to day, removing from thence all the Speckled and Spotted cattle, and all the brown cattle among the sheep, and the Spotted and Speckled among the goats: and of such shall be my hire.
33. So shall my Righteousness answer for me in time to come, when it shall come for my hire before thy face: every one that is not Speckled and Spotted among the goats, and brown among the sheep, that shall be counted stolen with me.
34. And Laban said, Behold, I would it might be according to thy word.
I’m speaking to you today on what I have TItled –“WEALTH TRANSFER”.
We are living in a New Day in which God is raising Anointed and Uncompromising and Dynamic Ministers of the Gospel all over the world.
I. Men and Women with “Big Dreams” and Visions requiring large sums of Money for Radio, for Television, for Mordern Facilities and Operations.
II. God is raising Individuals in the Church who will go out there in the Marketplace and bring Resources for the Kingdom of God.
Everywhere I travelled to, I meet this Breed of People.
Why is God doing this?
I believed that when God gives a Vision, He also gives Provsions for the Vision. Alongside the Vision, God brings Providers!
And as a result of this, there is Transfer of Wealth!
The account of Jacob revealed this Truth – Jacob is an Example of Somebody who experienced Wealth Transfer.
The sons of Laban confessed and said in Genesis 31:1 – Jacob has taken everything our father owned and has gained all the Wealth from what belongs to our father.
Genesis 31:1 says: And he heard the words of Laban’s sons, saying, Jacob hath taken away all that was our father’s; and of that which was our father’s hath he gotten all this Glory.
And we were told also in Proverbs 13: 22(b) that a Sinner’s Wealth is stored for the Righteous.
Proverbs 13:22 says: A Good man leaveth an Inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
I Proposed in the next few Minutes to talk to you about “Wealth Transfer’ – Using Jacob as an Example.
1. The first thing that I will like to share with you is that – Jacob worked for Laban. This can be found in Verse 26 of Gensis Chapter 30.
Genesis 30:26 says: Give me my wives and my children, for whom I have served thee, and let mes go: for thou knowest my Service which I have done thee.
Jacob was an Average Worker, working everyday for his Master Laban.
He was a Shepherd – A “Lonely job”, a “Depressed job”; looking after Sheeps and Goats.
He earned Rewards or Salaries; which is often times Changed.
What is a Salary?
I. A Salary is a Short-Term Solution to a Lifetime Problem.
II. Somebody said that a Salary is a Medicine for managing Poverty.
Note: Salary is not the cure for Poverty.
III. Salary is the Value that has been put over you for all the Efforts that you do.
I want to ask a Question – How much do you Value Yourself?
Jacob made his Master Wealthy – In Verses 27 to 29 of Gensis 30; Laban exploited him.
Genesis 30:27-29
27. And Laban said unto him, I pray thee, if I have found favour in thine eyes, tarry: for I have learned by experience that the LORD hath blessed me for thy sake.
28. And he said, Appoint me thy wages, and I will give it.
29. And he said unto him, Thou knowest how I have served thee, and how thy cattle was with me.
This is the Picture of what is happening in the world today – Perhaps, you will identified with this:
I. You have made your Employer Wealthy and you have made your Boss rich.
II. No Employer Paid you what you are Worth.
III. No one improves himself by working for another Person.
Many People today are working for an Employer – They live in a Comfort Zone. This Comfort is shortlived after years of working, after years of toiling.
There is Nothing to show for it – A Miserable Patient, Financial Struggle and dying in Poverty!
You will never get Wealthy by working for Someone – Nobody will Pay you what you are worth!
2. Jacob established his own Business in Verse 30 (Last Part) in Genesis 30.
Genesis 30:30 – For it was little which thou hadst before I came, and it is now increased unto a multitude; and the LORD hath blessed thee since my coming: and now when shall I Provide for mine own house also?
Jacob asked the Question – When shall I Provide for myself? When shall I Provide for my Household? When shall I do something for myself? When shall I improve my Income?
Perhaps, you were frustrated at work – No Promotion, being Pushed around, no Prospects of a Future. Maybe it is time for you to leave that job Place.
Bill Gates was sacked from his job but instead of looking for another job, he went into his Mother’s Garage and from there he built a New Company called Microsoft. And he ended up being the richest Man in the world.
I will never forget when Philips in Zambia closed down – I went there to have a Television repaired. I was told that it has closed down and they told me that there is a Man at the City Center who is repairing Philips Televisions.
I drove to the City Center and I located this Man and I was amazed that his room was full of Televisions.
He has Prospered but it took Retrenchment to Push him out of his job and it was Retrenchment that actually catapulted him to making Money.
Jacob desired his own Business, he desired to create his own Wealth and so he decided to be an Employer and not an Employee.
Jacob negotiated his Terms in Verses 31 and 32 of Genesis 30 – He negotiated his Wages.
Genesis 30:31-32
31. And he said, What shall I give thee? And Jacob said, Thou shalt not give me any thing: if thou wilt do this thing for me, I will again feed and keep thy flock:
32. I will pass through all thy flock to day, removing from thence all the Speckled and Spotted cattle, and all the brown cattle among the sheep, and the Spotted and Speckled among the goats: and of such shall be my hire.
When you know your Value, you will be able to Negotiate!
Deuteronomy 8:18 says: But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is He that giveth thee Power to get Wealth, that He may establish His Covenant which He sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.
You have to get Wealth, you have to go after Wealth and you have to Pursue after the Wealth.
To get Wealth means: To Create, to Produce, to Generate!
Wealth will not just come to you – You must Create it, you must Produce it and you must Generate it!
The Good News is that it is God who gives the Power to get Wealth – God gives the Capacity, God gives the Strength, God gives the Ability; whether it is Physical or Materially.
I want to Prophesy to you as you are listening to me today or reading now – Receive the Ability to make Wealth, receive the Strength to make Wealth, receive the Power to Create Wealth – Amen!
People have this “False Ideal” that Prayers will bring Wealth!
I. If Prayers could bring Wealth, then the African Continent would be the Most Wealthiest Continent.
But that is not the Truth as we still rank among the Poorest.
But in Prayer, I believed that we rank first.
II. If Prayers could bring Wealth, then “The Intercessors” – That is Prayer Champions among our Congregations will be the richest. But alas, that is not the Truth.
Always remember that – It is God who gives you the Power to Create Wealth!
God blesses the work of our hands!
Psalms 1:3 says: And he shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall Prosper.
This simply means that you must be doing something in other to Prosper!
A father once told his children about a Cow that does not give Milk.
He explained that you see that a Cow will have Milk. But you must milk it, otherwise you won’t get that Milk.
Listen to me – Don’t just sit out there and Pray and Sing that Wealth should come. You must go out there and get it!
Jacob went after it – He desired his own Business!
I. Do you desire your own Business?
II. Do you desire your own Company?
III. Do you desire your own Project?
IV. Do you desire to do something?
We have made mistake in the Body of Christ – Often times we appoint Business Men and Women in our Churches to be Elders so that they can do Spiritual work and Shepherd our People.
But these are not your Elders – These are “Financial Joshua’s” who has been anointed to go into the Marketplace and do battle and bring Resources into the House of God!
Let us begin to recognise that there are People in the Church, who has been anointed to bring Wealth and let us allow them to bring that Wealth.
3. The Third thing you need to know is that – Jacob had a Strategy – Genesis Chapter 30 and Verses 37 to 43.
Genesis 30: 37-43
37. And Jacob took him rods of green poplar, and of the hazel and chesnut tree; and pilled white strakes in them, and made the white appear which was in the rods.
38. And he set the rods which he had pilled before the flocks in the gutters in the watering troughs when the flocks came to drink, that they should conceive when they came to drink.
39. And the flocks conceived before the rods, and brought forth cattle Ringstraked, Speckled, and Spotted.
40. And Jacob did separate the lambs, and set the faces of the flocks toward the Ringstraked, and all the brown in the flock of Laban; and he put his own flocks by themselves, and put them not unto Laban’s cattle.
41, And it came to pass, whensoever the stronger cattle did conceive, that Jacob laid the rods before the eyes of the cattle in the gutters, that they might conceive among the rods.
42. But when the cattle were feeble, he put them not in: so the feebler were Laban’s, and the stronger Jacob’s.
43. And the man increased exceedingly, and had much cattle, and maidservants, and menservants, and camels, and asses.
Jacob has a Business Plan – He took the Speckled and Spotted Goats and Sheeps. He went to work – He took Sticks, strip them, put them in a trough.
Whenever the animals mated, it was in his front – Jacob was exercising his Faith in God.
You remembered that God told Abraham to get out of the Tent and look Upwards to see the Stars. And He said: This is a Representation of the children I’m going to give you.
He (God) took him (Abraham) to the Seashore – He showed him the sand and He said that your children will be Multitudes as the sands of the Seashore.
What you see, you can believed for and what you believed for, you can conceived and what you conceived, you can give birth to!
So, God will show you a Picture to build your Faith!
Jacob was using this Picture – So that these Sheeps as they mated, they will be looking at it. And the results were amazing – They were giving birth to Speckled and Spotted Sheeps and Goats.
Jacob was not Practising Superstition; he was exercising Faith which he associated with the Rules.
God having designed the Laws of Genetics intervened and owned this Faith – As a result, the Sheep were giving birth to Speckled and Spotted Lambs. Similarly, the Goats were also giving birth to Speckled and Spotted Goats.
4. Jacob experienced Wealth Transfer – Genesis 31: 1 and 9
Genesis 31:1 and 9
1. And he heard the words of Laban’s sons, saying, Jacob hath taken away all that was our father’s; and of that which was our father’s hath he gotten all this Glory.
9. Thus God hath taken away the cattle of your father, and given them to me.
God blessed the hands of Jacob – As a result, the Speckled and Spotted Goats and Sheeps being Increased.
Jacob was increasing while Laban was Shrinking.
The sons of Laban when they saw this, they confessed that Jacob has taken everything their father owned in Genesis 31:1 – There was a Wealth Transfer.
Later on, Jacob himself testified of this Wealth in Genesis 31:9 – He said that God has taken awaay your father’s Livestock and has given it to me.
In Proverbs 13:22 (Last Part) – But a Sinner’s Wealth is Stored Up for the Righteous.
I believed that everywhere in the world today; Believers are experiencing Wealth Transfer – Amen!
And I believed that it is also Prophetic that it is coming when there shall be Wealth Transfer from the Wicked to the Righteous!
And we are seeing Christians getting more and more Wealthier – We have seen Christians starting Companies, starting Big Businesses!
We are seeing that there is a Wealth Transfer. Get ready, Position yourself, and obey the Principles in the Bible – The Principles of First Fruits, Tithes, Offering, Sowing Seeds and Sacrificial Giving.
And I believed that as you do so; you will experience Wealth Transfer!
Let me share with you Steps to Produce Wealth:
Deuteronomy 8:18 says that it is God who gives the Power to make Wealth.
And then it goes on to say – So that He may established His Covenant.
So, you need to Understand that God wants you to be Wealthy – He is not opposed to you being Wealthy; He is only opposed to the Wealth controlling you!
God works with our desires – He will not force you to do anything.
The Bible says that the desires of the Righteous shall be granted.
Everything starts with desires.
Paul said: Desire Spiritual Gifts, especially that you may Prophesy.
And Paul again writing to Timothy says: Desire the Office of a Bishop.
So, desire Wealth – Don’t speak against it!
Jacob stayed within his Experience – He continued with Livestock and he didn’t go into Hunting, building houses. He stayed in his Place of Gifting as a Shepherd.
I don’t know what God has blessed you with over the years but stay within your Experience!
Jacob has ideas, he came up with a Strategy of Stripping them, putting them infront of Goats and Sheeps that are meeting.
Listen to me – What you need is an Ideal, what you need is a Plan. Don’t Pray for Money but Pray for Strategy!
In Genesis 28: 20-22 – You remembered when Jacob was Sleeping and he saw Angels going up and down the Ladder.
When he woke up, he said that this Place is Bethel – The Presence of God is here. And he made a Vow to God that whatever You give me, I will give You back ten Percent (10%). He committed himself to Paying Tithe.
So, you need to Pay your Tithe on your Profits Religiously and you will see how God will bless you, how He will open the Windows of Heaven and bring a Blessing into your Life!
The Purpose of Wealth is to extend the Kingdom of God – It is to establidhed His Covenant!
Many People miss it when they begin to Prosper – They think that is is only for themselves.
Listen to me – God blesses you so that you can become a Blessung and become a Blessing to His Kingdom. God blesses you because He has His Kingdom in Mind!
God will only blesses the works of your hands!
Psalms 1:3 says: And whatever he does, Prospers.
Meaning that: You must be doing something in other to Prosper.
Believe that and God will establish you in Wealth!
As I bring this Message to a Close – I want to state before you that:
I. God is looking for Individuals in the Body of Christ; whom He can empower to Support His Kingdom. And He wants to transfer Wealth to these Individuals.
II. God is not opposed to you having Wealth – It is God that gives the Power to get Wealth.
III. You have a Covenant of Wealth with God – Wealth is waiting for you but you must be Bestowed with it, you must go after it, you must get it.
IV. Perhaps you have been working for Laban for too long – It is time for you to get out of your Comfort Zone; it is time to ask Questions: When shall I do something for myself? When shall I do something for my Household?
V. It is time for you to Step Out by Faith – You have vast Knowledge that you have gathered over the Years, you have the Experience, you have the Skills. So, put them to use. This time, not for your Emplovers but for yourselves.
VI. It is time to get Wealth and fulfill your Destiny.
I Prophesy to you that there is a Transfer of Wealth coming – So, Arise and Respond!
VII. God is looking for People to bless – People to Finance the End Time Gospel; People to Finance these Last Days so that Souls may be won into the Kingdom of God.
Will you be one of them? Will you answer the Call? Will you Create Wealth for the Kingdom of God?
Let Us Pray together!
Father, we Thank You for Your Words.
We ask that You take the Simplicity of these Words and bless our Hearts and grant that we shall run with it, that we shall unite our Faith to these Words, that we shall indeed go after Wealth, that we shall desire Wealth and we shall get the Wealth.
And as many that respond; grant them the Grace Oh God that this Year (2022), they will begin to see Wealth that they have never seen.
Oh God our Father, Owner of the Words; let these Words not fall to the Ground.
Bless Your People Oh God, raise Resources Oh God for Your Kingdom, for the Church today in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
May the Lord bless you and may the Lord be with you now and forevermore – Amen!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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