RCCG Holy Ghost Service for the Month of November 2022 Theme “LET IT RAIN”

The Holy Ghost Service for the Month of November 2022 Promises to be a Very Interesting one. It will be coming up on the 4th of November, 2022.
And the Theme God gave me surprised me – And the Theme is: “LET IT RAIN”.
It took a while before it sunk into me, and I then realised that God is Preparing us for an Incredible Holy Ghost Congress in December 2022.
So, the Theme for the Month of November, 2022 is: “LET IT RAIN”.
2. From the 26th of November to 2nd of December 2022; as many of you People are invited to Fast and Pray with me.
The Fasting and Praying is only for seven (7) days!
RCCG Holy Ghost Service for the Month of November 2022 Theme “LET IT RAIN”
We want to Pray Surprisingly, for Ourselves – I will tell you more details later!
But what is going on today is the fault of we Christians.
Why? – Because God said: If “My People” that are Called by “My Name” will humble themselves and Pray.
He said that: He will hear from Heaven and Heal our Land.
RCCG October 2022 Holy Ghost Service(Opens in a new browser tab)
I. Who are the People to Pray? – “My People”
II. Who are God’s People? – The People who are Called by “My Name”.
III. Who is the one that is Called by the Name of a Man? – His Wife and his Children.
So, there is no doubt about that – Who God is asking to Pray!
The Church is the Bride (We are His Wife).
RCCG Holy Ghost Service for the Month of November 2022 Theme “LET IT RAIN”
The Church is the Only Organisation in the world that is bold enough to say that we are Children of God.
So, we are the People Called by His Name – That is why they Call us Christians!
We are the ones, if we want our lives to be Healed.
But you say that – But we have been Praying in every Holy Ghost Services. Is God not answering?
I met a Very Senior Muslim some days ago. And he looked at me straight in the face and say: Sir, we Thank God for People like you.
I said: What do you mean?
He said if you have not been Praying, there will be no Nigeria today.
I said: Thank God, at least we are still Existing.
So, God has been answering Prayers!
I tell you the Truth – That Nigeria is still One up till this moment is a Sign of Miracle. It shows that God still answer Prayers.
But if you want something and you haven’t gotten it yet, and then you Pray more!
… After all, He says: Pray till your Joy is Full.
RCCG Holy Ghost Service for the Month of November 2022 Theme “LET IT RAIN”
Whether you believe it or not, one day; and I believed it won’t be long; our Joy will be Full (Amen).
So, we will be Praying with Fasting for seven (7) days.
And what are we Praying for? – I will give you much details later!
We will be confessing to God and we will be asking God for Mercy!
One thing that I know for sure is that – There is a God on the Throne and He still answer Prayers!
How many of you believe that He will answer your Prayers – All The DMC Family Members!
Let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
3. Our Children (The Youth Regional Representatives) hav been Extraordinarily Good tonight!
As a matter of fact – They were all so Good and I won’t bother to go through what they said tonight.
Oh, Thank You Father!
Stand on your feet.
Daddy asked me to tell you to shake hands with two (2) or three (3) People.
Say: Good Morninng!
He says, a day better than all the days you have ever known is about to Dawn – Amen!
Oh, my Oh my! If I were you, I would say Good Morning to that Fellow.
Thank You Father.
RCCG Holy Ghost Service for the Month of November 2022 Theme “LET IT RAIN”