RCCG January 2023 Holy Ghost Service Titled: “WONDERFUL

RCCG January 2023 Holy Ghost Service Titled: “WONDERFUL
The first Holy Ghost Service – January 2023 Holy Ghost Service is going to be entitled: “WONDERFUL”.
It will take Place on the 5th of January 2023.
4. And by the Grace of God, in the Coming Year 2023; if the Lord tarries, I will be going with you on “Holy Pilgrimage” to Israel again from the 16th to 24th May, 2023.
And if you want to register to go with us, you should go to our RCCG Website – www.rccg.org and then look for Israel 2023.
Those who has gone before will tell you – We don’t just go visiting the Holy Land:
I. Twice a Day (In the Morning and Last thing at Night); we usually have some very serious Bible Studies.
II. We usually have a Holy Ghost Service in Israel.
III. And then we Ordain our Ministers that are ready for Ordination there.
If you know any of your friends who has gone before with us; they will tell you that whatever it will cost them, they will want to go again.
5. I have a “Little Challenge” that I believed will be over tonight – It has to do with our Power Generation on the Campground.
You know that we need a lot of Power to Lighten Up the whole Campground.
So, we have three (3) Turbines; but currently, one of them is out of Action.
The best thing to have done is to buy a New One outrightly because the one that has broken down has been in Service for some fifteen (15) years now. But that might be a bit Expensive.
But they have told me that they can fix this Old one if I can let them have One Million Dollars ($1,000,000).
And that is where I need your Help.
It will be a Good Thing if I can say: There is Someone here who will give me One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) tonight and then I will see twenty (20) People rushing forward.