





Thank You Lord!


What a Mighty God we serve (Hallelujah)
What a Mighty God we serve
Heaven and Earth adore Him (even)
Angels bow before Him
What a Mighty God we serve (we are serving Him).

See; 42-powerful-prayers-for-the-remaining-42-days-of-2024


King of kings and Lord of lords, the Ancient of Days.

The One who controlled yesterday; The One who is controlling today; The One who will control tomorrow – We Worship You.

Thank You for the first Monday in the New Year (2025).

Thank You for bringing us here again to pay You a very Special Visit.

My Lord and my Saviour, accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name.

In this very first time that we are meeting for the Hour of Victory; Father, give us Landmark Victories.

Whatever may be the battles we are fighting Physically, Materially, Maritally, Spiritually, and otherwise. Father, give us Victory.

Do something for us today that would be the beginning of Great Things You would do this Year.

At the end of it all take all the Glory.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Somebody say that there are all kinds of Hallelujah.

– He said there is Hallelujah that you shout, just to Praise God.

– Then he said there is Hallelujah that actually means, “Satan shame unto you.”

Let m hear that kind of Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Glory be to God – Amen!

You know, there’s a Song we used to sing but we don’t hear it anymore:

The Song goes like this:

Satan shame unto you –
All Power belongs to Jesus;
Satan shame unto you –
All Power belongs to Jesus.

One more time, Shout Hallelujah that says “Satan shame unto you” – Hallelujah!

Then I want you to shake hands with two (2) or three (3) People and tell them: In the Name of Jesus, shame unto Satan!

And then you may Please, be seated.

Praise the Lord!

Like I have announced to you – Daddy says the first Monday of the Month in the Past; we will have Divine Encounter Service and then we will have Shiloh Hour Service.

But He said that we have left out several other things.

☆ Divine Encounter talks about our Physical or Material Needs.

☆ Shiloh Hour talks about our Marital Needs.

But He says that we have other Needs:

☆ We have Physical Needs that has to do with our Health.

☆ We have Spiritual Needs.

☆ We have Career Needs

And so on and so forth!

So He said that instead of talking of two (2) Needs and leaving out the others; we should combine everything!

And whenever we come every first Monday of the Month; we will talk of “Hour of Victory”.

And I’m believing Him that beginning from this Morning (First Monday in January 2025 – 6th January, 2025), when we come first Monday of the Month; every battles that the Enemies may want to bring across our Paths for the rest of the Month will be Completely defeated by God!

That is why we sang that Song:

Satan shame unto you
All Power belongs to Jesus
Satan shame unto you
All Power belongs to Jesus

And that is why our own Hallelujah now will now be a “Peculiar Hallelujah” – Hallelujah!!!

Genesis Chapter 17:1 – And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou Perfect.

Bible Scholars say that Genesis 17:1 was where God first introduced Himself Personally to Man – “I am the Almighty God.”

And it means: I am the All-Sufficient God. I am Sufficient for All your Needs.

They said that in the Original Bible Knowledge, it actually means, “I am your Mother’s Breast”.

That everything a child can need is already in the milk coming from the mother’s breast.

And there is no matter how much a child can suck the milk from the mother’s breast; it is the child that will say, “okay! I’ve had enough.”

… The milk would still be there. More milk will still be there.

A woman can have let’s say a set of Triplets. And one after the other they would suck milk until they are tired. And the milk would still be there. He is saying, “I am the God of Overflowing Blessings.”

Everything you can ever need, He is more than Sufficient to Supply – Amen.

Also read;how-to-build-a-grateful-heart-in-all-circumstances


Physically, He says in Jeremiah 32:27 – “I am the Lord, the God of all flesh.”

Your flesh – He says, I control it.

He says, there is nothing too hard for me – There is no sickness that I can’t deal with.

In Matthew 8:1-3, a Leper came to Him.

And when you are talking about a Leper, you are talking about somebody who is just a “Walking Dead” – The flesh is already rotten, fingers off, toes off. Many atimes, earlobes gone.

The Leper came for Him and said, I know You can make me clean. You are the God of all flesh. And the Almighty God said, yes sir! I am happy you realised that I can do it. And He touched the Leper, and immediately, he was Cleansed.

Even if the flesh is already rotten, the God of all flesh can say, alright flesh, come back to normal.

In John 11:39-44, Lazarus had been dead and buried four (4) days. The flesh was gone! Worms had eaten the intestines, the blood had become black. The sister said, it’s too late!

The God of all flesh said, “Who are you talking to? Do you know who I Am?” And He spoke a Word; and the flesh came back to flesh. Blood came back to blood. Life came back to somebody that they said had been too far gone.

This Year (2025) we are going to see Healings that Nobody can doubt – Amen.

… And you know what?

Not only will that kind of Miracle happen to you; God will use you to Perform such Miracles – Amen.


God said, The Silver is mine, and the Gold is mine – Haggai 2:8

“I am Jehovah El Shaddai – The God who is More than Enough” – It means, “I am the Great Provider.” I can Provide more than you need.

– The One who brought water out of the rock is still on His Throne, He hasn’t Changed – OTES: Exodus 17:1-7.

– The One who can bring Money out of a fish is still on the Throne.

According Matthew 17:24-27, that God is still on His Throne.

He is not only the God of Year 2024, He is also the God of Year 2025. What He did before He can do again.

And believe me honestly, He is about to Surprise someone this Year – Amen.

You’ve heard me tell you several Testimonies – I am Standing here as a Living Testimony that there is a God who can Provide.

Oh yes, there is a God who can Provide!

There is a God who can send Help before you know you need Help.

Oh! Let me decree:

In the Name that’s above every other name, before this Month (January 2025) is over, Help will come to Somebody – Amen.

I can never forget when someone told me in my Village: Now you are General Overseer and you have no house. If People come to Celebrate anything with you, where will you put them? I said, that’s true!

He said, I will supply you with blocks, build a house. Whenever you have the Money, pay me. I thought, this must be from God!

The day I roofed the house, he sent somebody to me and said, where is my Money?

I said Oh LORD, suddenly I have become a debtor.

“God, I didn’t say I want to build a house: I’m satisfied with whatever You Provide for me.” I was ashamed.

I was in my very first Office here on this Campground – I put my head on the table in agony. And when I woke up, because I had been Praying all Night; there was someone Standing there, he said, I am looking for the Head of the Organization here.

I said, God is the Head. He said, I know! But I am looking for His Representative here. I said, I am the one.

He came all the way from the North. And he said, “God told me, take this Money, go to Lagos. When you get to a certain spot in Lagos, I would tell you where to stop. Stop, cross the road, ask for the Head of the organization.

God directed the fellow I never knew!

And the fellow gave me an envelope. I collected the envelope, Prayed for him and he left. I have never seen that fellow again.

I opened the envelope, it is the exact amount I’m owing.

I know the God I’m talking about.

That God is going to send Help to Somebody today – Amen.


He is the God of the Family: When the Lord was teaching us how to Pray, He said, “Our Father which art in Heaven.”

A father is different from a Man – A father is somebody who has children.

Our Father in Heaven is not the Author of Barrenness – His Promise is that “there will be no one barren among my People.”

That is our God.

When He said to Sarah in Genesis 18:9-14; He told Abraham, “By this time next year, your wife will be carrying a baby boy.” Sarah laughed.

Because the Bible says in Romans 4:19 that the womb of Sarah was already dead.

God said to Sarah, “Is anything “Too Hard” for the Lord?”

– Is anything “Too Hard” for Jehovah El Shaddai?

– Is anything “Too Hard” for the God who is More than Enough?

This Year (2025), whether the devil likes it or not, all those of you who are trusting God for the Fruits of the Womb; you are going to Sing: “Satan shame unto you” when you are carrying your Twins – Amen!

Remember God said that there will be many Mockers, but that many of them won’t survived the Year.

You better Pray for those who are Mocking you because:

When they see you carrying your Babies;

When they look at your right and you are carrying a Baby, they look at your left and you are carrying a Baby;

Some of them will die of anger – Amen.


God is the one in Charge of your Spirit.

He is the Lord of Hosts: He controls all the Angels in Heaven, all Human Beings on Earth, all demons.

In Mark 1:23-26, it was just one (1) demon. He spoke a word, the demon heard and jumped out.

In Luke 8:1-3, the Bible tells us about Mary Magdalene, she had seven (7) demons. She was a Chief among Witches. God Cleansed her up and turned her to a Treasurer.

In Mark 5:2-20 the Mad Man of Gadara had a Legion – Thousands of demons. The demons saw the Lord coming, they bowed.

I decree, it doesn’t matter how many demons that have been troubling you; after today you won’t see them again – Amen.

In 2 Kings 2:9-15, when Elijah was about to depart he asked Elisha, “What do you want?” Elisha said, “I want a Double Portion of your Spirit.”

Elijah said, you have asked for a Hard Thing: but there is a God in Heaven, He is coming for me today. If He wants you to get what you want, if you can see me when I am being taken away from you, you’ll get it.

Elisha said, you’ve referred me to God?

Then Praise God, I’ve got it.

Because our God is called the Father of Spirits. “I’m asking for something Special from you and you say it’s only if God would allow?” Thank you my Boss, I know I’ve got it.

I know there is someone here today, inclusive reading now on the Label of DMC:

– Who would love to Perform Miracles for God.

– Who would love to Heal the sick.

– Who would love to Raise the dead.

– Who would love to make the Blind See.

– Who would love to make the Lame Walk.

– Who would love to make the deaf Hear.

Because He is Jehovah El Shaddai – The God who is More than Enough; whatever you ask from Him Spiritually, you will get it – Amen.

But there’s just one little thing you need to know.

He said to Abraham, “Walk before me and be thou Perfect.”

You know what He was saying? Walk where I can see you – No hanky-panky; no hiding. Walk before me as a friend and leave the rest to me.

All that God is asking from you today is that you would be hundred Percent committed to Him.

Those of you who Studied the Open Heavens Devotional this Morning (Monday 6th January, 2025), that is what God is saying: This Year, no lukewarmness – No one leg in, one leg out.

“You want to serve me this Year?” Do so wholeheartedly; so that I can show you wholeheartedly that I am Jehovah El Shaddai.

So, those of us who are ready to walk with God all the way – To obey His voice; I have Good News for you: your Victory has started – Amen.

He has asked me to do something this Morning and I am going to do it in Obedience.

By His Special Grace, He has anointed me – We all know that. But we may not even know to what extent.

And He wants to deal with those of you who are here this Morning, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC in a very Special way, as we are going to share a little bit of that Anointing.

And I will give you an explanation – Just one example:

I was visiting America, and we were having a Programme outside – Not in the Church.

And they have these things they call, Motorhomes – They Parkes it outside, so that I can be Praying there.

And when it comes to Security, you know America is Number One.

So they have Prepared some hefty boys to make sure that Nobody would come near me at all to disturb me.

And then it was time for me to go and Minister. The boys were ready – Nobody must come near me at all.

There was a woman going on her own, she wasn’t looking in the direction of the Motorhome at all; she was just Praying. So the boys were not worried about her.

She waited till I came out of the Motorhome. And they were all saying, “Good Evening Daddy.” She ran! She did not run in my direction, she ran into the Motorhome.

Before they realised what was happening, she had already sat where I was sitting.

And when they asked her to go out, she said, you are too late: “I have already gotten what I wanted.”

She became Pregnant that Month – Hallelujah!

The Lord has asked me to Anoint some Chairs – They would be many and so you won’t have to rush.

After we have finished Praying, after we have given our Offering; the chairs would have been Anointed.

I will give you the go ahead.

Then you would go to one of the chairs – All you need to do is Touch the Chair. And then you’ll go back, Praising God.

And we will hear your Testimonies Next Month (February 2025) – Amen.


But before we begin to do all that, let me give someone an opportunity to give his or her Life to Jesus Christ.

If you are not yet Born Again and you just come to touch the chair, the Anointing is not going to do you Good – It might do you some evil.

So, if you are not sure of your Salvation, come no, before I count seven (7).

You’ll just come, stand before the Altar, we’ll Pray for your Salvation. Then you’ll go back to your seats, until the time for the Ministration.

So if you want to Genuinely Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, come now as I begin to count….

Okay! Just call on the Almighty God and say Father, I am not joking:

Please, save my Soul, forgive all my sins, let Your Blood wash away my sins, be my Lord, be my Saviour as I will serve You.

I will do Your Will this Year (2025).

I will do Your Will from now on – Just have Mercy on me.

The rest of us, shall we Please, Stretch our hands towards these People and intercede for them?

Pray that the One who saved our Soul will save their own Souls also.

Pray for them. Intercede for them.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, I want to say Thank You.

Thank You for Your Goodness, Thank You for Your Mercy and Thank You for Your Word.

And Thank You for these People who have come forward to Surrender their lives to You Genuinely.

Father, Please receive them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins and receive them into the Family of God.

Please Lord, from this moment onward, anytime they cry unto You, answer them by Fire.

And let them serve You for the rest of their lives.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Now, those of you who have just given your Life to Jesus Christ Genuinely, Congratulations!

By the Grace of God I’ll be Praying for you.

So I need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

God Bless You!

After you’ve touched the Chair, go back to your seat. Continue to Pray till you are satisfied.

Tell God the area you need Help.

Whether it’s for Healing.

Whether it’s for Fruit of the Womb.

Whether it’s for Prosperity, Breakthroughs.

Whether it’s for Spiritual Gifts that you want.

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Whatever it is, you can then talk to Him about it after that.


But before we do that, let’s give our Offering to the Lord.

Very quickly, take your Offering and dance to the nearest basket, drop your Offering (Online). And then we would continue from there.

Over to the Band!

Thank You Father.


My Father and my God, we Thank You because You are a Faithful God.

I have done as You have directed:

Today, in the lives of all those who are here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC. Please, Prove Yourself.

You are the All-Sufficient God; in the lives of all these Your Children Father, Prove Yourself.

Please, receive their Offering. Bless it. Use it for Your Glory.

And in every way Possible, before the end of this Month (January 2025), let Your Children have Testimonies.

Thank You my Father! Glory be to Your Name.

In Jesus’ Marvellous Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Please, you are coming to the Presence of God. You are coming to something Powerful – Do not rush.

Touch the Chair, go back to your seats, tell God whatever you want.

And you will Testify, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

God Bless You!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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