DATE: 30TH JUNE, 2022

Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
Father Almighty, we give You all the Glory, we give You all the Honour, we give You all the Adoration. Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
Tonight, just take all the Glory and make us Complete.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
And then you may Please be seated.
Colossians 2: 9-10
9. For in Him dwelleth all the Fulness of the Godhead bodily.
10 And ye are Complete in Him, which is the Head of all Principality and Power.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of all Principalities and Powers – He is the Head of demons, He is the Head of Angels, the Head of Boko Haram (OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTE: Boko Haram is a Terrorist Group based in Nigeria), the Head of all Evil Forces and we are Complete in Him (Jesus Christ).
The devil cannot do anything without getting Permission from our God. He (devil) couldn’t touch Job until he got Permission from God. And the Permission that he got was limited – You can go this far and not further.
… This is what our God said!
Therefore, there was no reason(s) whatsoever why a Child of God should be afraid – You are not Powerless! All Power in Heaven and on Earth belongs to Jesus Christ. And Nobody dies without God’s Permission.
And as the Lord lives, as the One who is called “The Resurrection and Life” lives, none of you will die before your time – Amen!
Don’t let anybody frightened you – You are More Than Conqueror!
So, every Mountains, every Wall of Jericho, every Evil Forces that may be hibernating anywhere; today as the Lord of Host lives; the Fire of God will consume them – Amen!
Jesus Christ is the Head of all Principalities and Powers – He knows all things, all things were made by Him.
He said that I am the One who made Wasters to destroy – Not to destroy my Children but to destroy their (Children of God) enemies.
As the Lord lives; before whom I Stand; every Plots against the Church of God will be consumed by Fire – Amen!
From now on; in the Name that is above every other name:
I. Every Kidnappers, every Terrorist, all their Supporters will never be able to rest again – Amen!
II. The blood running in their (Kidnappers) veins will turn to fire – Amen.
III. The air they (Kidnappers) breathe in will turn to fire – Amen.
IV. The Ground they (Kidnappers) walk upon will turn to fire – Amen.
V. The bed they (Kidnappers) sleep upon will turn to fire – Amen.
VI. When they (Kidnappers) wake up, they will be waking in fire – Amen.
VII. When they (Kidnappers) sleep, they will be dreaming fire – Amen.
As long as Jesus Christ lives; as long as the Name of the God that I served is “The Consuming Fire”; every Plots that they are Plotting against the Church of God, the Fire of God will consume them – Amen.
Today, we will talk about “COMPLETE IN JESUS” as we take the Holy Communion for this evening!
It is Great to be healed – God will heal tonight (Amen). He will heal even the Incurable.
But according to Luke 17: 11-19; just saying “Thank You” after Jesus Christ has healed you can make you Whole.
1. And so, when you take the Body of Jesus Christ – Because in 1 Corinthians 11: 3-24; after He broke the Bread and gave it to them, He said: Take, Eat; this is my Body broken for you.
When you take the Bread, believe Him because by His Stripes (His Broken Body) you were healed.
Oh, there might be Symptoms trying to tell you that you are not healed; tell the Symptoms that: “The Just shall live by Faith”.
We are not moved by what we see; we are moved by our Faith in God.
And because of that Faith in the Most High God; I hereby decreed that every Sickness, every Disease in anybody’s Life today; the Fire of God will consume them – Amen!
So, the Bread is very important!
2. But what about the Blood? – That is the Wine that is Symbolic of the Blood of Jesus Christ.
The Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sins! – That is what the Bible says in 1 John 1:7.
And once our sins were washed away by the Blood of Jesus Christ; there is no more hindrance to our Prayers!
Because Isaiah 59: 1-2; is the one that says that the Hand of the Lord is not shortened that it cannot save, neither is His ear heavy that it cannot hear us. It is our sin that separate us from Him.
And now, once that sin is gone by the Blood; no more hindrance to our Prayers.
And so by the Special Name of the Almighty God; even before you leave here tonight; there will be Signs that your Prayers are already answered – Amen.
And according to Revelation 12: 10-11; the Bible says that they overcame the devil by the Blood of the Lamb.
You have the Blood and so no need to be afraid of satan!
The same Blood according to Hebrews 10: 19-22; gives us access to the Holiest.
Meaning that we can go into the Bedroom of God by the Blood of the Lamb.
There are Places in many Man’s house that very few People can enter.
I have told you the Story of one of my sons when he was very little.
In my room – And those of you who has visited that “Open Heaven” (OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: This is somehow a Tourist Center located at the Redemption Camp – It is the First Residence Daddy GO lived in at the Redemption Camp that People visited normally visit and Pray there)
You will see my bedroom and then you will see a “Little Room” adjoining that bedroom – That is my Prayer Room!
If you have ever been there; you will know that the “Little Room” has no facilities to make it comfortable. And it was deliberately built like that because I don’t want to go there and fall asleep.
Most of the time that I go there, I go there naked – There is nothing you want to hide from the one who made you any way.
When I go there – Particularly, when I want to discuss some very serious issues with God. And I lie down there naked, crying to God. When I’m Praying to God about something Big (The Convention, this, or that) and my little boy will come in to me and say: Daddy, I want cookies.
And I will say: Leave me alone, go to your mother. He will say daddy, I want cookies. The worst thing that I can do is to shout at him and he will be crying and my Prayer will be interrupted.
So, I learnt my Lesson – Anytime that I’m going there, I will take cookies along so that as soon as he comes in and he says daddy; even before he asks for cookies, I will answer him.
When you have access to that kind of Privacy of the Most High God; there is nothing you ask Him that you don’t get!
And you have that access by the Blood of the Lamb – You are going to enter through the Holiest by the Blood of the Lamb and you ask whatever you want and your Joy shall be Complete – Amen!
If you believe that as you drink the Wine today; you will enter into the Holiest of the Almighty God and you will get your Prayers answered. Let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
And according to Ephesians 1: 19-23; we are talking of the Place far above Principalities and Powers.
Through the Blood of the Lamb, you get into that Place far above Principalities and Powers.
That is why I get irritated when I see the Children of God beginning to shake at the threat of Unbelievees – It simply shows that you don’t even know who you are – You are far above Principalities, above Powers, above Witches, above Wizards, above Boko Haram, above Herbalist, above Terrorist.
In 2 Kings 1: 9-12; the Bible says that Elijah was sitting on a Hill – Far above the enemies. And the enemies came and said Man of God come down as you are under arrest.
He said: Me? You know that I am a Man of God and you are asking me to come down? He said that it is Fire that will come down and the Fire came down.
I wasn’t in but I just came back from a journey and I was told that they said that Children of God must not come to Church for three (3) Months or something.
And I said: In this Nation of mine?
I will tell you a Story – Those of you shaking, you better go and check your Salvation.
When we came to this Redemption Camp, I was going for my Prayer Walk at Night one day – It was Jungle all the way. And when I was going for Prayer Walk; Antelopes and so on will also be going for their own walk.
And so as I was going out, I saw a tree and fire was burning on top of the tree. So, I thought that one of my children who were working around must have made a fire to cook something and forgot to put it off.
By the following morning, I looked at the Top of the tree; all the leaves were Green – Ha, Ha; I saw fire on top of this tree yesterday.
And then the Chief Carpenter then when I spoke about it said that we didn’t want to talk. And he said that every Evening, we hear voices inside the tree – The Pounding of yam etc.
I said that in that case, this tree comes down today – Light and Darkness can’t dwell together.
All those who began threatening the Church; they have overstep their boundaries!
So, I got the boys in the Bible College then together and instruct them to cut down the tree.
And every Evil Tree in your Life will be cut down tonight – Amen!
And so the boys got their cutlass and within 5 minutes of cutting; all the Villagers gathered together as if Someone summoned them and said that you mean you People are cutting this “Great Tree”? You better stop. They said that if you don’t stop, as soon as the tree reached the Ground, all those who cut it will die and the tree will get up again.
I said: Really! I said we will cut down the tree. If that tree gets up, I will no longer serve Jesus Christ again and if any of my boys die because we cut down this tree; I will stop wasting my time calling myself a Christian.
We cut down the tree, we cut it into Pieces, we use it to cook and my boys are still here till today. (OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: Baba David Kuo (Retired AGO in RCCG) was Part of the boys then and he was Captured on the Screen waving his hands to God)
Every Evil tree in your Life, in your home, in your Place of work, in Nigeria shall be consumed by Fire – Amen!
We are Complete in Him (Jesus Christ)!
The Only fellow who should be shaking now are those who are Pretending to be Christians and are not.
If you don’t know Jesus Christ, and you are Pretending that you know Him; then when the devil speaks; you should shake because you belong to him (devil).
And you shake because very soon, every enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ, every enemies of the Church of God – Day and Night, shall be tormented by Fire (Amen).
So, in case you are around and you have not given your Life to Jesus Christ and you want to join the Victory Side? Because you are on the Victory Side, you have the opportunity to do so tonight – Come and give your Life to Jesus Christ. He is the same Yesterday, today and forever. And you are Complete in Him (Jesus Christ).
So, I will count from one (1) to five (5); before I say five (5), come and Stand before the Altar and we will Pray for your Salvation.
Those of you infront and those on the way; call on Jesus Christ that you mean business. That I want to belong to You; so save my Soul, forgive all my sins, become my Lord and Saviour as I want to become a Member of the Family of God. Promise Him that from now on, I will serve You.
And the rest of us, let us Stretch our hands to our New Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them – That God will accept them to His Fold and wash them clean with His Blood.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen. OPENHEAVEN.NET
Saviour, I want to Thank You for Your Words. I want to give You Glory and Honour for everything that we can have in You. Thank You for the Power in Your Words.
I’m Praying Lord that, that Power will wash away the sins of Your Children, that You will save their Souls, write their names in the Book of Life.
And from now on, anytime they cry unto You, answer them by Fire and let them serve You for the rest of their lives.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, I want to congratulate those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ.
If you turn to your Left, you will see Someone there holding a Placard. Please, follow him as they will collect some information from you – Your name, your Address and your Prayer Requests.
And they will give it to me and I Promised to be Praying for you. OPENHEAVEN.NET
Now, the Bible says that whatsoever you bind on Earth shall be bind in Heaven and whatsoever you loose on Earth, will be loose in Heaven.
Do you know the meaning of that?
In Mordern Language, it means that whatsoever you allowed on Earth, will be allowed in Heaven and whatsoever you disallowed on Earth will be disallowed in Heaven.
When you take the Bread tonight, then the Prayer is to tell every Sickness, Disease, Ache, Pain etc in your body that in the Mighty Name of Jesus; I disallowed you. Get out of my body as my Father in Heaven has already Paid for my body.
The Lord Jesus Christ; the very Night in which He was betrayed took the Bread and when He has given Thanks, He broke it saying: Take, Eat; this is my Body broken for you; do this in Remembrance of Me.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – Amen!
Go ahead and Pray as directed. Thank You Lord.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
The Word of God says: Call upon me in the Day of Trouble and I will answer you.
Now He says – Call, He didn’t say whisper. OPENHEAVEN.NET
When you drink the Wine tonight, you are going to cry!
When I was growing up as a Child; an Old Witch started confessing – That she killed this one, that one. But then she said that she tried to kill one Particular child and since she tried it, fire has been burning her.
When you drink the Wine tonight, you are going to ask the Almighty God to turn every fluids in your body to Poison for the enemy. Anybody who tries to touch you comes in Contact with “The Consuming Fire”.
But you will Call and not Whisper. You are Pentecostals and you are not expected to Pray quietly. Pray and let the devil knows that you are Praying.
After the same manner also; He took the Cup when He has sup, saying: This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood, Please do ye as oft as you drink it in Remembrance of Me.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – Amen!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen! OPENHEAVEN.NET
He shed His Blood for us and grant us access into the Holiest.
So, let us show Him (God) that we appreciate Him – Glory be to God.
So, you can dance to the nearest basket and drop your Offerings.
…. Over to you Band!
Before I Pray for you tonight; Please listen to this “Very Important” Announcements.
There are some People who feel that they can sit down at home and watch the Holy Ghost Service.
I can understand for those who are far away – God Himself understands.
But let me ask a Simple Question:
I. If you are watching far on Television and you are cold; will you become Warm?
II. If it is raining on Television, will your Clothes get wet?
There are certain things you don’t get on Television. There is something called “Corporate Anointing” – Fire begets Fire!
Tell your friends, your Relatives who are falling into the habits of sitting at home and saying that: “I will watch the Holy Ghost Service on Television. There are certain Fire that cannot be transmitted,
And I am telling you that tomorrow (Friday, 1st of July 2022) Fire is going to fall – Amen!!! OPENHEAVEN.NET
My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Name.
Thank You for tonight, Thank You for the Eve of a Great Night. Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Father, bless the Offerings of Your Children, sanctify it and use it for Your Glory.
Father, I decree tonight that anything called Hardship in the Life of these Your Children who has given to You; let Your Fire consume.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen! OPENHEAVEN.NET
Now, I want to hear one kind of Hallelujah that will chase demons out of the way – HALLELUJAH!!!