Now, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Anybody can Praise God after they have received a Miracle. It takes People with Faith to Praise God before they get a Miracle.
Like I told those of you who came to the Holy Communion Service yesterday (On Thursday, 30th June 2022 – Adeboye).
There is only one Wall standing between you and the Second Part of the Year – The Wall of Jericho. And you need to get that Wall down by shouting.
I want to assure you that tonight is going to be different Particularly for those of you who are here.
Oh, we Thank God for the Testimonies of People who are far away and who got their Miracles by joining Online. But God is looking for Someone Special to bless tonight and that Fellow is right here at the Redemption Camp.
1. So, you are going to spend the next 5 minutes – Forgetting everyone and worship God as if you are also out of your Mind.
Just go ahead and worship the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Ancient of Days. Forget how great you are, forget who you are and just worship Him (God) because He is seeking for a Worshipper.
Oh Lord, I give You Glory Lord and You are worthy of my Praise.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worship – Amen!
2. You will lift your Voice to Him (God) loud and clear (The Elderly ones are free to sit down). And you say: I have been waiting Lord, let this Night be my Night.
Open your mouth and talk to the Almighty God – Lord, I know that You are seeking for Someone to bless, to heal, to set free, to Prosper, to lift up, to Promote, to Advance, to show Mercy to. Let this Night be my turn and Night. That is why I have come to meet You Lord, to spend time in Your Presence.
Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
3. With all your Strength that you have; cry to God and say: Father, send down Your Fire. Everything that is not of God in me, let Your Fire consumed them. Open your mouth and say it unto the Lord.
Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
4. It is written – Those who confess their sins and forsake them shall obtain Mercy. We have Prayed for Mercy for Nigeria but you must add another Prayer to that.
We will lift our voices loud and clear and say: Father, every enemy of Nigeria and their Sponsors; if they won’t repent, let Your Fire consume them. Open your mouth and say it to the Lord.
Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen. OPENHEAVEN.NET
I have a God who never fails
I have a God who never fails
I have a God who never fails
Who never fails, who never fails Forevermore.
Amen, Jesus never fails
Amen, Jesus never fails
Amen, Jesus never fails
Jesus never fails, Jesus never fails Forevermore.
Almighty God; there is Nothing too hard for You – After all You are the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
The Earth is Yours and the Fullness thereof. There is no Darkness in You, there is no Hiding Place before You. We Worship You.
Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You for March, Thank You for April, Thank You for May, Thank You for June and Thank You for the Second Half of this Year (2022). Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus’ Name.
Tonight; wherever the enemies of Your Children might be hiding; if they don’t repent before daybreak; send down Your Fire.
With Your Mighty Hands, your Right Hand that has become Glorious in Power; the same Hand that has been fighting our battles for us – Flush them out.
Every enemy of the Church, wherever they may be; by Fire flush them out.
If they repent, save their Souls. If they don’t repent quickly; The Consuming Fire just go ahead and consume them.
From now on, in the Life of all Your Children, let there be Victory and answer them by Fire.
Tonight Father, do something New – Save Souls, consume every Sickness, consume every Disease, consume every Yokes, consume every Bondage, consume every barrenness, consume every Failures, consume every defeat, consume every Shame and just Glorify Your Name.
Before the Sun rises tomorrow morning, let Your Children sing a New Song.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and Prophesy to Someone that the Fire of God will settle you tonight – Amen.
Say it as: Anyone who tries to touch you from now on will touch Fire.
All of you may be seated except those of you born in the Month of July. OPENHEAVEN.NET
So, if you are born in the Month of July, Please Stand!
My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Children born in the Seventh (7th) Month of the Year and in the Month of Perfection.
Everything that has to do with Your Children, make it Perfect – Physically, Mentally, Maritally, Spiritually and Emotionally.
Everything that has to do with Your Children, make it Perfect.
And give them a Brand New Beginning, Perfect Beginning, Perfect Miracles, Perfect Testimonies, Perfect Joy, Perfect Promotion, Perfect Anointing and Perfect Determination to serve You.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Okay, those born in the Month of July shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
1. Finally, our RCCG National Convention 2022 is here!
Our RCCG National Convention is always on the Second Week of August every Year – And so, we shouldn’t have any confusion about that.
It is going to be from Monday, 8th August to Sunday, 14th August 2022.
The RCCG National Convention this Year (2022) will be Extraordinary – The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) will be Seventy (70) Years Old and that Convention is going to be Fortieth (40th) Convention held on this Redemption Camp.
And so we have “Double Jubilee” Celebrations! OPENHEAVEN.NET
The Theme for this Year’s RCCG National Convention 2022 is: “PERFECT JUBILEE”.
Now, Jubilee means certain basic things.
For Example, it means:
I. Total Restoration.
It means that if you have lost anything at all; by Divine Decree in the Year of Jubilee, it must be returned.
II. In the Year of Jubilee, Slaves were allowed to go Free.
III. In the Year of Jubilee, Debtors are allowed to go without Paying.
IV. So, a Year of Jubilee is also a Year of New Beginning – You are allowed to go and start all over again from where you missed it and then going on Free at the Command of God.
V. The Year of Jubilee is where no one can hold you back – Because when God opens, no Man can Shut.
So, you can have a rough idea that this Year’s RCCG National Convention 2022 will not be Ordinary at all – The Program is going to be absolutely different from the one you have known
For Example:
I. There will be a Place on the Campground where Young Ones can just go and sing Praises to God from Morning to Evening.
II. During this Year’s RCCG National Convention 2022; there will be a Place where the Older Ones may just go and sing Hymns till they are satisfied.
III. During this Year’s RCCG National Convention 2022; there will be seven (7) Locations where all that will be going on there is Prayers.
So, you just find any of the Locations – Nobody is leading the Prayers, you just want to Pray and will just go to one of the Locations, settle down there and just Pray. OPENHEAVEN.NET
IV. And whether you like it or not, during this Year’s RCCG National Convention 2022; there will be Football Match Competition.
V. And Visitors will be coming from all over the world.
I’m just giving you a hint about what will happen during this Year’s RCCG National Convention 2022!
2. Our RCCG Mid Year Fasting and Prayer will begin on Monday, 4th of July 2022.
And instead of Lasting for a Whole Month; it is going to last for just ten (10) days.
And so, it will end on Wednesday, 13th of July 2022.
Your Pastors will give you the details of the Fasting on Sunday, 3rd July 2022.
It won’t be Fasting as usual!
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, even the Blessings that will come from this Midyear Prayer and Fasting for Year 2022 will shake you on those ten (10) days!
We are expected to be meeting every day in those ten (10) days in our different Parishes for Prayers by 6.00pm every day.
And if you want to do the ten (10) day Fasting as Combined (Dry Fasting); you can do seven (7) days Continuous Fasting!
You must take this Fasting very seriously!
3. Now, like I told those of you who were here yesterday (OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: On the 30th of June 2022 during the RCCG July 2022 Holy Communion Service); some People out of Laziness have decided that they can watch everything (About the Holy Ghost Service) on Television.
It is Good to watch it on Television – It will be Televised throughout.
But like I said to them – If you are watching on Television and Fire is burning on Television, do you feel the Heat?
You are watching on Television and rain is falling; does your dress get wet?
And there are certain things Television cannot transmit!
Oh, Glory be to God for His Power that He can reach the whole world through the Television.
But when the Almighty God knows that it is out of Laziness that you sat down at home; you will be hearing the Testimonies of those who are Present!
There is something called “Corporate Anointing” – The Bible says that Fire begets Fire!
When Fire is burning in row 1, row 2 and then row 3. Before you know it, it gets to row 4, row 5 and then row 6.
There are certain things that you get because you are there!
4. Oh, but some Jokers said that Churches should not open for three (3) Months.
Who is your Commander? – God or Boko Haram?
Let the devil try any nonsense. From now on, it is going to be Fire for Fire!
I understand that one funny fellow said that some People are calling on God and suddenly He didn’t answer them.
Well, the one who said that should know that there is a Yoruba saying – That the mouth the Snail uses to blasphemy God; that mouth will kiss the Ground.
From now on, anybody who dares blasphemy Jesus Christ will taste the Fire of the Almighty God!
But how are we sure that we are Safe?
Let me ask you some few Questions because this is a New Beginning!
I. Are you alive today because of the Precautions you took during Coronavirus?
II. Are you alive because you wore Mask or because you wash your hands?
But there are some People who never left home; they didn’t go anywhere and they caught Coronavirus and they died.
And I look at the Bus Conductors – I always look at them and say: God, You are Wonderful. OPENHEAVEN.NET
Because the Passengers are coming in and going out.
How many People do the Bus Conductors come in Contact with on a daily basis? – Collecting money, giving Change; touching this and touching that but yet they didn’t contact Coronavirus.
Why? – Safety is of the Lord! And Nobody dies until their time comes.
Tell your Neighbour that Nobody is going to kill me; I don’t know about you!
I don’t want to say much because I know whatever I say some People will want to twist it.
But I have searched the Bible from Cover to Cover; and there is no where in the Bible where God said that a Child of God cannot defend himself. If you find the Place, let me know.
He said that if they slap you on the Right Cheeks, turn the Left. If they slap you on the Left; what did He say?
When God is silent over an issue; do you know the meaning of that?
It simply means that it is over to you!
Every Enemy of the Church; as long as my Father is on the Throne, as long as Jesus Christ is still living and as long as His Name is the Consuming Fire. If they didn’t repent, the Fire of God will consume them – Amen.
I’m not talking to everybody but to my children – Only my children come for the Holy Ghost Service.
God bless you!
Bible Text: Colossians 2: 9-10
9 For in Him dwelleth all the Fulness of the Godhead bodily.
10 And ye are complete in Him, which is the Head of all Principality and Power.
Like I told those of you who came yesterday.
… Some of you don’t know what you are missing when you don’t come to the Holy Communion Service.
Our God is the Head of all Principalities and Powers!
I Thank God for the Mighty Testimonies we heard. Every demon, including their Boss (the devil) is under the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ. And we are Part and Parcel of His Body.
The lowest Part that a New Born Again Christian can be is the feet of Jesus Christ.
That’s the lowest you can be at. And that lowest Part is above Principalities and Powers.
From the day you gave your Life to Jesus Christ, you become higher than all Forces of Darkness. That is the Truth! Don’t let anybody frighten you.
The Elders have a saying (God bless the Elders). Say Amen! Because, if you are not an Elder, one day you are going to become one – Amen.
The Elders have a saying. They say: The one who sees a snake is running, whereas the snake itself is running.
Until I understood that, walking in the Camp (at Night) was a little bit dicey for me.
But then, one day I was watching National Geograpic on Television. And I saw a man trying to catch a snake.
As the man was approaching, the snake was struggling to escape. The snake only tries to attack when it finds out there is no way of escape.
Every witch is afraid of you; every wizard is afraid of you, whether you know it or not.
It is written “Jesus I know, Paul also I know.” Who said that? It was a demon. He said “I am afraid of Jesus, I know Him – He has a Name that’s above every other names. And I know Paul because he belongs to Jesus Christ.
From tonight onwards, wherever you go, the devil will see you coming and run – Amen.
… If you like say Amen! If you like don’t say Amen.
You are Complete in Him! If you are in Jesus Christ you are Complete in Him.
My father-in-the-Lord used to say… OPENHEAVEN.NET
… All these things I am saying are not in my Note. So, it must be the Holy Spirit doing the Preaching now. So you better listen carefully.
My Father-in-the-Lord told me – Because when I became Born Again, I shared with him that I had been running from witches and wizard for thirteen (13) years. And he was telling me that I should never fear them again.
He said, it is written, your Life is hidden in Christ and Christ is hidden in God. He said, for any fellow: any witch, any wizard to reach you, he would have to cause God to fall asleep, operate Him, bring out Jesus Christ. Operate Him (Jesus Christ) before they can reach you.
He said tell me – “Tell me my son:who is that fellow Strong enough to cause God to fall asleep? Do you know anybody like that?” No!
… I am talking about Complete in Him.
Pastor Odeyemi (OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: You should look forward to the Full Text of this Talk 1 of The RCCG July 2022 HGS only on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET) has done a great job.
Even if I don’t touch that Topic anymore, that is alright. God wants to talk to some People.
After tonight, you will never fear anybody again – Amen.
There was a man in my Village (True Story) his name was Kaka. He was top among the occultic world. He was so top among the occultic that single handedly he Protects the town from anybody – Thieves or something. Kaka was in charge!
Then we were to start the Church in my Village (Ifewara, Osun State Nigeria). And the Place we found was next to the house of Kaka.
So, while we were singing choruses, he was listening. He didn’t leave his house but he was hearing everything.
When the Preaching was going on, he was listening. By the time the Altar Call was made, Kaka came forward and gave his Life to Jesus Christ.
So, he came to my father-in-the-Lord, he said “the way you spoke about your God He must be really Powerful oooo.” Papa said, very, very!
He (Kaka) said: In that case, now that I have given my Life to Jesus Christ, I would need help. Papa said: What kind of help? He said, I have an idol in my house, they call it shigidi in yoruba (The elders know what that means). it is an effigy (I think that is the correct word).
He said, I inherited it from my father. My father inherited it from his father. It is the thing we send out at Night when we want to kill somebody. And this shigidi (effigy) is so dangerous that when we send it on an errand we must not sleep until it returns.
We must tie down a ram to welcome it when it is returning. As soon as it returns we slaughter the ram. It drinks the blood, steps on the blood and then it will return to its Position and become just like an “Ordinary Idol”.
He said, I don’t think I can sleep in the same house with that thing anymore. Because if this shigidi (effigy) returns and it knocks at the door three (3) times and we don’t open the door, it will come in (without opening the door) and deal with us.
So he said: Papa, I want something to be done about it!
Papa said, fine! I will send Someone to come and take it out of your house. So Papa sent me (laughs).
I got to the Church in Ilesha (Osun State Nigeria); I told the Pastor, “I have been sent on an errand to remove something in the house of Kaka, will you come along with me?” He said sure! He didn’t know what. And there was another worker who was supposed to be a Strong Prayer Warrior and he decided to come along.
We got to Kaka’s house and he opened the door. We were singing a Song as we were approaching the door – “We are more than Conquerors in Jesus’ Name.”
When Kaka opened the door and my Colleagues saw what was waiting – Oh Lord God! By the time I came to the last Verse of the Song, I was alone in the room (laughs). OPENHEAVEN.NET
Anyway, I will not go into any other details! But I Picked the shigidi (effigy) and brought it out.
At that time I had a Toyota Crown – You know, the old one; with big, large booth. I had to break this thing (the effigy) before it can go into the booth. It was that big! And it had all kind of charms tied round it (soap and other stuffs). While I was Picking it up, Parts of the soap spilled on me and I got it out.
And outside was a little Shrine that he said belongs to Satan. I put that one in the booth also; took everything to the river and threw it in. Let the Blood of the Lamb deal with them and I came back.
When Kaka saw me that I was the one that was sent, he said: Ha! Are you not the son of Papa Adeboye? I said yes! You are the one they sent? I said yes! He said haaa!!!! I told him, don’t worry. He said ha!
About three (3) weeks later I returned to Ifewara and I branched his house, He saw me, Hey!!! You are still alive? – That was 1975. I am still alive today.
I want you to lift your hand to the Most High God and say: In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I will never be afraid again
Say it loud and clear!
You are going to make another Prophecy (and make it with all your mouth) and say: In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I will not die before my time.
Say it as if you mean it – I WILL NOT DIE BEFORE MY TIME.
If you believe that let me hear you shout Hallelujah – HALLELUJAH!!!
Alright! Now I am allowed to go back to my Notes. So I’ll be quick.
If Somebody asks you – WHO IS A COMPLETE MAN? Because we are talking about COMPLETE IN JESUS:
Because at least ninety percent (90%) of People in the world are Poor. I mean ninety percent (90%) of the world’s Population; they live below the Poverty Line.
… So if you ask the world, WHO IS THE COMPLETE MAN?
1. They are likely to say the WEALTHY.
And some People can even back it up from the Bible.
Ecclesiastes 10:19 say: Money answereth all things.
That’s in the Bible!
And we have seen it again and again, even in our own days, that Wealthy People have one Problem in common – They believed money can buy anything.
They can tell you, according to Proverbs 10:15, that the wealth of a man is his Strong City and that the destruction of the Poor is their Poverty.
They can tell you that Proverbs 22:7 says: The Rich rules over the Poor; and the borrower is a Servant to the Lender.
So if I ask somebody – ‘Who is a Complete Person?” They say, “The Wealthy”!
However, they would soon discovered that wealth does not make you Complete.
Ecclesiastes 5:12 makes it clear: The abundance of the Rich may not even let him sleep.
There are Poor People who sleep on mats and they sleep very soundly. There are Wealthy People who sleep on a waterbeds (electrically controlled) and they toss from one side of the bed to the other, all night long.
… So, the Wealthy is not a complete man.
2. Oh, some People may then say, the HEALTHY. OPENHEAVEN.NET
After all there are People who say – The one who has Good Health has everything else. And they can back it up with Scriptures. Job 2:1-5, the devil said: skin for skin, everything a man has will he give for his Life.
In other words, when a man is desperately sick, he will be willing to let go of all his wealth – Just to get Good Health.
Because, of what use is Wealth if there is no Health?
Ask Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1 – With all his wealth, with all his fame, with all his success; but he was a Leper (it destroyed it all). And we know that sickness can drain wealth.
In Mark 5:25-34, the woman with the issue of blood spent everything she had, seeking for health.
And you can be Wealthy, can be Healthy and still be Incomplete.
2 Kings 4:8-17 – It talks about the great woman of Shunem.
She was Wealthy, she was Healthy but she was barren – She was Incomplete.
But some People will say okay! It’s not the Wealthy, it’s not the Healthy; oh we think we know …
Thank You my Father!
The first Word that is coming tonight is Specially for me but I will share it with you:
Because the Almighty God says: Someone must get ready to die a head-on collision with the Power of God tonight – Amen
3. You may say, Oh the Complete Man is the WISE MAN.
And you can back it up with Bible Passage.
Proverbs 4:24 says: Wisdom is the Principal Thing. That once you get Wisdom, you are Complete.
They can say that Ecclesiastes 7:12 says: Wisdom is a defence; it can Protect you from all manners of trouble.
Proverbs 17:2, they can tell you – A Wise Servant shall rule over a son that cause shame.
But Wisdom is not enough to make you Complete. Because, one of the Wisest Men ever to live (Solomon) who asked God for Wisdom. Before he died, he said in Ecclesiastes 1:18, in much Wisdom is much grief. He knows what he is talking about.
I mean, if you are looking for People who are happy, don’t look for them among the highly Educated.
When I go to my Village once in a while; and in the Night when nobody is watching and I drive through what you call downtown, and I see these Simple People – They have been labouring since morning; now it is evening and you will see somebody there Playing some kind of music. Then you would see these People dancing, enjoying themselves.
They don’t know Greeks they don’t know, Hebrews, they don’t know Philosophy but they are contented. They are not as Wise as some of us are, but they have something to make them happy.
But I am Praying for Somebody here tonight, you won’t die Poor – Amen.
The Fire of God will consume all Sickness and Diseases in you – Amen.
And since you already Fear God, you already have the Wisdom of God and with the Wisdom of God the Bible says you shall not lack anything Good. Everything Good, God will give unto you – Amen. OPENHEAVEN.NET
Thank You Father!
The Lord says: Someone has been Dreaming recently – Seeing coffins, seeing graves. From one dream to the other, it’s coffins and graves.
He asked me to tell you – They are not for you, they are for those who want you to die Young – Amen.
Oh, Thank You Father!
The Lord asked me to tell a Woman here or reading now on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET – He said: From now on, your womb will not be overheating – Amen.
And that before this time Next Year (2023), you will bring your children – Amen.
Ha, Thank You Father!
Again, I believed that God is talking to me tonight.
He said Jacob wrestled All-Night – And there was a Particular Night Jacob wrestled in Prayer.
The Bible says, before the day broke his Destiny has changed Eternally:
I. The one who was coming to kill him has become a friend.
II. His name has been Changed from the name of a bad fellow to the name of a Nation.
The Lord asked me to tell Somebody who is going to wrestle in Prayer tonight – Before the Sun rises tomorrow morning, your Destiny would Change Permanently – Amen.
Okay! So Who is a Complete Man? It must be Somebody who is Wealthy and Healthy and Wise;
Somebody could say that! And could back it up with Scriptures.
In Proverbs 10:22 the Bible says: The Blessing of the Lord maketh rich and addeth no sorrow.
… That would be your Portion – Amen.
3 John 2says: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest Prosper and be in Health, even as thy Soul Prospereth.
That is Wealthy, Healthy and be Wise.
But let’s see how we will get all of these and much more – because you’ll need more than those ones I have mentioned to be Complete. And you would find it all in Jesus!
WEALTHY: In John 10:10 Jesus Christ says: The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have Life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
You want to be Wealthy? You will find it in Jesus; not in Yahoo-Yahoo, not in fraud. You try to get rich by fraud, you’ll get it and you won’t be able to spend it.
Philippians 4:19 says: God shall supply (How much of your Needs)? – ALL.
How is he going to Supply all of your Needs? He says – According to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.
HEALTHY: It is written in 1 Peter 2:24 – By His Stripes you were healed.
He is able not just to heal you but to make you Whole.
… We have already discussed that one last night (at the Holy Communion Service).
WISE: The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 1:30 – But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us Wisdom, and Righteousness, and Sanctification, and Redemption:
In 1 Corinthians 1:24 the Bible says: But unto them which are Called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the Power of God, and the Wisdom of God.
FREE FROM SORROW – JOYFUL: Nehemiah 8:10 says: … For this day is Holy unto our LORD: neither be ye sorry; for the Joy of the LORD is your Strength.
In John 16:24 Jesus Christ says: Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my Name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your Joy may be full.
You want Joy? – All you need to do is to ask! OPENHEAVEN.NET
VICTORIOUS: Because if you are Wealthy, you are not Sick; you say you are Wise and you don’t have sorrow – How can you say you don’t have sorrow when you are still a Captive?
But in addition to all these, if you want to be Victorious – Victory is found in Jesus Christ.
Oh, Thank You Father!
… Now if this is the only one for tonight, I am satisfied.
Because it is for me and I’ll share with you:
He says, everybody thinks you are doing well now.
He said, they should wait and see what I will do with you – Amen.
In Romans 8:37, the Bible says we are More than Conquuerors (through Who)? Him that loved us.
You want to be Victorious, all the days of your Life? It is through Jesus Christ.
And in any case, like I’ve shared already with you – Ephesians 2:5-6 says: We are seated with Him in Heavenly Places, far above Principalities and Powers.
In Philippians 2:9-11, the Bible made it abundantly clear – At the Name of Jesus every knee must bow.
… All your enemies will bow before you – Amen.
Who is a Complete Man? The Complete Man is the one who is always Completely at PEACE.
In the morning at Peace, at night at Peace, when he sleeps, no nightmares, he travels at Peace, he returns at Peace.
And according to John 14:1-3, Jesus Christ told us – If you are one of Mine you should be at Peace, not only in this world but also in the world to come. Why? He said let not your heart be troubled at all, in my Father’s house there are Mansions waiting for you.
I have told People – The only reason People are afraid to die is because they are not sure of where they are going.
If you have a glimpse of Heaven, the only reason you would not want to kill yourself is that if you commit suicide, you won’t get there.
If God shows you Heaven, anybody who says he wants to kill you is doing you a favour. You should even say: “Come and do it quickly.”
I am telling you Brethren, there is no Place as beautiful as Heaven.
… And I will see you there one day – Amen.
How can you worry, when Colossians 1:27, says – Christ in you the Hope of Glory?
How can you not be at Peace when it is already written – Say ye to the Righteous it shall be well with him (Isaiah 3:20)?
All these things and much more are found in Jesus Christ alone! – We are Complete in Him.*
We are Complete in Him when we are at home, when we travel.
Physically we are Complete in Him, Mentally we are Complete in Him, Maritally we are Complete in Him, Materially we are Complete in Him, Spiritually we are Complete in Him. OPENHEAVEN.NET
Thank You Father!
The Lord asked me to tell Somebody who says, there’s only one thing bothering me – “I Thank You for what you have said, but one thing is bothering me.”
He asked me to tell you – In spite of everything that has happened, you will still reach the Top – Amen!
That’s why Jesus Christ said in Matthew 11:28: Come unto me all ye that Labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest,.
You want Complete Joy, Complete Peace, Complete Victory, Complete everything? – It is in Jesus and Jesus alone!
Tonight, we will Pray as we would normally do. After we finished Praying, in order to make this Night Complete, the Pastors will lay hands on every one of us.
Because Jesus said, if two (2) of you shall agree as touching anything you ask on Earth, it will be done for you by our Father in Heaven (Matthew 18:19).
So, two (2) of us shall agree, the Pastor would lay hands on you after we have prayed. And then finally, I will utter some Decrees concerning your future.
But before we do that, those of you who have not surrendered your Life to Jesus, you don’t know what you’re missing, come to Him and He will make you Complete. Come to Him, let Him save your Soul; come to Him and He will take over the burdens from you.
So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, wherever you are or reading this Message now on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET, do so now.
… I think the should clap like Victorious People!
Okay! Those of you who are ready to Genuinely surrender to Jesus Christ, cry to Him now. Just tell Him: Please, just save my Soul. I want to be in You, I want to belong to You, I want to serve You. Because in You is all my Completeness. Lord save my Soul tonight and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.
And the rest of us Please, let’s stretch our hands towards these our New brothers and sisters, and Intercede for them: that the One Who saved our Souls would save their own Souls also. Let’s pray for them!
Cry to Jesus as you come! Say Lord, Please save my Soul, have Mercy on me, forgive all my sins. I want to be with You. Please, save my Soul and I will serve You.
Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Father, we want to say Thank You!
Thank You for Your Word, Thank You because You are the Almighty God. Thank You because we know we are Complete in You.
Accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name.
These Your children who are surrendering to You, Please receive them, save their Souls.
And Lord God Almighty, let Your Blood wash away their sins, receive them into the Family of God and from now on Lord, let them serve You.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Now, those of you who have just surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, I want to rejoice with you.
From now on, by the Grace of God I will be Praying for you. So I’ll need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.
God Bless You – Amen.
Let us rejoice whenever we see Souls being saved.
Let’s give the Lord a very big round of applause! Bless His Holy Name. Clap!!!!
Thank you!
You may wish to write down your Prayer Points now:
1. You may want to Thank Him who can make you Complete.
Thank Him that there is an opportunity in Christ to be Complete.
2. You will cry to Him and say: Father, don’t let me ever lack for the rest of my Life.
In other words, not just for me to be Wealthy. Because the Bible says that riches can develop wings and fly away.
3. You will cry to Him and say: Father, I want to be Healthy for the rest of my Life.
Don’t let me know Sickness, Pain and Disease again for the rest of my Life; until I see You in Glory.
4. You will cry to Him and say: Father, let me remain Mentally Whole for the rest of my Life.
Don’t let me lose my Memory, don’t let me Forget Things, and don’t let Wisdom become Foolishness to me.
5. You will cry to Him and say: Father, for the rest of my Life, don’t let me know Sorrow ever again.
6. You will cry to Him and say: Father, let me remain forever More Than a Conqueror.
Don’t let me suffer any form of defeat ever again.
7. You will cry to Him and say: Father, let me live the rest of my Life in Perfect Peace.
8. You may add your own Personal Prayer Requests. OPENHEAVEN.NET
The Altar is opened for you – You can come and besiege the Throne of Heaven with Your Prayers!
Pray with all your hearts – He says: Call on Me and I will answer. And not murmur.
… So, Call on Him tonight and He will answer you!
Thank You Jesus! Hallelujah! Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
God will answer your Prayers by Fire!
Any force that says it will not be so, the Fire of God will consume it.
From this moment onwards, any attack from any quarter against your Destiny would go back to Sender!
Before the Sun rises, you will have your Testimonies.
So shall it be!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Good! Let’s go back to our seats as quickly as Possible.
And let the Ushers be on Standby and Pastors, let’s take our Position.
We want to Pray a Prayer of Agreement with the children of God by laying hands on them tonight.
Oh, Thank You JESUS. Glory be to God.
Do you feel God has answered your Prayers tonight? – YES!!!
… Then let me hear you roar HALLELUJAH – HALLELUJAH!!!! OPENHEAVEN.NET
Oh, what a Night! The devil is in trouble. Over your Life, the devil is in trouble!
I say, the devil is in trouble – Amen!
Glory be to God! Your Anointing will destroy yokes tonight – Amen.
Over to you Band!
Now, I am going to make some Decress concerning your future; Particularly the rest of this Year (2022).
Because, I have it on the Authority of the Most High God, that for those of us who really are serious with Him, the Second Half of this Year would be the best you have ever spend – Amen.
We normally would say Thank You to the Almighty God, before we go.
So let’s do our Thanksgiving; and then I will issue my own Decrees and we will be on our way.
So let’s get our Thanksgiving Offering and let God Himself look down from Heaven and see a Grateful heart as you are giving Him your Thanksgiving Offering.
And like I have always told you – If you are not Willing to give Him Cheerfully, don’t bother to give Him at all.
If you don’t give Him Cheerfully, you better go and spend the money eating. Because, if you don’t give Him Cheerfully, nothing is going to come back as a result.
So, those of you who want to give Him Cheerfully, let Him hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.
Okay! So, you’ll take your offering and dance! Because very soon, everyday in your house, there will be dancing – Amen.
Over to you Band! Your are doing so very well. Keep doing well.
Thank You Lord! You know, one of the things People who refuse to come in Person to the Redemption Camp miss is one Promise of God;
God says in His Word – When all the People Praise Him, He releases a Blessing that will frighten: when the crowd join together to Praise Him. OPENHEAVEN.NET
Thank Father!
Daddy, I come before You today trembling with Joy, because of what You want to do. I am very Grateful.
On behalf of Your Children, accept my Thanks, in Jesus’ Name!
In the Name that is above every other names, I hereby decree:
None of you will die Poor!
In a way you cannot Possibly understand, God will clear your debts.
From now on, you won’t spend for the devil.
From now on, when you spend, you will see what you have spent it on.
From now on, sickness will become a Stranger to your home. Demon will stay far away from you!
Not a Single Member of your family will suffer Mental illness. Every Plans of the enemy to cause you sorrow is cancelled.
You will never be defeated again!
For the rest of your Life, you will always be Victorious. You won’t fail again.
And every Storms that the enemy is Planning for you, that Storm is sent back to Sender!
You will live the rest of your Life in Perfect Peace!
My Father will bless you! He will Stand by you; He will defend you; He will clear the way for you.
And from now on, when it is time to give to God, you will have more than Sufficient.
So shall it be!
Your Testimonies will be Marvelous.
By the time I see you during the Convention (RCCG National Convention 2022); you will be shouting for Joy.
God will go with you: on your way there will be Miracles and at home Miracles will be waiting for you.
From now on, you will serve God with Gladness.
So shall it be!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name I have Decreed it!
Now let the People shout a BIG HALLELUJAH – HALLELUJAH!!!!!