DATE: 3RD JULY, 2022

1. Well, let’s lift our hands to the Most High God all over the world and worship the King of Kings, worship the Lord of Lords, worship the Ancient of Days. Let Him hear your Voice as you Praise Him – Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration for all He has done for you since the beginning of the Year. Praise Him!
Thank Him for January, Thank Him for for February, Thank Him for March, Thank Him for April, Thank Him for May, Thank Him for June and Thank Him for July. Thank Him for bringing us to half of this Year (2022); Thank Him that by His Grace, the Second Half will be better than the First Half of the Year; Thank You because You are a Faithful God; Thank You because You reserved the best for the Last. Blessed be Your Holy Name Lord. RCCG JULY 2022 THANKSGIVING SERVICE FEATURING SPECIAL PRAYERS FOR ALL ALL YOUTHS
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen!
2. Now, let us lift up our Voices to the Almighty God and say: Father, for all Your Children – Students, Workers and everybody; that Place at the Top take us there. Remove every obstructions, turn every obstacles to Glory.
Let’s talk to Him. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
3. Then lift up your Voice to Him and say: Father, I come before You today asking You to Please accelerate my Promotions. Promote me Spiritually – Pull me up Yourself; Promote me in Your Own Special Way, draw me close to Yourself, help me Lord and I will give You all the Glory.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Immortal God
Invincible God
Immortal God
How Great thou Art.
Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, the Beginning of all beginnjngs and the End of all ends; The Bright and Morning Star; The Unchangeable Changer – We worship You.
Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You for March, Thank You for April, Thank You for May, Thank You for June and Lord Thank You for July. Please, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
Today, we are Praying for everyone of Your Children – Young and Old, Students, Teachers, Man of God, Workers; all over the world. Please Lord, take us to the Top.
That Place that You have reserved for us at the Top, don’t let the enemy take it away. Accelerate our Promotion Lord.
And Your Children who has been Faithful in the Payment of their Tithes and in the Giving of their Offerings, this Particular Month Lord; surprise them. In a manner that they can’t even explain, Prosper them, bless them, assist them and send help to them.
And Lord God Almighty, in Your Own Miraculous Way, beginning from now; turn the Tides against the enemies of Nigeria.
Anyone causing trouble for Your Church – Particularly in Nigeria, this Particular Month Lord, show them that You are the Consuming Fire.
Let it be well with all of us and let Your Name be Glorified.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
You can wave at one (1) or two (2) People and tell them – God will Promote you – Amen! And then you may be seated.
Well, I am reaching out to you today from Mount Carmel – So, not the National Headquarters of RCCG this morning. (OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: Mount Carmel is the Prayer Mountain owned by Pastor E.A Adeboye and situated in his hometown at Ifewara in Osun State Nigeria)
Wherever God is, is the Headquarters. And He (God) Promised me when He was Calling me to the Ministry and I was worried about my future. He made me one Single Promise that wherever you go, I will be with you.
So right now, He (God) is with me on Mount Carmel and from Mount Carmel, He is sending Fire to you wherever you may be in the world or reading this Message on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET
Why are you on Mount Carmel this Particular Sunday?
Well, so that the Fire of God may fall. We have reached a Stage in our History as Individuals, as families and as Nations that the Fire of God must fall. That is one of the reasons why I am on Mount Carmel – To come and cry to the Almighty God!
Now, there are one (1) or two (2) things that I said during the RCCG July 2022 Holy Ghost Service that I believed that some People might want to misrepresent.
I never asked Christians to go and buy guns – You didn’t hear that from me.
Samson never bought AK47 – He fought with the jawbone of an Ass.
OPENHEAVEN.NETAK-47, also called Kalashnikov Model 1947, Soviet assault rifle, possibly the most widely used shoulder weapon in the world. The initials AK represent Avtomat Kalashnikova, Russian for “Automatic Kalashnikov,” for its designer, Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov, who designed the accepted version of the weapon in 1947.
So, don’t go and buy a gun. In any case, they won’t give you Permission. But you don’t need Permission to buy the jawbone of a cow.
And I have always wondered – How do you demonstrate to Children in Sunday School how Samson won the Victory?
A very good way of illustrating the thing is to get the jawbone of a cow and then show the Children – This is how to use it.
Don’t buy gun – You don’t want to kill anyone but you just wanted to make sure that “Unwanted Visitors” don’t come to our Churches.
And if Police come to the Church and they find the jawbone of an Cow in the Vestry; it is for demonstrating to Children!
I think half a word is enough for the wise!
Today, we want to talk about: “ROOM AT THE TOP” or “MADE FOR THE TOP”.
Our Bible Text will be: 1 Samuel 2: 6-8
6. The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: He bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.
7. The LORD maketh Poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.
8. He raiseth up the Poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among Princes, and to make them inherit the Throne of Glory: for the Pillars of the Earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the world upon them.
Nothing happens in this world without God – Nobody dies without God’s Permission. It is Appointed unto Man once to die. And so, when the time comes, He will go. Until your time comes, Nobody can kill you.
So, don’t listen to those who says: Hey, don’t go to Church, that the enemy is Planning something. Any enemy that comes near to your Church will meet God at the Gate – Amen.
Life is like a Mountain – Broad at the bottom and very narrow at the Top. Life is like a Pyramid or an ‘Inverted Cone’.
You will discovered in the Scriptures that, that is the way it is.
1. In the Old Testament – If you read Daniel 6: 1-3; the Bible talked about a King who has a very vast Empire.
I. And then he selected one hundred and twenty (120) Princes out of the Millions of his Members to help him oversee the Kingdom.
II. And then, out of the one hundred and twenty (120) Princes, he selected three (3) Presidents.
You can see that as you go to the Top, the thing is getting narrower.
III. And out of the three (3) Presidents, he went on to make Daniel Number one (1).
In the Name that is above every othee names; in every facets of your Life, you will be Number one (1) – Amen!
2. If you get to the New Testament; the Bible teaches us that:
I. When the Lord Jesus Christ was departing this world, he left behind five hundred (500) Brethrens – 1 Corinthians 15:6.
II. Out of the five hundred (500) Brethrens, the Bible said that He appointed seventy (70) Ambassadors – Luke 10: 1-17. He asked them to go and represent Him.
III. Out of the seventy (70) Ambassadors, He Ordained twelve (12) Disciples – Mark 3: 13-15.
IV. And out of these twelve (12) Disciples, there were three (3) People called “The Inner Circle” – Peter, James and John.
And if you want to know the impact of these three (3), how they became Superior as it were to the other Disciples; you remembered the Story at The Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew Chapter 17.
He (Jesus Christ) brought all the twelve (12) Disciples to the bottom of the Mountain and told nine (9) of them to wait while He took only three (3) to the Top of the Mountain.
V. And then of course even out of the three (3) “Inner Circle Disciples”; there is yet one among them called “John, The Beloveth”.
As you go higher, the crowd becomes thinner!
When God is looking for Someone to take to the Highest, may He find you – Amen!
… So, there is a Room at the Top and some People are meant to be at the “Very Top”.
Now, all that I want to share bruefly this morning is – What do I need to be the one meant for the “Very Top”?
1. The First thing that you need of course is Diligence.
You must be ready for hardwork. The Almighty God doesn’t Promote Lazy People.
Proverbs 22:29 says: Seeth thou a Man diligent in his business; he will stand before Kings (He will be in the Category of Kings and not be in the Category of Mean Men).
There are People called “The Masses” – You are coming out of that Category today (Amen).
Genesis 26: 12-14 will Prove this to you – There was a Young boy called Isaac and there is no doubt about it, he was blessed of God.
And may I Stand in my Position as the Representative of God to you my children – May I say this morning: God Bless You (Amen).
He (Isaac) was blessed of God but he wasn’t Lazy. The Bible says that he sowed in the land. He was a farmer and he sowed in the land and in one Year, he had an hundredfold Returns.
He did not sit down and say: Okay, I have made it to the Top. The Bible said that he went Forward.
In other words, he kept on doing what he was doing more vigorously.
He went Forward and Grew – He didn’t just go Forward, he went Upwards.
And he did not stop until he become “Very Great” – So Great that a Whole Nation envied him.
It doesn’t matter where you are now – In the Bible Text that I read to you; God can pick up a Beggar from the dunghill and keep on Promoting him (Everlastingly) until he begin to sit among Princes.
This boy (Isaac) kept on working harder and harder and harder; until he became the envy of a Nation.
A day is coming when Somebody is going to say to you – My son/daughter, how are you doing it? Are you the only one worshipping God?
And you will say: Come and Learn – Come and see me working while you are sleeping; come and see me Fasting while you are feasting; come and see me Praying at night while you are Playing, watching Television or sleeping; come and see me busy when you are taking Holidays almost everyday.
The Word of God is clear – He said that the diligent hand shall bear rule but the slothful shall be under Tribute.
If you are slothful, you are Lazy, if you won’t Study and you want to get First Class?
If they give you First Class for Laziness, then your University is useless
It is Possible for the Almightt God to make you the Best and the Greatest in any area of endeavour if you are willing to be diligent.
Oh, but I’m a Child of God; Oh I worship God day and night; I am always singing and shouting Hallelujah. How come that I fail my exams?
Do you Study? – But what about the Holy Spirit? The Bible says that the Holy Spirit will remind you of things that I have taught you.
You will Study and when you get to the Examination Hall, you won’t forget. The Holy Spirit will remind you of what you have already studied.
And like I told some of my children years ago when they said that they were busy worshipping God – During Examination, they were still at Midnight singing Praises.
It is good to Praise the Lord, but you must still Study.
But daddy, what about the Holy Spirit?
When you fail, the Holy Spirit will comfort you. He will say: My dear Boy/Girl, when there is Life, there is Hope. Next Year, Study harder!
My Professor of Mathematics told us way back in 1964 – And by then, he got his PhD in 1928 and he was always boasting that: The Head of Department University of London was my Student; the Head of Department in Harvard was my Student
OPENHEAVEN.NETNOTES: Harvard University is a Private Ivy League Research University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is Founded in 1636 as Harvard College and named after its first benefactor, the Puritan Clergyman John Harvard. It is the Oldest Institution of Higher learning in the United States and among the Most Prestigious in the world.
He (The Professor) told us that for you to remember something, that you have to read it ten (10) times. He said that Intelligence is important but diligence is more important.
Tell your Neighbour – I hope you are hearing!
2. But then, you need the Spirit of God.
It is not enough to just be hardworking; you need the Spirit of God to guide you.
And Genesis 41: 1-end – You know the Story.
A King had two (2) Dreams and they troubled him. And so they were looking for Someone who could interpret the Dream.
Finally, Somebody mentioned Joseph and they brought Joseph. He interpreted the Dreams and then gave Solutions to the Problem.
The King said that: Can we find a better Man than this, in whom the Spirit of God is?
… An Idol Worshipping King, when he saw a Man who has the Spirit of the Living God, he recognised him and Promoted him.
He said that the only way that I can say that I am higher than you; so that it won’t be as if I Promoted you above myself is only “The Throne”. Every other things I give to you Joseph.
We Prayed a Prayer earlier on that God will accelerate our Promotions.
This boy woke up one morning as a Prisoner, he went to bed as a Prime Minister.
God will accelerate your Promotions – Amen!
In Daniel 6:3, that we read earlier on; the reason they made Daniel Number One (1) of all the Officers was because an Excellent Spirit was found in him.
When the whole of Israel was marching to the Promised Land and God was looking for Someone to replace Moses, He got Joshua.
And when we talk about Joshua, you know about him – He wasn’t a Lazy Fellow. When it comes to war, he will be there leading the battle. When Nobody was around with Moses on the Mountain, he was there – Diligent Boy!
The Bible says in Deuteronomy 34:9 that Joshua the son of Nun was filled with the Spirit of Wisdom because Moses has laid his hands on him.
You want to lead? Then you have to have the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Wisdom.
3. And then of course, you have to be Pure.
You have to be Pure because the Spirit of God is Holy – It is called “The Holy Spirit”.
You have “God, The Father” – The Angels are always there to shout: Holy, Holy, Holy; Lord God Almighty. He is simply called “God”.
You have heard about “The Lord Jesus Christ” – Born without sin, tempted in so many ways Possible; yet without sin. But we don’t get to go about to say: “Holy Jesus”. We just simply say: “Jesus”.
But when it comes to the Spirit – He say that there are many Spirits but you have to make my own clear. Everytime that you talk about that Spirit of God, you attached the word “Holy” to it – “The Holy Spirit”.
Consider Joseph in Genesis 39: 1-end – He (Joseph) was brought as a Slave, he was a Diligent Slave. He was so diligent that the Master handed over everything to him.
And then Temptation came – The wife of the Master said: Come and lie with me. He wasn’t the one saying: Wife of Master, how now. It was the wife of the Master who offered herself to him.
What was the reply of Joseph – How can I do this evil thing and sin against my God?
The Bible said that the wife of the Master tried to cornered him but he ran.
I used to tell my children (My Girls) years ago – If anybidy tries to lure you to sin; stop him, kick him, knock him. Do everything you can do to get away.
Ha, I’m supposed to be as harmless as a Dove! – Someone wants to destroy your Destiny and you are talking about being harmless as a Dove? He (God) also said: Be Wise as a Serpent.
Oh, Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God! But He is also called “The Liion of The Tribe of Judah” – He knows how to roar.
When it comes to Somebody contaminating you, don’t be Gentle – Come out as a Lion. Kick, bite and run!
Not only to my girls but I have talked to my boys too – You have heard me say that again and again: When you see one Sister smiling at you in a funny way; run. There are some battles that you don’t wait to fight but you will run.
If you say: Daddy, you mean you are still running at your age? – Ha, faster than before.
The Closer you get to your Finishing Line, the more careful you should be – Keep yourself Pure!
Daniel 1: 1-end – The Bible made it clear. The King said that they should be feeding some Slaves he has caught with the King’s food. Daniel said that I am not going to defy my body as my body belongs to God – No wonder, he got to the Top.
Hebrews 1:9 ‘says: Because you love Righteousness and you hate Iniquities, that is why God, even your God has anointed you with the Oil of Gladness above your Fellows.
If you really mean it that you want to get to the Top; keep yourself Pure
Maybe, the Summary of it; you can find in one Fellow that got to the Top – His name is David.
He was a Shepherd Boy who became a King. Then he messed up; attempted what he shouldn’t have done – He was sleeping at a time when Kings are supposed to go to war. You know the Story!
So, he woke up in the Evening and saw a woman bathing. I think that you should wonder – What is that woman doing bathing in the open?
The Elders (African Elders) has a saying: When the devil wants to set his trap for you; he made it very easy for you to fall into!
I told some of my children sometimes in 2018 – When I was going A-Fishing, the roads were awful, then we have to travel in kilometers.
Sometimes, I have been travelling that kind of road for three (3) days and my body says I can’t take it anymore. So, I broke down and then for the first time in my Life; I have to spend Christmas Day on bed.
After I recovered, some of my children came to me and say: Daddy, you have done your bit – You have been going A-Fishing now way back since 1977. Go and rest as that the rest of us will do what is left to be done.
I said: Thank You. So, during Christmas time, when People are going A-Fishing; I should stay at home eating Turkey and then fall asleep and then wake up and see a woman bathing.
How many of you will Press on until you reach the Goal? So shall it be in Jesus Name – Amen!
So, David messed up and God was angry with him. And he Prayed a Prayer. That Prayer is found in Psalms 51: 1-end.
That was the Prayer that he Prayed when he saw that he was in serious trouble.
But let us look at Verses 11 and 12 – Psalms 51: 11-12
11. Cast me not away from thy Presence; and take not thy Holy Spirit from me.
12. Restore unto me the Joy of thy Salvation; and uphold me with thy Free Spirit.
There are three (3) things you need to Note: OPENHEAVEN.NET
1. If you are not a Child of God, repent. You need Salvation and you need the Blood of Jesus Christ to wash you clean.
2. You need to be Baptised by Water (Immersion).
3. Then the Holy Spirit can come.
When you have these three (3) things; and add Diligence to it; then you will reach the Top!
Acts 21: 37-38 – Peter Preached a Sermon and the People that heard him say: Sir, what should we do. He said:
1. Repent.
2. Be Baptisee in Water for the remission of your sin.
3. Then receive the Holy Spirit.
It simply means that if you are a Backslider, come back to the Lord, get Baptised in water by immersion and call to God for the Holy Spirit.
Then make up your Mind.
I know that the Doctors are wonderful People. They say that you need eight (8) hours of sleep a day. They know what they are talking about as they are well Trained.
But I have explained to them to P,ease forgive me – I can’t imagine myself sleeping for four (4) Months in a Year. Because if I sleep eight (8) hours in a day, that is one-third of the whole day and one-third of a Year is how many Months? – Four (4) Months!
There was a Poem that I learnt in 1957 and I am going to close with that – When I was in Year 2 at Ilesa Grammar School in Osun State Nigeria.
It says that – There is a Height (Certain Height) that some People reach and kept.
I said: Why? – It says because while their Companies were sleeping, they were Pressing Upwards in the Njght.
OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: “The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow POET
There is a Height that you can reach – Not only reach, but keep it and even stay there. But while your Companies were sleeping, you must be toiling Upwards in the Night.
The Plan of the Almighty God for every Child of God is that we will be the Head and not the Tail – He said thar we will be Above Only!
Do you know the meaning of “Only” there? You will reach the Top and stay there.
Are you saying: Sir, I don’t look like that now sir but I used to be?
And if there is anything that you learnt from Boxing, it is that it takes a lot of Preparation before you can become a Champion. Because the Champion will never want you to take his crown easily.
But the moment that you become a Champion, then you discovered that you have just started because everybody now will want to take away your Crown.
And so the Champion works harder than the Challenger.
You want to reach the Top my children, and you want to stay there; then you must keep on Pressing on!
So, those of you listening to me all over the world or reading now on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET; and you are not yet a Child of God; you need Salvation first. And as soon as you are saved, you need Water Baptism and then you can cry to God for the Spirit of God.
Combine all these with Diligence, then I will soon see you at the Top!
So, if you have not given your Life to Jesus Christ, wherever you may be listening to me or reading now on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET; I will count from one (1) to four (4). If you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ; then cry for your Salvation. I will then Pray with you then God will save your Soul and as soon as Possible, seek for Baptism of Water and then Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
So, go to the nearest Altar to you now as I begin to count.
Now, those of you that are infront already at the Altar and those of you on the way; cry to God – Ask Him to be Merciful unto you, ask Him to save your Soul, ask Him to give you Genuine Salvation.
Those of you who are Backsliders, go ahead and talk to God – And say: Lord, Please restore unto me the Joy of my Salvation. Don’t take your Spirit from me.
And the rest of us, let’s Pray for our New Brothers and Sisters – Asking the Almighty God to save their Souls and to restore to Himself every Backsliders.
Let’s cry to God for a minute or two (2) – Intercede for them.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God, You can see all Your Children coming forward to surrender their lives to You today all over the world Father.
As many that has come to You for Salvation Father, Please receive them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins
I Pray Lord God Almighty that their Salvation will be Genuine and that from now on, anytime they cry unto You; You will answee them by Fire.
As for Backsliders coming back home; receive them all. And Lord I Pray that they will never backslide again.
My Lord and my Saviour, in a moment; Your Children will be crying unto You, asking that You will take them to the “Very Top”. Everything that they need to get to the Top, Father give unto them. And even before this time Next Month, let the Testimonies of Your Children be: Ha, my Promotion is being accelerated and so let it be. OPENHEAVEN.NET
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ; Please look to your left and you will see Someone lifting up a Placard, follow them and the will collect the information that I needed from you.
I need your names, your Address and your Prayer so that I can be Praying for you.
If you heard this Message or read it on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET and you have given your Life to Jesus Christ; look for any The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) near you. Ask the Pastor there what to do and he will help you out – God Bless You!
Now, the rest of us will rise to our feet.
Today is Thanksgiving Sunday – So, shout a Big Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
And later on, you will be guided how to go about your Thanksgiving.
But for now, lift your Voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, I want to be Praising You at the “Very Top”; take me there very quickly Oh Lord.
Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God!