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RCCG July 2023 Holy Ghost Service



DATE: 7TH JULY, 2023


Well, let’s lift our hands to the Almighty God and continue to Praise Him.

Let us Worship Him, give Glory to Jehovah, the God that is More Than Enough, the One who can do and undo, the One who has Power to do absolutely anything.

Thank You Lord. In Jesus’ Marvelous Name we have Worshipped – Amen!


1. You are Worthy
Oh Lord, You are Worthy
You are Worthy to be Glorified
You are Worthy
Oh Lord, You are Worthy
You are Worthy to be Glorified

2. Angels are Singing
You are Worthy Oh Lord
You are Worthy Oh Lord

We are Singing Lord
You are Worthy Oh Lord
You are Worthy
You are Worthy Oh Lord

You are Worthy Lord
You are Worthy Lord
You are Worthy Lord
You are Worthy Lord


Almighty God; King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Ancient of Days, Unchangeable Changer, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Holy One of Israel, the I AM THAT I AM; Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace – Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Father, Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Out of Your Great Mercy Lord, You have done Miraculous Things in our midst – We have heard Testimonies, Proving to us that You are still on our Side.

Oh Lord, accept our Thanks in Jesus’ Name.

Tonight, Prove Yourself again, do more than we can dare Hope for and then take all the Glory.

In Jesus’ Marvelous Name we have – Amen.

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

And then shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People – Tell them: God will Glorify His Name in your Life tonight (Amen).

And then you may Please be seated, with the Exception of those of you who are Born in the Month of July.


If you are Born in the Month of July, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Holy Name for Your Children who are Born in the Month of July.

July is the Seventh (7th) Month of the Year and Seven (7) is the Month of Perfection.

Concerning these Your Children, my Father and my God; everything that has to do with them, Father Perfect it.

Give them Perfect Joy, Perfect Success, Perfect Testimonies, Perfect Anointing, Perfect Desires to Serve You, Perfect Promotion, Perfect Prosperity, Perfect Unction, Perfect Support.

Let it be well with them Perfectly.

In Jesus’ Marvelous Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let all those Born in the Month of July shout another Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Congratulations to you all!

And it shall be Perfectly well with you – Amen!

I have just returned from a Journey. I spent most of Last Month (June) in America because of our America Convention 2023 and I had to do some other things – Dedicating Churches et cetera et cetera.

Also read; rccg-convenant-restoration-assembly-cra-theme-light-up-midlands-birmingham-united-kingdom

And I visited one of our Branches – The last time I was there was several years ago and I just felt impressed by the Lord to go there again.

The Last time that I visited the Place; there was this very Young Boy who had Sickle Cell of the worst type. He was having crisis upon crisis and the Doctors had said that it is not likely he will live long.

And that little boy heard that I was coming to visit their Parish and said to the Pastor, “Maybe if I could see Daddy; God may heal me.”

The Pastor said, I can’t guarantee that but we will see!

But lo and behold, as he was getting to Church that Day, my car arrived.

And so, as I was coming out of the car; I just saw this “Little Child” and everybody knows that I love children. And I just went to the Child and hug him.

This Last time that I was back in the Church and I met a Young Man and he said: They said I won’t make it but now I am a Graduate and I have not visited the Hospital for years,

This time as we hugged; I was so full of Joy – Tears came to my eyes.

Now, the reason I’m telling you the Story is because there is Someone here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC – A Miracle is coming your way that will cause you to weep for Joy!

If you are the one, let your Hallelujah be the Loudest – HALLELUJAH!


1. The first Friday of Next Month (August); there won’t be Holy Ghost Service because our Annual Convention for Year 2023 is Next Month (August).

And The RCCG Convention for this Year (2023) is going to be from 7th to 13th August 2023.

So the Friday of the Convention is the one that will be for the Holy Ghost Service!

The Theme for our Convention is: “BEYOND EXPECTATIONS”.

In other words, it doesn’t matter what you are Expecting; God will do more than you can Expect.

So, the Holy Ghost Service of August 2023 is going to be on the 11th of August 2023 instead of the 4th of August 2023!

2. Then Please Advertise the RCCG Annual Convention 2023 very well.

Tell your friends, Neighbours, Colleagues and even your Enemies.

You can be rest assured that when your invite and bring your Enemies, the Lord will touch them and they won’t be your Enemies again.

So, Call them, Text them, WhatsApp them, Put it on your Facebook.

Then like I used to tell my children in America – Twitter them, Blogger them, Uplink them, do whatever you can do and just ensure that you download them down to the Redemption Camp for The RCCG Annual Convention 2023.

Genesis 17:1 – And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou Perfect.

The first time God introduced Himself to Man was in Genesis 17:1 and He said, “I am Jehovah El-Shaddai – The God who is More Than Enough”.

According to Bible Scholars (those who know the Bible very well), they said that what God said was: I am God, your Mother’s breast. That if you as a child can suck the milk in your mother dry, it is only then you can exhaust Me. I am the inexhaustible God. There is Nothing you want from Me that is not there.

A woman can give birth to four (4) children.

We heard the Testimony of one in our Meeting just a week ago ( NOTES: During the Year 2023 Day Out With The God of Daddy GO for Western Zone Nigeria) – She gave birth to four (4). If you see the lady, she wasn’t very big, but the four (4) children would suck breasts until they are tired and there would still be breast milk flowing.

The All-Sufficient One! – Sufficient for you, Sufficient for me, Sufficient for all your Neighbours, Sufficient for all Christians all over the world.

He is the All-Sufficient God!

And I am so Grateful to God as I listened to the Testimonies of tonight – I saw clearly that He was Preparing us for something Extraordinary.

Every Miracle is Special but the Testimonies of tonight are Extra-Special.

You see, many atimes, when you listen to some of these Testimonies, you need to put yourself into the situation – Imagine a Relation of yours bleeding through the nose, bleeding through the mouth, bleeding through the ears, bleeding through the eyes. How would you feel?

And yet there is a God, my God who can pick that situation and today we see the Fellow Healthy and Strong!

Imagine you were one of those People kidnapped and they took their cutlass – Their cutlass is not blunt, their cutlass is sharp! And they brought it down on your leg. You were expecting blood to begin to flow (that is if the bone is not shattered) and you look down…

I mean, when your Kidnappers begin to beg you to Pray for them. Does it not remind you of what happened in Egypt when Pharaoh said to the children of Israel: “Please go quickly and bless me also?”

There is a God in Heaven!

And very, very soon, all your Enemies would come and bow down to you – Amen.

I shared a Testimony with my children (The Disciples) yesterday – You can get the Full Text of this Message Only on the Label

I saw it on the Internet; that there was this Soldier who is a Christian and won’t keep his mouth shut. He was always talking about Jesus, and so the others were always bullying him. And one day, they decided to disgrace him.

And they were gathered together and the Leader of the Group Commanded the Christian Soldier, “I want you to drive this car from here to there and park it.” And the boy said, I’m sorry Sir, I don’t know how to drive. “I say, I Command you, take the key!” And the boy took the key, entered into the car because when he said, “I can’t drive” the Commander said, “ask your Jesus to help you now”.

The boy got into the car and drove the car Perfectly and Parked it where they said it should be Parked. Then he came out of the car. And he saw all the Soldiers weeping, he saw their Leader trembling, removed his cap. And the boy was wondering: “What’s going on?”

And the Leader of the Group went to the car, opened its bonnet – Because there is no Engine in the car!

That’s my God, you know – Yes!

I believe God wants me to tell you some of these Stories so that before this Night is out, you will know who is called Jehovah El-Shaddai – Amen.

I told the Pastors at the Prayer Room, the Testimony – You know, a day is coming when we will have Holy Ghost Service and all we will do will just be Testimonies.

Will that be alright? – Yes, Sir!

I won’t tell you all the details (because this is being aired all over the world); but we have a Church somewhere where a Church is not supposed to be, in one of these Nations. And the Pastor there contacted me Months ago.

He said, Daddy Please Pray for us – There is this woman in our little Church. The Doctors have told her she has no womb: so there is no way she can ever have a child. But we believe that if you Pray God will do it”.

So I Prayed! And yesterday I got a call from him; Daddy, we are all weeping for Joy here, because the woman without a Womb is now Pregnant!

I hereby decree, in the Name that’s above every other name – Everything that is missing in your body shall come back (Amen).

You know, when I was Younger (because I am still Young); we have these People who come to our Village selling Medicine – They call them, “Fine Medicine.”

Some of the old People will know them. And they come and sell us anything; we don’t know which is which.

So one day they came; I think that was when Capsules had just been introduced. And they were telling us, finally, we have a Medicine that can cure every Sickness – The same Medicine for headache, for stomach ache: One Tablet cures all.

That’s what they say – Of course we came to discovered later on, they were just deceiving us.

But do you know; Medicine has been searching that one day they will find a drug that can cure all Sicknesses – Won’t that be wonderful?

If they can just find one drug that could be good for headache, good for stomach ache, good for asthma, good for cancer – Will that not be Wonderful?

But I have Good News for you – We already have that Tablet. What’s His Name? JESUS!

Call that Name again – JESUS.


He is Sufficient for one (1) Person – That’s you!

In John 5:2-9, the Bible tells us, a Man has been sick for Thirty eight (38) years. Jesus came in, He didn’t touch him, He just spoke and the Sickness of Thirty eight (38) years ended.

It doesn’t matter how long you have been sick; in the Name that’s above every other name, tonight you will be healed – Amen.

But then, Jesus healed him and left the Place. What about all the others?

Well, in Matthew 8:14-17; the Bible tells us how Jesus entered into Peter’s house and saw the mother-in-law sick of fever and healed her and News spread! And so the People around began to bring their sick People, and every one of them was healed.

You know, I have a feeling within me, and I believe that there might be one (1) or two (2) People who would share the feelings that, this is a Night like that Night – Amen.

That everybody here or reading now on the Label of DMC must be Healed – Amen.

He is Sufficient for one (1), but He is also Sufficient for All. And He can heal just by Speaking.

The Bible says, He sent His Word and He Healed them”.

He can heal by Touching – And He said clearly in Mark 16:17-18! that His Disciples can continue to do the same thing for Him.”You shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover!”

And I am going to ask you to do something you have Probably not done before – something Special on this very Special Night.

And for you to understand, I will remind you of a Story – The first time I went to Zambia; that is almost thirty (30) years ago.

I got there, I ate something very different from what I’m used to eating, so my Stomach got angry and I began to go to the Toilet in the Night. I think when it was about the twenty-fourth (24th) time that I have been to the Toilet; suddenly I remembered that it is written…

If the Pastor is sick, he could run to the General Overseer. To whom will the General Overseer run? God!

Then I remembered it is written, you shall lay hands on the sick and he shall recover – He didn’t say who the sick would be. I am the sick one now and this is my hand. So I laid the hand on my head and I said: In the Mighty Name Of Jesus, stomach obey God. It is written, I will eat any deadly thing, it won’t hurt me. And the stooling stopped!

I told you that because I want you to lay your own hand on your own head now and Decree and say: In the Mighty Name of Jesus, everything in my body that should not be there, get out now!

Say it loud and clear let God hear you – Decree it, lay your own hand on your own head and say: In the Mighty Name of Jesus, body hear the Word of God, be made Whole now!

He is Sufficient for one (1), He is sufficient for All. He can heal by Touching, He can heal by Speaking, He can heal through His Dress, He can heal through the Anointed handkerchief of His Servants.

And you have heard several Testimonies along that line.

He can heal through Shadow – Because in Acts 5:14-16, the Bible tells us, the Shadow of Peter was healing the sick.

By whatever method, you will receive your Healing Balm tonight – Amen.


He is Sufficient for one (1).

In 1 Kings 17:8-16, He was Sufficient for the Widow of Zarephath.

That woman had one Meal left, God stepped in; and for almost three (3) years she kept on having food every day.

But He is not just Sufficient for one (1), He is sufficient for All.

In John 6:5-13, He fed five thousand (5,000) Men – Not counting children; with five (5) loaves of bread and two (2) fishes. And there were twelve (12) Baskets leftovers.

… Everybody ate and everybody was full.

I have a feeling within me that God has arranged tonight’s Meeting Specifically so that all of us who are connected with us in one way or the other or reading now on the Label of DMC, in a way we cannot explain, all our Financial Problems will be Solved – Amen.


He is Sufficient to deliver one (1) Person.

If that Fellow has only one (1) demon, as in Mark 1:23-27. He’ll just speaks a Word and the demons would be gone.

If the Fellow has as many as seven (7) demons – According to Luke 8:1-3, God is Sufficient. Because Mary Magdalene had not just one (1) but seven of them; and God was Sufficient for the seven (7).

If a man has a Legion – As you know very well, in Mark 5:2-20; the Madman of Gadara, he had a Legion. And my God was still Sufficient for all of them.

But He is not just Sufficient for one (1) Person, He is Sufficient for even a Whole City.

In Acts 8:5-8, Philip went to the City of Samaria and flushed out every Demon there.

I have Good News for Someone here today or reading mow on the Label of DMC; because of you, every demons in your Village will be cleared out – Amen.


He can give Spiritual Power to just one (1) Person.

In Acts 9:1-22, He empowered Saul of Tarsus, after He knocked him down on the road to Damascus.

But He can also empower as many People as are Present.

In Acts 2:1-4, everyone Present in the Upper Room got the Power of the Holy Ghost, the same day, the same time.

A young man met me and said, Daddy, I want the kind of Power God has given you: Do you think He can give it to me? I said, why not? He is Sufficient for one (1) and He is Sufficient for All.

Is anybody hungry for Power here tonight? (Yes). My God will empower you – Amen.


Whether by Sea, in Mark 4:35-41; He spoke a Word “Peace be still” – and the waves became quiet.

Thank You Father!

The Lord says there is for somebody here tonight, or reading now on the Label

He said the one who is Ordained to bring about your Promotion will have a Special Dream tonight – Amen.

But there are Storms that are not Storms on the Ocean – There are Storms of Life.

In Numbers 6:1-35, when all of a sudden a lot of People ganged up against Moses and began to Challenge his Authority, and began to speak all manner of rubbish against him. God stepped on the scene, and in just one moment, all the Enemies were swallowed alive.

You don’t know what is a Storm until somebody lies against you and he says, “I Stand by what I said” – and you have no way of Proving that it is wrong.

I Pray that you will never experience that type of Storm – Amen.

I mean, consider you a Young boy and all of a sudden a girl comes and say, “I am Pregnant for you.” Me? Where did I meet you? And she insisted, “you are the one who did it.” And everybody will be saying: Are you the only boy in town? How come she came to you alone?

And you keep saying, “but it’s not me! Where is your Witness?” And the girl says, what kind of Witness are we talking about? Do you invite a Witness in that kind of situation?

If there is any gang up of People against you, in the Name that’s above every other name, God will take care of them – Amen.

He can still a Storm that comes in the Air:

In Psalms 91:5, the Bible says you don’t have to be afraid of you terror by Night or arrows that fly by day.

Oh, Storms can come in the Air.

I’ll remind you of the Story of a Man who came years ago with his wife. He said, “I am sorry Sir, I’ve discovered that my wife is a Witch who is troubling me and I want you to help me”.

I asked Sister, is it true? She said, don’t mind him, it is his mother who is a Witch, not me.

And I was much Younger then – Sp I said, well Sister, I agree with you. I won’t mind him. Let us reach an Agreement: Let me Pray for you; if he is lying against you everything you just do will keep on Prospering. But if it is the Truth, I will decree that the demon in you be bound.

And since you say there is no demon, then there is no Problem. But you need to know because the man had said, “I have sensed the demon, it is a snake.” If I say let the snake be bound, the snake won’t be able to go out to hunt. So it will be eating what is inside and be defecating inside.

She asked me to Pray and I said, okay!

So we Prayed! And when her husband brought her back weeks later, she had become about three (3) times her Normal size: because the demon had been depositing all kinds of rubbish in her.

Anyone who has been using any form of evil force to slow you down; if they don’t repent, I decree that all their evil forces be bound – Amen.

Thank You Father!

Some of you would remember the Story of a boy whose Parents are Professors at University of Ibadan but the boy was so dull. You can imagine, the father a Professor, the mother a Professor but the boy?

He was always at the bottom of the Class. And moving from a class of twenty five (25) to a Class of thirty (30), his Position would move from twenty-fifth (25th) to thirtieth (30th).

And then the Parents got Born Again, and brought the boy; and we Prayed a Simple Prayer for the boy and God intervened.

In the next Examination, the boy took first (1st).

The Teachers said it is not Possible. They said even if they gave him the Answers to copy, he will copy it wrongly. So they gave him another exam and he scored higher.

So he became a Surprise to his Lecturers.

I told you the Story because God said: There is someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC; that from now, your Academic Performance will Surprise your Teachers – Amen!


He can give Joy to one (1) Person and make that Joy so big that others would share.

Like in Genesis 21:1-7, Sarah said: “God has made me Laugh, and all those who hear would Laugh with me.

That would be the Testimony of somebody here today or reading now  – Amen.

But God can give Joy to a Whole Nation. He is Sufficient to do that.

In Exodus 15:1-20, it was a whole Nation singing, dancing after God has put an end to their Problems.

How many of you will say ‘Amen’ if I should say that Nigeria will never know sorrow again?”  – Amen!

… That Amen is not loud enough – Amen!

And for those of you in other Nations, I also want to decree in the Name that’s above every other name: God will give Joy to your Nations – Amen.

But now, because of time (I want you to spend some time in Prayers): let’s get a bit Personal.

Thank You Father!

I’m sure you know the Story of David and Goliath – We all know the Story.

But many of us don’t pay attention to something David did – You know, when he got to the brook, the Bible said he took five (5) “Smooth Stones’.

He was going to fight Goliath but he took five (5) “Smooth Stones”.

It is later on as you Study the Bible further that you would discover that Goliath had four (4) brothers.

David didn’t know, but he just took five (5) Stones – Guided by the Holy Spirit. One (1) Stone for Goliath, four (4) Stones for his brothers.

The Lord asked me to tell you (Somebody in Particular) or a Reader on the Label  – He said He will take care of your Goliath; and He will take care of all his allies (Amen).

My Daddy asked me to say this one:

That one day Somebody is going to Stand here to Testify that five (5) People died in a row in their family.

And then they will remember that God said: “I will take care of your Goliath and all his allies” – Amen.


We discussed that one during the Holy Communion yesterday.

1 John 1:7, says the Blood of Jesus Cleanses from all sin.

That’s why the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, Therefore if any Man be in Christ, he is a New Creature: Old Things are Passed away; behold, all Things are become New.

In 2 Corinthians 7:2, Paul said, “I have wronged no man.”

Paul said, I have never done wrong to any Man. The first time I read it I said, Paul, you lied! You were the Chairman the day they were stoning Stephen – If I don’t know of any other one, I know that.

But then the Lord spoke to me, “the one who was Chairman when they were stoning Stephen died on the road to Damascus; the man who got up from the ground was a Brand New Creature.”

Everything you have ever done in the Past, if the devil tries to remind you, tell him, “my God has taken care of all – Amen.

He is Sufficient for everything evil that I did before I met the Lord Jesus.

God made a Promise in Jeremiah 31:34 – He said, not only will I forgive; He said, I will not even remember your sins again. “Their sins will I remember no more.”

This one is my own – Amen!

The Lord says, there is Someone who is expecting one (1) Open Door.

He asked me to tell you: Before the end of the Year (2023), I will open Seven (7) – Amen.

So you can begin to count them – Maybe when they are seven (7) you will come and Testify.

I know it’s a Special Night!

Daddy asked me to remind you of the Story of one of my daughters – Her boss in her Place of work was harassing her because she refused to Compromise. So he told her, “there will be no Promotion for you as long as I am here.”

And then we Prayed a Simple Prayer; and God got the boss transferred to another Section of the Company. And my daughter was Promoted to the Position he vacated.

As soon as my daughter settled down, they brought the former boss back – So they were now on equal level.

Well, the Lord asked me to tell someone that Story – He said: “I am going to put you in a Place where no man would ever be able to harass you again” – Amen.

Maybe one of these days (if I remember) I will tell you a Story:

But all that God wants me to tell you now is that there is Somebody here or reading now on the Label of DMC, who has just lost a very big Opportunity.

And the Lord asked me to tell you in a Parable that: “You missed the Train so that you will not miss the Plane” – Amen.

When the time comes, you will understand!

No matter how fast the Train can move, it can only move on Land. The Plane can fly!

It’s a Joy if you miss The Train so that you don’t miss the Plane – Amen.

Now, God is not only Sufficient in my Past – as we learnt yesterday during the Holy Communion;


Psalms 23:1-6 tells you everything you Need on a Daily basis that God will Supply:

– First of all He gives you food to eat.

– He gives you water to drink.

– He gives you adequate sleep.

– He Protects you from all manner of animals (wild animals) et cetera.

– He Prepares a Table before you in the Presence of your Enemies.

– He Pours Anointing on your head until it Overflows.

– He sees to it that surely Goodness and Mercy Shall follow me (for how long)? All the Days of my Life!

Oh! My God, Thank You!

… I like this one that is why I Laughed.

The Lord said there is Someone here, or reading now on the Label of DMC – He said: All Human Sciences are saying to you, “it is too late”.

Daddy asked me to tell you, “I will defeat all Sciences with a Wonder – Amen.

Oh My Father, You are Good!

The Lord asked me to tell Someone Inclusive those reading now on  Jonah spent three (3) Nights in Total Darkness; but he was still brought out into the Light and still fulfilled Destiny.

He asked me to tell you: Your third (3rd) Night is Tonight! You will still fulfill Destiny – Amen.


The Lord is Sufficient For your Past, He Sufficient for your Present, and Sufficient for your Future.

Because He is not only Alpha but He is also Omega – Revelation 1:8.

And the Bible says, like we learnt also yesterday – Colossians 1:27 made it clear: Christ in you, the Hope of Glory.

As the Lord lives, if you are a True child of the Living God, you are not going to end in Shame – Amen.

I am going to give you a little Case Study before I Close. And that will be the Case of one fellow called “Esau.”

You know, before Esau was born – According to Romans 9:10-16, God had said, “I hate Esau.”

He wasn’t born yet; he hasn’t even done anything right or wrong. He said, “Esau would serve his Younger brother.” – Poor Esau!

And you know in Genesis 47:1-40, when it was time for Esau to be blessed, he wasn’t around on time. But God is still so good; that this boy who got just a remnant of Blessing was so blessed!

When you read Genesis 32:1-7, when the one who got the big Blessing was coming and the one who got the little Blessing was coming to meet him; it was the one who got the big blessing who was trembling.

Our God is so Great that if what you get Tonight is a Crumb of Blessing, your Life can still be amazingly Glorious – Amen.

But I want to assure you, you are not going to get a Crumb because Crumbs are meant for dogs – Amen.

In Matthew 15:21-28, when that woman came to Jesus Christ and said: help, my daughter is grievously vexed of the devil. Jesus said, I can’t give the bread of children to dogs.

The woman said, yes Sir, I agree, I am a dog. But a dog can at least get a Crumb that fell down from the child’s table.

She got a Crumb and the Crumb solved her Problem.

Tonight, in the Name that’s above every other name: you will get a whole loaf of bread – Amen.

Why? Because He is more than Enough!

A Crumb from Him can Perform Wonders. So you can then imagine what a real loaf can give!

This one is mine again, but I will just Share it with you (and I am about to Close):

I told you that years ago, I went to the East

As I was returning and I got to Asaba (Delta State of Nigeria) and I was Standing there waving every car to see if they would give me a lift to Lagos;

And if you are looking for a lift; you are looking for ‘Kabu-kabu’ ( “Kabu-Kabu” means: An informal Term used for a Taxi Cab that Plies Designated Routes) – So you look for a car that looks as if the owner wants to make some “Quick Money” by giving you a lift and Charging you.

So all the old cars that I saw, I waved them down but none of them stopped.

Then I saw this Brand New Mercedes Benz Car 280 – It was coming; and when I saw how Brand New it is, I didn’t bother to wave because this Person is not going to pick up anybody.

But I just raised my hand and I didn’t quite wave; and the car passed by. And all of a sudden he stopped and reversed to where I was Standing.

And he said, you need a lift? I said, yes Sir! “Where are you going?” I said, Lagos.

He said, come in. And you know, I was Standing by the roadside, he was at the driver’s seat. When I entered, I sat at the ‘owner’s corner’ and there was somebody with him in the front.

… By the way, they were talking, they were speaking American English.

I remembered telling you that Story to you once before.

When God asked me to Prophesy to somebody that – All the Miracles that have Passed by you, will reverse back – Amen!

But that’s not even the Prophecy for tonight).

I was sitting down in the air-conditioned car. I mean, I enjoyed myself all the way to Lagos.

So we got to Palm Groove (in Lagos State) and the man branched to refuel at one Petrol Station.

And he said to me, sorry Sir, give me some one (1) minute, I want to refuel.

I said, thank you Sir, we are already in Lagos. I will take a taxi from here to my house.

He said, No! Where do you live? I said, Surulere ,(In Lagos State Nigeria).

He said, just give me few Minutes, I will take you all the way home!

My Daddy asked me to tell Someone here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC: I will help you all the way – Amen!

Oh, if you are the one, spend a Minute or two (2) Minutes Thanking God.

Say: Lord, I Thank You. I know You will help me all the way, I Thank You.

If that’s the only thing I have heard tonight, that is enough for me, Lord. Thank You Lord. May your Name be Glorified!

God is All-Sufficient – There is something that happened in the Story of Esau and Jacob that I believe is very Significant for us tonight, because this is a very Special Night.

In Genesis 32:1-7, like I said earlier on: Jacob heard that Esau was coming to meet him with four hundred (400) men, he was shattered. “The man I cheated, the man who Promised that when my father dies, I will die also; is coming with four hundred (400) Bodyguards.” He was afraid.

But God is More Than Enough – He did not just bless Jacob, he made sure that his Destiny was not truncated.

He knew that Esau was coming to kill so God arranged a Prayer Session for Jacob.

In Genesis 32:24-30, the Bible tells us an Angel can kill thousands of Soldiers in one Night. And it is that Angel now that is wrestling with Jacob and Jacob Prevailed!

So you can see drama there.

And the Angel dislocated his thighs and the boy was still wrestling. The Angel said, let me go! And Jacob said, “I won’t let you go”.

He could have dislocated his head. But because God is All-Sufficient; because God wanted an excuse. So, by the time it was the following Morning, the One who came to kill will now come to embrace – He arranged a Night of Prayer.

I believe God has arranged Tonight to be a Night of Prayer – A Night when we are going to wrestle with the All-Sufficient God. so that by tomorrow morning, every Enemy will become our friend (Amen).

And instead of our Destiny being truncated, our Destiny will become fulfilled and every Enemy will become a friend – Amen

And so when it is time to Pray tonight, I want you to remember one song we used to sing as younger Christians:


I won’t let go,
I won’t let go;
I have Jesus,
I won’t let go.

… How many of you know that Song? Hey! Not many Old People here tonight.

Tonight, we are not going to let Jesus go – We are going to wrestle until we have a Breakthrough.

How many of you are Trusting God for a Breakthrough?

By the time the Sun rises tomorrow, you will be Singing a New Song – Amen!

But before we Pray – Like I told you, Bread is for children, only Crumbs are for dogs.

And there are only two (2) Categories of People in the world – As long as God is concerned, you are either a Child of God or you are a dog. You are either Born Again or you are a dog. I am not the one who says so; it’s the Bible!


So if you are not yet a Child of God; you have not left the Category of dogs, come quickly now so that I can join my Faith with yours and we can cry to God for your Salvation.

He is Sufficient enough to Change even dogs to children. And all you need to do is to come to Him, He will save your Soul, you will become His Children and you will not be dealing with Crumbs anymore but the full loaf of Bread.

So if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ; you want to become a Child of God come now!

Okay: Cry to Jesus Christ, say Lord have Mercy on me, save my Soul, be my Lord and Saviour. Forgive all my sins, and I will serve You for the rest of my Life. I want You to take me into Your Family; I want to be a Child of God. Please Lord save my Soul tonight.

And the rest of us, Please let’s Stretch our hands to all these our New Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them – Pray that the One Who saved our Souls would save their own Souls also.

Let’s go ahead and Pray for them – Intercede for each and everyone of them. Pray that God would give them Genuine Salvation. That from now on, they would become Members of the Family of God. Please, intercede for them!

Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God I want to Thank You for Your Word tonight.

Thank You for all these People who have decided that they want to Surrender their lives to You.

Please, receive them, forgive all their sins, let Your Blood wash away their sins. Save their Souls Lord. Write their names in the Book of Life.

And I Pray that from now on my Father and my God, anytime they call unto You, You will answer them by Fire.

Please, don’t let them Backslide!

And everything that is due to a Child of God, begin to make available to them.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.

Now, those of you who have Genuinely Surrendered your Life to Jesus, I want to rejoice with you. Because from now on by God’s Grace, I would be Praying for you.

So, I need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests. God Bless You (Amen).

… There will be soft Music as we continue.

Thank You!


Now, you may want to write down your Prayer Points:

1. We all need to really Thank God for tonight.

Thank Him that He has visited us Mightily and that you are Part of this Service – Praise Him!

2. You will say: Father, I want to remain Whole Permanently – I don’t want to be ever Sick again and I know that You can do it.

3. You will say: Father, don’t let anybody in my Generation to come; ever beg for Bread.

In other words, eradicate Poverty Permanently in my Generation.

4. I want you to cry to Him and say: Father from now on, make me and my family a “No-Go-Area” for Satan and his Host.

5. You will say: Father, Please empower me tonight Abundantly.

6. You will say: Father, Please make my Future Extraordinarily Glorious.

7. Please Pray for Pastor E.A Adeboye, his Family and The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

Pray to the One who is More Than Sufficient to continue to take care of Pastor E.A Adeboye, his Family and The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

8. Pray for our forthcoming RCCG Annual Convention 2023.

That God will Supply all our Needs for the Convention – Physical, Material and Spiritual Abundantly.

So that the RCCG Annual Convention 2023 will be the Best we have had so far.

9. And then, your own Personal Prayer Requests.

I am going to give you more than fifteen (15) Minutes to Pray, because we want to wrestle with the All-Sufficient God!

So, the Altar is Open! Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God.

This is a Very Special Night indeed – Tell Him (God) that I won’t let You go tonight until You have resolved all my issues!

Thank You Jesus! Hallelujah Father. Glory be to Your Holy Name. Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


The All-Sufficient God will grant all your Requests.

He will make you Whole – Sickness will stay away from you, it will stay away from your family.

Any Appointment with Death is cancelled!

Poverty would become a Stranger to your family.

Every one of your Enemy would come and bow to you.

The Almighty God would turn your family to a No-go-Area for the devil.

He will empower you; He will empower you Mightily.

From now on, anything you touch will Prosper Mightily.

Your Future will be Gloriously – Extraordinarily Glorious.

Whatever you wish for me, God will return to you. By the Law of Harvest, if you wish me well, it will be Abundantly well with you.

Oh, by the Special Grace of God, this coming RCCG Annual Convention 2023 will be very, very Unique!

Unique in Miracles, Unique in Signs, Unique in Wonders, Unique in Testimonies and your Testimony would be the Greatest.

Much more than you can ever think, my God will Bless You!

He will answer your Prayers; He will make your Joy full.

So shall it be!

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In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

You may go back to your seats.


Now as usual, we want to Thank the Almighty God before the Final Prayer.

And if God has laid anything in your heart to do towards the Convention, Please feel free to do so. Just make sure if you are doing something for the Convention you State it Specifically.

If you are sending a Cheque for the Convention, make sure you write: “Convention”. If you are giving Cash, make sure you write “Convention” on the Envelope. And God will bless you Mightily – Amen.

So let’s take our Thanksgiving Offering: and give it Cheerfully. We will have the Final Prayer and then you will be on your way.

Thank You Father!

Okay! Now if you are ready with your Thanksgiving Offering, you Stand on your feet with Joy. You dance to the nearest basket (online) drop your Offering. And we’ll Pray the Closing Prayer.

Over to you Band!

Now you will be free to dance all the way home! And for the rest of your Life you will be dancing anyway – Amen!

I want to Pray for all Members of the School of Disciples (Old and Young) – Those of you who are here, and those of you reading now on the label of DMC.

So, if you are a Member of the School of Disciples, I am going to Pray for you (even before I bless the Offering).

… If you are not a Member of the School of Disciples, you can see that you must be missing something.

You can see how many they are! They are like this all over the world – Europe, America, Australia. All over the world we have School of Disciples Graduates, Old Students, Current Students, etc.

Very, very Special People – They know a bit more about Jesus Christ; they know a little more about Satan – That we don’t teach from the Altar. And they know more about their Weapons of Warfare.

So these are not Ordinary People.

Let me hear you shout a Disciple Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Disciples.

Thank You for whatever they have learnt. Thank You for some of them that are already Practicing what they have learnt.

Father I am Praying that they will remain a terror to the devil;

I Pray that they will remain Commandos for Christ.

I Pray that having laid their hands on the Plough, they would not look back.

I Pray Lord God Almighty, that on the Last Day, wherever You are seated, Your Disciples would be there.

I Pray that it will be well with them; and that they will remain Mighty Vessels of Honour in Your hands.

And I am Praying that through these Your Disciples, very, very soon the whole world would be shouting, “Jesus is Lord.”

Let it be well with them!

Wherever they go Lord God Almighty, hand over the Place to them; and let them serve you till the very end.

Lord I say Thank You for the Offering of Your Children. I Pray that those who have given today would never Lack.

That their hands would never touch the bottom of their Pockets.

In an Extraordinary way, my Father and my God, You will make sure that they never borrow again.

I want to Thank You my Father for what You have do done tonight. I am very, very appreciative.

I am Praying Lord God Almighty that everyone who has been Connected with the Service of tonight, or have read this Message on the Label of DMC; will have Mighty Testimonies for it.

That by the time they come for the RCCG Annual Convention 2023; they will be weeping for Joy.

Thank You Almighty God.

For in Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

The Lord would go with you! It shall always be well with you – Amen.

Let somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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