BIBLE TEXT: Matthew 5:1-12
MEMORY VERSE: MATTHEW 5:6a “Blessed are they which hunger and thirst either righteousness.”
LESSON AIM: God wants you to behave well.
CHILD RELATED TRUTH: God blesses children that behaves well.
INTRODUCTION: Beatitudes means “Be Attitude”, that is, the attitudes you ought to be. Attitude is the way we show how we feel, God wants all His children to behave well, He bless all his children that behave well.
A. Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. To be poor is to lack something you need. A person “poor in Spirit” is the one willing to admit his spiritual needs and depend on God for Help.
B. Blessed are those who morn for they shall be comforted. These are those that are sorrowful and truly sorry their sin. This is the kind of morning that Jesus meant he forgives their sin and gives them great comfort.
C. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth. The Meek are those who are; gentle, humble, those that takes correction easily, these helps us to develop good relationship with others and enjoy a speed blessing from God.
D. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled (These are those that seek God and do what is right; if you do so, you will be filled with great inner satisfaction).
E. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy (these are those who forgive others and show don’t deserve. God promises a special blessing to the merciful; they will receive mercy one way or another)
F. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. God loves clean heart, we cannot make our heart clean; only Jesus can do that, only those who allow Jesus to cleanse them from sin can see God.
CLIMAX: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Sons of God. When we make people who are enemies to be at peace with one another, we become like God and enjoy great blessing of becoming His sons. You can also become a peacemaker by telling others about Jesus and making peace between them and God.
CONCLUSION: Blessed are those who are persecuted fo righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. God wants you to endure persecutions; being calm and happy when someone makes fun of you for doing good because He wants you to be with him in heaven someday and enjoy happy days to come.
*BIBLE TEXT: Luke 19:1-10*
MEMORY VERSE: ACTS 3:19a. “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, your sins be blotted out.”
LESSON AIM: God is faithful to forgive your sins.
CHILD RELATED TRUTH: Repent and receive forgiveness.
INTRODUCTION: Repentance is feeling sorry or remorse for the sin committed, it is a change of mind that leads to; confessing your sins to God and man and turning away from them.
It involves turning from sin to God. 1 John 1:9 if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from unrighteousness.
Jesus died on the cross, so you could be forgiven of your sin and so that you could live forever with Him in heaven, to achieve this, you must confess and repent of your sins. Luke 13:3, Mark 1:15.
A. Excited that the famous Miracle worker Jesus was coming through Jericho, a tax collector named Zacchaeus determined to see Him pass along the busy street
B. People were everywhere, all scrambling for a good spot. Short Zacchaeus who longed desperately to see hurried ahead and climbed a tree. (though Zacchaeus was a short
man, the reason why he could not see Jesus was because people hated his forceful and sinful way he was collecting taxes from them to enrich the Roman government and himself. The Jews saw Zacchaeus as an awful sinner; someone who has grown rich by cheating his own people
Romans 3:23 says you and I are sinners too and our sins separates us from God. Romans 5:12 and also spoils your relationship with others. That is what happened to Zacchaeus.
C. As He passed, Jesus purposely looked at Zacchaeus and spoke kindly to him. Jesus is God’s son, He knew Zacchaeus’ sinful ways and how people feel about him yet He loves
and even though he hates sins. He loves Him no matter what he has done. God loves you too no matter what you have done or what other people think of you. Others may reject you because of how you look or what you do but God doesn’t reject us. John 3:16. Lord Jesus knew and loved Zacchaeus and wanted Zacchaeus to know Him too that’s why He
stopped and spoke to him.
D. By saying that He wanted to spend time at Zacchaeus’ home, Jesus let everyone know that He accepted Zacchaeus.
E. Surprised, but very pleased Zacchaeus quickly jumped down from the tree.
F. The offended Jews grumbled because Jesus was being a friend to a man they viewed as a terrible sinner. (the people had no love or concern for Zacchaeus, but Jesus did. Jesus saw Zacchaeus as a person of value as someone who can change completely once he received God’s forgiveness).
Jesus; God’s perfect son reached out in love to Zacchaeus and He is reaching out to you. He had come to help sinful men and women, boys and girls to find their way to God. He gave His life to save you and me from sin 1 John 1:7b. The Bible says His blood was given as the payment for sin. He died, three days later he rose again. He wants to save you no matter what you have done wrong, no matter what others think of you. And He wanted to save Zacchaeus.
CLIMAX: Zacchaeus was saved by his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in spite of his sins and rejection by the people.
CONCLUSION: Zacchaeus repented by;
I. Promised to give half of his possession to the poor.
II. He promised to make things right with anyone he has wrongly collected tax from.
The Lord assured that because he truly repented, he had been saved.
*BIBLE TEXT: Daniel 1:1-21*
MEMORY VERSE: JOHN 17:17 “Sanctify them through thy truth, your word is truth.”
LESSON AIM: As a child of God, be clean.
CHILD RELATED TRUTH: God wants you to be sanctified for His use.
INTRODUCTION: Sanctification means to be set a part for God’s use, in clean and pure state.
Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe:
Sin had left a crimson stain:
He washed it white as snow.
The King of love my Shepherd is,
Whose goodness fails never;
Inothing lack ifIam His,
And He is mine forever.
Wonderful love of Jesus saving my soul from sin,
Lifting me from its shadows giving me peace within
Crowing my life with gladness flooding with joy my way:
How can I keep from singing? Heaven has come to stay.
A. King Nebuchadnezzar sent someone to over throw Jerusalem.
B. The King ordered his commanders to bring back strong, healthy and intelligent young men from royal families
C. These gifted young men were to receive the king’s food and training.
D. The Hebrew youths were given names. The Babylonians wanted the Jewish young men to forget the true living and holy God, but their change of names could not make them
forget their God.
They changed their names from;
1. Daniel (God is my Judge) – Belteshazzar (May God protect his life)
2. Hananiah (God is gracious) – Shadrach (command of Aku)
3. Mishael (who is, what God is) – Meshach (I am of little account)
4. Azariah (the Lord has helped) – Abed-nego (servant of Nego) You too can know God like Daniel and his friends by trusting in His son Jesus Christ (John 17:3).
E. Daniel decided not to defile himself by eating the king’s food. For Daniel and his friends refused to accept things offered to idols, for accepting means they believed in those false gods. They set themselves apart for the true God. God wants you as a Christian to keep your life clean from things that can harm your body physically and spiritually. (let children give examples of such things like; smoking, drinking, drugs, looking at dirty magazines and videos.)
E. Daniel asked the chief eunuch for permission not to eat the king’s food.
G. Fearing for his life, the chief eunuch was afraid to allow Daniel the permission not to eat the king’s food.
H. Daniel requested a ten day test of eating only vegetables and water
I. The four Hebrew men were granted ten days test and they passed so they were allowed to continue their diet for three years
J. God gave them knowledge, their wisdom was superior.
CLIMAX: God honoured Daniel and his friends by allowing them serve before the king who repeatedly found them wiser than anyone else in his realm.
CONCLUSION: Daniel and his friends continued to serve under several kings.
*BIBLE TEXT: Daniel 6:1-28*
MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him; “thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.”
LESSON AIM: God wants you to remain steadfast and consecrated unto Him.
CHILD RELATED TRUTH: Remain firm in your faith and believe in God.
INTRODUCTION: 1 Corinthians 15:58 says that “therefore, my beloved brethren, be stead fast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
Have you ever been tempted to stop doing what is right (reading Bible, being honest, obeying your parents) because others who are not Christians pressured you? God wants you to be faithful, that is, to do right all the time even when doing right may get you into trouble. Daniel determined to be faithful to God, no matter what happened.
A. King Darius gave Daniel a high position for outstanding work. (Even though Daniel is in a heathen country he knew and served the true God.)
B. The other leaders spied on Daniel, hoping to catch him doing wrong; instead they found him faithful in work and in worship of God. Others may be threatened and resentful when you do what the Bible says. Don’t be unkind to them, but keep on doing what is right. God will help you.
C. Frustrated, they plotted to use Daniel’s faithfulness against him. (These men were jealous of Daniel.
Jealousy is a sin, it puts hatred in your heart. You may never have been jealous but the Bible says that you and I have sinned; Romans 3:23: sin is anything you think, say or do that does not please God. Romans 3:26 says the punishment of sin is death. God loves you and does not want you punished for your sins that is why He sent Jesus to come to Earth to die for your sins and He rose again. If you will ask Him to save you, He will give you eternal life).
D. Scheming leaders used flattery to trick the king into signing a decree that stated that all prayers must be addressed to the king.
E. Daniel chose to continue his daily worship in spite of the decree. Daniel consecrated himself to being faithful to God in spite all odds.
F. Daniel’s enemies accused him before king Darius.
G. The grieved king struggled unsuccessfully to excuse Daniel
H. King Darius reluctantly commanded that Daniel be thrown into the lion’s den. He encouraged Daniel to trust his God. The king could not sleep as he was heartbroken.
CLIMAX: God honoured Daniel’s faithfulness and consecration, so He protected him from the lions.
CONCLUSION: Daniel was lifted from the den totally unharmed. The accusers reaped what they sowed. They were devoured by the lions. The king commanded everyone to worship God and Daniel’s faithfulness was rewarded. He continued as a leader doing his best.
*BIBLE TEXT: Acts 1:3-12*
MEMORY VERSE: John 14:3a. “And I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also”
LESSON AIM: Jesus is coming back for His own.
CHILD RELATED TRUTH: Be prepared to go with Jesus when He comes.
INTRODUCTION: Jane and John were so excited they could hardly stand still as they watched for a glimpse of their dad. The few months he had been gone seemed like forever. Then suddenly he was there and they were in his arms.
After everyone calmed down a little, dad said; “I am pleased you both behaved well while I was away. I am proud to be your dad.”
Because of their good behavior the children were happy and not ashamed to see their dad. For them it was an exciting day.
Going to Heaven at the second coming of Christ will far more exciting, we will all have super bodies, we will never be weak or tired, we will have power we have never had before. Everybody will be happy in the most beautiful place,
And Jesus love will reign forevermore!
A. The past forty days had been the most exciting of the disciples lives (Jesus was nailed to a cross to die a painful death. He gave His life so as to take the punishment for your sin. He suffered so that you can be forgiven of your sin).
B. The disciples saw Jesus Christ alive during those forty days. The disciples talked with Him, ate with Him and saw in His hands and feet the scars where nails had held him on the cross.
C. Jesus promised to send God the Holy Spirit to be with them
D. As He finished speaking, Jesus went up into the air before their eyes. After, a cloud took Him from their sight. The disciples starred at the sky.
CLIMAX: Two angels appeared standing right beside them said; “Jesus would return in the same way He had gone.”
CONCLUSION: The disciples went back to Jerusalem to wait for the Holy Spirit and proclaiming with joy the promise that Jesus is coming back again.