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Let us Pray.
We give all the Glory to Jesus
And tell of His Love,
His Wonderful Love;
We give all the Glory to Jesus
And tell of His Wonderful Love.
Almighty God, the King of kings and the Lord of lords; the Ancient of Days, the Father of fathers.
The One who reigns forever! The Unchangeable Changer – We bless Your Holy Name.
We Thank You for another wonderful Month.
We Thank You for January; we Thank You for February; and we Thank You now for March.
We Thank You for all You have done for us since the beginning of the Year.
And we are Thanking You in Advance for what You would yet do even as we continue with this Wonderful Landmark Year.
Father, Please accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Mighty Name.
Today, my Father and my God, we are Praying especially for the Young Professionals, all the Youths, all the Young Adults:
We Pray Lord God Almighty, that You would guide them.
You would be with them.
You would Promote them.
You would give them a very, very Great Future.
In all areas of their lives Father, let it be well with them.
And we commit all Your Children who have been Faithful in the Paying of their Tithes and in the Giving of their Offerings:
Please Lord, this Month (March 2025), in a very Special Way; embarrass them with Your Blessings.



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Fulfil all Your Promises for them.
And just let it be well with them.
Today, as Your Word would be going forth, the Power in Your Word Lord:
Let it bring Healing to all Your Children.
Let it bring Deliverance to those who are in Bondage.
And let it give Joy to all of us.
Very, very soon my Father and my God; let it be said of us, “They know Joy Unspeakable and full of Glory.”
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.
I want to rejoice with you that the Almighty God has brought you into the Month of March (2025).
I could not be with you today, because I am in the Prayer Room Praying for you.
And I hope you too would Pray for me, because today happens to be my Birthday.
And I am looking forward to seeing you at the Special Holy Ghost Service this Friday (DMC NOTES: Friday 7th March 2025), when we would be talking on, “Joy Unspeakable.”
*Today, we have been asked to speak on: “Greater Tomorrow.”*
Our Bible Text would be: Isaiah 3:10.
Say ye to the Righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.
*In the Name that’s above every other name, I Pray for each and every one of you listening to me right now including those reading now on the Label of DMC: It shall be Well with you – Amen.*
*Your future will be Alright – Amen.
– The Past
– The Present, and
– The Future.
It is referred to as Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
Hebrews 13:8 tells us, Jesus Christ is the same Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.
*”The Past is the mother of the Present – Yesterday is the mother of Today.”*
So, when you hear People saying, “Let the Past go.” You would understand why it is difficult to let the Past go at times.
*… Because the Past is the mother of the Present.*
*And the Present has the DNA of the Past.*
*You are who you are today because of certain Decisions that you took in the Past.*
If you are a Medical Doctor today, it means somewhere in the Past, you chose to go to the Medical School – You were good in Physics, Chemistry and Biology and so you chose to do Medicine.
You could easily have chosen to be a Professor of Physics, or Chemistry, or Biology, but you chose to go to the Medical School.
So today, you are a Medical Doctor.
*Today is the mother of Tomorrow – Decisions you take Today will invariably affect your Tomorrow.*
So, Life is in Three (3) Phases;
– Past, Present and Future
– Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
*But the most important of all the three (3) – is Tomorrow.*
Ecclesiastes 7:8 says, Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof.
The most important thing is not how you start;.
It is not even how you are now;
*It is how you end!*
*The Almighty God has the ability to Guarantee your Future.*
He can make sure that your Tomorrow will be Great.
We’ve been discussing the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just about ten (10) or twelve (12) days ago.
And we could see in the lives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that God can be the Author of a Greater Tomorrow.
In Genesis 24:1, and 34-35, you would find that God blessed Abraham in all things; and made him Great.
By the time we get to Isaac, when you read Genesis 26:1-14, you would discover that Isaac became Very Great.
… The father was great, and the son was Very Great.
By the time you get to Jacob, in Genesis 30:1-end, you would discover that he was called, Exceedingly Great.
So when we are talking about the Past, you can call Abraham – Great.
Present? Talk of Isaac – Very Great.
Future? Talk of Jacob – Exceedingly Great.
*It is Possible for God to take you from Great to Greater; and to Exceedingly Great.*
*God can Guarantee that your Future would be Great; and that your Tomorrow would be Very Great.*
*And that is my Prayer for everyone of you; that from this Day onwards, you would grow Progressively Great – Amen.*
Still looking at Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – Just to show you how God can move you, from no matter how small you think you are to a very Great Tomorrow.
I. God gave Abraham a son.
Oh! He had two (2) sons, but God said He recognized only one – Isaac (Genesis 22:1-18).
What God said to Abraham is: Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the Land of Moriah; and offer him there for a Burnt Offering upon one of the Mountains which I will tell thee of.
So, as far as God is concerned, He says, I recognize one son.
Ii. By the time we moved onto Isaac, he had two (2) sons.
… Baba (Meaning Father) had one; but the son had two – You can read about that in Genesis Chapter 25.
III. By the time we got to Jacob – Jacob had twelve (12) sons.
*So, you can see the Progression; one son, two sons, twelve sons!*
IV. And then the twelve (12) sons Multiplied – So that by the time we get to Genesis 46:27, the Bible says the total number of Souls that came to Egypt, from the Household of Jacob; they were Seventy (70).
From one, to two, to twelve, to seventy!
V. And then when you read Exodus 12:37, the Bible says, when those seventy Souls were going to leave Egypt years later; they had become 600,000 Men, plus Children.
*So, when we are talking about a “Greater Tomorrow”, you can see how God steadily moves Upward.*
*God is interested in increasing you Steadily.*
The Word of God says, “Despise not the days of small beginnings.” (DMC NOTES: Zachariah 4:10).
*You may be small Today and become Exceedingly Great Tomorrow – It is Possible!*
*But then, there are things you would have to do, if you are to have a Greater Tomorrow:*
*And I am Praying for everyone of you – You will never become Less – Amen.*
*I Pray from the bottom of my Heart: You will never know a better Yesterday – Amen.*
*No matter how small you are, you will get Greater – Amen.*
*No matter how Great you are, you will get Greater – Amen.*
*But, you would have to know – There are things you would have to do, for this God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to move you to a better Tomorrow.*
1. *You Parents, you must Train your Children in the way of God:*
Because these your children are your Tomorrow.
When I was Younger – I’m still Young: I’m only eighty three (83).
But when I was much Younger, there is a Proverb in Yorubaland:
Because, in those days, they begged the farmers to send their children to School.
They said, you are asked to train your child, but you say you are building a house. They say, “The child you don’t train would sell the house you are building.”
NOTES: There is a Yoruba Proverb that says: “Omo ti a ko ko ni gbe ile ti ako ta”. Translated as “An Untrained Child would sell the house we build with our sweat. Because, if you don’t build a child, and you build a house; that child would sell off the house”.*
*Your children represent your Tomorrow.*
And God said in Genesis 18:17-19 when He was talking about Abraham: For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord, to do Righteousness and Justice, that the Lord may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.
He said, I know Abraham, that he will train his children in the way of the Lord – That’s why I am blessing him.
I know him; that he will train his children in the way of the Lord.
Proverbs 22:6 says, if you Train up a child in the way he should go; when he is old, he will not depart from it.
*So Parents, wake up! – Train your children in the way of the Lord.*
*Don’t say, “Let him do whatever he likes!”*
*If you allow him to do whatever he likes, you are ruining your Future.*
I know Parents, Particularly those of you who claim you are highly Sophisticated, highly Educated – You claim that you know Life more than anyone else.
When your children are doing wrong, they say: “Well, let him sow his own wild oats.”
If he sow wild oats, it is your future that will be ruined.
NOTES: Sowing wild oats means to engage in a Period of wild or irresponsible behaviour while Young, especially involving many casual Sexual Relationships.*
*Train your children in the way of the Lord – Be firm when it comes to your children serving the Lord.*
2. *Children, Particularly the Young ones who are listening to me now, or reading now on the Label of DMC; Obey your Parents.*
The Word of God says it clearly in Colossians 3:20 – “Obey your Parents in all things.”
Obey them! They are your Parents.
And Ephesians 6:1-3 makes it even clearer still: You are not only to obey them, you are to honour them.
– He said, “It is in Honouring your Parents that you would even have a Future at all.”
– It is in Honouring your Parents that you would live long.
If you don’t honour your Parents, the Bible makes it clear – You may die Young.
If you are a girl and you now begin to think, that you know much more than your Mum; you know much more than your Father; you may never become a Mum.
Because if you don’t live long, then where is your Future?
*As for all of us – Young and Old: What do we do to Guarantee a Greater Future?*
1. *Learn to Sow:*
It is what you Sow in the Present that is going to be your Harvest in the Future.
Genesis 26:12-14 tells us, Isaac sowed repeatedly.
That’s how he kept on increasing and waxing Great until he became Very Great.
2 Corinthians 9:6 made it clear: You sow sparingly, your Harvest will be sparingly. You sow bountifully, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would see to it that you would reap bountifully.
*Today can determine Tomorrow – What you do now will determine what you get Tomorrow.*
Learn to Sow.
2. *Be Diligent:*
Whether you are a father, mother, or child, be diligent.
Hebrews 11:6 tells us, God is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
*God, who Controls Tomorrow, Rewards only those who are diligent.*
Proverbs 12:24 says, The hand of the diligent shall bear rule.
In other words, you want a Tomorrow where you would be the one in Charge? Be diligent.
If you are not diligent, you would end up a Servant.
It is the one who is Hardworking Today, who is going to be in Charge Tomorrow.
That is the Word of God.
3. *Humble yourself:*
Pride is a killer.
The Word of God made it abundantly clear: God resists the Proud.
And you cannot have a Future if God is constantly resisting you.
Learn to be Humble.
If you Humble yourself under the Mighty Hand of God, sooner or later, He will Promote you.
You will have a Great Tomorrow if you Humble yourself under the Mighty Hand of God.
4. *Submit to God.*
James 4:6-7 tells you; there is only one Fellow who can ruin your Future – Who is determined to ruin your Future.
And that is the devil.
But the Bible says: if would Submit yourself to God, you would resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
– If you Submit to God, He will make sure that Nobody will tamper with your Destiny.
– You Submit to God, your Greater Tomorrow is Guaranteed.
Let me Conclude, by referring you to Colossians 1:27 – The Bible says, Christ in you, the Hope of Glory.
*You would have a Glorious Tomorrow if you have Christ living in you.*
Which reminds me of the Bible Text that I read to you (NOTES: Isaiah 3:10):
Say ye to the Righteous;
– Say ye to the one who has Submitted Completely to God;
– Say ye to the one who has Humbled himself under the Mighty Hand of God;
*That it shall be well with him – Amen.*
How do I know that my Tomorrow would be alright?
How do I know that I have a Greater Tomorrow?
Simply because the Bible says so!
Now, I would remind you of a Story that I’m sure you have heard from me several times before:
That someone came to me and said, “Sir, I learnt you are a Prophet of God.” I said: I am not a Prophet, I am a Pastor.
But he said well, they told that whenever you say “God said” it would come to pass. I said well, God has been Faithful.
He said, “Can you tell me my Future?”
I said, that’s easy! Just answer a Simple Question, and I’ll tell you your Future Straightaway.
Are you Born Again? Are you a Child of God?”
He said, No! I said, Ha! Your future will be terrible.
He said, How do you know? You don’t even know my name and you have not even Prayed!
I said, there is no need – It is written, No Prophecy can cancel the Word of God.
The Word of God says clearly in Isaiah 3:11 “Woe to the wicked! It shall be ill with him.
He said, supposed I say I am Born Again; supposed I say I am a Child of God?
I said, then I would tell you that your Tomorrow would be alright.
“How do you know?” The same Isaiah 3:10, “Say ye to the Righteous, that it shall be well with him.”
My Beloved Children, I am talking to you like a father; from the bottom of my Heart – I want your Future to be Great.
You have Probably heard me Pray, and crying to the Almighty God, saying: “Lord, let all my children be better than I.”
Some People wonder, “How can you Pray that kind of Prayer?”
That is the way my own Future can be Guaranteed!
*… I want all my children to be Greater than I.*
If you are Pretending to be a Child of God, and you are not; you have no Future.
Believe me honestly, if Christ is not Genuinely living in you, you have no Future.


So those of you who really, really want to receive Jesus Christ;
You want Him to dwell in you;
You want your Future to be Great;
I invite you right now!
Come to the Altar right now, or Stand up wherever you are reading this Message now on the Label of DMC – Come and Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ.
And you know the Beauty of it?
If you get Born Again Today, you can always say, “I became a Child of God on the Birthday of Daddy G.O.”
That will be a Beautiful Testimony.
So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ; move to the Altar very quickly wherever you are listening to me or reading now on the Label of DMC all over the world.
I am going to count from one (1) to ten (10) – Before I say ten (10), make sure that you are already Standing before the Altar.
… I’m counting now!
If there is anyone at all, you know you want to give your Life to Jesus; or you are a Backslider and you want to return to Jesus, come quickly.
Thank you!
Cry to God: Jesus, I want a Greater and Glorious Tomorrow.
If you are in me, I will have Hope of Glory.
Please Lord, save my Soul. Come and make Your Abode in my Heart. Let Your Blood wash away my sins.
I want to be one of Your Children and I want my Future to be Glorious – Please Jesus, save my Soul.
Please the rest of us, kindly Stretch your hands to the People in front and Pray for them:
That the Almighty God who saved your Soul would save their own Souls also.
That God will give them Genuine Salvation.
And that they will become True Children of the Living God.
Go ahead, Pray for them Brethren.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God, I want to bless Your holy Name for Your Word.
I want to Thank You very, very much for those who have come forward Today to Surrender their lives to You; including all those reading now on the Label of DMC:
Please, forgive them, save their Souls and let Your Blood wash away their sins.
Write their names in the Book of Life and let them become Members of the Family of God.
Please Lord God Almighty, from now on, whenever they call on You, answer them by Fire.
Let their Tomorrow be Alright.
Let all of us serve You till the very End.
My Father and my God, in a moment, Your Children will be crying unto You:
Whatever Prayer Your Children will Pray Today – This Very Special Day:
Answer them before the Sun Set, so that we would all have Good cause to Glorify Your Name.
I Pray Lord God Almighty, that the Future of every one of us will be Brilliant.
Our Future would be Marvellously Glorious.
That we would be far, far better than our Parents.
And we would serve You till the End!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.
I want to rejoice with those of you who have given your Life to Jesus Christ Genuinely Today.
I want to assure you by that the Grace of God, from now on I’ll be Praying for you.
So I will need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.
And I Promise you that I’ll be Praying for you.
The rest of us, you would Stand before the Almighty God now, and give Him a very big shout of hallelujah – Hallelujah.
And then cry unto Him, and say.
Lord, I have accepted You.
I have Surrendered my Life to You Genuinely.
I have Submitted to You Completely.
Let my Future be Great.
Don’t let anything or anyone tamper with my Destiny.
Go ahead, Cry to God.
*I am sure one day in the Future, you would remember Today and Glorify God – Amen.*
Go ahead and Pray!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name – Amen.
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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