Let somebody shout a really, really loud Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
.. Please be seated. Alright – Thank You!
My own Assignment tonight is just to Pray for you – And I will do so.
But I am full of Joy, because these children are getting better and better each time.
It’s amazing that we have these kind of Talents in our midst.
I know that my tomorrow is already alright.
Let Somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!
I was trying as much as I could to jot down Points from these wonderful children; but it’s either they were too fast or it has been a long time I left University as a Student.
Because in those days the Lecturers would be speeding and we will still be catching up with them.
I mean, these children are Good! Amazing – Very, Very amazing.
The various Choir – Amazing Choir.
First Choir, very Good; the Second Choir, even a step better. The third Choir – Those People from the North, they surprised us again.
And then the fourth Choir just turned the whole thing to a Prayer. They were Singing and Praying at the same time.
Oh mine! Very beautiful.
And then the Preachers:
One of them said in a Simple way: “You want Breakthroughs from the God of Breakthroughs? Then get intimate with that God!”
What a Revelation!
You know, I was talking to someone very, very high up years ago; several years ago.
As a matter of fact, he was the President of our Nation (Nigeria) – We were very, very close.
And so, we could have frank talks.
When we were alone together, there was no “Your Excellency”, we call ourselves Special names – He calls me “E.A” and I call him something ( I won’t tell you what)!
So, I said to him, “you’ve been President almost seven (7) years, I have never owed you a Naira: you’ve never given me a Naira.”
He looked at me and said, “you’ve never asked!”
And I turned to him and said, friends don’t ask! If the two of us are friends,I don’t need to ask you: It is the duty of a friend to give to a friend without asking.
I said, if I have a Girlfriend and her Birthday is near, and I don’t give her anything; and she asks me, “why have you not given me something on my Birthday?”
And I say, “it’s because you have not asked!”
That is telling her – Our Relationship is over!
If you become intimate with God; if you become His friend – Friends don’t ask, “Friends give Voluntarily”
If God is your friend, you will never lack anything!
… Do I hear somebody say Amen – Amen!
That is what the Preacher was trying to say.
The the first fellow told us about Three (3) Forces of Breakthroughs – Faith, Light and the Voice of God.
I am not going to say much about him, because it seems the Boy had looked into my Notes for tomorrow (Friday, 3rd of March, 2023).
So, if I say too much about that, I will finish my own Preaching.
That’s wonderful!
I mean, these Boys are hearing from God. Isn’t that amazing?
Then of course came our friend from the North – You know, I am beginning to think, maybe we should let the Boys from the North come last!
Because, they just come and they excel.
Just again and again and again somehow – Probably because things are hot over there: and so they get kind of “Razor Sharp”.
He talked about just forcing your way through.
Again, this fellow has been looking ahead into my Notes. So, I won’t say too much.
I will wait till tomorrow (Friday, 3rd of March 2023), when I would just say my own. And then I would say, “my Boy said yesterday…”
And then, look at the the fellow who came Number 3. He just came from an entirely Unexpected Angle.
He said, when you are talking of Breakthroughs, maybe you should know why God should even do it.
If you know the Purpose why God would want to give a Breakthrough, you arrange yourself so you fit into that Purpose and Breakthroughs will just begin to flow in.
… Let’s give the Lord a big round of applause!
And then my son came!
All of them are my sons – You know what I am talking about.
My Biological son (Pastor Leke Adeboye) is the one who came last. And in fifteen (15) minutes… (Oh my God)!
I have to be careful what I say, so that some People will not misunderstand me.
I want to say: Son, I am Proud of you!
Suddenly he made me realize – Daddy you may think you have done well; but there are things you missed.
You Stopped at Water – You could have continued to Gold, and continued to Diamond.
Woooow! Thank God I am still alive!
So if I was thinking of Retirement before, we would suspend that now.
I am going after Gold, I am going after Diamond. And my son, I want you to know I am going after Oil.
He said something that would make any father glad. He said – “Keep on Digging.”
… Did you hear that? Yes!
Tell three (3) or four (4) People – KEEP ON DIGGING!
Oh, Lord God Almighty!
So you have already got a Breakthrough – Keep on Digging!
There are Breakthroughs that are bigger than Breakthroughs; that are bigger than Breakthroughs; that are bigger than BREAKTHROUGHS – Keep on Digging!
And then, thank you very much my son!
… Again you did something tonight that makes me very Proud:
Everybody comes to the General Overseer, “Daddy Pray for us.”
But he has enough sense to say – Why don’t we Pray for him too? Because if he gets a Breakthrough, it will “Flow Down” to us.
So, before I Pray for you tonight – Like you’ve never done before, Stretch your hands towards me here and cry: Father tonight, give Your son a Major Breakthrough.
Go ahead and Pray that Prayer!
Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
According to the Law of Harvest – Whatever you have wished me tonight, may God return it to you a Hundred fold – Amen!
My Father and My God, tonight is the eve of the Anniversary of the Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS).
Every one of Your Children here tonight, give them advanced Breakthroughs!
Anyone connected to the Service of tonight, or reading now on the Label of DMC: before the Sun rises, give them a Breakthrough!
Let everyone connected with the Service of tonight – before the Sun rises, have at least a Major Breakthrough!
As for all Your Children who have Ministered tonight, the Anointing to keep on Ministering with Power, Father release unto them.
My Lord and My Saviour, even before we all get on our beds, open the Heavens:
Show Yourself to be the God of Breakthroughs!
By tomorrow (Friday, 3rd of March 2023), let there be a Catalogue of Testimonies!
And just in case You arrive before tomorrow, Please, don’t leave us behind!
Thank You Almighty God!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!