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DATE: 1ST MAY, 2022


1. Let’s begin to Thank God for the Grace to see another Month. Give God all the Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration, Worship Him, Bless the Ancient of Days, the One who lives forever. Praise Him, Magnify His Holy Name.
Thank Him for Loving you, for Keeping you alive till this moment. Give Him all the Glory because He is Worthy to be Praise. There is no One like Him, His Mercy endures forever.
Thank You Father. Glory be to Your Holy Name.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
2. Let us Pray for qll fathers – Particularly our “Royal Fathers”.
Let us Pray that the Almighty God will continue to guide them, that He will always be there to Protect them, that in their various Kingdoms, there will be Peace  there will be Progress, there will be Success, there will be Safety.
Go ahead, lift up your Voice and Pray for all our Traditional Rulers.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
3. Pray for all fathers, all the Heads of families because if it is well with the Head, all will be well with the family.
Pray that all fathers will have everything it takes to be Good Heads. That in all our families, there will be no Problems, there will be Sufficiency, there will be Joy, there will be Peace, there will be Harmomy.
Go ahead and Pray for all fathers.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed  – Amen.
4. Pray for yourself and say: Father, in this Month of May 2022; Show me Grace, Favour and be Gracious unto me.
Open your mouth and cry to God. Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Lord You are Good
My Lord You are Good
My Lord You are Good
You are Good to me; You are Good
… Repeat!


Father Almighty, we Worship You; The Great I am, we Worshio You. You are Higher than the Highest, You are Greater than the Greatest; You are Older than the Oldest. We Worship You. Glory be to Your Holy Name.
Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You for March, Thank You for April; Lord now Thank You for May. Accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Father, we commit all our Traditional Rulers into Your Hands; Father bless them, Support them, Defend them, Fight their Battles for them, Help them carry their burdens. In their Kingdoms, let there be Peace, let there be Joy, let there be Progress, let there be Security, let it be well with them.
And we Pray for all Fathers – All the Heads of families; Lord Please be with them, give them Wisdom, give them Understanding, give them everything it takes to be the Head and don’t let them fail you.
We Pray also for the Fathers To-Be – The Young Ones and those who are yet to marry; those who are already married and are expecting one day that they will become Fathers.
Please Lord, let it be well with them and grant them their desires.
We Pray for Mothers and Mothers To-Be – Without Mothers, there can be no Fathers. Let it be well with our Mothers, let it be well with our Aunties, let it be well with our Sisters, let it be well with all Mothers To-Be.
And today Lord God Almighty; I cry to You once again – Let it be well with Nigeria.
And those of Your Children who has been Faithful in the Payment of their Tithes and in the Giving of their Offerings; in this Month of May, be Gracious unto them, Suprise them, Bless them beyond Measures until they say: God, this is becoming too much. Just keep on Blessing them.
And today as Your Words will be going out, let Your Words bring Healings to us, let our tomorrow be alright.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Wave to one (1) or two (2) People and say to them that God will favour you this Month. And then you may Please be seated.
I want to Specially Salute all our Traditional Rulers who are here today – God will bless you Mightily – Amen. Every infiltrator into your Kingdom; every Plants God has not Planted in your Kingdom shall be uprooted this Month – Amen.
Anything that is in any way hindering the Progress in your Kingdom will disappear this Month – Amen.
Your tomorrow will be alright – Amen; you will live long – Amen; you will reign long – Amen.
I want to say one (1) or two (2) things to you before going into the Sermon – This is about you and so don’t think that I’m about to talk about something else.
I have just returned from Europe – We had The RCCG European Convention (EUROCON 2022) and People came from more than forty (40) European Nations. It was very Successful and they said that I should greet you since you are the Mother.
*But I discovered something there – I discovered that in all the Churches where I Ministered; the Churches were “Packed-Full”. They were all there.*
And you know what? – I’m not even sure that I saw two (2) People wearing Nose Mask.
What does that tells you?
*They have made up their Mind – If God has kept us thus far, He will keep us till the End!*
And then I read in the Newspapers not too long ago (some days ago) that the Number of People who died of Malaria in Nigeria in Year 2021 is about two hundred thousand (200,000).
Now, the Number of People who died of Coronavirus in Year 2021 is less than two thousand (2,000).
*So, which one is “More Deadly” – Is it Coronavirus or Malaria?*
I kept on telling you since Year 2020 that God assured me when I cried to Him – Son, I have heard your cry; only those whose time has come will die.
How many of you remembered that I told you that?
*If Malaria is killing two hundred thousand (200,000) and Coronavirus is killing two thousand (2,000) – I think Malaria is more deadly than Coronavirus!*

Do you agree with that?

*Now the Elders – Thank God our Elders are here (The Traditional Rulers) has a saying. They said that a “Dirty Woman” uses the death of her Husband as an Excuse for not taking her bath!*
Have you heard that before? – It is not the death of your Husband; it is you!
*Anyone who is still sitting at home on Sunday Worship Day; claiming that he/she is not coming to Church because of Coronavirus; the Problem is not Coronavirus but you!*
*Now, if you are Old, or you have Problems with Movement, then I can understand.*
*But any Young Person still staying away from the Gathering of the Children of God because of whatever excuses he/she want to give; is disobeying the “Direct Instructions” from God that says that you must not abandon the “Gathering Together” of one another.*
*It is God who said so – That you must “Gather Together” as Brothers and Sisters.*
David said that: I was glad when they say unto me what? – Let us go to the House of the Lord!
… He (David) didn’t say: I was afraid. He said that: I was glad!
*So, all of you Young Ones sitting down at home, watching me now on the Television; the Next Time, you may have to answer to God!*
And you know my definition of “Young One”? – Anyone Older than I is Old, anyone Younger than I is Young. I am only eighty (80) Years Old.
*So, next time that the Children of God are “Gathering Together”; come. If you want to wear your Mask, fine!*
*I have told you right from the Beginning – Son, Coronavirus will subside but it’s not going away – That’s what He (God) told me.*
Malaria has been around for how many Years? Ebola came and it subsided. Has it gone away? – No!
Coronavirus? – Some of us don’t even want to hear anything about it anymore.
*If God has kept you thus far, He will keep you till the End!*
I have told you to be careful – You know much I love Hygiene, how Particular I am about Sanitation.
*Be careful! Learn from all the Lessons of washing your hands et cetera, et cetera but stop fearing the devil.*
*If you believe that your tomorrow will be alright; let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!*
*If you believe that you are not going to die before your time, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!!!*
*So now, we want to talk about: “SUPERNATURAL ELEVATION” – That is the Topic they gave me today.*
Psalms 75: 6-7
6. For Promotion cometh neither from the East, nor from the West, nor from the South.
7 But God is the Judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.
When they gave me the Topic; I said: Ha, Ha; Big Grammar – Supernatural Elevation! So, I have to break it down so that Market Women can understand.
What is Elevation because that is the Noun there?
*Elevation simply means: Movement to a Higher Level.*
The Grammar may sound Big, but all it is saying is – Movement to a Higher Level.
Psalms 121: 1-2 says: I will lift up my eyes unto the Hills, from whence cometh my Help. My Help cometh from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth.
John 12:32; Jesus Christ said: And if I be lifted up, I will draw all Men unto myself – Elevation.
*=And as the Almighty God lives, this Month (May 2022); you are moving to a Higher Level – Amen!
Then comes the word: Supernatural. Supernatural is easy to understand if you break it into two (2) – Super and Natural.
Its simply saying something that is Superior to the Natural.
In other words, there is the Natural and then there is that which is Superior to the Natural.
For Example, Isaiah 40: 28-31 tells us that there is a God who never sleeps, who never slumbers, who never goes tired.
And then He said that there are some Young Men, Strong – Wake up in the Morning, Full of Strength but He said that they will get tired, they will become weary.
Why? – Because they are Natural.
*Then He says that if the Natural hooks up with the Supernatural, then the Natural will be able to do what “Ordinary People” cannot do.*
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their Strength – That is what we are saying.
Supernatural is that which enables the Natural, the Ordinary to do that which cannot be done by Ordinary means.
For Example: Judges 15: 14-15 – They brought Samson to the Philistines bound. The Supernatural came upon Samson and all the ropes binding him broke as if it was touched by Fire.
… And all your Yokes will be burnt this Morning – Amen!
And then he (Samson) took the Jawbone of an Ass (The Jawbone of a dead animal) and that Vessel became a “Weapon of Mass Destruction”. With that Vessel, he was able to kill a thousand People.
Why? – He became connected to the Supernatural.
If you read Judges 16: 4-6 – After he (Samson) married Delilah; Delilah asked him a Question: What is the Source of this “Incredible Strength” of yours? What we see in you is not Natural.
The Abikity to do what is far, far beyond your Human Strength, receive it today in Jesus Name – Amen!
Now, when we talk about the Supernatural – That which is beyond the Natural; you find that, that is in two (2) Categories:
1. There is one that is Divine – Supernatural that comes from God.
Psalms 62:11 says – God has Spoken once, twice have I heard it that Power belongs to God.
2. But it is written in the Bible in Ephesians 2:2 that there is another kind of Supernatural – The one that comes from the devil.
It says that the devil is the Prince of the Power of the Air. He calls his own Spirit as the Spirit that works on the children of disobedience.
There is evil Power; just as there is Good Power.
*The Good News however is that Power Passes Power – The Power of the Almighty God is Superior to any Power that the devil may say he has.*
Philippians 2: 9-11 made it abundantly clear – That at the mention pf the Name of Jesus Christ, every knees must bow.
And so, if there is any evil Power – It doesn’t matter how many they are; at the mention of the Name of Jesus Christ; they will bow today.
Some of you will remembered a Man who came here with his wife – The Man was complaining that he was not making any Progress, all things are hard et cetera, et cetera. And we Prayed. Both Husband and wife came to Church.
Maybe after about two (2) weeks, we were seeing the Brother alone – Sister wasn’t coming anymore.
So, we followed up Sister – What is happening? We are not seeing you in Church anymore?
She said that from the day I started attending your Church, I couldn’t fly again.
What do you want to do with Power that gives you Ability to fly at Night?
She said that is what I use to Control my Husband – I will tell him to drive me to the house of my boyfriend; I will tell him to sit in the car while I go Upstairs. I will be with my boyfriend for as long as I like and he will be in the car waiting. And when I come back, he dare not say anything.
If there is any evil Power Controlling you; in the Name that is above every other names; I cancel that Power now – Amen.
So, when you now combine the two (2) – Supernatural Elevation; it simply means: Reaching a Height that you cannot reach by Natural means. The Power that is above Natural Power moving you to New Heights.
Thank God that you are in Church today – In the Name that is above other names; your Promotion begins – Amen!
Whether your enemies like it or not; your Promotion begins – Amen!
I will just give you two (2) Examples very quickly and then we will Pray:
Joseph as a Young boy had a Dream – Infact a set of Dreams in Genesis 37: 111.
In the first set of Dreams, he said his Brothers were bowing down to him. The Brothers say: What are you saying? You are going to be Superior to us? They said that we shall see.
In the Second Dream, he even said that the Moon and Stars were bowing down to him. They said now we know that you are crazy.
God is the Giver of Dreams. And there are many of you who has asked for very Great Dreams – Dreams of becoming very, very Great and up till this moment; the Dream are not yet fulfilled.
I have Good News for you this Morning  – The Fulfilment of your Dream begins now (Amen),
And just in case you don’t know what a Dream of God looks like – Anytime you tell People what God has put in your heart of what you are likely to become; when they hear you, they will laugh because Dreams that come from God are always way, way beyond the Ability of Man to fulfill them.
When I was Praying to the Almighty God – I was living in one Room in Mushin (A City in Lagos State, Nigeria). Father, Please build me even a Boy’s Quarter.
I was coming from the University – I was living in a Mansiin in ilorin (Capital City of Kwara State, Nigeria). My Boy’s Quarter in ilorin has four (4) Bedrooms. And I have to come as a General Overseer then and I was living in a Room in Mushin.
… God even if it is a Boy’s Quarter!
God said to me: Son, don’t ask me for a House, I have decided to build you a City. Everybody who heard me then, they laughed! They are not laughing anymore.
All those who are laughing at you will one day be laughing with you – Amen!
So, Joseph has this serious Dreams – You know the Story of Joseph.
One day, his father sent him – Go and see how your Brothers are doing. The Brothers saw him coming and say: Hey, here comes the Dreamer. Let us kill him and let us see what will become of his Dream.
*They wanted to kill him but if God gives you a Dream, no matter how hard the enemies tried; you won’t die until the Dreams are fulfilled – Amen!*
That’s why I can decree to everyone of you (Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC) – None of you will die before your time – Amen.
And once Somebody spoke because God entered into that one and say: Hey, speak. He said that what are we going to get by killing him? Let us sell him. At least we will make some Money out of him.
And so they threw him into a Pit but God saw to it that the Pit was dry.
I can’t tell you how many times I had encountered with Death but I’m still here. And you too, you will live long – Amen.
They sold him to Egypt – You know the rest of the Story.
He got to Egypt through Somebody that bought him and God began to Prosper him and the Man handed over his entire Household to him a Slave simply because God was working behind the Scene.
But as he was getting comfortable there, God who knows that this is not where your Dreams will be fulfilled, saw tp it that he was thrown into Prison.
While he was in Prison, he met two (2) People from the Palace – They had Dreams (God gave them Dreams that they could not understand). Joseph interpreted the Dreams – The Interpretation means one will die while the other will continue to serve in the Palace.
He told the one who will be serving in the Palace – Don’t forget me. But as soon as that one gets to the Palace, he forgot him.
Everyone you have been Good to, who had forgotten you; this Month, they will remember you – Amen!
When the day came for God to fulfill the Dream, the King himself has two (2) “Terrifying Dreams” but Nobody could Interpret it. And the one who has forgotten Joseph remembered him and then they brought Joseph and then he interpreted the Dream.
The Next Thing that you know is that – Within a day, a Prisoner became the Prime Minister of the Strongest Nation in the world.
*… That is Supernatural Elevation – A Height beyond even your wildest Imagination that you can’t Possibly reach using your Ability. My God will take you there – Amen!*
Each time that I stumbled on the Story of Joseph, I always smile because when within a day, Joseph was Promoted from being a Prisoner to becoming the Second in Command in the whole Land; I was wondering because Pharaoh commanded that from this moment onwards; everybody must bow to Joseph.
If I were Joseph, I think that I would have visited Portiphar’s house and call out his wife – Hello Mrs Portiohar!
And of course because Pharaoh has given Instructions; Mrs Portiphar must have been on her knees.
All those who said that you won’t reach your Goals, they are coming to bow down to you – Amen!
2. Another Example is David – You know his Story!
The day God decided that He wants a New King and He sent the Prophet to the house of Jesse to go and anoint a King for Him there. You know that the father of David didn’t even bring him before the Prophet – Even the father thought that this boy can never become Somebody. But God surprised even the father.
I decree in the Name that is above every other names – I say that anyone who will Stand in the way of your Progress; God will surprise that Fellow.
You can read the Story in 1 Kings 16: 1-13 – The boy woke up as a Shepherd Boy. The Man of God asked the father: Where are your sons? The father Presented No 1, No 2, No 3; on and on to No 7 and God kept on saying: No.
And Jesse sat down looking at the Man of God trying again and again. The Man of God said: Wait a minute; I know the God that I serve – Are these all your sons?
Well, there remains another one but he cannot be King. The Man of God said that we won’t sit down until you bring him.
All those who will hinder your Progress, they won’t be able to rest – Amen!
They brought in David – He was a Shepherd Boy. How can a Shepherd Boy become a King – The Supernatural!
When you hear the Almighty God telling you Great Things and you begin to wonder – How can this be? Put in the Supernatural; Put God into your Calculations! When God decides to Promote you, He Promotes you Steadily and Permanently.
I have said it before that if it is Human Being or a Group of Human Beings that have Promoted you; the same People will bring you down.
Study History – If Human Beings are the People who combined together to Promote you; I have given an illustration before – This is my Tambourine, how far I can reach with the Tambourine depends on how tall I am.
If I want it to go higher, I can be on my toes. After sometimes, my toes will begin to Pain me and so I will come down. As soon as I come down, the Tambourine comes down. After some time, my hands will be aching and so the Tambourine will come down.
But when God is the One Promoting you, the Bible says His Hands are “Everlasting Arms”; when God is the One Promoting you, He Promotes you Everlastingly.
Your Promotion is not going to End – Amen!
Some Years ago, I visited an African Country and I said that I won’t mind to Pay a Courtsey Call on the President. And they said that you will sit until he wants you to come in but you must know that he is a “Busy Man” and you have Maximum of fifteen (15) Minutes.
I said that is okay. I just want to say: Your Majesty, I came to your Town and so I came to Pray for you. He kept me for hours.
When I said: Sir, your children are waiting at the Stadium; he said: Let them wait. They have Somebody they can talk to, I don’t have. I have heard about you and I don’t know when next you will come here. And so he began to tell me all his Problens.
The Elders will tell you – The Bigger the Head, the Biggee the Headaches.
He began to talk and ask me Counsel upon Counsel.
I didn’t go back to his Country just as he Predicted until about ten (10) Years after. But you know what? This time around, by the time I arrived at the Airport, it was his wife who came to Pick me. And I was riding in the car of the wife of the Head of State.
… And I’m telling you – Cars differs from cars.
As my wife and I was riding in this “Mighty Car”; we looked at ourselves: Only God can Promote! And He will Promote you – Amen!
Now, let me begin to round up – The Bible Text I read to us says: Promotion comes from God. When He Promotes, He Promotes Everlastingly and Permanently.
But then, you look at the two (2) Stories that I mentioned:
1. Joseph – When he was given an opportunity to seve, he refused to sin.
When the wife of Portiphar said to him – I am the Lady in the house, you are an Handsome Youmg Man; come and lie with me. The boy (Joseph) said that I can’t  do this.
The Lady of the house said that Nobody will know – I am here, my husband is not in – Anything goes.
The boy (Joseph) said that it is not your husband that I’m worried about – It is God! How can I do this thing and sinned against God? How can I sin against the Promoter? How can I sin against the One who can fulfill my Dreams? It is the One who gave me the Dream that can bring it to Pass.
The Bible says in 1 Samuel 2: 7-8 – It says that God can raise up one and bring down another.
When God is angry, anything can happen!
He was angry with Nebuchadnezzar – Nebuchadnezzar woke up in the Morning as a King, he went to bed as an animal.
For seven (7) Years, God wants to show him that I am “The Original Majesty”. But after seven (7) Years, that Fellow became sober and God said: Alright, I will restore you.
In an Age when King fights Kings over Kingdom, God made sure that Nobody touched the Kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar for seven (7) Years. He (God) puts His Legs on the Kingdom and said Nibidy must touch this – This boy has offended me, I’m teaching him a Lesson and as soon as it is over; I will restore him.
*You must avoid sinning against the Most High, then your Promotion will be Permanent!*
2. In the case of David – How come God Picked up a Shepherd Boy and turned him into a King? And even Promised him that your Kingdom will be forever?
Bartimaeus heard that Jesus Christ was Passing by; what did he say: Jesus Christ, thou son of who? – David!
The Shepherd Boy became the Great Grandfather of Jesus Christ Himself.
So, the Kingdom of David is still continuing.
But what is it that God said about David in Acts 13: 20-Downwards?
God said that I have found a Man who will do all my Will; I have found a boy in the bush who is already singing my Praise. That boy is already saying: I will bless the Lord at all times, His Praise shall continually be in my mouth.
God said: Get that Boy!
*Are you ready to do God’s Will all the days of your Life? It doesnt matter where you are in; He will bring you into the Open!*
*And the Sun of Somebody is about to Rise – Amen. And when it rises, God can see to it that it never sets again – Amen.*
But it is up to you – Will you surrender to Him? Will you make sure that you don’t sin against Him? Will you be Willing to do His Will? The Choice is yours!
When He Picks anybody; the Bible Text in 1 Samuel 2:8 says that He can Pick a Beggar from the dunghill and cause him to sit among Princess.
… That is what my God can do!
I tell you one little Story and then we close so that I can use myself as an Example to you.
I have told you that my father was so Poor that Poor People call him Poor.
The day himself and other Colleagues were clearing the Family Compound Years ago and then as “Small Boys” they began to talk – One said that in Future, when I grow up, I will build my house here. Another one said that I will build my own house next to you. My father said I will build my own house … – Everybody said: Shut Up. We are talking of building a house and you are talking of building too.
For the first eighteen (18) Years of my Life, I had no Pair of shoes.
But look at me today – Supernatural Elevation!
And until you surrender completely to God, until you make up your Mind that I won’t offend Him, I will do His Will; the Elevation will not start. If it has started, it will stop.
But He wants you to keep Rising as long as you will surrender your Life to Him and do His Will.
So, if you want to surrender your Life to Jesus Christ completely – Asking Him to take over your Life from now on; Please come and Stand before the Altar. I will Pray with you, God will save your Soul and your Elevation will begin.
I will count from one (1) to five (5); before I say 5, come and Stand before the Almighty God.
Those of you infront, just talk to God and say: I have come to surrender my Life to You – You are my Maker, You are the Only One who can take me to where You want me to be. Please, save my Soul, forgive all my sins and I will serve You from now on.
And the rest of us, Please Stretch your hands towards our New Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them – Pray that the One who save your Soul, will save their own Souls also; that the Almighty God will give them a Brand New Beginning.
Pray for them – Pray for their Salvation. Thank You Father; Glory be to God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Saviour, I want to Thank You for Your Words and I want to Thank You for these Your Children who has come forward today to say: Lord, I surrender.
Please Lord, receive them in Jesus Name, have Mercy on them, forgive all their sins, let Your Blood wash them Clean.
As You save their Souls today Father, receive them into the Family of God and let their Rising begins afresh. And I Pray that they will serve You till the Very End.
Thank You my Father and my God!
Father, I Pray for all Your Children who are listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC – Wherever they may be, let their Elevation begins. Move them rapidly to Great Heights.
And when the time comes, and they begin to Worship and Praise You; my Father and my God, set in Motion the Process of their Promotion.
Thank You Almighty God. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
I want to rejoice Particularly with those of you who has come forward today. And I want to make you a Promise as the Servant of the Most High God that from now on, on a daily basis, I will be Praying for you.
So, I’m gojng to need your name, your Address and your Prayer Requests. I have some Counsellors who will help me take the informations and then I Promise I will be Praying for you.
But before you go, I want you to join the rest of us as we Pray one more time.
Those of you who believe that from today, your Sun will begin to rise, Stand on your feet and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Now, I want you to lift up your Voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, this 1st Day of May Year 2022, let my Star begin to Shine.
Open your mouth and Pray to the Almighty God!!!
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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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