DATE: 5TH MAY, 2023
Lift up your hands to the Most High God – Worship the One who has Everlasting Arm.
Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration, bless Him and let Him hear your Voice.
Bless Him for all He has done for you since the Beginning of the Year – Thank Him for January, Thank Him for February, Thank Him for March, Thank Him for April, bless His Holy Name for May.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen!
You are Worthy Oh Lord
You are Worthy
You are Worthy to be Glorified
You are Worthy Oh Lord
You are Worthy
You are Worthy to be Glorified
Father Almighty, we Worship You; the One with the Everlasting Arm, we bow before You; the Ancient of Days, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, the Ending; the One who is, the One who was, the One who is to come; the Almighty. Glory be to Your Holy Name.
Accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
Tonight, in Your Own Miraculous Way, Touch everyone of us, don’t let anybody leave here without a Testimony.
Thank You Almighty.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Before you sit down, I want you to Pray one Prayer – And I want you to Pray this Prayer with all your Strength.
The Almighty God said that if two (2) of us shall agree about anything that we ask for on Earth, it shall be done by our Father in Heaven.
I want you to join your hands to your Neighbours as we Pray this Prayer.
Lift your Voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, we are in one Accord; wherever all these Kidnappers may be; send your Fire on them.
Open your mouth and cry to the Almighty God!
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen
So shall it be in Jesus Name – Amen!
Praise the Lord Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
I want you to decree to the Fellow you have joined hands with in Prayer and say: In Jesus Mighty Name, you will not be Kidnapped – Amen!
And then you may Please be seated except those who are born in the Month of May.
If you are born in the Month of May, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
My Father and my God, I commit all Your Children born in the Month of May into Your Hands – May is the fifth (5th) Month of the Year and five (5) is the Number of Grace.
I commit all these Your Children into Your Hands Lord; Please be Gracious unto them and show them Favour.
When they go out, show them Favour; when they come in, show them Favour; at work, show them Favour; at Home, show Favour; for the rest of their lives, everyday let them find Favour.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Children born in the Month of May, shout another Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
And you may Please be seated!
And when you listen to Testimonies; you should try and put yourself in the shoes of the People Testifying.
When you listened to the Testimony of a Family Man, staying in the bush for twelve (12) days, having to eat leaves and deliberately falling on the way when he sees water- Whether dirty or not, quickly drink some before they Pull him out.
When you listen to such Testimonies, something called “Holy Anger” against these “Inhuman People” called Kidnappers will arose.
The Prayer you have just Prayed; God will answer them by Fire – Amen!
And when I heard the Testimony of the Woman who was attacked with all manners of Sicknesses and Diseases. And then she came to the Lord and the Lord healed her of them all.
I felt like jumping Up and shouting Hallelujah.
Because it tells me straightaway that it doesn’t matter the Sicknesses you are carrying, my God who healed her will heal you also – Amen!
Because so many Miracles happened among us, we don’t even take them as Mighty Miracles again.
But like I have warned us – Don’t let us get to a Stage that God will say that they don’t Value my Miracles again. Why do more?
Let me hear you shout another Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
1. The Theme for The RCCG Holy Ghost Service for Next Month (June 2023); is: “UNDERSTANDING THE GOD OF WONDERS”.
By the Special Grace of God, the RCCG June 2023 Holy Ghost Service will take Place on Friday, 2nd June 2023.
But tonight, we are talking about the Everlasting Arm of God. And I will be very brief because we still have another Meeting later this Night.
Deuteronomy 33:27:
The Eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the Everlasting Arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.
I wish we have the time. But we never can tell what God would do; we might come back to Everlasting Arm – Part 2, Everlasting Arm – Part 3 because there is a lot to be discussed here.
We can look at this Topic from the Point of view of “The Meaning of Long Hands:
Like I shared briefly with those of you who came for the Holy Communion Service – When we talk of Long Arms, when we talk of involvement. We ask you, “have you a hand in the matter?” That is a way of saying, “are you involved?.”
openheaven.net NOTES: You can get to read the Full Text of the Message on the Label of openheaven.net
So we could look at this Topic from the angle of Divine Involvement.
And then we could look at it from the angle of the Lord saying, “he will thrust out the enemy before you and ask you to destroy them” – Deuteronmy 33:27(b).
That could cause us to look at the fact that one Part of God is the Lamb, the other Part is the Lion. Because the major problem with us Christians is, we only remember that Part that says, “Be gentle as a dove.”
We seems to forget that when it says, “no weapon fashioned against you shall Prosper,” it went on to say, “every tongue that shall rise up against you, thou shall condemn.”
We just think that we are to be doves; just little, little doves, allow every Dick and Harry to match over our heads. That’s not what the Bible teaches.
I mean, when I was teaching those of you who were in the School of Disciples (SOD) – When I was the Teacher; I said, what will you do if you came out at night and you remove your bed cover and you see a very Poisonous snake lying there? Well, you’re to be as gentle as a dove now!
So you will say to snake, “hey, thou beautiful Creature of God, keep on sleeping and if you don’t mind I will just lie down quietly beside you.” Is that what you will do? Anyway, that will be Everlasting Arm – Part 2 (laugher)!
But tonight, I just want to look at the Everlasting Arm in another dimension very briefly.
You see, when Jesus Christ died, He died on the Cross. I don’t know if you have ever wondered, “why the death on the Cross?” They could have thrust him through with the Sword. After all they still did that with a Spear even after he had died.
Why the death on the Cross? So He could stretch out the left hand go in one direction, the right hand go in the other direction: the left going to Eternity Past, the right going to Eternity to come.
Tonight I don’t want to discuss Theology – We want to talk about some beautiful things we can get quickly from Everlasting Arm.
1. Because His Arms are Everlasting, He can reach as far as your Origin and put things right there.
If there is anything that went wrong at your very beginning, because His Hands are Everlasting, He can reach there and put things right.
For Example, in 2 Kings 2:19-22, when Elisha came to Jericho, the People of Jericho said: “our City looks beautiful,but we have Problems.”
He said alright, bring me a new cruise, put salt there. And he went to the river source, poured in the salt and made a decree and the Problems ended.
You see, Jericho had a Problem – The Source of which was in Joshua 6:26. Joshua a very Mighty Man of God, highly anointed, Pronounced a curse on Jericho. And as you know, a curse flows like a river downhill.
If somebody is cursed way back in the Generation of a Man, may be the Great Grandfather was cursed. Grandfather would suffer, father would suffer, the children would suffer, Grandchildren would suffer from the same curse.
But then, when somebody with a Greater Anointing than Joshua came on the scene, he solved the Problem from the Source.
I have Good News for someone today – The Everlasting Arm will go to your Origin and whatever is wrong there, He will put it right – Amen.
That is why the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, Therefore if any Man be in Christ, he is a New Creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become New.
I have told you the Story before of a sister who came, Thirty-three (33) years old, married with children. The Problem she had was that she was still bed wetting. I said that’s not a Problem, all you need is a brand new set of Kidneys.
She said, before you Pray Sir, “my mother was a bed wetter before me, all daughters in our family bed wets. So I knew – This is not Physical, this is not something the Doctor can handle; you have to go back to the Foundation.
A little digging and we discovered that the Grandmother fought with somebody who Pronounced a curse on her and said that, “from this moment onward, every girl born in the family will bed wet.” We settled the Problem by asking her, will you give your Life to Jesus? She did! Everything became New.
She came back the following day and said, for the first time in Thirty-three (33) years she woke up and the bed was dry. And then she brought all her Sisters, they gave their lives to Jesus Christ and they stopped bed wetting.
Now, if you want my God to go as far back as necessary in your History, to put everything right; let me hear you shout Halleluyah – Hallelujah.
2. Because His Arms are Everlasting; while one is reaching to your Past, the other one can reach into your Future.
And if He finds anything waiting for you in the Future that is evil, He can deal with it before you get there.
By the way, I want to say well done to the Preacher who Preached before me. He did a good job. But he got to a Place where he was eulogizing God in Yoruba dialect – Which is very good.
But People are watching and listening to us in Papua New Guinea, in Hatti and they would wonder, is our Pastor Praying in Tongues? So, if you want to Pray, do so in English. And if you want to Pray in Yoruba we will later on interpret. Don’t mix the Languages.
But it was a beautiful Sermon: God Bless You – Amen!
openheaven.net NOTES: Watch Out for the Full Text of this Message (Talk 1) on the Label of openheaven.net
When you read Genesis 49:1-7, the father of Levi cursed him on his death bed.
And if your father curses you on his death bed then you’re done for. Because he has the authority to bless and he has the authority to curse.
When your father blesses you, God will say, Amen! If your father curses you, it is a settled matter.
And so one of the things the father said concerning Levi is that he would be scattered – He would never amount to anything.
But by the time we got to Numbers 3:5-13, Almighty God said to Moses, that boy that the father cursed, I have cancelled the curse; bring him near. In fact, I will make him my first born – You know the Story.
In Exodus 32:25-26, when the Children of Israel were Worshipping idols, dancing naked and Moses wanted to discipline them, he stood outside the gate and said: those of you who are on the Lord’s side come unto me. Only the children of Levi moved over to Moses.
Then God looked down from Heaven and said, “you say you are on my side? They said yes! He said, in that case, I am on your side, too. Whatever evil that might be waiting for you in the Future because of your father’s curse, I remove!
We are all sitting down here today, or reading now on the Label of openheaven.net – We don’t know what the devil has Planned for tomorrow but there is an Everlasting Arm.
He can go to the Future and whatever evil He sees there, He can wipe it away – Amen.
More than thirty (30) years ago, a Young Man came to me and said Daddy, I am in serious trouble. I said, what happened? He was Thirty-nine (39) years old, he was approaching forty (40). He said there is a curse upon their family that no Male child will ever reached the age of forty (40).
He was Thirty-nine (39) years old, he was the oldest man in the family. He said, forty (40) years is approaching; and that means death is knocking at the door.
I said to him, “Are you on the Lord’s side?” He said, Yes! Then in that case, that Appointment with death is cancelled – Amen.
If you want my Father, the One with the Everlasting Arms to reach into your Future and whatever evil He sees there, to cancel all of them – If that is what you want, let me hear you shout Halleluyah – Hallelujah!
3. Because Today is the child of yesterday, Yesterday is the mother of today; the God Who can go to your far Past and turn things around, can take care of whatever is happening in your Life now.
Why? Because His Name is I AM THAT I AM – Exodus 3:14.
And according to Psalms 46:1, He is the ever Present Help in times of trouble. He is the God of the Past but he is also the God of the Present.
So He can go to your Past, put things right, so that He will be able to handle whatever that is happening in your Life now that is as a result of the mistakes you made in the Past.
For Example, in Mark 2:1-12, they brought a Man to Him. Four (4) boys carried a Man up to the rooftop, broke the roof and brought him down because he was totally Paralyzed from neck downwards.
And you would think that Jesus would say: This Man is sick, that He would just say straightaway, be healed. No! The first thing He did was to deal with the sins of the man. “Young man, thy sins be forgiven thee.”
He dealt with what the man had done in the Past, before He turned to the Present and said now Stand up, take your bed and go home.
I’ve told you the Story of a Young Man who came to us – He was one of my Students in those days at the University of Lagos. He had a Problem that he kept on sweating like Nobody’s business. As he sweated, he also smelled.
When you sit down by his side, within five (5) Minutes you would relocate because he was smelling like a dead body. Doctors have used soap, everything they could, he kept on smelling.
He came, and I was going to Pray for him and God said, “No, don’t Pray. He has a Restitution to make.” Anyway, we found out what the Restitution was, he went and made the Restitution, came back. And I was about to Pray God said, “No, no need to Pray. Just tell him not to drink ice water for two (2) weeks.” That was the end of the Problem.
What was troubling him; what Doctors could not handle was a Problem of something he did in the Past. But the One with the Everlasting Arms went to the Past, Changed situations around and all of a sudden good results came in the Present.
If you want God, the One with the Everlasting Arms to touch your Life right now (after settling whatever is wrong with you in the Past) so that all your Present Problems will be over, let me hear you shout Halleluyah – Hallelujah!
Thank You Father!
The Lord says this is for somebody here tonight, or reading now on the Label of openheaven.net: who has this “Unusual Problem”, and that is, a Noise in your head.
He says that when the Noise starts, it’s like when you start the Engine of a car. And as long as the Noise is on, you can’t even hear what anybody is saying.
Well, Daddy asked me to tell you: The Noise has Stopped! And it will never come back – Amen.
4. (And I like this one): The One with the Everlasting Arms can reach out to your Future and bring the Miracles waiting for you there to the Present.
In other words, there are some Miracles that are supposed to happen to you may be in ten (10) years time. The One with the Everlasting Arms will say, “Why wait? Let him begin to enjoy from tonight onwards.”
The Lord asked me to tell someone here or reading now on the Label of openheaven.net;
There are two (2) sworn enemies of your family – And the family is aware of them.
Now the Lord asked me to tell you, the two (2) of them will destroy each other soon – Amen.
In Matthew 15:21-28, a woman came to Jesus Christ begging for help. Jesus told her, I cannot give the bread of children to dogs. He said, I am not sent but unto the household of Israel.
He was telling the woman, the time for Gentiles is yet to come. Because the time for the Gentiles came only in Acts Chapter 10 when God sent Peter to the house of Cornelius – That was when the time of the Gentiles came.
But here was a woman who needed help now! And out of compassion the Everlasting Arms went to the Future and brought the Future to the Present. The Miracles that were supposed to be available to the woman in the Future, she got it that day.
If you read 1 Kings 1:1-49, Solomon became King when his father was still alive. Solomon was a Prince, one day he will be King. But that one day will be when the father had died.
But the Everlasting Arms went to the Future and said, “Boy, you don’t have to wait any longer; become King now.”
I would tell you a Story – It is a Story some of you would need to put two and two together to know who I am talking about.
Once upon a time, there was a Man in a Particular Nation (I won’t mention names) who was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army.
Now, if you are a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army, in the Future you can become a Colonel. And after Colonel, you become Brigadier General, after Brigadier General you become Major General, after Major General you can become a Lieutenant General, after a Lieutenant General you can then become Full General.
But a Coup happened and the Man who was a Lieutenant Colonel became Head of State. And if you are Head of State, you don’t say, “Yes Sir” to anybody.
So the Lieutenant Colonel became a General over night! He jumped Colonel, Brigadier General, Major General, Lieutenant General and became General in one day!
May I decree that some Miracles that are supposed to become yours several years from now, receive them right now – Amen.
You see, if you can just obey him; if you are willing to do whatever He says without argument as it happened in John 2:1-11, when the mother of Jesus Christ came to Him and said Son, they’ve run out of wine. And Jesus said, Mama the time for me to Perform Miracle is yet to come!
And the mother said to those who were Standing, who were Standing by – “just do whatever He asks you to do.” You know the Story – “My time to Perform Miracle is yet to come”. But that time came that day.
I decree one more time: Every Blessings that God has in Store for you, begin to enjoy them from now on – Amen.
So, the Everlasting Arms can go to the Future and bring all the Goodies there to the Present.
If that is what you want, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.
… Now, the Text we read (Deuteronmy 33:27) is bringing me to Point No. 5, which says;
5. “Underneath are the Everlasting Arms.”
It means God can make sure that you never hit the Ground – Amen!
One of the Verses in the Special Song that we sang tonight said: “If I stumble and I am about to fall, Underneath me are His Outstretched Arms.”
The Elders have a saying – They say: “Before the last tadpole in the river will die, rain will fall (I am sorry that is the best Translation I can give it in English).”
But have you ever wondered that a river may dry completely during the Dry Season and you will think all the fish are dead. And then rain will fall and the river begins to flow again. Before you know it, fish will begin to swim in the River.
Did the fish drop from Heaven? No!
1 Kings 17:8-16, he day the Widow of Zarephath and her son were to die, help came. God is never too late.
The One with the Everlasting Arms will not let you reach the bottom; before it would be too late. Help will come – Amen.
In 2 Kings 4:1-7, it talks about another Widow of one of the Sons of the Prophet.
The day before they came to take her sons into bondage, to sell, help came! She was able to Pay off the debt, never to borrow again.
I don’t know who God is talking to tonight: before it is too late the One with the Everlasting Arms will Stretch out His Arm towards you – Amen.
Again and again, I have told you the Story before – We were having Convention, the crowd had come. At least what we call them crowd in those days, about eight thousand (8,000) People. As usual then, we said we would feed them.
As the Elders would say, “when one (1) legged man is causing trouble, he is causing it for the one who has two (2) legs.” When I asked the People to come we will feed you, I didn’t have money to do it. I was causing the trouble for my Father in Heaven.
One morning my wife came and said, Sir, to feed the People today we need an extra Five Thousand Naira (#5,000). Naira was Powerful in those days.
God will have Mercy on our Naira – Amen!
You better say, Amen – AMEN! Because some of you Young ones cannot believe that once upon a time, one Naira is equal to at least 1.5 Dollars.
Those Glorious days would return! Open your mouth and say Amen – AMEN!
She said, we need Five Thousand Naira (#5,000). I said to her, “Darling, when do you need the money – Today or now?” She said, what’s the difference? A lot of difference! She said, today. I said in that case, “go; when I have the money I will give you.”
Because at the time she came I didn’t have a Kobo. But I know there is a God in Heaven who is called the Ever Present Help in time of Trouble. She left and I turned to God – “Well, the People have come. They are Your People – You can’t allow them to starve.”
It wasn’t long after that, that one man drove in with flowing Agbada. He was not a Member of the Church; he was just Passing by. We were by the Express Way there in the first Auditorium.
He said, what’s going on here? I said we are having a Convention. He said, what a beautiful idea. Here in this Place? I said yes sir. He said next year I will be Part of it (I am talking of today and you’re talking of next year).
Then he put his hand in his Pocket and brought out an envelope and said, “in the meantime…” I said, “Now you’re speaking.” He gave me an envelope. I Prayed for him and he left. I opened the envelope, one thousand Naira (#1,000).
I said, Thank God! One (1) down, four (4) to go
It wasn’t long after that (for one reason or the other) the Youth gathered themselves together and they came – Led by Pastor David Kuo, with an envelope in their hand. They began to Preach to me.
“Daddy we appreciate you, we see all the Good work you’re doing, et cetera. You should not be the one feeding us we should …” “Hey! Give me the envelope; after that you can Preach.”
Finally, he gave me the envelope. I Prayed for them, they left. I opened the envelope, two thousand (2,000) Naira.
I said, “Haa! Three (3) down, two (2) to go.”
It wasn’t long after that I sent for my wife because another two thousand (2,000) came. When she came I said, “By the way what time do you say you need the money?” Laugher!
In the Name that’s above every other name, before it is too late the Everlasting Arms will reach out to you – Amen.
Oh Thank You Father!
I want to say Amen to this one before I tell you:
The Lord says there’s someone here or reading now on the Label of openheaven.net: you’re not doing too badly.
He said, but you can be “Greater Still”.
He said, I will take you much, much Higher than where you are – Amen.
6. Underneath are the Everlasting Arms” means: God is Ever Promoting.
I am sure you know the Bible says, Promotion comes not from the East, West or South, but God is the Promoter (Psalms 75:5-7).
And according to 1 Samuel 2:8 (I think somebody referred to it earlier this Evening); God can pick up a beggar from the dunghill and continue to raise him up, untill he has reached the Top, sitting down with Princes.
Let me take the case of David – 1 Samuel 16:11-13. He started by being the King among his Brethren. Then in 2 Samuel 2, he became the King of Judah. In 2 Samuel 5, he became the King of Israel. By the time we heard of him in Mark 10, Bartimaeus was calling him, the father of the Lord Jesus. He said, “Jesus, Thou Son of David..” David became the father of the King of Kings.
… When God is Promoting you, it is Steadily Upward!
An incident happened years ago, we have a Place we call International Office – it was our International Office then (it was big in our eyes). And every AGO (Assistant General Overseer) had a room to himself. And then there was a friend of mine who was with us in Nigeria several years before; then he travelled to America and then came back, and he came to the International Office.
And then he was watching the Names on the doors, “Oh, Pastor Ilori is an AGO now?” I said Yes! He said, okay I remembered him, he was a Pastor before I left: and if I remember correctly, he was the Principal of a Grammar School. I said Yes!
Pastor so and so is now an AGO? I said Yes! He was a Pastor before I left. He was going one by one. Then he came to a door and stopped; he saw the name on the door and he opened his mouth wide! He said, am I reading correctly? I said, Yes! He couldn’t mention the name, “you mean… is now an AGO?” I said, Yes!
Because when he was leaving, the fellow at whose door he stopped, was a Worker, an Interpreter, later on, he became my Secretary. Later on, he became something else. Later on, he became AGO. (Some of you already know who I am talking about).
He stood by the door of Pastor Akindele and said, “you mean Pastor Akindele is now an AGO?” Yes – “Underneath are the Everlasting Arms.”
When God decides to Promote, it doesn’t matter where you are; the moment he picked you up, you will just keep going and going!
I can see some AGOs here tonight – Amen!
Only few of you have the Faith enough to say Amen!
But if you want the One Whose Everlasting Arms are Underneath to pick you from where you are and keep on Promoting you to a Place where People won’t even believe, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
… That brings me to Point No..7: don’t worry, I am about to finish.
7. How do I get Him to be interested in me?
Because you see, God is Sovereign. The One with the Everlasting Arms, according to Psalms 115:3, But our God is in the Heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath Pleased.
But it’s never arbitrary! He has a reason for whatsoever He is doing.
How do I get the One with the Everlasting Arms: the One Who can go to my Past, go to my Source, Correct everything there. Go to my future, remove every dangers there. Come to Present, settle situation. Bring Blessings from the Future to me and make sure that I will never reach the floor, and begin to Promote me Everlastingly.
How do I get Him to be interested in me?
“A man’s Greatest desire is always what he says that he wants done, after his death.” That’s is why they say, “the man wrote a Will.”
A Will is, “this is what I want.” I am going now – THIS IS WHAT I WANT. And then he will tell you what is most important to him.
The most important thing to the One with the Everlasting Arms, as stated by the Lord Jesus Christ before He left in Mark 16:15-20 is; “Go to all Nations and Preach the Gospel.” He said, this is my Will: Preach the Gospel to every creature. Every Creature!
If you read that Mark 16:15-20, you will see there that when the Disciples obeyed Him and they went everywhere Preaching the Gospel, He kept on working with them.
In John 15:14, He said, Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I Command you.
In John 15:16, He says, you do my Will – Win Souls, Preserve them and leave the rest to me and my Father.
He said, Ye have not Chosen me, but I have Chosen you, and Ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth Fruit, and that your Fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
That’s why you hear me hammering – Win Souls, build Churches so that the Souls you win can be Preserved in the Churches.
Do those two (2); and Jesus says, leave the rest to me, I will take care – Just those two (2)!
That’s why you find somebody like me, at the age of Eighty-one (81) not resting – Jumping from one Nation to the other. Going from one Village to the other. Preaching the Gospel, Dedicating Churches.
Because I know, if I can just do these two (2), it’s Settled!
Is there anybody here who wants to go to bed happy, knowing that it doesn’t matter what is happening now, “my future is going to be alright?”.
Is there anybody like that here tonight or reading now on the label of openheaven.net? – Yes for the openheaven.net Family Members.
Are you sure that you want the One with the Everlasting Arms just to carry you for the rest of your Life:
I. Making sure there is no danger waiting for you in the Future?
II. Making sure that if there is any danger there He will brush it away.
III. Making sure that He will go right into the Future and bring all the Blessings that you should get when you are maybe, ninety (90) years old, and bring it to you now that you are Probably only twenty (20), twenty-five (25).
You want Him to get involved with you; get involved with your thing? Then do His Will.
When he was going to pick a “Bush Boy”, a “Shepherd Boy” from the bush to make him King, He said: I have found a man who would do all my Will.
God is looking for somebody today.
Thank You Father! Oh, Thank You Lord!
The Lord asked me to tell someone: He said from tonight onward, you don’t need to worry about how you’re going to end;
He said, I have carried you from your mother’s womb and I will carry you all the way through – Amen.
You know why? You’ve just heard the Secret – Make up your Mind right now, that for the rest of your Life you would be a Soul Winner; you would win Souls, you would Preserve the Souls.
I guarantee you, for the rest of your Life will be from one Miracle to another! The next time I hear concerning you, it will be Good News!
… If you are the one I am talking to, say Amen – Amen!
Of course, in Conclusion: you want the One with the Everlasting Arms to be involved with you? The first thing you have to do is to accept His Invitation (if you haven’t done so before).
Remember He said in Matthew 11:28-30; Come unto me, all ye that Labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Come to Him, surrender your Life to Him: He can take care of your Past, your Present and your Future.
But if He says come! And you say you are not coming. Well, that will not be His Problem! It will be yours.
So if you want to surrender your Life to Jesus tonight; you want Him to begin to carry you with His Everlasting Arms, do so now!
Now you want Him to be involved with you, you better learn to clap for Him! He loves those who Worship Him. If you clap for Him, your hands will never wither – Amen.
Okay, talk to the Almighty God now and say: Lord Please, I am ready to accept Your Invitation. Save my Soul, come into my Life. I want You to carry me with Your Everlasting Arms;
Forgive all my sins, let Your Blood wash away everything evil that I have done in the Past. I will serve You from now on. Please, be my Saviour, be my Lord!
And the rest of us Please, let’s Stretch our hands towards these our New Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them.
Pray that the One Who saved your Soul would save their own Souls
Pray that the Almighty God would give them Genuine Salvation.
… Go ahead, Pray for them for another two (2) minutes, before I Pray for them.
Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Almighty God, I want to Thank You for Your Word.
I want to give You all Glory and Honour for these Your People who are Genuinely Surrendering their lives to You.
Father Please, receive them, in Jesus’ Name! Have Mercy on them, forgive all their sins. Let Your Blood wash away every sin they have ever committed.
Save their Souls Lord, write their names in the Book of Life, receive them into the Family of God and with Your Everlasting Arms just keep on carrying them. Don’t let them ever backslide. And let them serve You till the very end.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Now those of you who have just surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, I want to rejoice with you. Because from now on, by the Grace of God, I’ll be Praying for you. So I am going to need your names, your Address and you Prayer Requests.
Congratulations! God Bless You – Amen.
We will Worship God as we wait for them.
Over to you Band!
Thank You Father!
You may want to write down your Prayer Points now:
1. You want to Thank the One with the Everlasting Arms for choosing you to be one of His People.
He said in His Words that you have not Chosen Him but He has choosen you.
Many People heard the Gospel the same way you heard it but they didn’t accept it.
2. You say: Father, Stretch Yiur Everlasting Arms to the Very Source of my Life.
And if there is any evil there, remove them today; if there is any Poison in my Source – Known and Unknown to me; Stretch Your Everlasting Arms to my Very Source and remove all the evil there.
3. You say: Father, Stretch Your Everlasting Arms to my Future and if there is any evil waiting for me there; Please cancel them. If there is any danger waiting in my Future, Please remove them.
4. You say: Father, because Your Arms are Everlasting, anything that is responsible for my Problems now – Any evil, any sin I have committed; Please destroy it today and wipe them away.
5. You say: Father, Stretch Your Everlasting Arms to my Future; bring in all the Miracles, all the Signs and Wondees there now to me.
Bring my Future to me now!
6. This Prayer is for those of us who needs Help urgently.
Father, before this Night is over, Help me urgently. Don’t let me reach the Ground.
7. Father, since Your Everlasting Arms are underneath; Pick me up and begin to lift me up Higher and Higher everyday.
8. Because of the Law of Harvest:
Pray that Father, all those People who are here today; as You are answering my Prayers, answer their own Prayers also.
Please, go ahead and talk to the Almighty God!
You have only 15 Minutes to Pray – Make sure that you make your Prayers Very Intense!
Cry unto the Lord now!!!
Thank You Father!
… Let us begin to bring our Prayers to a Close:
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I have a very Special Request for all these Your Children today;
Father, answer their Prayers! Answer their Prayers by Fire.
My Father and my God, You are the Controller of Times and Seasons; what could happen in ten (10) years time, You can do in Seconds.
Answer them now! Please, answer them today.
Every one of them, my Father and my God, with Your Mighty Everlasting Arms, touch them!
Touch them Physically – Heal all of them!
My Father and my God, we heard the Testimony of Your daughter who said the bones were broken. And at Igbobi (A Teaching Hospital in Lagos Nigeria); they said, “we can’t handle this, you are going to need quite a lot of money.” But she cried unto You, and You Produced brand New bones.
Father, in the lives of all these Your Children, anything that needs to be put right: put it right, in Jesus’ Name!
Whatever cannot be repaired, Father, replace it!
Father today, touch the Finances of Your Children; Don’t let any of them know hardship again!
My Father and my God, I want You to Please, go to their Future and make sure they never know Sorrow again.
Touch their Marriages: make the barren Fruitful. Provide Good Partners for the lonely.Touch their children also!
Touch every one of us Spiritually; as we begin to win Souls for you Father, empower us!
Before the Sun rises, my Father and my God, begin to carry everybody here.
Let our Promotion begin!
Oh Lord, I am Praying that before Sunday Morning (7th May 2023), everyone here would have Testimonies.
Thank You because I know it is done! For in Jesus’Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let me hear somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!!!
Thank You Father! Glory be to God – Hallelujah.
The Lord says there is somebody here tonight, or reading now on the Label of openheaven.net. He says right now the road is rough and everything seems Uncertain.
He asked me to tell you – Before Sunday Morning (7th May, 2023); you will shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Well, only one thing more to do before we let you go home – That is to say, Thank You to the Almighty God for what He has done.
Has anyone been blessed here at all tonight? – Yes, openheaven.net FAMILY MEMBERS!
Okay! Then let’s take our Thanksgiving Offering and dance to the nearest basket and drop our Offering (Online). When you drop your Offering, you are free to celebrate with your brother and sister.
Rejoice with them, because by the next time we meet, they won’t be the same Person again – Things would have Changed for the better – Amen.
Over to you Band!
Thank You Lord.
The Lord will accept your Offering; He will bless it; He will use it for His Glory.
And in the Name that’s above every other name, for the rest of your Life, you will never Lack!
You will never beg; you will never be in debt again – You will always have More Than Sufficient.
My God will Prosper you; He will go with you as you go. On your way there will be Miracle, at home there will be Miracle.
Throughout this Month of May, God will be Gracious unto you.
So shall it be! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Who was the first one God touched tonight? – The openheaven.net FAMILY MEMBERS!
Let me hear you shout the loudest Hallelujah – HALLELUJAH!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.