Lift your hands to the Almighty God and let us give Him all the Glory. Bless His Holy Name, give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration. Thank Him for all what He has done for you.
Thank You Father. Blessed be Your Holy Name.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen!
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You Adoration
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
Ancient of Days we Worship You – The Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, the Ending; we Worship You.
Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You for March, Thank You for April, Thank You for May, Thank You for June, Thank You for July, Thank You for August, Thank You for September, Thank You for October, Thank You for November. Father, accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.
We Thank You for all You have done in the Past, we Thank You for what You are going to do here tonight and we Thank You in Advance for the Future. Accept our Thanks in Jesus’ Name.
You have brought us thus far, we believe Lord that whether the devil likes it or not; we shall see the New Year. Father, accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.
Tonight in Your Own Miraculous Way, let the Rain fall.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
You may be seated for a Second.
Those of you who are born in the Month of November, you can remain Standing.
Father, I want to commit Your Children born in the Month of November into Your Hands.
November is the Eleventh (11th) of the Year – “The Month of Double Grace Plus”.
In every areas of the lives of these Your Children, let Your Grace Overturn – Overturn everything that is evil and let Your Grace Overflow.
Overflow in every areas that is Good, Stand by them, Support them, give them every Blessings Supernaturally and Abundantly.
Let it be well with them in every areas of their lives and let them serve You Surplusly.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Those born in the Month of November, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
We are going to do something that you may call “Childish” but when the results begin to come; you will know that we know what we are doing.
One of the happiest day in the Life of a girl is the day she is getting married.
And so, those of you who are yet to be married and eligible; in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, the “Wedding Bell” will soon ring – Amen.
For the mother of the Bride to die on the day of her daughter Wedding – That is an “Extraordinary Sorrow”.
I mean that you have to put yourself in the Picture when you hear these Testimonies.
But then, God spoke – I like the Testimony of that Brother: Do I join those who are weeping or do I run into my car and disappear?
But then, he heard from God and God said: “DANCE”.
You are going to Stand on your feet and we are going to dance for about five (5) Minutes. And as much as Possible, I want you to dance round. And everything the enemy Planned for your Sorrow will turn to Joy – Amen!
Over to you Band!
1. At long last, the RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2022 is around the corner – It will start from 5th to 10th December 2022.
By the Special Grace of God, we will be talking about: “DOUBLE PORTION”.
If you love your friends and neighbours; invite them – This will be one RCCG Holy Ghost Congress that you will never, never forget.
2. I told you before that by the Grace of God, those of you who are ready to join me that they will Fast and Pray between Saturday 26th November to Friday 2nd December 2022.
The 2nd December 2022 would have been an Holy Ghost Service Night for December if it were not a Holy Ghost Congress Month – So, that will help you to locate the date.
And now every day after Church Services during those days of Fasting and Prayer; we will gather before 6pm. At 6pm on the dot; we will begin to Pray.
There will be no Ceremonies – We just want to Pray for one (1) Solid Hour.
Our Prayer Points will be Only three (3) Prayer Points:
I. We will Praise God for His Patience over us as a Nation.
II. We will confess our sins – The sins of all of us Christians.
Because as the Bible Text we will be reading will tell you (2 Chronicles 7: 13-14)- If there is a Problem in the Land (And we have Problems in the Land now – Things are getting funny every day now). If you don’t learn to laugh in Nigeria now, you will develop Hypertension.
Whatever we have done wrong Particularly we Christians; we haven’t Prayed enough!
He said that: My People that are called by my Name (That is Christians) will humble themselves and Pray and will confess our evil ways and forsake them. He said that He will hear from Heaven.
III. We will just ask for Mercy o – Oh Lord, Mercy!
That is what we should be asking!
As in, you know what is going on in our Country – It doesn’t even make sense any more. Our Naira now is not even worth the Paper it is being Printed upon.
And while People are hungry, trying to find enough money to buy bread; our bosses are thinking of making the Naira more beautiful.
Even if it can’t buy bread, at least it will look beautiful.
So every day, for one (1) Hour, we will Pray for that one (1) Hour – You will Thank Him with your Substance. You will call it Thanksgiving.
We are Thanking Him because it is by His Mercy that we are not consumed.
You will give Him Thanksgiving Offering for six (6) days and then go!
Then on the seventh (7th) day; which is Friday 2nd December 2022; we will gather here at the Redemption City of God.
By then, we would have gone round the Wall of Jericho six (6) times and on the seventh (7th) day we will gather.
When we gather; we will start by 7pm (Nigeria, West Africa Time) because some of us will come from far:
I. At 7pm on the dot; we begin to Praise Him on that day – We would sing, dance, Praise Him in anticipation of answers to our Prayers.
II. And then after the “Common Dancing” et cetera et cetera; then we will have one (1) Solid Hour of “Individual Praise” – Where Nobody will disturb you.
You will just Praise God for all He had done for you since you were born.
III. That will be followed by one (1) Solid Hour of asking Him to forgive us.
Confessing to Him all the sins that you can ever remember from the time that you can remember anything – Including when you stole a cube of sugar when your mother wasn’t looking.
IV. And then, there will be one (1) Solid Hour of you crying to God for Mercy.
V. After that, we will leave the rest to God.
So, on that Friday, after we have done four (4) Solid Hours; we will let the Holy Spirit tells us what to do Next!
God must be Merciful unto us – We have to hold on to Him and say: Please, Help us!
We need to Thank Him for all He has done in the Past, we need to apologise to Him for all our Failures and then we cry to Him for Mercy!
So, I expect to see all of you on Friday, the 2nd of December 2022 – And as you come, be ready to Pray!
3. Do you know that up till now – And this is November; Daddy hasn’t told me “YET” (Put the word “Yet” o) that there is going to be Elections in Nigeria Next Year (2023).
We will continue of course as if there is going to be Elections.
I’m saying that: Adeboye (I’m not talking of other People); God has not told me “YET” – He may tell me tomorrow but as at this moment that I’m sitting before you, He has not told me “YET” if there will be an Election Next Year (2023).
And of course as usual; anyone that comes to me and say: Pray for me, I will Pray for them because it is my Duty.
My Duty is to Pray and it is up to God to answer!
I’m not trying to frighten you; I’m not telling you that I know something Secret that you don’t know – I am not a Prophet but just a Pastor.
But I am your Pastor and you need to Pray!
Let’s go on tonight!
I told you that Daddy said to me that the Theme for this Month is: “LET IT RAIN”.
Believe me honestly that before; I didn’t understand the meaning but now I do. And you too will understand by the time we finished!
And like I told those of you that came for The RCCG November 2022 Holy Communion Service yesterday (Thursday 3rd November 2022) – From the Testimonies you have been hearing concerning the Holy Communion Services; you should know that the Holy Communion Service is not something that you should joke with.
There will be two (2) Sessions tonight:
1. Part 1 is the Bible Study Session
2. Part 2 is the Time to Pray
2 Chronicles 7: 13-14 – God is the One speaking here and He said:
13. If I shut up Heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;
14. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Now, that tells you something straightaway – If you are not Praying, it means you are not humble. It means you are Proud.
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:14
All of you who believe God will heal your Land, say Amen – Amen!!!
Rain is simply water falling from Heaven in drops. Several drops of water descending from Heaven – That is Rain!
1. But in the Spiritual Realm, Rain is associated with Blessings.
Like I have always told you, “Blessings come from Above”.
In Ezekiel 34:26 it is written: And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his Season; there shall be Showers of Blessing.
… So, He called Blessings – Showers.
2. Rain is associated with God’s Pleasure – When God is Pleased.
In Deuteronomy 28:1-13, God is pleased when we hearken diligently to His voice, and we do whatever He commands us. Then Blessings will begin to follow us and overtake us.
And if you read it all the way down, it tells us that He will give Rain in it’s Season.
… So, Rain is associated with Blessings, and it is a Sign that God is Pleased.
3. Rain leads to Surplus.
In Amos 4:7, God says He can rain on one City and keep another City dry. He said the City that He rained upon would then have Plenty; and the Cities that He did not rain upon would now have to go to the One that He rained upon for food and water.
Exodus 16:4 tells us that God can rain down bread from Heaven.
Bread means food.
So Rain is associated with Divine Supply.
4. Isaiah 55:10 tells us that Rain is associated with Fruitfulness.
When Rain falls the Ground would bud and bring forth. And then begin to Produce food for the eater.
It is a Sign that God is displeased.
According to Deuteronomy 28:14-24. That is one Part of the Bible many People don’t want to read.
But you should read it so you would know the reasons why you should Fear God. Because there it is stated what will happen if you don’t obey Him.
Deuteronomy 11:17 says, “No Rain means no harvest.”
In other words, you can sow any manner of Seed; if Rain does not fall on it, there will be no harvest. So, lack of Rain is a curse.
Let’s go a little deeper:
I. Rain is Symbolic of Hope.
II. Rain is Symbolic of Restoration.
III. Rain is Symbolic of Revival.
Job 14:7-9 tells us, if a tree is cut down and dried up, if there would be just a little bit of water – Rain coming on it from Above; the tree that you said has no Hope, will spring forth again.
IV. Rain is Symbolic of Divine Favour.
Proverbs 16:15 tells us that Rain is like the favour of a King. And the King of Kings is our God.
1. Jeremiah 5:24 made it clear: God is the Giver of Rain.
2. In 1 Kings 17:1 He is the Controller of Rain.
And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I Stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.
… And immediately he said that, the Heaven was shut.
God is the Controller or Rain that is why when He wants to give Rain, he normally wants to give it moderately.
Joel 2:23 says:
Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the Rain, the former Rain, and the latter Rain in the first month.
Why moderately? If it is too much, it becomes what we call a flood – it becomes a Problem.
You know the Story in Genesis 7, when God wanted to destroy the Earth in the time of Noah, He sent the Rain.
So, with the little we have learnt, we can now see the reason why we must Pray:
– We need Rain,
– We need it moderately,
– We need to contact the One who gives Rain, to give it to us;
– And give it to us appropriately.
In 1 Kings 8:35-36, it tells us that if the Heaven is shut and there is no one Rain (because my people have sinned). “If they call on Me and do what they should do, then I will open the Heavens and Rain will begin to fall again.”
So how do we Pray tonight?
1. Of course, we will start by Praising Him.
According to Psalms 100:4, we will Enter into His gates with Thanksgiving, and into His Court’s with Praise: we will be Thankful unto Him, and bless His name.
We must Thank Him for what He has done, Praise Him for His Goodness. Because Psalms 22:3 tells us that He inhabits the Praises of His people. That He loves to dwell where the people are Praising Him.
And where He is, there is no Possibility of dryness; because His name is Jehovah El-Shaddai – The God who is more than Enough.
2. And then of course, we Worship Him.
Because in John 4:23-24 He says He would seek out those who are worshiping Him.
3. We must all be ready to Confess and forsake our evil ways so that we can obtain Mercy.
… Alright! That is the short Bible Study.
1. We want to ask Him to Rain Healings upon us.
… Why do we want to ask Him to Rain Healings upon us?
In John 5:2-9, there were multitudes at the Pool of Bethesda, only one fellow got a drop of Rain, and he was healed.
Whereas there was enough Rain available through Jesus Christ; so much Rain of Healings: so much Healing Virtue, that His dress was soaking with Healing Power.
You know the Story in Mark 5:25-24; you remembered the woman who said, all I need is just to touch the helm of His Garment – I am not asking Him to Pray for me, I am not asking Him to lay hands in me. Just let me go from behind and touch – Not the Whole Garment, just the helm.
… There was enough Power to Heal in the helm of His Garment.
There was a time when it rained on all the people, they all got wet. In Matthew 8:14-17, Jesus came into the house of Peter, found the mother-in-law sick, gave her a drop of the Healing Virtue.
She got up immediately healed, and began to minister unto Jesus. Then the people in the town heard that Jesus is somewhere here: and the Bible says, they brought all the people (multitudes).
And the Rain fell on all of them. All of them got at least a drop of the Rain and they were healed.
Several years ago, when the Holy Ghost Service was just beginning. I went to Pray, Preparing for the Service. I cried to God that He would Perform Miracles. It was in the very first Auditorium by the expressway.
God told me, “shut up! Heal me, heal this fellow, deliver. Am I your house boy?” All I want you to do is just keep on Praising Me. Worship Me!
And I kept on doing what He asked me to do. At that time it was a Weekend Program: Friday and Saturday – That Friday, fourteen thousand (14,000) People were healed. Ha! That was a big thing – Practically everybody.
When we left the place, myself and my Senior Pastors, we went into the Vestry and we were Praising God. God spoke to me and said, I will heal tomorrow. “You have healed everybody already!”
… Because we were a little over fourteen thousand (14,000) People at that time.
But the following day, when the People who got Healed got home and they began to Testify: “something happened yesterday.” Where? Redemption Camp!
To cut a long Story short, the second day He healed sixteen thousand (16,000) People.
Now, that same God is here today.
Are you ready to Pray? – Yes!
You are going to Stand on your feet and cry to the Almighty God loud and clear:
You will say: Father, Please let it Rain Healings upon everybody.
Open your Mouth.
Open the Heavens and Rain Healings on everyone and don’t let us leave here sick.
If you are Healthy, then Pray for your Neighbours that God should Rain Healings on him/her
Every form of Sicknesses or Diseases; let it Vanish – Whether Big or Small.
From my Head to my Toe, heal me tonight – Heal my Eyes, Ears, Brains, Hands, Legs, Wombs etc.
Before tomorrow morning, let everyone of Your Children be Totally Healed as You are the Lord that Healeth thee.
Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Receive your Healings in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen
2. Then we going to ask Him to Rain Abundance on all of us:
Because His Name is Jehovah El-Shaddai.
Genesis 17:1 says His Name is the God that is More than Enough.
And according to Psalms 68:19 He can load us with benefits on a daily basis. That means He has Plenty and He is not stingy.
In 1 Kings 17:8-16 at a time when things were hard in Israel, a Widow got just a drop of the Rain of Abundance, and everyday she had enough.
In 2 Kings 4:1-7, another Widow got a drop of the Rain of Abundance, and she was able to pay off all her debts.
And the Bible says, she had Abundance for the rest of her life.
But in John 6:5-13, there were thousands gathered, there was not enough food to feed the multitude, save for the meal of a small boy. But God rained Abundance, everybody had enough and there was still a lot left over.
In Luke 8:1-3, the Bible says throughout the Ministry of Jesus Christ, there were some People supplying His Financial Needs. But they mentioned only three (3) as very Special (Hefty Givers).
… Interestingly they were all women. God have Mercy on us men!
I am just wondering: what will happen if God will Rain Abundance on all of us and in a Miraculous way, we all become Billionaires?
I remembered my first year as General Overseer. We wanted to buy a small Bus. The small Bus was going to cost us ten Thousand Naira (N10,000). Naira was powerful then!
We wanted to buy a Bus so that the General Overseer will stop going about by Danfo (Commercial Transportation).
And I called my People together, and I said, “Please I need a hundred (100) people to give me a hundred Naira (N100) each.”
Some people came out – I counted the number and it was less than Seventy (70).
I begged and Pleaded, it took more than one hour before I could find a hundred (100) People who had at least a hundred Naira (N100) to share.
When finally we got 100, I wept!
Why did I weep? I had a rough idea what my Salary was as a Lecturer in the University. Now, we needed a hundred (100) people with a hundred Naira (N100) each, to buy a Bus – and it took a lot of Persuasion to find.
… They wanted to give, but they couldn’t afford it.
Since that time I have been crying to God that in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); Poverty will become a Stranger – Amen!
Asking for a hundred (100) People to give a hundred Naira (N100) at that time is like asking for a hundred (100) people to give a Billion Naira today.
But I want you to Stand on your feet:
And Cry to God with Anger and say: Father, Open the Heavens, Rain Abundance on us.
Open your mouth and Pray.
Your Name is Jehovah El-Shaddai – The God that is More Than Enough. Open the Windows of Heavens and Rain Abundance on us
Anytime they say there is anything to do in the House of God, let me be the first to come Forward and say: How much.
I am tired of Poverty – Please, don’t let me die Poor
Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
… You are going to Pray that Prayer a little more, and you are going to make it Personal.
Father, if they need three (3) People to do the work of Mission; let me be Part of them.
That’s why I want You to Pour Your Rain Abundance on me.
I want to be Your “Divine Treasurer”.
Thank You Almighty God. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
3. The third thing we are going to ask God to do for us is to Rain Down Mercy.
Ephesians 2:4 tells us that God is rich in Mercy. And Mercy can do what Nothing else can do.
In Mark 1:40-45, there was a Leper who cried to Jesus Christ, “just give new a drop is Mercy.” And God granted his request. The man who was a walking corpse – Dead man walking, became alive again: Vigorous, Healthy, Strong.
His loneliness ended because he got a drop of Mercy.
His Testimony transformed a whole City because he got a drop of Mercy.
In Mark 10:46-52 Bartimaeus got a drop of Mercy – He cried for Mercy. Darkness lost its grip on him, his Prayer was heard. His Prayer was answered instantly because he got a drop of Mercy. Stagnation came to an end in his Life because he got a drop of Mercy.
Ha, Thank You Lord!
Well, Daddy asked me to tell Someone here tonight, or reading now on the Label of DMC:
He says, I will soften the Ground for you – Amen.
Thank You Lord!
The Lord asked me to tell Someone – He said the Fellow would understand:
He said you are like a fish in a “Little Pond” of water, and the water is drying up fast!
He asked me to tell you that: He will move you into a “Big River” – Amen.
Matthew 15:21-28 tells us of a woman who had a real Family Problem.
When someone was Testifying today about a child that was mad (I don’t know how you People felt)! Because when I hear a Testimony, i try to imagine: supposed it is me?
And all the Hospitals said No! We can’t take this one! But then the Almighty God got involved.
I Decree tonight: the Problems that you are hiding under your beautiful clothes, the Almighty God would put an end to it – Amen.
The Elders have a saying, they say, “Death is better than shame.”
That is what the Elders say! “My child is dead” is better than to say, “my child is mad!”
Oh No! My eldest sister lost her husband almost forty (40) years ago. And because the two of them were very intimate, my sister refused to be consoled.
Then one neighbour came to visit her and said, “You lost your husband therefore you refused to eat? Follow me!” My sister was wondering, ‘Follow you?’ She said it with force – “follow me!” And so my sister followed her.
When they got to her own house, there was a door leading to a room locked. There was an animal inside the room roaring and my sister was afraid. ‘What kind of animal are you keeping in your room?’
And she said, “that’s not an animal! You People have been asking me where my brother has gone, and I told you he travelled. He is the one inside there.”
My sister came back quickly and nobody had to beg her anymore!
I Pray for you: That family Problem that is an embarrassment to you, my God will remove it today – Amen!
So there was this woman in Matthew 15:21-28. She came to Jesus Christ and said, “my daughter is grievously vexed of the devil.”
That’s a Polite way of saying, “my daughter is mad; have Mercy on me.”
Finally she got a drop of Mercy, and the family Problem came to an end
The Bible tells me in Romans 9:15-16, I will have Mercy on whom I will have Mercy; and I will have Compassion on whom I will have Compassion.
He even went further to say, So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
Your Success is only because God has decided to be Merciful unto you.
There was a day in Matthew 14:14, Jesus rained Mercy on the multitude and solved all their Problems.
Stand on your feet and cry to the Almighty God:
Cry to the Almighty God – Open the Windows of Heaven and Rain Mercy on us all – Mercy! Mercy!! Mercy!!!
I need Mercy, my Neighbour needs Mercy, my family needs Mercy, Your Church needs Mercy, our Nation needs Mercy.
Please, have Mercy and remove all our Reproaches.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen
May the Almighty God be Merciful unto you – Amen!
4. The next thing we want to ask God for is that He will Rain Down Power on all of us.
I don’t know about you; from almost the very first day I got Born Again, I had this thing in me that says, “I don’t want to be an “Ordinary Christian”. If God can give Power to anybody, let Him give it to me.”
How many of you want to be Powerful? How many would like to Heal the sick, Raise the dead, Cast out demons? – The DMC FAMILY MEMBERS!
… So shall it be, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
Psalms 62:11 says, God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that Power belongeth unto God.
Isaiah 40:28-31 tells us that He has enough of this Power to give to the faint.
Samson got a drop of the Power of God and a Single man defeated a thousand of his enemies (Judges 15:14-15).
If one fellow got a drop of the Power and he can deal with a thousand of the enemies – And the Word of God says if one (1) can chase a thousand, two (2) will put ten thousand (10,000) to flight! (Deuteronmy 32:30)
Can you imagine what will happen if all of us are to be endued with Power from on High?
Ha, Thank You Father!
… I want to say Amen to this before I tell you – Amen.
The Almighty God asked me to tell Someone: From tonight, your Raining Season begins – Amen.
And He adds: Stay Close to Me, and the Rain will never Stop – Amen.
And In Acts 2:1-4, in the Upper Room, there were one hundred and twenty (120) People there when the Rain of Power fell and it touched everyone of them.
And the one hundred and twenty (120) People turned the world upside down within two (2) years. Because the Bible says in Acts 5:12-16 from their hands were Miracles, Signs and Wonders.
I will like you to leave this Place tonight with enough Power – At least to save the Members of your family.
I havee told you something that happened in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1979.
My father-in-the-Lord, myself and four (4) others were in an Hotel – A huge Hotel.
And one morning, my father-in-the-Lord called us to his room, and announced to us that he will soon be Going Home; and that Pastor Adeboye will be succeeding him.
We were all shocked! I fell down and everybody began to Pray seriously.
Very soon we heard a knock at the door. I was at the door so I opened the door, and the Engineer of the Hotel was standing at the door. And he said, “You people, what kind of instrument are you Playing?” Instrument? “We are not Playing any Instrument; we are Praying.”
He said No! I got out of his way, he entered into the room, searched everywhere and saw Nothing.
On his way out he turned to me and said, “What did you say you People were doing?” I said, we were Praying.
I said why are you asking? And he said, because the Hotel is shaking and we have traced the shaking to this room.
And of course, they didn’t believe we were Praying; so after the Guests left, they didn’t take New Guests. As soon as they cleared us out of the Place, they shut down the Hotel.
They dug round the Foundation to look for what is wrong and they couldn’t find anything.
And the Hotel remained shut for Thirty (30) years; until one day I went to visit the Place with my children. I said, this is the Hotel I was talking to you about (It was still closed).
And I was moved by compassion; went close to the Hotel, laid my hands on the wall and Prayed a Simple Prayer.
… And they reopened it six (6) Months later.
Six (6) People Prayed, the Power of God fell and the Hotel shook and it was locked for Thirty (30) years.
We are more than six (6) here tonight; I need an Earthquake here for you to destroy every yokes in your Life, to destroy every yokes in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); the yokes in Nigeria.
I want you to lift your Voice and say: Father, Rain down Power tonight.
Give us an Earthquake; Shake every Foundations of devil lose tonight; Empower us like never before; let everyone of us be Carriers of Your Power.
The Power to heal, raise the dead, set the Captives Free, do the Impossible, reverse the Irreversible, break evil yokes – Release them to us.
We don’t want to be Powerless Christians, we don’t want to be “Weakling or Ordinary Christians” again.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
God will grant your Requests in Jesus Name – Amen!
5. Just one thing more that I want God to Rain down on us tonight: and that is Joy.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t like sorrow. And I don’t think the fellow who likes sorrow is here tonight.
How many of you like Joy? – The DMC FAMILY MEMBERS!
Let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
When they tell me somebody has given birth to a set of twins, I am glad. I eagerly want to go there and Pray. If they tell me somebody died, Oh my God! I don’t like sorrow.
And all of you who don’t like sorrow, sorrow will not come near you – Amen.
Psalms 16:11 says, Thou wilt shew me the Path of Life: in thy Presence is Fullness of Joy;
There is no Scarcity of Joy in Heaven. And there are several People who got drops is Joy.
Like in Luke 7:11-15, that Widow of Nain whose only son died knew sorrow. Her husband had died, the only son also died.
And they were going to bury her only son – She was in sorrow. But she got a drop of Joy because Jesus met her on the way.
The Jairus Family, according to Mark 5:35-53, Jesus drove out those who were weeping.
Everything that is causing sorrow in your family, God will drive them out today – Amen.
Thank You Daddy!
The Lord asked me to tell Somebody – He said you will understand.
He said, I am the One who shut the door against you: But tonight, I will open it – Amen!
… I don’t know what you did to annoyed Him. If I were you, I will never do such again!
Ha! I like this one:
The Lord asked me to tell some People that you will observe something when you are beginning to Share your Testimonies:
That everybody would say, “November 2022 was the Month of Open Wombs – Amen!
Better still, was what happened in Acts 8:58; the Bible tells us there was Great Joy in Samaria – Great Joy not “Ordinary Joy” in a whole City.
Can you imagine a whole City full of Joy – Everybody Rejoicing?
Instead of the situations where we find ourselves today – everywhere you turn People are mourning.
The Almighty God will turn the tide for us – Amen.
One of my Spiritual Sons (he has his own Ministry) came and begged me; he won’t let me rest. For a whole year he kept on putting Pressure on me, “Daddy, you must come to my Village.” I said, what is it? You are a Great Man of God yourself, go and handle your Village.
He said, you must come! Okay, what is the Problem? He said, there is never a year when the whole City was not mourning. Somebody important must die every year – at least one!
And I said okay (since I was going to be near that Town anyway) I will come! In one of my trips, I went to the town. The whole town gathered and we Prayed and I left.
A year later, my Spiritual Son came to me, he was dancing. I said, why are you dancing? He said, it’s over a year now and Nobody has died in my town.
I want to Decree concerning your towns and Villages: because of the Prayer you are about to Pray, there will be no more sorrow in your town, no more weeping, no more Premature deaths in your town – Amen.
Stand on your feet!
Cry to the Almighty God and say: Father, Rain Joy upon us – Everlasting Joy, Exceeding Great Joy; Joy that will flush out Sorrow.
Let there be no more Sorrow in my family, Village, Town, Country – Let the Rain fall on all of us.
As from today, let us stop Weeping and Mourning every Year.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
So shall it be in Jesus Name – Amen!
Oh, Thank You Father!
… Even though I am saying Yes to this, I claim it for all of us:
My Daddy says, “My Name is Amen; therefore, I will answer all your Prayers tonight – Amen.
… Now let’s conclude;
6. For it to Rain, Heaven must Open.
“Let it Rain” therefore, means: “Let me operate under Open Heavens.
For you to understand that, the Bible tells us, when Jesus Christ was baptized, as He was coming out of the water, the Heavens Opened. And for the rest of His Life (while on Earth) He operated under Open Heavens.
That’s why Miracles, Signs and Wonders followed Him.
Acts 10:38 says:
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power: who went about doing Good, and Healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.
Because when the Heavens opened unto Him, the Holy Spirit came. The Power of the Almighty God came upon Him.
Jesus operated under Open Heavens!
But why did God Choose this Theme for RCCG November 2022 Holy Ghost Service?
In 2 Kings 2:9-15, when Elijah was about to be taken away, and he asked Elisha, “what do you want?” And Elisha said, “I want a Double Portion of your Spirit.” Elijah said, unless the Heavens Open!
I believe the Almighty God wants to Open the Heavens to some of us, so that by the time we come for The RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2022 (From December 5th – 11th, 2022); we will be ready for “DOUBLE PORTION.”
And I am sure some of us would say: Sir, you are our Daddy, how can you say the Heavens will open to “some of us?” You should have said, the Heavens will open to “all of us.”
You see, the unfortunate thing is that it is not all of us who are here or reading now on the Label of DMC who are children of God.
Oh, all manner of People call me Daddy. But they don’t know my God. And if you call me Daddy and you are not Born Again, you are just joking.
Open Heavens lead to Double Portion! And I am telling you, even if I am the one telling you, “The RCCG Holy Ghost Congress this Year (2022) will be one never to be forgotten.”
… And God is now Preparing the way – Opening the Heavens to some of us!
And when the Heavens Open, different kinds of things will begin to happen:
I. The things you have found difficult will suddenly become very easy.
II. People who don’t want to see you will begin to say, you are Welcome!
III. You will begin to enjoy Favour from God and from man.
But for Heavens to Open you have to become one of His Own.
So, before we Pray the remaining Prayers that we want to Pray; if you know you are not Born Again – You know you are not a True Child of the Living God, you better come and settle that matter now.
Come and cry to God for the Salvation of your Soul; and the rest of us will join our Faith with yours, so that God can save your Soul. It’s up to you now! The only Prayer of the sinner that God will hear is, “have Mercy on me Lord, save my Soul.”
… Come to Him and He will answer that Prayer for you!
The Choice is yours – You are either a Child of God or you are not.
And unless you are Born Again – hmmm! It is only when you have surrendered your Life to Him that He can say, I give you Power to become a Child of God.
Okay! Cry to God and tell Him: have Mercy on me, I want to be one of Your children. Save my Soul, forgive my sins and I will serve You for the rest of my Life. Just wash away my sins, and let me become a Member or Your Family.
And the rest of us, let’s stretch our hands towards these our New brothers and sisters, and Intercede for them. Let’s Pray that the One Who saved our Souls would save their own Souls also.
Intercede for them! Pray that the Almighty God will have Mercy on them and give them Genuine Salvation: so that from tonight onward, when they call on Him, He will hear them.
Thank You Father! Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
Thank You Lord. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Saviour of Mankind, I want to Bless Your Holy Name.
I want to Thank You very, very much does these Your children who have heard Your Word, and have decided that they want to surrender unto You.
Father Please, receive them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins. Write their names in the Book of Life. And Please Lord, the Grace to serve You forever, give unto them.
And from this moment onward, anytime they call on You, answer them by Fire!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, I rejoice with those of you who have Genuinely surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ.
From today onwards (by the Grace of God) you can now call yourself a True Child of God. And He will begin to answer your Prayers.
I need your names, your Address and your Prayer Request. If you would let me know, I Promise you, from today onwards, I will be Praying for you.
God Bless You!
In the meantime, I think we will be worshipping God quietly, while we wait for our New brothers and sisters to fill their form.
Thank You Lord! Thank You very much.
1. You want to Thank God that you are even here today
2. If I were you, I will then cry to Him for Mercy – Mercy over me, over my family and Mercy over all that are Precious to me.
I. Cry to God for Mercy so that Sickness will stay far away from our homes.
II. Cry to God for Mercy never to Lack again.
III. Cry to God for Mercy that you will continue to enjoy the Mercy of God that you have enjoyed thus far.
IV. Cry to God for Mercy such that when they are talking of the People that God used Mightily; then myself and my family will be very Prominent.
V. Cry to God for Mercy that anything that is called Sorrow will stay away from me.
3. You know all the things that you want from God – Go ahead and cry to Him.
Tell Him as there might be some things that are Personal to you that I did not mentioned but you need the Special Mercy of God to Handle them.
Go ahead and discuss them with God now – It is between you and God!
Thank You Lord! Glory be to God.
…. Let us begin to bring our Prayers to a close.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
May the One whose Name is Amen, answer all your Prayers!
May Sickness depart from your families!
May you never know Lack again!
In your family, may this Month be the Beginning of Open Heavens!
May God be Merciful unto you; may all your Problems be over!
Everyday from today onward, in your family, there will be shouts of Joy;
And your Blessings will last forever!
So shall it be! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Thank You Lord.
Now we want to say Thank You to the Almighty God for visiting us again tonight.
If the Almighty God has blessed you tonight, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!!!
Well, as soon as we can get back to our seats, the Ushers will help us by arranging the Offering Baskets (online givers too).
I have a very, very deep feeling that from now on, someone will be Operating under Open Heavens!
The Rain of God will continue to fall!
Your Rainy Season has started, and it will never end – Amen!
So, with Joy in our hearts let’s take our Thanksgiving Offering. And remember, God loves a Cheerful Giver.
Dance to the nearest Basket joyfully (online) and show your Appreciation.
… And then we will say the Closing Prayers, and be on our way!
So, over to you Band.
My Father and my God, I want to Bless Your Holy Name once again. On behalf of all Your children here, we say Thank You!
Accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name!
Whatever Problems Your children left at home, before they get home, let the Problems be gone!
You said in Your Word that weeping may endure for a night, but Joy comes in the morning:
Please Lord, by the time the sun is rising, let all these Your children be shouting for Joy!
Please, Bless their Offering, Sanctify it Lord, use it for Your Glory.
And very, very soon, among Your children here and those reading now on the Label of DMC: when Nations want to balance their Budgets, let them come and consult Your children.
Grant Your children Journey Mercies.
By the time we return next Month (December 2022), Lord God Almighty let there be a Catalogue of Testimonies!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!!!!
Let somebody shout a really Big Hallelujah – HALLELUJAH!!!!
God will go with you!
I am sure you know we ended early because I have a Meeting with the Workers.
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.