RCCG Perfect Jubilee: 4 Things That Made RCCG Unique
The Redeemed Christian Church of God recently celebrated her 70th anniversary, and it is a perfect
Jubilee indeed. For this Church to have been doing all of these glorious things since inception, we know
God is good and that He is with His church.

By the grace of God, the Redeemed Christian Church of God is a prominent spiritual institution that is
making great strides in and for the kingdom all over the world. The Church is home to millions of people
all around the world, and it is an influential spiritual house.
Pastor Adeboye 2022 Prophecies(Opens in a new browser tab)
In Nigeria alone, there are very many RCCG churches all around the country. In the cities, in the villages,
everywhere around. And we will always be grateful to God for the growth of His Church.
Now, let’s explore some of the things we can see evident in RCCG that has made the church a genuine
1. Commissioned By The LORD Himself
The Redeemed Christian Church of God has a very rich history. It is obvious that God Himself is the One
who established this Church, and we will keep seeing the proof that this is true.
The fact is, there are several churches today that are not ordained by the Lord Jesus Who is the Head of
the Church.
Some people just come together and will decide to start a church for bad and ungodly motives. Some
people go into the ministry today for their own bellies. They are only interested in their pockets and
they want to make money with God’s name. And for them, church is just a business venture. Also, for
some people, they are simply doing what they do to gain attention and influence. God never called
them, but they were drawn to start a ministry for selfish reasons. Definitely, for such people, they will
receive their judgment.
So, if you check the history of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, you will see that God Himself
called the founding father of the Church and commissioned him for the work. Indeed, the Church is built
upon the solid Rock of Christ, and the gates of hell will never prevail.
2. Committed To Kingdom Expansion
One of the very beautiful things about the Redeemed Christian Church of God is how they are greatly
committed to the work of kingdom expansion. Right now, the church has more branches than others in
this part of the world. Indeed, the church keeps expanding vehemently, to God’s glory.
One of the factors we can’t ignore is the Pastor Adeboye-factor. Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye is the
General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. He was divinely made the leader of the
church many years ago when it was very young and with few branches here and there. Now, however,
the church grew under him to become what it is today.
Many people are interested in the Redeemed Christian Church of God because of Pastor E.A Adeboye.
Indeed, the man of God is a servant of God who is loved by many all around the world. He is a man of
good character, and is a father in the world.
A lot of people regards Daddy Adeboye as their spiritual father, even if they are not Redeemed Christian
Church of God members. Despite having great influence over a lot of people and nations, he is a very
humble man. In fact, this is one of the reasons why a whole lot of people from different parts of the
world so much loves and admired him.
Pastor Adeboye is fondly called Daddy G.O. Indeed, he is a gift, and his ministry is helping contributing to
the growth of the Church. Daddy Adeboye is a very anointed man of God. God has been using him
greatly for His glory, since he started his ministry many years ago. God keeps using pastor Adeboye to
bless a lot of lives.
Some Pastor Adeboye Songs And Hymns(Opens in a new browser tab)
It should also be added that pastor Adeboye has various mediums that he uses to bless the lives of
people. For instance, his open heavens daily devotional is read by a lot of people from different parts of
the world. In fact, even many people who are not coming to the church now are always being blessed by
the spiritual material.
Therefore, it is easy for many members to keep joining RCCG for growth and God’s blessings.
3. Jesus Alone Is The Message
At the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Jesus Christ alone is the message. Pastor Enoch Adejare
Adeboye is always preaching and talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus is all that really matters to them. One
of the common things in Redeemed Christian Church of God is that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,
today, and forever.
For them, it’s all about the Lord Jesus Christ and Him alone. And Jesus already said that if He is lifted up,
He will draw men to Himself. Therefore, since Jesus is lifted up in the Redeemed Christian Church of
God, He keeps bringing multitudes to the Church, His Church.
4. Youth Inclined
The Redeemed Christian Church of God is a place that cares greatly of the youths and young adults. They
give great priority to them, and it becomes easy for more young people to want to be here.
It is amazing how RCCG was able to evolve quickly to put in place adequate structures where young
people will be comfortable to worship in the church, and not simply keep moving to only new
generation churches created for the youth in particular.
Don’t forget, the youths in the majority. Therefore, as the Redeemed Christian Church of God keeps
bringing more and more in, they can keep experiencing growth, to the glory of the LORD.
In conclusion, we are grateful to God for what He has been doing in His church, and we know God will
even keep doing more for His church, in Jesus Name. Amen