Thank You Lord. Hallelujah!
Why don’t you lift your hands to Heaven and bless that Unchangeable Lord. The One Who is the same yesterday and today and forever.
The One Who has brought you here today to do something New in your life that only He can do.
Why don’t you Praise Him! Praise Him as if you are the only one here. Praise Him as if you are the only one who is grateful.
Worship Him, Adore Him! Give Him Glory, Give Him Honour, Give Him Adoration.
Praise Him as if you know Who is Worthy – Worthy to be Praised, Worthy to be Adored, Worthy to be Magnified.
Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration.
Praise the King of kings, Praise the Lord of lords, Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him!
Thank you Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.
Jesus is Alpha,
Alpha and Omega;
Jesus is Alpha,
Alpha and Omega.
So I’ll Praise Him for He’s Alpha
Alpha and Omega;
So I’ll Praise Him for He’s Alpha
Alpha and Omega (Jesus)
Thank You Father!
The Lord asked me to tell someone here, or reading now on the Label of DMC:
That the very reason why He sent you to the world shall become known this Year (2023) – Amen.
Ancient of Days we Worship You. The One Who was, the One Who is, the One Who is to come; we adore You.
The One Who has no Beginning and no Ending. The I AM THAT I AM, the All-sufficient God, we bow before You.
Accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name!
Father we Thank You for all You have done, Particularly in this Stadium in the Past and Thank You for what You are about to do now.
Thank You because You have the Power to do anything. Glory be to Your Holy Name.
Today in the lives of all Your children who are gathered here, in the lives of all Your children in the Rivers Family, in the lives of all Your children all over the world who are listening to us right now or reading now on the label of DMC;
Father do something New, do something Wonderful, do something Miraculous, do something Glorious.
Father I Pray that before this day is out, every one of us will have a Marvelous Testimony.
Concerning Your children who are here right now or reading now on the Label of DMC, I hereby Decree: every Plans of the devil concerning you is cancelled – Amen.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Well, let somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!
And then look around you, there may be one (1) or two (2) People you have not seen this year. Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) Persons and greet them Happy New Year!
… And then you may Please be seated.
And since I have not seen many of you, I also say Happy New Year to you all.
I want to Thank the Almighty God for Rivers State. The first time I came here as a Pastor was forty (40) years ago.
And on that Particular trip, at a Crusade that we held, God raised the dead.
And I am trusting Him that He will do it again today – Amen!
So, when the Deputy Governor, Dr (Mrs) Ipalibo Harry began to Prophesy, I said Glory be to God!
Thank God that you have a Deputy Governor who is full of the Holy Spirit.
I want to express my deep Appreciations to the Governor of Rivers State – Barrister Nyesom Ezenwo Wike (CON), because again and again he had made this Place available for us to use.
And I remembered very well that God gave him a Prophecy here too that has led to several things happening in Rivers State.
And I would want to tell him that as God lives – The God who can do all things again and again; that the Almighty God will continue to bless him – Amen!
Malachi 3:6. While you are opening your Bibles, let me greet all my Brothers and Sisters up here, Particularly the Chairman of CAN – His Grace, Most Rev. Dr. Dokiboeriya Bray Kaladokubo. Thank you very much Sir for coming.
And I want the Choir to know that as usual, you are very good!
And for the young man who was on before Pastor Kunle Ajayi came in, that was very good! We appreciate you. God bless you.
Malachi 3 is a Chapter of the Bible some People don’t like because of Verses 8-10. But Verse 6 is there and it says:
Malachi 3:6
For I am the LORD, I Change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
There is a God who does not Change – His Name is Jesus!
That is why the Bible says in Hebrews 13:8: Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever.
I am going to be very brief today because what God wants to do He had already done it before.
One of the things He did is that He brought you here just to come and pick up what is yours, that you can only pick up right here.
That you are here at all, your case is already Settled.
So I will ask you to Please listen very carefully; in the very short Period of time that I’ll be talking to you today.
Psalms 91:1 describes God as the Most High and as the Almighty.
He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Most High means, He is Higher than the highest;
Almighty means, He has all Power – He can do all things.
Luke 1:37 says, For with God nothing shall be impossible.
Turn to your neighbour, Prophesy to him or her: My own will not be impossible with God – Amen!
And because He is also the Most High (and not just the Almighty) that is why the Bible says in Psalms 115:3 that our God is in the Heavens, He does as He Pleases.
You know He said, “Heaven is my Throne, the Earth is my footstool.”
If you think you are high, there is Someone who is Higher than you.
As a matter of fact, no matter how high you are, you are under His feet – The Earth is His footstool.
He is Sovereign, so He is free at anytime to say ‘Yes’ or to say ‘No’. And when He says ‘Yes’ Nobody can say ‘No’.
I don’t have all the time; so tell your neighbour once again: He is going to say ‘Yes” to my Prayers today!
When He opens a door, Nobody can shut it; when He shuts a door Nobody (and I mean Nobody) can open it.
So I can decree to you straightaway – Every door that the enemy thought they have short against you shall be opened today – Amen.
Because he’s so Powerful, so High, Original Majesty, the One that Nobody can say “what are You doing?”
He said in Romans 9:15-16, For he saith to Moses, I will have Mercy on whom I will have Mercy, and I will have Compassion on whom I will have Compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth Mercy.
… And if I choose to have Mercy on somebody and you don’t like it, sue me!
God is going to be Merciful to somebody tonight – Whether your enemies like it or not it is none of his business.
I want you to write this date down (22nd January 2023) – This is one date you will never forget for the rest of your life (22nd January, 2023).
… And I am saying that one to let you get one big point;
I must come before God today with Strong Faith.
Because no matter your Problem, no matter how ‘Big’ you think it is; that Problem is under His feet.
But you must come to Him with Humidity.
He will be Merciful unto whom He will be? Merciful! The Choice is His.
Come with Faith, come with Humility.
How ‘big’ your Problem is means Nothing to Him. In fact, the bigger your Problem, the happier He is. Because when He solves a Problem everybody will know that “only God can do this!”
Believe me honestly, before the end of this week; somebody is going to Sing and say, “Come and see what the Lord has done.”
If you are that one let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!!
Come to Him in absolute Humility – that is important!
… That is by way of Introduction.
“LORD DO IT AGAIN” is saying what?
Many of the Testimonies I would give you today are Testimonies that happened in Port Harcourt – So you will know that if He did it before in Port Harcourt, He will do it again where? In Port Harcourt!
In Matthew 8:1-3 a Leper came to Him (in Humility). He fell before Him and said, “I know You can heal me, I know!”
Because I know You have done it before – I have heard the Testimony of Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1-14. I know You can make a Leper Clean; that is why I have come to You on bended knees. I know You can if you want to.
And Jesus Christ said to him: Alright, since you know what I can do, I will do it for you.
TESTIMONY 1: God has cured the incurable before in Port Harcourt.
Forty (40) years ago, the best of Doctors in the best of Hospitals in London said to the Parents of a young man, “take your son home if you want him to see his Native Country again. He has at most two (2) weeks to live!”
They brought him to Nigeria; someone told them to take him to Redemption Camp.
When I saw him – because he had Cancer of the Jawbone – The head has swollen like a big keg of Palm wine.
The case had been so bad that he was hungry but the swelling had constricted his throat. It took him one (1) hour to drink a bottle of Fanta because he had to sip it little bit at a time.
You will know how young I must have been forty (40) years ago. I have never seen anything like that before – Even my Faith was shaken.
But then I knew that they have not brought him to me; they have brought him to the One Who can heal; the One Who can cure the incurable.
Today that young man (40 years later) is alive, he is well, he is married and have children.
So I am decreeing in the Name that is above every other name: If the Doctors have told you your case is incurable, the Doctors would be surprised – Amen.
If you have a Relation at home that they have told you there is no Hope for this fellow; before the Sun sets you will Testify – Amen.
In Matthew 15-21-28, a woman came to Jesus Christ and said, help me, have Mercy, include me among those who will receive Mercy. I am not the one in trouble, it is my daughter that was greviously vexed of the devil.
She worshipped Jesus, and Jesus said alright! Since you have believed me, go home your daughter is well.
TESTIMONY 2: He has done it before in Port Harcourt!
I came here 1989 to Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship International Convention, and a Lady there went home with an Anointed Handkerchief.
I won’t tell you how she got it, so I don’t get into trouble when I am going home. And in any case, you don’t have to get it through her own Method .
You will go home with every Piece of dress on you Anointed – Amen.
She got home and she had this little flimsy Sister -:Raving mad! It took six (6) men to hold her down. She got home and said, ‘just give me space I’ve got something.’ And she laid that Anointed Handkerchief on the girl. And immediately, she became normal.
Today, in the Name of the One Who is called the Unchangeable Changer: if there are Forces of Darkness trying to hold you down, when you shout the next hallelujah you will be free – HALLELUJAH.
How did the woman know that there is Deliverance in the Lord?
Because she read the Testimony of Nebuchadnezzar – He was mad for seven (7) years but God set him free!
I have Good News for you – It doesn’t matter how long the family enemies have been waging War against you; if they don’t let you go (before you get home today) they should get ready for the grave – Amen.
In 2 Kings 4:1-7; a Widow of one of the Sons of the Prophet was totally bankrupt, and the Creditors were coming to sell the only thing of Value in her home – That is the two (2) boys.
She ran to the Man of God because she knew God had Provided before. She heard the Testimony of what happened in 1 Kings 17:8-16, of another Widow who had only one meal left for herself and the son and God stepped in. And what was to be the Last Meal became the first.
She ran to the Man of God, “help me, your God has done it before, He could do it again.”
I have Good News for you my Beloved children – God has Provided before, He will Provide for you again – Amen.
Somebody in Particular should pay special attention now because God is coming your way directly.
TESTIMONY 3: He has done it before in Port Harcourt.
We were having a Program like this and God spoke and said: “There is someone here you will have two (2) measure Financial Breakthroughs in quick successions.”
And God continued and said – The first belong to Him (God). The second will take care of all your Financial Problems.
Quite a crowd there! And there was a Widow in the Meeting with seventeen (17) children living with her. She was seriously in debt. I mean she was not owing in Naira but in Pounds Sterling. That was serious debt!
She was at the Meeting, she heard the Word and said, Lord God Almighty you fished me out!
She came back to Port Harcourt, within days she got a Major Financial Breakthrough and ran to me at the Camp and brought the money. I told her, sorry I can’t take this money. She asked why?
I mean, I know your situation – You have some seventeen (17) mouths to feed. I know how badly in debt you are.
And I am talking of money that was frightening in those days. Talking about early 1980s. And the woman came with over Two hundred thousand Naira (N200,000). And in those days the Naira was stronger than the Pound.
Those days will return again – Amen!
You better say Amen loud and clear – AMEN!!
So I told her, I am sorry I can’t take it. God said two (2), so go and wait for the second one to come! She looked at me and said “Daddy I thought you love me?” I said I do! She said “if I don’t obey God for the first time how will the second one come?”
So, I said alright, I got your Point. I took the money, but I didn’t touch it. Forgive me if you say my Faith was little.
May God increase your Faith – Amen.
It wasn’t long after that, that the Second one came! They wrote her a letter from London – From the Bank that the late husband was owing:
“Oh, we have discovered that we made a mistake – Your husband is not owing us, we are the ones owing him.”
“… Made a mistake financially in London? Are you kidding me!
But there is a God who can Change Books around; there is a God who can catch the Wise in their Wisdom and turn their Wisdom to Foolishness.
“Your husband is not owing us, we are the ones owing him. Come and collect your money!”
I am talking of a daughter of mine in Port Harcourt who ended up becoming a Member of the Board of a very big Bank.
Listen to me very carefully, this is not an Ordinary day.
There is someone here God wants me to tell you, within the next thirty (30) days you’re going to have two (2) Mighty Financial Breakthroughs – Amen.
Daddy also asked me to tell you that He would make things easy – Amen!
He says you can spend the first one, and it will take care of your Financial Problems.
He asked me to tell you: The second one belongs to Him one hundred Percent (100%).
If you believe you are the one God is talking to, do I hear your Amen – Amen!
… He has Provided before, He will Provide again – Alright!
3. Thank You Father!
Daddy asked me to telling someone; He said you will understand as soon as you hear.
He said, that Project will be completed this Year (2023) – Amen.
In John 11 (read the whole Chapter) – It is a Story you know very well.
It is the Story of Lazarus, who died and was buried four (4) days before Jesus arrived.
Thank You Father!
Well, let me say Amen to this one before I tell you.
The Lord asked me to tell someone: I will Shine my Light on your Path – Amen!
By the time Jesus arrived, the Sister of Lazarus said, “Lord if only You had come on time my brother would not have died: But I know that even now whatever You ask God He will do it for You.”
Where did she get that kind of Statement from?
What she was saying is – You have reversed the irreversible before, and I know You can do it again.
Because definitely, they would have read Ezekiel 37:1-11, when God spoke to dry bones through His Prophet (Ezekiel).
The Bible says, the bones were not just dried, they were very dry! And yet they lived again.
I have Good News for somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC: Every irreversible good thing that has happened to you, would be reversed – Amen.
I have to give you a Testimony – This one is not actually in Port Harcourt, but we can claim it.
Some of you have heard the Testimony of a daughter of mine, married to a very wealthy man and completely barren.
After running up and down for a while somebody very close to the husband called him and said, stop wasting your money we have removed the Womb of your wife, she’s not going to have a baby. Then she came to a Program like this and the Word of God came.
Today, God will send His Word to you – Amen.
The Word of God came – There is someone here, they said you can never have a baby: God says “I will give you a set of twins – Amen!”
… So she jumped at it because she said, that must be me.
To cut a long Story short, she became Pregnant; went to the Doctor. The doctor said, “I don’t know what’s going on but there seems to be somebody in there.” She said, not one fellow, in there are the two (2) of them. “You better Thank God for the one!”
She went back about two (2) or three (3) Months later, the Doctor said, “I don’t know what happened, but there are two (2) of them now.”
And because they were Wealthy, they decided they were not going to try having the babies in Nigeria. “We don’t want any accident!”
So they went to United Kingdom, and the husband told the doctors, I don’t want Labour – I don’t want the case of “the children died during Labour.” Just operate my wife and bring them out. The two (2) children will be enough for us. And as soon as you finish remove the womb.
And then they put her to sleep! By the time she woke up she said, “where are my children?”
Because everybody was looking at her as if she came from Mars!
What is the Problem? Where are my children? They said, your children are fine. So they sent for the Doctor. He came and said: “I have been Practicing Medicine – I have helped several thousands of women deliver their babies; but this is the first time that I brought out a set of twins and there is no Womb.”
He wanted to seal up the Womb, but search everywhere, no Womb. We rejoiced!
And then a couple of years ago I got a Phone call from her (by then the twins are grown).
Hello Daddy! I said, how are you my dear? Long time no see! “I want to come and greet you with my twins.” I said, you are welcome – I have not seen them all these years.
And then she came and brought a new set of twins: Talk of Double Portion! Talk of Double-Double.
Every irreversible case in your Life will be reversed, and the Almighty God will bless you – Amen.
Thank You Daddy.
The Lord asked me to tell someone: That arrow fired at you, I will pull it out now – Amen!
I knew today is going to be Special.
Because the Lord asked me to tell someone: The Poison you ate in your Dream has been Neutralised – Amen.
In 1 Samuel 17:34-51 you have a real Classical Case of God will do it again.
David said to King Saul, I was a young boy looking after my father’s sheep, a Lion came, took one of the sheep, I grabbed it by the beard and punch it to death. Then a bear came and wanted to take another one, I grabbed it and punch it to death.
Then he made a Statement: “The Lord that delivered me from the Lion and from the Bear, He will do it again: as far as this Goliath is concerned he is dead!”
In the Name of the One Who called me, every Goliath standing in your way will die – Amen!
I can tell Stories upon Stories; but I feel the Holy Spirit saying to me that the Wind of God wants to blow – so I will get out of the way.
Thank You Father!
The Lord asked me to tell Someone – And I believe He is talking about me (so I can say Amen before I tell you).
He asked me to tell you: Your Star will begin to Shine Brighter – Amen!
… Let me conclude by telling you that;
How many of you believe God is going to answer your prayers today? – The DMC FAMILY MEMBERS!
Let me hear you shout a really big hallelujah – HALLELUJAH!
You see, the Word of God says in Isaiah 59:1-2 – Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
That is why before we Pray (and we are going to Pray in a moment). But before we try to this Almighty, All-sufficient God to do again what He has done before;
If you know you are still living in sin, come to Jesus Christ now and let His Blood wash away your sins.
This is not a joking matter. This is not an ordinary Holy Ghost Rally – This one is Special.
If you have not surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ or you claim that you have surrendered to Him before but you are still living in sin, I beg you do so now. And let us Pray for the Salvation of your Soul.
There is a Blood that cannot Change – The Blood of Jesus Christ Cleanses us from all sin.
Come now, if you want to surrender your Life to Jesus Christ – We will Pray and the Almighty God will wash away your sin with His Precious Blood.
And then when we cry to Him, whatever He has done for others, He will do it again for you.
He will do it again today – He will save Souls today, He will heal again today, He will Provide again today, He will deliver again today, He reverse the reversible again today and He will answer Prayers again today!
But you must come to Him so that His Blood can wash away your sins.
And thank you those of you are clapping – Your hands will never be empty in Jesus Name – Amen.
Cry unto God wherever you are now (or reading this Message on the Label of DMC) – Ask Him to be Merciful unto you; ask Him to forgive your sins; ask Him to save your Soul. Cry to Him!
Begin to talk to Him. Say Lord have Mercy on me, I need Your Salvation today. You have saved Souls before, save my own Soul also.
Let Your Blood wash away my sin and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.
Now, the rest of us, let’s stretch our hands towards these Brethren and intercede for them – Pray that the One Who saved our Souls would do it again by saving the Souls of these People. Intercede for them Brethren!
Oh, Thank You my Father! Do it again Lord – Save Souls today, forgive my sins Lord, give me the Grace never to sin again. I want to be a True Child of the Living God; give me Genuine Salvation, save my Soul today!
Thank You Father! Glory be to God. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God I want to bless Your Holy Name.
I want to Thank You for Your Word; and I Thank You For the Power that is in Your Word.
It is written, You sent Your Word and You healed; You sent Your Word and You delivered.
This is Your Word that has brought these People to the Father; Accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name!
Father remember Your Word, You Promise that whosever will come on to You, You will in no wise cast out. They have come to You now;
Father Please, receive them, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wash away their sins, save their souls Oh Lord, and receive them into the Family of God.
From now on, any time they cry until You, answer them by Fire!
Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Now, those of you who have just surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
I rejoice with you, because from now on (by the Grace of God); I will be Praying for you. That is why I will need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.
God Bless You!
We are going to Pray one Prayer together.
Now, those of you who believe that today is your day, and without any doubt this Program is for you, Stand on your feet and shout a big Hallelujah – Hallelujah!!!!
I am going to Pray for you first – And that Prayer is going to open the Door of Heaven. After that, you will now Pray your own Prayer.
Your Prayer will be Simple – You are going to say: Lord, have Mercy on me and whatever Miracles You have Performed before, that You know I need, do it again in my Life.
… So, you’ll lift your hands to Him because I’m going to Pray for you now.
My Father my God I want to Bless Your Holy Name!
Ancient of Days, Thank You for arranging for this very Special Holy Ghost Rally in Port Harcourt – Thank You Father!
Now Daddy, I am Praying for everyone of Your Children here today and all those reading now on the Label of DMC;
Very soon they will begin talking to You – They will be telling You their Individual Problems:
As they cry unto You my Father and my God, answer them all.
The only Miracle I am asking for myself today Lord is that: each and everyone of these Your children will receive their Miracles.
Daddy, if there is one Miracle that You have made up Your Mind to give to me today, instead of giving it to me; give it to these Your People; answer them by Fire!
Before the Sun sets today, let every mouth here be full of Testimonies. And let them serve You forever!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Then go ahead, open your mouth and talk to the Almighty God.
Say: Father, have Mercy on me, include me among those People who would receive Mercy from You today. And every Miracles You have ever done before for others, do it again for me.
Go ahead talk to the Almighty God.
Open your mouth and cry to the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He is listening to you.
God Bless You!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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