RCCG Prophecy for 2020 E.A Adeboye

RCCG Prcphcies 2020
1. For every Christian particularly my Children. it would be
a year of series of Joy. a year of series of victory. a year of
series of Battles but you will win. The Battle is not yours,
there shall be victory after victory, shouts of joy after
shouts of joy.
I. The earth would behave like a child that has a convulsion.
with earthquakes in unexpected places. That is why you
have to pray for Nigeria, volcanoes dormant for years
erupting. The fire would be greater than last year. except
His children would pray. Sin becoming far ram-
pant than before.
2. There would be Changes Of governments all over the
world, some peaceful and Some not peaceful.
The end is nearer than we think.
You are watching PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE SERMON 2019 – 2020 CROSSOVER SERVICE | THE BATTLE IS NOT YOURS Live from the Redemption Camp. #TheGreatTurnaround #TheBattleisNotYours #PastorEAAdeboye