Jesus is Alpha
Alpha and Omega
Jesus is Alpha
Alpha and Omega
So I will Praise Him for He is Alpha
Alpha and Omega
So I will Praise Him for He is Alpha
Alpha and Omega
Like Him I want to be
To be Forever
Like Him I want to be
To be Forever
So I will Praise Him for He is Alpha
Alpha and Omega
So I will Praise Him for He is Alpha
Alpha and Omega
King of Kings and Lord of Lords – Thank You.
Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You for March, Thank You for April, Thank You for May, Thank You for June, Thank You for July, Thank You for August, Thank You for September, Thank You for October, Thank You for November and Thank You for December – Glory be to Your Holy Name.
Whether the devil likes it or not, now he has lost the battle – Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord.
Accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
In the next few Minutes in this Old Year (2023); Father speak to us.
Let the Power in Your Words my Father and my God, let it bring Healings to all of us.
And once again Father, we cry to You that as we go into the New Year, there will be “No Carry Over”.
Thank You Almighty God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: Certainly, you will see me in the New Year – Amen!
And then you may Please be seated
Before we go into the Word of God, tomorrow (Monday 1st January 2024) is the first Monday in the Year (2024) and I expect everybody to be at home Rejoicing and Praising God.
And so, there will be no Divine Encounter Service and Shiloh Hour Service tomorrow!
The first Divine Encounter Service and Shiloh Hour Service for this Year 2024 will be on Monday, the 8th of January 2024.
So, that is an important Information – Pass it on to your friends who are not here!
1 Samuel 2: 7-9
7. The LORD maketh Poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.
8. He raiseth up the Poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the Beggar from the dunghill, to set them among Princes, and to make them inherit the Throne of Glory: for the Pillars of the Earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the world upon them.
9. He will keep the feet of His Saints, and the Wicked shall be Silent in Darkness; for by Strength shall no Man Prevail.
How many of you believed beyond all doubts that God has Repositioned you?
Divine Health – “I get am”.
Divine Prosperity – “I get am”.
Divine Promotion – “I get am”.
Divine Acceleration – “I get am”.
Divine Victory – “I get am”.
Divine Anointing – “I get am”.
Divine Power – “I get am”.
And the one wey I no get – “God don dash me”.
Let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
As we Preach along, get ready to write your Prayer Points.
I want to talk to you for few Minutes on: “FROM MY NEW POSITION”.
Because I wasn’t where I used to be – What about you?
No, God has Promoted us and He has Repositioned us.
Right now by the Grace of God, we are on the Mountain Top – Amen!
Which is why the RCCG Holy Ghost Service for January 2024 is going to begin a Series on: “From the Mountain Top”.
The Advantage of the fact that God had Repositioned us, He has lifted us up from the dunghill and has Placed us on the Throne is that:
1. Now that we have been Repositioned to the Mountain Top; we can see farther.
And because you can see farther, you can have more Blessings.
Because in Genesis 13: 14-18; the Almighty God encouraged Abraham – He said to him, walk to the right, walk to the left, lift up your eyes. See as much as you can, He said because whatever you see, I give it to you.
When the Almighty God gave us our Campground in America several years ago, it was just 114 Hectares of Land.
My children took me there to go and see the Land and when I saw the Land, I was dazed – Lord God Almighty, a “Small Church” with Headquarters in Nigeria, having a Campground in America like this?
I told my children when it was time to go home to leave me behind – Go, I need to spend the Night here. My God and I need to talk. So, they left a Vehicle with me and went.
I came out after they had gone at Night – It was cold, the Moon was cool and I was walking up and down the Land, Praising God.
But the cold became overbearing and so I went back into the Van because it was warm there. But my heart was still bubbling with Praises unto God.
Oh I Pray for Somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – Throughout the Coming Year (2024); your heart will be Overflowing with Joy (Amen).
After some time, I couldn’t bear it anymore and so I jumped out of the Vehicle again – Jumped into the cold and began to Praise God.
And all of a sudden, God spoke to me and said: Son, walk as far as you can, and see as much as you can because whatever you see, I give it to you.
Today, we have more than 800 Hectares of Land over there!
There is Somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC; you are going to walk into the New Year (2024) with New Eyes – Amen!
So start writing down your Prayer Points:
PRAYER NO 1. Thank God for your Preservation by God till now.
PRAYER NO 2. Father, Please open my eyes – I want to see You more.
PRAYER NO 3. Father, Please open my eyes to see Opportunities waiting for me in the New Year.
2. When you have been Repositioned and God has Placed you on the Mountain Top; it becomes easy to hear God more Clearly.
You see, one of the benefits of the Mountain Top is that there are very few People there and so no Noise as the Place is very quiet.
And when it is quiet, it becomes easy to hear the Voice of God because when He speaks, He speaks In “Small Still Voice” – We will discuss that more during the RCCG January 2024 Holy Ghost Service on Friday!
Now, the beauty of hearing from God yourself directly is that it Increases your Faith!
Because the Bible says: Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
My children asked me a Question when I was in Abuja (DMC NOTES: Abuja is the Federal Capital City of Nigeria) some weeks ago (DMC NOTES: The Program Specifically was on Sunday 12th November 2023, during the RCCG Abuja Youths Family Hangout Out with Daddy and Mummy GO at the Velodrome of the MKO Abiola National Stadium in Abuja, Nigeria).
They said: Daddy, has there been anytime in your Life when you doubted whether or not there is God?
And I told them – If you know where I was coming from and where I am now; it is not Possible for me to doubt God.
If anybody comes to me and said that there are things that God cannot do, I will only smile because they don’t know what they are talking about.
When I asked Him for a house in Mushin (DMC NOTES: Mushin is a Low Earner densely Populated Part of Lagos State Nigeria) and He told me that I will build you a City!
If I didn’t hear Him myself, if a Prophet came to tell me that, I will Probably tell him: Oga (DMC NOTES: Meaning “Mr Man/Woman”) look for somebody else to deceive.
But I heard God and today, I know that – “Out of Nothing, He can build a City”.
I have Good News for Somebody – By the time you get into the New Year; your Faith will be able to move Mountains (Amen).
PRAYER NO 4. Father, open my ears – I want to hear from you Directly.
When you hear directly from God; then it will be Impossible for any Prophet to deceive you.
3. When you are Repositioned to the Mountain Top, then you will come into a Closer Contact with God because God is above.
Jesus Christ told us so – He that cometh from Above is above all.
And when you Climb a Mountain Top, you will get Closer to God.
And when you get Closer to God, one of the things He will do is that God will put you above all the Problems that may be going on in the Valley below.
In Exodus 17: 8-16 – When the Amalekites came to attack the children of Israel. Moses went to the Mountain Top and he told Joshua and the rest of the People to begin to fight in the Valley below
PRAYER NO 5. Father, I want to get much more Closer to You.
PRAYER NO 6. Father, in the New Year; Place me far above all the Problems of this world.
4. When God has lifted you up, Repositioned you and Placed you on the Mountain Top; from there, you can Pray Fire down!
In 1 Kings 18: 1-39 – It was on Mount Carmel that Elijah Prayed and God answered by Fire.
And let me use this Opportunity to inform you in case you don’t know, that there are only two (2) Places in the world today where there is Mount Carmel.
One is in Israel and the other one is in Nigeria!
And while I am not Advertising, but I want to tell you that all those who has visited Mount Carmel in Ifewara Osun State Nigeria; find it difficult to leave.
A Journalist once went there to go and write – To find out what was going on so that he could come and write something critical.
When he got there, the Holy Spirit arrested him and he was there for three (3) days.
And after three (3) days; he didn’t even want to leave again.
On Mount Carmel, you Pray and Fire comes down!
PRAYER NO 7. Father, in the New Year; answer all my Prayers by Fire.
And then comes 2 King 1: 9-12; when Elijah was sitting on a Mountain Top and a King send some Soldiers to go and arrest him – First fifty (50) Soldiers.
The Captain came and said: Man of God, come down; you are under arrest.
Elijah my friend – I spent three (3) years Studying him; he said that if I be a Man of God, let Fire descend and consume you and your fifty (50).
As soon as he finished speaking, Fire came down and consumed the Captain and his fifty (50).
When the King waited and Nobody came back; he sent another fifty (50) with another Captain and they too were roasted.
PRAYER NO 8. Father, every Evil Forces or Obstructions that may want to arrest my Progress in the Coming Year; let Your Fire come down and consume them.
5. When you are on the Mountain Top, your Prayers can be answered by Fire like I said.
But when you read 1 Kings 18: 41-45; it was still on Mount Carmel that Elijah Prayed and there was a Shower of Blessing.
He Prayed and there was Mighty Rainfall.
And I was talking to some of my children who were here some few days ago for the Young Ministers’ Retreat (YMR) Global Conference 2023 – And they were talking about “The Rain”.
And I told them that the Rain is the Number One (1) enemy of Famine because when it rains, there will be food for the Eaters and Seed for the Sowers.
When it rains:
– Barrenness will go to an End.
– Fruitless Efforts will come to an End.
PRAYER NO 9. Father, in the Coming Year; as I Pray; let there be Showers of Blessings.
Showers of Blessings upon me, upon my family, upon Your Church and upon my Nation.
6. In Acts 2: 1-4; the Bible says that the Apostles were in the Upper Room (Not in the Lower Room) and they Prayed and certain things happened:
I. The Wind blew – And you will hear more about that later tonight (During Prophesy).
II. And then, there were Showers of Fire.
The Holy Spirit came as Thorns of Fire and sat upon each and everyone of them.
And then Power came – They received Power!
PRAYER NO 10. Father, in the Coming Year; when I Pray let the Holy Spirit fall on me afresh like the Day of Pentecost – To empower me, to do Miracles, Signs and Wonders.
So that when it is Testimony Time, I will be talking about Miracles, Signs, Wonders that God has done for me and God has used me to do in the Life of others.
In Acts 8: 5-8 – There was a Young Man called Philip. He was just a Member of the Congregation and then God Promoted him.
I. First he became a Deacon – Just like one of the Ushers; to serve People when they needed to be served.
II. Then God Repositioned him and he landed in a Place called Samaria.
But because the Shower of the Fire had fallen on him, he began to do Marvelous Things such that even the devil heard him just speaking and they began to run away.
He (Philip) became a Great Channel of Blessings!
PRAYER NO 11. Father, in the Coming Year; I don’t want to just be Blessed beyond measures.
I want to be Channels of Blessings to many.
I want my Life to touch so many lives so that wherever I go; Miracles will happen.
A friend of mine gave me a Phone Call some days ago – We were about the same Age.
And he said: Pastor, where do you get your Energy from?
At over eighty (80) years Old, you are still running up and down – And we just laughed.
I will tell you the Truth – It is not easy.
At the Time of Christmas when everybody is sitting down at home eating Turkey; for an eighty one (81) years Old Man to be running from one City to another, from one Village to another – Jumping down, Preaching, Laying Hands on the Sick and so on and so forth.
But when I arrived and I see the crowd and I see the Joy even when I haven’t said anything and I see their Shouting, their Rejoicing – Their Joy gives me Strength!
In the Coming Year (2024); wherever you go, when you arrive Joy will arrive – Amen!
I want to use the few Minutes remaining before we Cross Over into the New Year (2024); to tell those of you who are here and have not yet given your Life to Jesus Christ – You have to really run and move very fast.
If you are here and you have not given your Life to Jesus Christ – Run forward now very, very quickly so that you can enter the New Year as a Brand New Person and a Child of the Almighty God.
So, I’m going to count from one (1) to five (5) – If you want to surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, run forward now very quickly as I’m counting.
Now, those of you who are already infront and those of you on the way, cry to the Almighty God and say: Please, save my Soul. I don’t want to go into the New Year as a Sinner, I want to be a Child of God.
Save my Soul, forgive all my sins, Please Lord, wash away all my sins tonight.
Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God.
And the rest of us, let us talk to the Almighty God on behalf of these People for 2 Minutes
Pray that the Almighty God who saved your Soul will save their own Souls also – Intercede for them.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Father, I want to say Thank You.
Thank You very, very much for Your Word, Thank You for those People who has come forward now to surrender their lives to You.
Father, Please accept them, forgive them, save their Souls in Jesus Name
Let Your Blood wash away their sins, write their names in the Book of Life, Please receive them into the Family of God and let them become yours Forever.
Anytime they Pray from now on Father, answer them by Fire.
And let them serve You till the very End.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Those of you infront, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Chants of “HAPPY NEW YEAR”.
Shake hands with as many People as you can and say: Happy New Year to them!
But we have a Custom in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – As soon as we enter the New Year; we give God an Offering.
So, take your “First Offering” for the Year (2024) and lift it up to the Almighty God and say:
Father, with this Offering; I hereby decree that I will not spend a kobo for the devil – I won’t spend on Sickness, I won’t have a Case in Court.
My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Holy Name – Thanking You for my First Prayer of the New Year. It is to Thank You on behalf of Your Children who are here alive and well.
I want to Thank You for Providing for them so that they can even Give an Offering.
Father, I Pray that as a result of their Giving this Mornin:
– Throughout this Year (2024), they will never spend for the devil.
– Throughout this Year (2024), they won’t spend on Sickness, they won’t spend on any Fruitless Efforts and they won’t spend on Sorrow.
And I Pray Lord God Almighty that whatever they have given You this Morning will be the least they will ever Give You.
Thank You Almighty God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Now the Altar is opened and your Prayers Points are already with you.
I am going to give you just 15 Minutes to go over those Prayers Points – And talk to the Almighty God.
Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God.
Thank You Jesus!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
God will grant your Requests:
He will Open your eyes; He will Open your ears; He will draw you Close to Himself and He will answer your Prayers by Fire.
Upon your Family, all those who are Precious to you, there shall be Showers of Blessings.
You will be Blessed and you will be Channels of Blessing
The Holy Spirit will fall on you like never before.
Even like the Day of Pentecost, the Power of God will fall on you.
Any Force that tries to hinder you; the Fire of God will consume them.
You will serve God like never before.
So shall it be.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
I am tempted not to say anything about the New Year (2024) for two Major reasons:
There are all kinds of Prophets that are already Prophesying and I’m not a Prophet – I’m just a Pastor.
So, maybe we should leave the Prophesying to the Prophets.
You know that a “True Prophet” will tell you what God says. And what God says many atimes is not what you always want to hear.
I’m going to start with Nigeria.
And the reason I’m going to tell you the little that I can about Nigeria is because Somebody says that if you jump from a Storey Building, you will not be as wounded as if you are Pushed.
Because when you jump, you will Prepare for the Landing.
Everything that God is saying centers around one little Sentence – Which interestingly I heard from those who are Dramatising; even though they don’t know what they are saying.
You can write it in Capital Letters:: “THE WIND IS BLOWING”.
So, you should include in your Prayer that the Wind should blow you Good – Amen!
The Wind is already Blowing and you can’t stop the Wind!
1. As far as Nigeria is concerned my Beloveth Children; things will get “Worst” before it gets “Better”.
Mark my words – That is what Daddy says!
You are already complaining that things are Hot – The Good News is that the Wind is already Blowing but it is going to get “A Bit Hotter” before it begins “To Cool Down”.
… That is what Daddy told me o, and that is not what I will love to hear but that is what He said – It will get “Worst” before it gets “Better”.
2. Talking about Nigeria – Because the Wind is Blowing, some “Serious Secrets” will come to the Open.
You know the Elders has a Proverb – If the Wind blows, you will see the anus of the Chicken.
Don’t lose Hope o! Because the Wind is Blowing; it means sooner or later things will get Cool.
So in case you are thinking of “Japaing”; there are some of us who can’t “Japa” – We can’t go anywhere as we are here whether we like it or not; and we will Survive.
1. The Lord made it clear to me that because the Wind is Blowing, there are some People who will start this Year (2024) as “Nothing” but before the end of the Year; they will become “Significant”.
And He (God) illustrated it – He showed me from the Bible that when He Created Man, He just took Mud and then the Wind blew on the Mud and the Mud became a Living Soul.
So, some will start this Year as “Nothing” but before the end of the Year; they will become “Significant”.
2. Just like those People who are doing the Drama were talking about.
There will be many Opportunities this Year (2024) – So, get ready for them.
This is what they called Insider Information – You are hearing about it now before the Opportunities will begin to come.
The Girl who was talking to her husband in the Drama – And I was laughing when the husband said: How long will this continue? That he has to soak Garri in the Morning.
Ha, I said that you better Thank God that you have Garri to soak.
And the wife said: When the Wind is Blowing, some People will build a Wall while some other People will build a Windmill.
I said: Who told her that?
1. Because the Wind is Blowing, there will be Divine Interventions in those Places in the world where things are Hot.
2. The Almighty God assured me that there will be quite a few Medical Breakthroughs Particularly in the area of Incurable Sicknesses like Cancer, Asthma, Hypertension, Sugar Diabetes.
God said that because the Wind is Blowing, there will be quite a few Mighty Breakthroughs Particularly in the areas of Medicine.
God has some things to say to the Church – And that one, I can’t say it in the open.
I will tell your Pastors and your Pastors will tell you.
But let this ring in your ears everyday of this Year (2024) – “THE WIND IS BLOWING”.
Lift Up your hands to the Almighty God and cry to Him and say: Father, let the Wind blow in my Favour!
Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I Thank You once again for the Past Year (2023) because You did Marvelously Things Last Year – Thank You! Thank You!! Thank You!!!
Thank You for the RCCG Special Holy Ghost Service of Last Year; Thank You for the RCCG Annual Convention of Last Year; Thank You for the RCCG Holy Ghost Congress of Last Year; Thank You for all the RCCG Holy Ghost Services of Last Year – Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Since Nobody can stop a Wind from Blowing, I beg you my Father and my God on behalf of all Your Children, let the Wind blows in our Favour.
And as Your Children will be going home, any evil on the way, let the Wind blow it away.
Father, within one (1) week, let the Wind blows Blessings into our homes.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Let me hear you shout one more Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.