Home » Pastor E.A Adeboye Messages » RCCG SPECIAL VICTORY HOUR SERVICE 2025 17TH FEBRUARY 2025


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Lift your hands to the Most High God and Bless His Holy Name.
Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration.
Bless the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Give Him Glory, Worship Him.
Thank You Jesus!
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Jehovah, the Man of War
Your Mercy endureth forever and ever;
Oh! Praise His Holy Name (Amen).


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The God of Abraham, God Isaac, God Jacob; The Man of War Himself.
The Lord of hosts, the One who has never lost a War – Glory be to Your Holy Name.
Accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.
Today, my Father and my God, Your Children have gathered together to have a Very Special Encounter with You.
As a result of today’s Encounter, give them Victory.
Give them absolute Victory!
Fight their battles for them
And let them remember today forevermore.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Well, let Someone shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.
Now, before you sit down, Prophesy concerning yourself to two (2) or three (3) People – Tell him or her: I am not joking ooh! Before the end of this week, you are going to Rejoice with me (Amen).
Go ahead, tell about three (3) to four (4) People.
And then put your hand together for the Almighty God.
And then you can be seated.
*The Almighty God told us at the beginning of the Year (2025) that this is going to be a very Remarkable Year.*
And like I told you the last time we met; if you check all the Prophecies, you would see that many of them are already coming to pass rapidly.
*And one is going to come to pass in your Life tonight – Amen.*
*… Because God is about to give you VICTORY OVER POVERTY.*
1. Tomorrow (Tuesday, Day 2), if the Lord tarries: we will be Wedging War against Barrenness.
*And Barrenness means Fruitless Efforts.*
*So, all of us who has been working like an Elephant and eating like an Ant; that is going to come to an end tomorrow (Tuesday, Day 2) – Amen.*
2. And then on Wednesday (Day 3), by the Special Grace of God; we will be Wedging War against, Probably the worse enemy of all – And that is Bondage.
*I am trusting the Almighty God that by Thursday Morning, your Testimonies would be Full – Amen.*
*Our Bible Text during this Three (3) Days of Victories is going to be: Exodus 3:15.*
Exodus 3:15:
And God said moreover unto Moses, thus shalt thou say unto the Children of Israel, the Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my Name for ever, and this is my Memorial unto all Generations.
You can read it in a slightly different manner and say: And God said moreover unto “The DMC Family Members”, thus shalt thou say unto my Children, the Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you:
*This will be a Remarkable Year (2025)) for you – Amen.
According to Proverbs 22:7, the Bible says: The Rich ruleth over the Poor, and the Borrower is Servant to the Lender.
*In the Name that’s above every other name, after tonight, in a way you can never explain, you would never borrow again – Amen.*
*It is not in the Plan of God for you to be Poor.*
In 3 John 1: 2, the Bible says “I wish above all things that you Prosper.”
If you will just consider the Law of Priority that; “What is Uppermost in a Man’s Heart is what he would say first.”
*God says: I wish above all things that you Prosper.*
*And all those who say it will not be so; they will watch it happen to you – Amen.*
Oh! Don’t worry, there will be those who will tell you, “All you came to Jesus Christ for is to Prosper you.” And they will criticize you, criticize me; but it doesn’t matter.
I. If you are Poor, they would criticize you – They would say, “Where is the God you are serving?”
II. If you are Rich they would criticize you – They would say, “You only came to Jesus for Wealth.”
Well, since they are going to criticize you either way; it is better they criticize you for wealth.
*In the Name that’s above every other name, very soon, Poverty will no longer be known in your Family – Amen.*
God said, “I Am the God of Abraham.”
*What do we know about Abraham?*
In Genesis 12:1-3, the very moment God called Abraham, He Promised him “Manifold Blessings”.
He said: And I will make of thee a Great Nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name Great; and thou shalt be a Blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the Earth be blessed.
… That’s what God said.
In Genesis 24:1, the Bible says, God has blessed Abraham in all things – All things!
In Genesis 24:34-35, the Bible says, God has blessed Abraham Greatly.
I want you to lift your voice to the Almighty God straightaway and say:
*God of Abraham, You are my God. Bless me in all things; and Bless me Greatly.*
Go ahead, talk to the Lord for a Minute.
Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
He said, I Am not just the God of Abraham; “I Am the God of Isaac.”
And when you read Genesis 22:15-18, you would see that God of Isaac is the God of Multiplication.
The Bible says, because He has Nobody Greater than Himself to swear by; He swore by Himself. He said to Abraham in Genesis 22:17: That in blessing I will bless thee, and in Multiplying I will Multiply thy Seed as the Stars of the Heaven.
When God began to move on behalf of Isaac, the Bible says in Genesis 26:12-14, not only was he tremendously blessed; he even had Stores of Servants. He had so many Servants, he Practically stored them.
… That’s the God of Isaac!
Not too long ago, a Head of State came to visit us for the first time, at the RCCG Holy Ghost Congress.
When he was coming, he came with Two Hundred and Fifty (250) Bodyguards.
NOTES: President Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan on Friday Night of 14th December 2012 Worshipped with thousands of Worshippers at the 15th Edition of the Holy Ghost Congress organized by the Redeemed Christian Church of God, at the Redemption Camp, along the Lagos Ibadan Expressway.*
*And your God is the God of Isaac – The God that can bless so much, that when you have to travel; hundreds of Person will follow you – Amen!
Lift your hand to the Almighty God and Pray: God of Isaac, Multiply me.
Go ahead, tell Him!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
God of Isaac Multiplied Isaac so much that the Bible says, “The Philistines envied him.”
*God Blessed one man so Mightily; a whole Nation began to envy him.*
We have Examples around – There is at least one man in Nigeria, that God has blessed so much, even big, big People are envying him. Big, big Companies are envying him.
*In the Name that’s above every other name, my God would Bless you so Mightily so much, that you will become the Envy of this Nation – Amen.*
*Wherever you are listening to me all over the world, including those reading now on the Label of DMC: My God will Bless you so Mightily, you would become the Envy of your Nation – Amen.
And then He said, “I Am also the God of Jacob.”
And when you read Genesis 30:40-43, the Bible says God blessed Jacob Exceedingly.
*To Exceed means: It doesn’t matter how ‘Big’ your Dream may be, God can go beyond it.*
*I am sure there are many of us who are here, or reading on the Label of DMC:*
*Who would be tremendously Blessed – Amen.*
*Who would be so happy that at least once a Year, you would Build a Church for God – Amen.*
But do you know can Exceed that?
*God can Bless you so Mightily, that every Month you would Dedicate a Church – Amen.*
Do you know, when we talk about Sowing and Reaping a hundredfolds Return – that is the Limit of Isaac.
Whom it comes to the Limit of Jacob, the Bible says in Deuteronomy 1:11, that the Almighty God is able to Multiply you a Thousand times.
*My God has sent me to tell us tonight, including those reading now on the Label of DMC: Very soon, you will Reap a Thousand times Returns – Amen.*
*And how did it happen to Jacob?*
If you Read Genesis 30:37-43, whenever an animal is Pregnant in the house of the father-in-law (Laban) and the animal is weak, Jacob would put it aside.
But when the animal is Strong: he would make some Special Rods and put it where the Strong animal would drink.
The result was:
– The Strong Animals began to Produce for Jacob;
– And the Weak Animals began to Produce for the father-in-law, who was a 419 Man.
Jacob began to explain when asked “where did you learn this thing Young Man, that transfered the Wealth of the Wicked to the Just?”
*And I am decreeing to Somebody here today, including those reading now on the Label of DMC: Because you came tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC, the Treasures of the Wicked will be Transferred to you – Amen!*
In Genesis 31:9-13, Jacob explained – He said, God showed me what to do. “I saw it in a Vision, and I followed the Vision.”
*You know, all it takes God, is to show you just one Method, on doing whatever you are doing; and all of a sudden, your Growth will become Exceeding.*
*Just one Revelation from the Almighty God, and the Problem of years will disappear within hours.*
When I said, God is going to Bless you Remarkably; some of you are already thinking, “How is it going to happen?”
I am not talking of “Yahoo, Yahoo” – I am talking of the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.
I told you before; when I was doing my PhD.
When you are doing a PhD in Mathematics, it means you are solving a Problem Nobody has ever solved before.
And if Nobody has never solved it before, it means Nobody has the Solution.
So, God have Mercy on you, if you solve the Problem – Because if you don’t, all your efforts are wasted.
And I had been solving the Problem for eighteen (18) Months – And I ended up with one hundred and eighty six (186) Simultaneous Equations.
… If you have never done Mathematics before, you won’t know the meaning of that.
And I didn’t even know what to do next, I was stucked.
And I said, let me put this thing aside now and go to bed.
Suddenly I decided to read my Bible – I read Exodus Chapter 14.
You know the Story;
The Sea parted for the Children of Israel to pass. And then it came together again.
As I finished reading that Passage, God spoke to me.
*And He is going to Speak to somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC – Amen.*
He said, Son! Yes LORD. “Bring your Equations.” And I brought them and spread them on the table.
And He began to guide me – Put this Equation on the left, put this on the right! And I did that.
All of a sudden I saw what I didn’t see before – That all the Equations on the left, they had something common and all the Equations on the right, they had something common.
To cut a long Story short; five (5) hours later, my PhD Thesis was ready.
*That God – My God: The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, will visit you tonight – Amen.*
*He will give you a Revelation – Amen!
This is not a joking matter – This is not an Ordinary Gathering. This is a Remarkable Year of Victory.
What is it that He expects from us?
*If you say the God of Abraham – Study Abraham:*
And you will discovered, “Abraham was an Altar Man” – Everywhere he went, he built Altars for God.
– Genesis 12:6-7, he built an Altar. Then he moved from here to somewhere else.
– In Genesis 12:8, as soon as he arrived there, he built an Altar.
– And then in Genesis 13:14-18, he moved to somewhere else. As soon as he arrived there, he built an Altar.
*Abraham was an “Altar Man” – He was an Incurable God Worshipper.*
*What About Isaac?*
You read Genesis 22:7, when his father and himself were going for that great Sacrifice – When God has asked Abraham to Sacrifice his son.
“And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the Lamb for a burnt Offering?”
Small Boy, he said to the Daddy – We are going to Worship God. And God said Nobody should come unto Him empty-handed. Where is the Lamb?
*The Almighty God, the God of Isaac expects, each time you come to Him, you don’t come empty-handed.*
*He is not asking for something big – He knows how much you have. He is only saying: “You come before Me, determined to Honour Me.”*
You think of Isaac, he is the one who was going to be even the First Fruit Sacrifice in the Story in Genesis Chapter 22 – So he was the one to be the Sacrifice of his father (Abraham).
Proverbs 3:9-10 says, Honour the Lord with thy Substance, and with the Firstfruits of all thine Increase: So shall thy barns be filled with Plenty, and thy Presses shall burst out with New Wine.
*What About Jacob?*
In Genesis 28:20-22, the Bible says: And Jacob vowed a Vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, So that I come again to my father’s house in Peace; then shall the Lord be my God: And this stone, which I have set for a Pillar, shall be God’s house: and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee.
*Jacob said to God, try me. Prosper me, and You will know that You have a Good boy.*
He said, I am going now empty-handed – You Bless me, I will put You first and give You the Tithes of all. It’s there in the Bible.
Ecclesiastes 5:4 tells us clearly, you want the God of Jacob to be your God?
“When thou vowest a Vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no Pleasure in Fools: pay that which thou hast vowed.”
*This is not a Year when you toy with God.*
*This is the Year when everything is going to turn around for Somebody – Amen.*
– You want to have Victory over Lack?
– You want to have Victory over Poverty of any kind?
– You want to have Victory over Fruitless efforts?
– You want to have Victory in every areas of your Life?
*You must Surrender to the God who says His Name is the All-Sufficient One.*
In Genesis 17:1, the first time He introduced Himself He said: I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou Perfect. And I would show you what I can do.
*So, those of us who are already His Children, our Poverty ends tonight – Amen.*
*Because we are going to begin to walk with the Almighty God – The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob in all Seriousness and no more joking!*
We are no longer coming to His Presence casually.
We are going to be coming to the God of Abraham – Even when He says, give me your “Only son” Isaac, we would say, “you can have it LORD, you can have everything.”
We going to be coming to the Almighty God with the assurance, He can Multiply us a Thousand fold.
That same God, my God – The God of your father;
Look at us, when we came to this Camp and the crowd of eight thousand (8,000) People was a huge crowd.
But He said, we have not started – We have not seen anything yet.
That God, who has brought us thus far;
That God, who was smiling when I told my People that we are to build an Auditorium that is 3 Kiilometers by 3 Kiilometers – And some People laughed, “What are you going to put there?”
I told them, wait and see!
They told me that this Auditorium – The one we are in now (NOTES: The Old Auditorium) is enough!
But then, when the Convention comes, this Place has become”Overflow.”
*That same God is saying to Somebody today, that what you think is Great, shall become “Too Little” – Amen.*
But will you serve Him the way Abraham served Him?
Will you serve Him the way Isaac served Him?
Will you serve Him the way Jacob served Him?
*And He will Prove Himself to you – Amen.*
Now, for those of us you who don’t even know Him. Some of you are just hearing about Him for the first time.
In many of the Viewing Centers all over the world, I have introduced to you my God – The God who can do everything;
The God who can put an end to all you are going through.
He says, Come unto me, all ye that Labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (NOTES: Matthew 11:28).
He Promised, if you Surrender your Life to me, I would show you that I can make you a brand New Creature:
Therefore if any Man be in Christ, he is a New Creature: Old Things are passed away; behold, all things are become New (NOTES: 2 Corinthians 5:17).
So, if you want to come and taste this God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob – To discover that He is Good;
Wherever you are hearing the sound of my voice, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; Proceed to the Altar now, and Surrender your Life to Him.
Tell Him: God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob; I have come to Surrender my Life to You. I want You to take over from now on.
Please, save my Soul, and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.
I am going to count from one (1) to ten (10) – Before I say ten (10), come and Surrender your Life Genuinely to Jesus Christ today, and I will Pray for the Salvation of your Soul.
I am counting now…
Alright! Cry to the Almighty God now and say Father, I have come to Surrender my Life to you today Genuinely.
Please save my soul. Forgive all my sins.
Let me become one of Your Children.
And I will serve You for the rest of my Life.
I will have Nothing more to do with Satan as I will do Your Will.
Children of God Stretch your hands towards these People before that Altar and intercede for them.
Pray that the One who saved your own Soul will save their Souls own also.
Pray that the Almighty God will wipe away their sins with His Blood;
And receive them into the Family of God, so that everything will become New for them.
In Jesus’ Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God, we want to say Thank You for Your Word.
Thank You for these People who have come forward to Surrender their lives Genuinely to You.
Please receive them in Jesus’ Name.
Forgive all their sins and Let Your Blood wash them Clean.
As You save their Souls Lord, write their names in the Book of Life.
Receive them into the Family of God.
From now on, whenever they cry unto You, answer them by Fire.
And let them serve You till the end.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Well, those of you who have just Surrendered your Life Genuinely to Jesus Christ; let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.
I Promise you that by the Grace of God, I’ll be Praying for you.
So I am going to need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.
God Bless You – Amen!
Let’s give the Lord a Big round of applause.
Go ahead and clap for the Lord!
Now, we are going to Pray some Prayers with all Seriousness.
First of all you will Stand on your feet, and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.
I am sure you heard at the Beginning – I said we are not joking Tonight.
1. You would Lift your voice and say:
God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, Thank You because You are my God.
Go ahead and Thank Him!
2. You are going to Pray the Next Prayer with all your Strength.
You are going to Pray as if you are a True Believer – That you believe what You have just said.
You would lift your voice loud and clear again, and Say:
God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, because You are my God: I refuse Poverty from now on.
Open your mouth and Pray that Prayer:
I refuse Poverty Physical.
I refuse Poverty Material.
I refuse Poverty Marital.
I refuse Poverty Spiritual.
Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
3. Now, I want you to remain in an attitude of Prayer;
And take your Offering that you want to give to this God that says we shouldn’t come before Him empty-handed.
And then you are going to Pray one more Prayer as you lift that Offering to Him:
Say: God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, Bless me Exceedingly.
Go ahead, cry unto Him!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God I Thank You.
I have delivered Your Message to Your People.
They have heard You Lord and they believe that Your Word that has gone forth tonight is not going to fall to the Ground.
Accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name.
Please, receive their Offering; bless it Oh LORD and use it for Your Glory.
And I hereby decree in Your Name, all these Your children who are Giving to You tonight:
For the rest of their lives, don’t let them ever Lack!
Before the end of this Remarkable Year (2025), Multiply them Exceedingly.
Let them become Envy of Nations!
And let them serve You.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
God Bless You – Amen!
Now, with Joy in your heart, dance to the nearest basket and Drop your Offering (Online).
Over to you Band!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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