1. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day,
O how I love Thee well,
I am happy, it makes me glad
To rejoice at Thy birth.
2. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day,
Thy friend friendship suits me well,
Both young and will sing Thy song,
We long for Sunday School.
3. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day,
Christ was Thy first teacher,
The Holy Spirit, great teacher,
Does manifest in thee.
4. O Sunday School, on the
Lord’s day,
This testimony is sure,
That God, the Father Almighty,
Poured His blessing on Thee
5. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day,
Though the sun be so bright,
Or if the clouds be black with rain,
I’ll be in Sunday School.
6. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day
I rejoice to see Thee,
Will thou pass over me today?
Without my being blest?
OPENING PRAYER: Father, please teach me how to honour people.
BIBLE PASSAGE: Romans 13:7-8.
[7]Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
[8]Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
“Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king” 1 Peter 2:17.
INTRODUCTION: In our previous lesson, we learnt about why and how we should honour
God. We also learnt the meaning of honour which is to bestow value upon someone or highly esteem another.
This text is an admonition on God’s expectation for Christians (as Christ’s
ambassadors) as we daily interact with the world system and its constituted authorities.
A. God expects that believers render to all their dues. These include:
i. …………………… V7a
ii. ………………….. V7b.
iii. …………………. V7c.
iv. …………………..V7d.
V …………………….V7e.
B. Believers should also:
i. …………………….. V8a.
ii. …………………….. V8c
A. The idea of honouring people is biblical and can be showcased in many of our basic relationships. Here are some of them:
i. Citizen-Authority relationships: We are to honour those in authority through obedience and demonstration of respect, irrespective of their age or qualification. This comes from the fact that they represent God’s ultimate authority (Rom.13:1-2).
ii. Laity-Clergy relationships: The Bible speaks of the leadership of the church as deserving ‘double honour’ (1Tim.5:17).
iii. Employee-Employer relationships: We are equally commanded to honour one another in our employer-employee relationships (Eph.6:5-9).
iv. Husband-Wife relationships: In a marriage relationship, the husband is expected to love and show appreciation to his wife while she reciprocates with reverence (Eph.5:33).
v. Children-Parents relationships: The command to honour our parents comes with a promise (Ex.20:12). To do otherwise is to attract untimely death (Matt.15:4).
B. On the whole, the Bible admonishes us to honour all men (1 Pet.2:17).
The idea of honouring people is biblical and can be showcased in many of our basic relationships. Here are some of them:
i. Citizen-Authority relationships: We are to honour those in authority through obedience and demonstration of respect, irrespective of their age or qualification. This comes from the fact that they represent God’s ultimate authority (Rom.13:1-2).
ii. Laity-Clergy relationships: The Bible speaks of the leadership of the church as deserving ‘double honour’ (1Tim.5:17).
iii. Employee-Employer relationships: We are equally commanded to honour one another in our employer-employee relationships (Eph.6:5-9).
iv. Husband-Wife relationships: In a marriage relationship, the husband is expected to love and show appreciation to his wife while she reciprocates with reverence (Eph.5:33).
v. Children-Parents relationships: The command to honour our parents comes with a promise (Ex.20:12). To do otherwise is to attract untimely death (Matt.15:4).
B. On the whole, the Bible admonishes us to honour all men (1Pet.2:17).
The idea of honouring people is biblical and can be showcased in many of our basic relationships. Here are some of them:
1. Citizen-Authority relationships. We are to honour especially those in authority through obedience and demonstration of respect, irrespective of their age or qualification. This comes from the fact that they represent God’s ultimate authority (Rom.13:1-2).
2. Laity-Clergy relationships. The Bible speaks of the leadership of the church as deserving ‘double honour’ (1Tim.5:17).
3. Employee-Employer relationships. We are equally commanded to honour one another in our employer-employee relationships (Eph.6:5-9).
4. Husband-Wife relationships. In a marriage relationship, the husband is expected to love and show appreciation to his wife while she reciprocates with reverence (Eph. 5:33).
5. Children-Parents relationships. The command to honour our parents comes with a promise (Ex.20:12). To do otherwise is to attract untimely death (Matt.15:4).
On the whole, the Bible admonishes us to honour all men (1 Pet.2:17).
CLASS ACTIVITY 1: Should the wicked/ungodly leaders be honoured?
A. The Bible teaches that:
i. True honour is found in God (Deut.26:19).
ii. Anyone who wishes to attain true honour must, first of all, have a cordial relationship with God (Ps.91:14-15).
B. To attain honour, we must be:
i. Righteous (Prov.21:21).
ii. Humble (Prov.22:4; Prov.15:33).
iii. Wise and intelligent (Prov.4:7-8).
iv. Hardworking and diligent (Prov.22:29).
v. Faithful and maintain integrity (Ps.41:12; Prov.20:7), among others.
The Bible teaches that true honour is found in God (Deut.26:19). Anyone who wishes to attain true honour must, first of all, have a cordial relationship with God (Ps.91:14-15). Therefore to attain honour, we must be righteous (Prov.21:21); humble (Prov.22:4; Prov.15:33); wise and intelligent (Prov.4:7-8); hardworking and diligent (Prov.22:29); faithful and maintain integrity (Ps.41:12; Prov.20:7), among others.
CLASS ACTIVITY 2: Students should discuss whether wealth or riches should be a criterion for honour.
SUMMARY: Give honour to those who deserve it and earn it yourself, by paying the price.
CONCLUSION: If we honour those promoted by God, He will honour us too. Do not look down on anyone.
* Mention five (5) categories of people who deserve to be honoured? If we honour those promoted by God, He will honour us too. Do not look down on anyone.
* How can we attain true honour?
EVALUATION: The teacher should ask the students to explain how to attain honour.
CLOSING PRAYER: Father, help me to attain honour in Jesus’ name.
ASSIGNMENT: Students should mention 10 consequences of dishonouring people (1×10=10 Marks).
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