1. Well let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and begin to bless His Holy Name. Worship the King of kings, the Lord of lords; magnify His Holy Name. Praise Him!
He is worthy to be praised and adored, magnify His Holy Name. Praise Him! There is no one like Him. Thank Him.
Thank You Father! Glory be to God.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we worship – Amen.
2. Now lift your voice to Him and say Father; if You are blessing only two (2) people here tonight, please let me one of them.
Go ahead, talk to the Almighty.
Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we pray – Amen.
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour.
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour (Jesus).
Ancient of Days, we give You all the glory. Unchangeable Changer, we worship You.
Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending; the One who was, the One who is, the One who is to come, the Almighty! We magnify your Holy Name.
Please, accept our worship, in Jesus’ Name!
Thank You for all You’ve done for us since the last time we met here. Thank You for preserving our lives; Thank You for putting the devil to shame.
Please, accept our worship, in Jesus’ Name!
Tonight, my Father and my God, in the lives of all Your children – those who are here, those who for one reason or the other could not come, Father do something new!
Something so great, that Your children won’t forget tonight: Father, do for us, Lord!
And by the time we leave here in the morning, my Father and my God, let our Joy Overflow, and let Your Name be glorified.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have prayed – Amen!
Alright, let someone shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!
There is someone here or reading now on the Label of DMC, it doesn’t matter what the devil may try, you would see the New Year (2023) – Amen!!!!
There is a man who lost his manhood, and the manhood has been restored – Amen!
Even if you are not the one, rejoice with that fellow.
Malachi 3:6;
For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
The Theme for our Festival of Life (FOL) today (as you have been told) is, UNCHANGEABLE GOD.
Now, that Theme (as you can see) is not a name, it’s a Title.
You know, when you say, “World Champion”- that doesn’t mean you know the name of the champion.
There was a time the Boxing World Champion was Muhammad Ali. After some time another young fellow – Mike Tyson, took over! And there was a time (here) the World Champion was Anthony Joshua. And so on and so forth.
When we say, “the Unchangeable Changer” we need to find out, who is the one we are talking about?
Fortunately for us, the Bible enables us to find out who this person is. In the Text I read to you (Malachi 3:6) He said, “I Am the Lord, I change not.”
The One Who does not change – the Unchangeable Changer is the Lord!
Psalms 24:1 says, the Earth is the Lord’s. So Who is the Lord?
1. The One Who owns the Earth.
Now take note there: it didn’t say “the world is the Lord’s.” It said, “the Earth.”
And when we talk about Earth, it comes to your mind straight away, we are talking about the dust of the ground (earth).
The Owner of the dust of the ground is the Lord! And immediately, that enables us to understand Isaiah 64:8. It said, “I Am the Potter”.
Do you know what the Potter does? He works with clay (the earth): which is very interesting.
Very interesting because, if He owns the Earth (and He can do whatever He likes with the Earth) you then understand how He could change ordinary mud to a living soul.
Genesis 2:7, And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
That should tell you that since you are made from the mud, the Owner of the mud can do whatever He likes with the mud; or whatever He has made from the mud.
Which is why, in Mark 3:1-5, when He entered into a Synagogue and He found a man with a withered hand, He told him, move forward, so that everybody can see you. The man stood forth, and then He asked him to stretch his hand. And as he did, the hand became whole.
That’s why I can straight away Decree to somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC that: every part of your body that had withered in any form, that is no longer function as it used to function, shall receive a touch – Amen!
And when you read Mark 8:22-26, you’ll find the case of another man. This one was blind, but he wasn’t born blind. He became blind somewhere along the way – and they brought him to Jesus Christ.
Jesus took the blind man out of the city so He could give him Special Attention.
You know, at the beginning of this Ministration I told you to pray that if God is going to bless at least two (2) people tonight, you should be one of them.
… That’s another way of saying God, pay me Special Attention tonight.
He took this blind man aside to give him special attention. Remember, He spat on the sand, touched the eyes; and asked him, “can you see?” And the the man said, “I can see men like trees.”
That means that man has seen men before, he has seen trees before; but his eyes withered. So Jesus touched the eyes again, and the man can now see normally.
I am believing God that before we leave here tonight, somebody would receive a second touch – Amen.
There are people tonight here, who will never need their glasses again – Amen.
Because the One Who made the eyes – and the eyes began to wither; will restore, and restore completely – Amen.
Thank God for Doctors, wonderful people! Without them, what will the world look like? But the best of Doctors would tell you, there is a limit to their abilities.
I have Good News for somebody here tonight or Reading now on the Label of DMC; what Doctors cannot do, the One Who owns the Earth – the Potter, will do it for you tonight – Amen.
2. Not only can He repair, He can Replace.
… I am sure you know that!
In John 9:1-7, this time He met a man who was born blind;
I think I have shared that one with you before – the man was in a hurry to get to the Earth, so he didn’t wait for the eyes. He came in a hurry and he was in darkness for some forty (40) years or so.
But finally when the Owner of the Earth came on the scene, he spat on the ground, made mud from the soil, put it right where the eyes were supposed to be; told the man to go and wash – and the man came back seeing.
There might be one or two people here tonight, or reading now on the Label of DMC, that you left Heaven in a hurry. And there might be one or two things that the Doctors said are missing in your body: this very Night, you will get it back – Amen.
3. He can even deal with your Destiny.
Because when you read Jeremiah 18:1-5, the Bible tells us that the Potter was trying to make a vessel; and then somewhere along the line, the clay got deformed. The vessel wasn’t probably formed.
Maybe He wanted to make a vessel unto honour and then there was an accident. He said well, since He is the Potter, He can start the work all over again.
Please excuse me, I want to say, all Glory be to God for the Musicians of tonight. They were wonderful, all of them!
And I want to Thank the Almighty God for the Ancient Landmark. That Play was very, very good!
And it is possible your Destiny start of wrong. There is Someone who can repair Destiny.
There was a man called Levi, if you read about him in Genesis 49:5-7, his father placed a curse on him – just when the father was about to die. Because he was a bad boy.
And the father waited till when he was about to die, then he pronounced a curse on him: he said, he will be scattered in Israel. He said, he won’t become anybody!
But the One who controls Destiny changed everything round. He said, instead of this fellow being scattered, I will make him my firstborn: I want him to be drawn very close to me.
It is possible for someone to be listening to me tonight or reading on the Label of DMC, that God designed originally for your Destiny to be very great. But something happened along the way, that had caused your destiny to be malformed;
Well, I come in the Name of the One Who called me, to say that every Destiny that has been disrupted would be fully repaired tonight – Amen.
Because at the end of the day, the Almighty God told Moses, “Levi shall be Mine. The one that the father said would be useless is going to become very great.”
4. He can completely Restore: the original one that He gave you, which the enemy decided to tamper with.
A good example you will find in the story of Peter – in Luke 5:1-11. The tells us that after Peter fished all-night and caught nothing, Jesus Christ (which is another name for the Unchangeable Changer) came into his life.
He told him that he will become a Fisher of men. That is, instead of being a Fisherman, he (Peter) will begin to fish for men.
But then something happened (you know the story) on the night before Jesus Christ was crucified, Peter denied Him. He even swore that he ever known Jesus.
At that stage in the life of Peter, the plan of God or his life should have been cancelled. But the Almighty God, in John 21:1-19 went and met him again, and restored him fully to what his original Destiny is supposed to be.
In Mark 5:2-20, you would note the story of a man who was called the Madman of Gadara. Nobody would have believed that, that man was created to be a great Evangelist. Because the devil had filled him with demons, so that anybody looking at him would say, “this can only evanglise for the devil.”
But the Almighty God, the Unchangeable Changer, changed everything round!
I have Good News for somebody here today, or those reading on the Label of DMC; even before Sunday, the purpose why God created you, you will discover – Amen.
And beginning from tonight, you will fulfill Destiny – Amen.
I’ll give you the story of one young man (it’s so important) because I believe God has someone in mind: his father fought with another man, and the other man placed a curse on the father. He said that by the time he finished with the man, nobody would ever know that he came into the world.
In other words, he said, “your family will be wiped out!
Within a very short period of time, everybody in the family of that man had died, remaining only one boy. That one boy was a student at the University of Ibadan, he went home, to his father’s property to see if he could get some money for school fees.
And the man who placed a curse on his father saw him and said, “oh, there’s still one remaining.” He said, before I kill this one, I will torture him a bit. All that happened was that, the boy became mad!
He returned to the campus, gathered all his books and clothes and set them on fire! They took him to Aro Hospital (A Psychiatric Hospital), treated him and sent him back home. He went home to see if he could get some money to return to school, and again the man saw him and said, “you mean you are still normal?” And he added something else to the fire.
Finally, somebody discovered that, the boy’s case is not medical. That it required Spiritual attention.
I pray for you tonight, if the doctors have said your case is not medical; if they have said there is nothing they can do: before you leave here, you will get the Solution – Amen.
Anyway, the boy came, we ministered to him – God healed him. And the day he became a Medical Doctor, he came to my office and said, “look at me, but for Jesus Christ, by now I would be roaming the streets naked!”
Now that boy finished his Medical Practice, and decided “I will rather serve God and became an Evanglist.” The plan of God for that boy was to be a Soul Winner. The plan of the devil was for him to be a madman.
Every evil plan concerning you, I cancel it tonight – Amen.
Because the Lord is the Owner of the Earth and He plays around with mud; that’s why He could say in Jeremiah 32:27, “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?”
And when He says, “there is nothing too hard for me” He has somebody who is flesh in mind. If you are listening to me right now or reading on the Label of DMC – and you are not a Robot; your case is not too difficult for Him.
The Bible tells us in Romans 4:9 that by the time God showed up in the life of Sarah, her womb was dead. But the God of all flesh said, “hello Sarah, 9 months from now on, you will have a son.” And Sarah laughed!
Thank God for those of you who said Amen! Because you got it, in Jesus’ Name – Amen!
Sarah knew that her womb was dead. But the Lord – the Unchangeable Changer, the God of all flesh replaced the dead womb.
And I am Prophesying on behalf of my Father in Heaven, that all of you whose womb might be having one problem or the other, tonight you will get a brand new one – Amen.
He can do absolutely anything! If you read Ezekiel 37:1-14, He tells us that even dry bones can come back to life when He says so.
And when we talk about dry bones, many at times, we are thinking of the bones inside a man. But dry bones could mean several things:
It could mean Marriage that has collapsed completely;
It could mean Business that is completely out of shape;
It could mean any situation that they call hopeless.
I have Good News for you: if they say your case is hopeless, you will laugh last – Amen.
The Bible simply says, the Earth is the Lord’s (it didn’t stop there); it went on to say, and fullness thereof. Psalms 24:1
The Unchangeable Changer is the Owner of everything that is inside the Earth: the silver, the gold, the oil, the trees, everything!
Every Treasure you can think of in this world, they are inside the Earth. And as a result, He was able to say in Haggai 2:8, “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.”
In another place – Genesis 17:1 He said, “My name is Jehovah El-shaddai”. Which means, “the LORD Who is more than enough.*
And because He is more than enough, that’s why He can turn ‘not enough’ to “more than enough.”
He can turn what you say is not sufficient, to more than sufficient: all He has to do is, intervene.
For example, in 2 Kings 4:1-7, there was a widow of one of the sons of the Prophet who was in debt. And the creditors said, we want you to pay back our money. If you don’t pay within twenty four (24) hours, we are going to sell your children.
When the Unchangeable Changer stepped in, by the end of the day, not only was she able to pay back all she owed; the Bible says, for the rest of her life, she never had to borrow again.
May I Prophesy to someone: in a way you cannot understand, very soon, all your debts will be gone – Amen.
I have told you the story of a young man, who anytime he came to me would only ask that I pray for him to prosper. He never asked for prayer for anything else. “Pray that I prosper!” And I kept on praying, “Father, prosper him.”
Then one day he came back rejoicing, almost mad with Joy – Ha, at long last, God has answered your Prayers. I said, I see! What happened?
He said they gave him a Contract; for how much? (May I use your currency)? He said, Fifty (50) Million Pounds. I just looked at him, I thought he was crazy.
I mean, I wasn’t a rich man, but I was much richer than him. So, where will he get a Contract for Fifty (50) Million Pounds? And he said, to let you know (because he couldn’t believe that even a Pastor can be a doubter).
He said, to let you know that this is the truth, I brought a cheque, this is for you. And he gave me a Banker’s Draft for Five (5) Million Pounds. Then I saw that this boy wasn’t lying.
Because he didn’t know how they do Contract; he finished the job in record time, he worked straight. When the Governor saw what he had done, he said, follow me to the office.
He followed the Governor to the office; the Governor said, I have been looking for somebody like you! He gave him another Assignment for Four (4) Billion!
Now, when I said that the Almighty God is going to clear your debts, you may not believe me;
When I said He is going to turn your “Not Enough” to “More Than Enough”, you didn’t believe me – because you were thinking how He will do it.
But take my words for it: in the Name that’s above every other name, by the next Festival of Life (FOL) in 2023; you would have forgotten debts completely – Amen!
I can tell you a little about that Boy; I’ve told you that one day I was travelling with British Airways, in first-class section (because somebody bought me the Ticket). And I looked up and I saw the same young man. I looked at him, he looked at me, the two of us began to laugh.
In the Name that’s above every other name, your level would change this year – Amen.
Thank You Father!
The Lord said there is someone here tonight, or reading on the Label of DMC;
He says very soon when they ask you “what is the secret of your success?” You would tell them, God is Faithful – Amen.
In Psalms 24:7-8, the Bible says: Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.
The Lord is the Unchangeable Changer. He is also the King of Glory.
Now, What is Glory?
Glory in the simplest language, is the opposite of shame. Proverbs 3:35 says, The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools.
… The opposite of wise is fool. And the opposite of Glory therefore, is shame.
1. The Lord is the King of Glory:
That’s why He can change shame to Glory. That’s why He can change whatever is causing you embarrassment to something that will become a Testimony.
Maybe I will just give you one Example: 2 Kings 5:1-14 tells us the story of Naaman. He had everything, he was successful as a General, he was rich, he was famous. But (just a but about him) he was a leper.
Almost invariably, if you have enough time to sit down with a Christian, he would tell you, “there’s just one little problem that is not allowing my joy to be full.”
But if you are here tonight or reading on the Label of DMC, and there is that little problem – you have everything except this:
There is this thing in my family that is not allowing my joy to be full; my daughter who should be married by now is not yet married. My relation who should be a Doctor is failing all his exams.
2. And then went on to say, the Lord Strong…
That is, this Unchangeable Changer we are talking about is not a weakling. He is strong.
The Lord is strong. How strong? Isaiah 40:28-31, the Bible tells us that He never grows tired. And that is why He can give strength to the weak.
Which is why in Philippians 4:13, the Bible says: I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
The Lord has so much strength, He can share with you. He can make sure that you never fail in anything you do again. Because He will be supplying the strength.
Some years ago, some top Church Leaders in the whole world came to visit me in Nigeria. They held a Conference at Redemption Camp – and they took them around the Camp.
They came to me and said: “How can this be?” I said, it is the work of the Lord. “We also know the Lord!” I said, the Lord STRONG: my Lord is Strong.
I Decree to somebody here tonight or reading on the Label of DMC, whatever you touch from now on, will succeed – Amen.
Not only will it succeed; the success will amaze you – Amen.
3. It didn’t stop there, it said, this Lord is not just strong; He is Mighty.
When you talk about somebody who is mighty, that fellow is not ordinarily strong! But the Lord is not ordinarily Mighty, the Lord is ALL-mighty. That’s why He says there is nothing He cannot do.
And when the Almighty is backing you up, what is difficult for others will be easy for you. Because He will be the One carrying the burden.
The Almighty God would carry your burdens – Amen.
4. The part that I like more is that, He is Mighty in Battle.
The Lord is not a civilian; He is a Soldier. Oh, when He came the first time, He came as a Lamb. But the truth of the matter is, He is a Lion. And not an ordinary lion at that: He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
You know, I used to say, “He has never lost a battle.” Until He corrected me! He said, you can win a battle and lose a war. He said, in His own case, He has never lost a war.
So, I can confidently tell you tonight, it doesn’t matter how many people are fighting against you, you will be the winner – Amen.
As a matter of fact, what the Bible says is that, you are more than a conqueror because He loves you.
More than a conqueror means that you will win without even fighting.
And I can tell that, that is true! Because there is nobody who can defeat the Lord. Nobody!
Some years ago, one Head of State wanted to switch over from being a Military Head of State to becoming a Civilian President. And he went to consult some Fortune Tellers.
And the Fortune Tellers told him, your plans can’t work, because there is one man in a place called Camp who is praying against your plan. “So, what do I do?” They told him, “eliminate him!*
Somehow, one of my children who was in the Civil Service heard that there was a plan to eliminate his Spiritual father. So, he just walked in and said, “Daddy, I think you have to relocate.” “Japa” – or what do they call it (laughter)!
I said, why? And he told me. I mean, just like any other man, I was worried. Anointing or no anointing, if the enemy says he wants to eliminate you, you will be frightened.
So, I ran out of the house – and it was Holy Ghost Service Week. I quietly left the house. I didn’t tell my wife, she thought I was going for my usual Prayer Walk. I got outside and I said, Almighty God, what am I going to do now? And God spoke to me.and said Son, don’t bother yourself, I will take care of the fellow.
I Decree tonight: anyone plotting your destruction, God will take care – Amen!
He told me, and there are witnesses (I’m sure some of them are among you)! The following Friday which was Holy Ghost Service Night (June that particular year) God told me Son, when you get there ask everybody to shake hands and say, “Happy New Year.”
Happy New Year in June? Well, I told my children what God said. And they believed me enough to do what I asked them to do. Before the next week, the one who was going to eliminate me was eliminated!
The people that God is talking to tonight, they know themselves. Someone of us are not here, because we wanted to come: we ran from some enemies. There enemies from the father’s side, enemies from the mother’s side, enemies from in-laws, etc.
But I have Good News for you: tonight, the Unchangeable Changer would eliminate those enemies – Amen!!!
Why? Because He is the Lord, the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.
5. And that is, He is called the Lord of Hosts.
Lord of Hosts means, Commander-in-Chief of all hosts.
I used to think that, that means, the Commander-in-Chief of all the Angels. But God corrected me, He said, any host anywhere: hosts in Heaven, hosts on Earth, hosts underneath the Earth.
And that’s why His Name is JESUS; at the mention of the Name of Jesus, all knees must bow.
He controls all the hosts of demons: Like the case of the Madman of Gadara. All He said, was go! And the legions of demons fled.
That’s why I’ve always found it funny when I see some Deliverance Ministers spending a whole night, casting out a single demon.
If you are a true Minister, connected to the Lord of hosts, all you need to say is, “Hey, get out of here!” And they would get out.
I am tempted to say that, any demon that followed you here tonight; get outow, in the Name of Jesus.
But the that He is the Commander in Chief meand, He can turn YOU, to a Commander.
Thank You Father! Oh, Thank You Lord.
The Lord asked me to tell someone: from tonight onward, no more losses – Amen!
No more sorrow – Amen!
And no more failure – Amen!
… If you are the one, your Amen should be louder – AMEN!!!
Because He is Commander in Chief, that’s why He has the ability to turn anyone precious to Him, to a Commander.
Why? Because in Isaiah 45:11 He went as far as to say, “concerning the works of my hand, command ye Me.”
The Almighty God says, I give you the ability to command Me. The only limit is that, when you are commanding Me, make sure it has to do with the works of My Hands.
In Joshua 10; Joshua was fighting a battle and the sun was setting. And so he decided that he was going to do something nobody has ever done before. He commanded the sun, he said, “Sun, stand still; moon, stay where you are!” And the Almighty God supported him.
And that’s why I am going to ask you to do something you have never done before. I want you to lay your hand on your head and Decree:
Say my head, from today I command you, you must never refuse any good thing again – Amen!
The Lord told me He will do something of a different kind tonight: the kind that He has never done before. Congratulations for coming!
I told my people in Nigeria, during the last Holy Ghost Service of what happened during the last Convention, that told me that I better be careful.
We were having the Convention, it was Reward for Competition time. One particular Parish was carrying almost all the cups. I stopped and said jokingly, “you won this, you won that, I think I better come and pay your parish a visit.”
It was a joke! But that fellow didn’t take it like a joke. A week later he wrote, “Daddy, when should we be expecting you?” I said, I was joking. And Daddy spoke to me and said Son, when you stand by My Altar, anything you say is not a joke. If you say it I will back it up!
I am standing at His Altar now, and I am saying to you: this day will be a new beginning for you- Amen!
So, don’t think that we are joking. The Almighty God is here. And where He is, there’s no joking.
You can command your Womb. You can say, “womb you are created to produce children; I command you, produce Children.” You can command Him concerning anything – provided it is the work of His hand.
There was a time I had to command the rain to stop falling; I commanded winter to change to summer (at least for the time I’ll be around). Because God didn’t create me for Winter (laugher)!
And then, another Name of the Lord is the Consuming Fire.
Thank You Daddy!
The Lord asked me to tell a woman who privately touched her womb, when I said you can command your Womb.
The Lord asked me to tell you, I will touch that womb tonight – Amen.
Hebrews 12:29 tells us, our God is a Consuming Fire. That is why He can tame any earthly fire. That’s why in Isaiah 43:1-3 He said, when you pass through the fire, it will not consume you.
So I have Good News for those of you who are going through very difficult period; that fire will be put out tonight- Amen!
That is why Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego could go into the fiery furnace and could not be burnt. It didn’t mean that the fire has lost its power – because the flame of the fire destroyed those who threw in the three (3) Hebrew boys. Take note of this: they came out of the fire to be promoted.
So, I am Rejoicing with those of you who are passing through fire now: next time we hear from you, it would be a Testimony – Amen.
… Alright! Let’s go the word UNCHANGEABLE.
We have been talking about who the Lord is; now let’s talk about the Unchangeable God – He doesn’t change.
Thank You Father!
Now this may sound little to some people. But the fellow concern will know it’s not a joking matter.
The Lord says He has replaced your bladder – Amen!
In Exodus 3:14 He said, my name is I AM THAT I AM. Not I was, not I will be, but “I AM.”
1. The implication of that is that, He can change ‘not yet’ to now!
In John 2:1-12; you remember when they ran out of wine in the wedding in Cana of Galilee, and Mary (the mother of Jesus) came to Him and said, “my son, they need wine.”
He said to Mama, I am here as a guest; not as a wine provider. He said in any case, my time has not yet come. But that very moment, in less than one hour, ‘not yet’ became now!
I have Good News for somebody: your Miracle that you think you will get maybe early next year, you will get it tonight – Amen!
2. Because He said “I AM THAT I AM” it means He can bring the future into the present.
He is stretched: His left hand is touching the past; His right hand is touching the far future, and He brings you the two of them together to now.
For example, in Matthew 15:21-28; the Bible tells us about a woman who was a Gentile, who came to Jesus Christ and said, please help me, my daughter is grievously vexed of the devil (you know the story).
And Jesus didn’t answer her! When finally Jesus answered her, He said, “I can’t the bread of children to dogs.”
What belongs to the Jews at that time was not for the Gentiles. But that woman still got her Miracle that day. That woman stretched by faith, into the far future.
… Because the time of the Gentiles came only in Acts 10, when Peter went to the house of Cornelius.
But the woman said, I am not going to wait for that time, I want my Miracle now – and she got it right there!
When do you want your Miracle? Now!!!! At the next FOL? Right now! You mean right now? Yes!
And so shall it be, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
Knowing the meaning of getting your Miracle Now (if you would cling to that) will show you that the Almighty God would rearrange – because He is everywhere at all times; He will rearrange to send help to you now – Amen!
I give you a story very quickly – you could say I was an ambitious young man: I believed God for anything. I believe I can do anything!
Sometimes in 1983, almost 40 years ago – so you know how young I was then. I took the entire congregation of the Redeemed Christian Church of God into the bush – that has now become Redemption City (for Convention). Thousands of them! Not too many then. I said “come, God will feed you free of charge for a week.” And I had no money ooooo (laughs)! Not a Kobo in the Bank.
The people came! The crowd was there. And then my wife came to me one morning and said, now we’ve ran out of money, we need more money. “How much?” Five Thousand – shall I call it pounds? So it will make some meaning to you (in Britain).
So I said to her, when do you need it? I said, is it today you need the money or now? She said, today! “Ah, that’s good! You can go; when I have the money I’ll send for you.”
I turned to the Almighty God, “You’ve heard your daughter, she needs Five Thousand today. You know I have nothing, and Your people are here: but I must have help now!”
In the Name of the One Who answers Prayers; your help will come now – Amen.
Not long after I had prayed, one man was driving past. Those of you who know Redemption City, we are by the expressway, along Lagos-Ibadan Road (Nigeria) and he saw some of our men who were working and he branched (because the place used to be a jungle).
He said, what’s going on here? I said we are having a Convention. He said, that’s a very good idea. He said, next year I’ll be part of the Convention. He put his hand in his pocket and gave me a thousand (say pounds). I said, one down, four to go!
Almost as soon as he left, some young boys in the church gathered together and they said, “Daddy, we know you need money. As our father, you are feeding us with the Word of God; we are the ones who should be supplying you money.
And I saw an envelope in the hand of one of them. “Stop this sermon, give me the envelope.” Finally, he gave me the envelope, I prayed for them they left. I opened it, Two Thousand. Ah, three down, two to go.
Very soon I had Five Thousand. I sent for my wife, when she came I swaggered (laughter)!
In the Name of the One Who made Heaven and Earth, your Miracle will be now – Amen.
Let us take a deeper look: He says He is Unchangeable. Hebrews 13:8, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and for ever.
1. That means, He can take care of your past.
Thank You Father! The Lord said there is someone here (you will understand); He says you are truly, truly down.
He says, but I will raise you up – Amen!
The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
One day, after I became Born Again, I read 2 Corinthians 7:2 where Apostle Paul said: “I wronged no man.” I said, what is this man talking about? The little I know about Paul was when he was Saul of Tarsus. He was Chairman when they were killing Stephen. How can he now say, “I wronged no man?”
And then the Almighty God explained it to me: If a man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
Every evil you have ever done in the past is gone the day you gave your life to Jesus. If you are still remembering it, you are wasting your time – because God does not remember it anymore. The blood of Jesus cleanses from all sins.
2. Then, He can handle your present – Because He doesn’t change!
You know, Psalms 23 is written for people like you and I: the Lord “is” my shepherd. It doesn’t say, the Lord was or the Lord will be; He is my shepherd. He is the One taking care of me now.
And then it lists all those things He is doing for us right now: taking care of your food. Thank God for the United Kingdom! Somehow, you don’t find people dying on the street of hunger. It is amazing!
And then He talks about causing you to lie down in green pastures: it is the Lord Who gives you sleep. The Bible says He gives His beloved sleep (Psalms 127:2B).
If you read Psalms 23 you will see how He’s taking care of your present.
3. And then, He can handle your future.
And that to me is a very big thing! Because we only know today; only God knows tomorrow. But He says clearly in Isaiah 3:10, Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.
Believe me honestly, if you are a true child of the Living God, there’s no reason why you should have high blood pressure. You have nothing to worry concerning tomorrow at all. Because before tomorrow, the Lord would have taken care of the situation – Amen.
Oh, when I became General Overseer, we had only Thirty nine (39) Parishes. And I used to travel from one to another. When I come back, almost as soon as I arrive, my wife would be telling me: there is a problem in Sokoto, there’s a problem in Kano!
When she has finished I would say, where is my food? She would say, didn’t you hear all that I said? I would say, I heard you, what of my food? She would bring the food. When I finish, I would say, shall we pray – because I want to sleep?
“You didn’t hear all I said?” It is written, weeping may endure for a night: joy is coming in the morning. And if Joy is coming in the morning, why should I spend the night worrying?
That’s why I am Decreeing here today, you will never weep again – Amen.
He can take care of your past, He can take care of your today. And surely, He will take care of your tomorrow – Amen.
Thank You Father! You know, occasionally when I am preaching like this I usually hear a Song – and that Song must be for somebody.
There is someone here tonight or reading on the Label of DMC, very soon you are going to sing this Song:
I have seen, seen; The downfall of Satan, Glory be to God, Glory be to Jesus;
I have seen, seen The downfall of Satan, Glory be to God – Amen!
When I look at my right, I see Satan has fallen;
When I look at my left, I see Satan has fallen;
When I look at my front, I see Satan has fallen;
When I look at my back, I see Satan has fallen.
If that’s going to be your Song, let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!
I am sure I am one of those who would sing that song. And I want to claim that Song even for my Nation (Nigeria).
4. Whatever He had done before, He can do again: because He is Unchangeable.
For example, in Acts 10:34-35, Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
If He has done it for someone before, He can do it for you too. That is the power of Testimony. If you listen to the Testimony of someone then you can key in to that Testimony; and your own Testimony will be the one that will follow.
For example, I don’t know how many people keyed in to the Testimony of my wife, when she testified that she had three (3) Cesarean Operation before we became Born Again. And after we became Born Again she had two (2) children naturally.
… Inspite of everything the Doctor said, the children just came naturally.
If He had healed anybody before, then He can heal you. If He has done the impossible for someone before, then He can do the impossible for you. Because whatever He had done before, He would do it again!
There is something even better than the fact that what He has done before, He can sit it again. And that is that:
Thank You Father!
… I want to say “Amen” to this one, because it will be good for me too.
God says there’s someone here tonight or Reading on the Label of DMC, expect help from your enemies – Amen!
… I hope you are writing these things down? Because a time is coming, when you will be sharing the Testimonies – Amen!
There’s one old man who wrote to me and said: Sir, I like your preaching; what I don’t like is all these interruptions with “there is someone here…” I don’t believe anyway!
So I wrote back and said, no problem! You like the preaching? He said yes! Take the preaching, and keep your ears open. When the Testimonies begin to come, you would know God was talking about someone.
Then, God decided to teach him a lesson; one day he left home early in the morning with 2020 Vision – Bright eyes! He got out, and all of a sudden 2020 Vision became zero/zero.
Somehow he got somebody to bring him to the Redemption Camp during the next Holy Ghost Service. He made sure they put him near the front. And God is so kind:
Suddenly the word came, there is someone here you used to have 2020 Vision, now you are completely blind. But God has decided to be merciful unto you; and eggs can open now. You can imagine the shouting there!
Maybe I should say, there’s someone here tonight or Reading on the Label of DMC; God is going to surprise you – Amen.
5. He can do more than He had done before.
Why? In 2 Kings 4:42-44, the Bible told us how a man brought just a little food to Elisha and he used that little food to feed the sons of the Prophets.
The total number of the Sons of the Prophet at that time (according to Bible Scholars) would probably be about a hundred and fifty (150).
But in John 6:5-13, the Biby tells us that Jesus used five (5) loaves of bread and two fish to feed five thousand (5,000) men. He had done it before; but He now did much more!
Everyone of you who have received a Miracle from God before; before the end of this Month, you would receive much more – Amen!
6. But that’s not all: whatever He has done before, He can do much, much more!
Ephesians 3:20 says, Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.
Even those things you have not asked for He can add it! Something you just thought about, He can make available to you. And He will do it for somebody – Amen.
Maybe I’ll tell two (2) stories very quickly and we will close the Preaching aspect.
A daughter of mine was barren for years. And one day a woman from the husband’s side (I don’t want to call her a witch) called my daughter’s husband and said, “stop wasting your money, we have removed the womb of your wife. She is not going to have a child.”
Well, I don’t know why the husband should tell the wife that kind of story (but he told her)! And then the wife came to Holy Ghost Service – that’s what we call Festival of Life (FOL). And the word of God came: there’s someone here they said can never have a child. God says, you are going to have a set of twins – Amen!
And she grabbed it! Before you know what was happening she became pregnant. Ran to the Doctor who has been treating her all these years,and he said, I don’t know what’s going on; I don’t believe you are pregnant. But come back, we will do another Test.
So, she went back and the Doctor said I see a child here now. The woman said, No! My Daddy said twins, not a child. Okay! The one there is a Miracle. She came back after few months, and the Doctor said, I can see twins now.
Because the husband was wealthy, they decided they are not going to take risk with the twins. So, they came to this London – went to the best hospital.
The husband told the Surgeon, I want you to bring them out through operation. No case of accident happening when she was in labour: “And as soon as you bring the twins out just seal the womb. We don’t want more Children – two (2) would do.”
So they put the woman to sleep and they performed the operation and brought out the twins. When she woke up she saw everybody looking at her as if she came from Mars. “What’s happening? Where are my children?”
Your children are okay! But let the Doctor come and talk. The Doctor came and said, “I’ve done well over thirty thousand (30,000) Surgeries; this is the first time I’m bringing out a set of Twins from a woman who has no womb.”
Because when the Doctor wanted to close the womb, he discovered that there was no womb. That was a mighty Miracle!
But then, after almost Twenty (20) years later, that my daughter called me, “Daddy I want to come.and show you my Twins.” I thought she was talking about the original twins. By now they should be in the University.
And then she came, carrying a new set of twins! By now, even if everything was normal, she was already past child bearing. But there were a new set of twins!
Who told you my God cannot do anything? I am talking about the Unchangeable Changer!
Everything that is considered irreversible in your life will be reversed tonight – Amen.
But I want to close with a funny story – because Christmas is near: myself and my children we were going on the Let’s go-a-Fishing Program, that we do in Nigeria. Where we go from village to village to preach the he Gospel.
So, as we were passing through one village I saw a sign saying, “Turkey for sale.” I looked at it and just smiled. Then I said to the children, “do you know your Daddy never had a turkey for Christmas before?” And we just laughed and forgot about it!
I came back from the go-a-Fishing Program, and there were three (3) turkeys waiting for me at home. I didn’t pray about it!
So I went to church on Sunday, I told the people, “my God has done it again oooo: He has provided me with three (3) turkeys without my asking. But, it’s not an invitation to dinner oooo.” By the time I got home, the number of turkey had increased to seven (7).
… I told you that story because I want to make a Decree;
It doesn’t matter how much you ask God for tonight, before you get home, He will multiply – Amen.
Let me conclue: if after tonight, things remain the same in your life, the fault will be yours. Why? Because He said clearly in His word – Isaiah 1:19, If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
That’s what the Unchangeable Changer said! He doesn’t change, but He can change you, He change everything about you: Physically, Mentally, Maritally, Spiritually? He can change everything!
In 1 Timothy 1:15 Paul Apostle said: he was chief of sinners. But by the time you get to 2 Corinthians 12:11, he called himself, chief among the Apostles.
God can change everything about you completely. It’s up to you! I am a living example of what the Unchangeable Changer can do.
Before I met the Lord Jesus Christ I was a rotten boy. I was so bad – I have said it severally “if I was Jesus, I would not have saved Adeboye.” I had so many girlfriends, I did not know the exact number. True!Because they kept increasing.
But there was one among them all that was very close to me. We did everything together: what we did together is none of your business (Laughter). Then we parted our different ways. She got married, I got married!
Years past, and I moved to Ilorin (Kwara State Nigeria) and her husband was transferred from his place of work to Ilorin. She had a child born lame. And while I was Lecturing at the University of Ilorin I was also looking after our little church there.
And then somebody said to her, “your child was born lame?” She said, yes! The fellow told her, there is a Pastor there, if he prays for your child, the child would walk! So she came to the Mission house. I was inside, but there were people at the varanda.
“Please, I want to see the Pastor.” They said, he is inside. She opened the door and saw me, and we greeted. You know, old flames!
After exchanging greetings, she said “I want to see the Pastor.” I said yes, can I help you? She said, “I said I want to see the Pastor.” I said, I m the Pastor. She said, you the Pastor? I said, yes! She said, “you will pray and God will answer?”
And we prayed a simple prayer and the child began to walk!
You see, when a man is in Christ he is a new creature: the rotten boy died the day I met the Lord Jesus Christ. And He took that rotten boy and turned him to the fellow who is standing before you now!
But if He asked you to come unto Him and you refuse to come, He won’t force you – He will just leave you as you are.
But later on, when you begin to hear Testimonies, you would say, “but I was there that night, I heard all the Prophecies; how come they never came to pass in my life?” It’s up to you!
If you are ready come now and Surrender to Jesus, so He will know you mean business – you want a total change: physically, Spiritually, mentally and otherwise.
If you want a total change come to Jesus now, let’s pray together, so that God can save your soul. It’s your life, don’t wait for anybody.
Oh yes, He is willing to change your life, He is willing to change everything. He is the Unchangeable Changer. What He has done for me, He can do for you. Come to Him today and He will turn the tide for you absolutely.
While those who want to give their lives are doing so, there might be some of us: you used to be a Christian, you have tasted the joy of Salvation, but you have lost it because you backslide. Tonight is a good night to reconnect.
Now Pray to the Lord, tell Him in your own simple language: Father save my soul, forgive all my sins, give me a New Beginning, and I will serve you for the rest of my life.
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If you are returning to be restored, tell Him: I am sorry I backslide, I won’t go back again. Just restore me this once. Go ahead, talk to the Almighty God.
And the rest of us please, let us stretch our hands towards these people and Intercede for them. Pray that the One Who saved your soul would give them genuine Salvation; Pray that He will restore every backslider to Himself.
… Let’s pray for them.
Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God I want to Thank You very, very much for Your word.
And I want to Thank You for these people who have come forward in response to the Altar Call.
Please, receive them, in Jesus’ Name.
Father, forgive them, let Your Blood wash away their sins. Give them a Brand New beginning.
As You are saving their souls Lord, write their names in the Book of Life. And I pray Lord, that they will never backslide.
Now those who have backslidden, who have returned back to You: please, Receive them, restore them fully, and don’t let them backslide again.
And I am committing these Your children into your hands: from now on, anytime they call on You, answer them by Fire.
Thank You Almighty God! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord!
Those of you who just surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!
I want to assure you that from now onwards I will be praying for you. So I will need your names, your address and your prayer request. God bless you!
Oh, Thank You Father! Thank You Lord. Amen!
How many of you have been blessed tonight? DMC FAMILY!
… Let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!
There is a statement in the word of God which says: Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 18:19
I am going to give you an opportunity to talk to God. Tell Him exactly what you want Him to do for you tonight. Then I will come round and join you in agreement. And matter will be settled.
Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have prayed – Amen.
The Almighty God will grant your request!
If He has ever done it before for anyone, He will do it for you; He will do it for you today, He will do it for you before you get out of here!
By the time the sun is rising, you will be sharing your Testimony!
So shall it, in Jesus’ Mighty Name we have prayed – Amen!
Well, let somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.