I will sing unto the Lord
A Joyful Song
I will Praise His Name
For the Lord is Good
Father, we bless Your Name – We give You all Glory, we give You all Honour that thus far You have helped us.
There was a time Lord God Almighty that if the Total Congregation in UK is seven hundred (700); we would have shouted for Joy. But today, we are adding to the Ministers, seven hundred (700) People – Glory be to Your Holy Name.
Father, we Pray once again for all those who has been Anointed today; that You will keep them, You will Stand by them and You will make them Mighty Vessels unto Honour.
And at this moment, we are also remembering all Your Children who Graduated today from our various Schools – Please Lord, bless them. In Your Own Special Way, Strengthen them, move them also to Greater Heights and Please revive these Nations. Take over Europe for Yourself.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
And then shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: Congratulations to you too.
I rejoice with those of you who has been Ordained today – I have always said it that the day I was Ordained in 1975; I treasured the Oil on my head so much that for three (3) days, I didn’t take my bath until it dawned on me that no water can wash away that Anointing.
Congratulations all of you!
And all of you who might be their friends, Congratulations too! The fellow you escorted in is not the fellow who will be going out with you – That fellow is different now!
1 Samuel 2: 7-8 – Because our Theme for this Season is: “The Unchangeable Changer”. We are reading where it is written:
1 Samuel 2: 7-8
7. The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.
8. He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the Throne of Glory: for the Pillars of the Earth are the LORD’S, and he hath set the world upon them.
There is Someone Who can Change anything but He Himself remains Unchangeable.
1. He can Change an “Ordinary Man” to a Prophet – 1 Samuel 10: 1-11.
His Prophet (Samuel) Poured an Oil on the Head of Saul, the son of Kish. And from that day onwards, he Prophesised and People were amazed – Ha, when did Saul become a Prophet?
… God has done something – He Poured Oil on that Head!
2. He can Change a “Shepherd Boy” to a King in less than one hour – 1 Samuel 16: 11-13.
One moment, David was a “Shepherd Boy”; the next moment, he was a King.
That is why in the Government of God, you don’t have to spend days Campaigning – The moment He says that you are a King, you are a King Period and Nothing anybody can do about it. And you can’t impeach His King!
3. When His Anointing is upon an “Ordinary Jaw Bone of an Ass”; that “Jaw Bone of an Ass” can become a “Weapon of Mass Destruction” – Judges 15:15.
Samson found the “Jaw Bone of an Ass” and with that, he did something serious.
In my Country (Nigeria), when some People by whatever names they called them: Bandits, Terriorists, or whatever – When they are beginning to disturb the Church in a manner that they have never done before. They enter into a Church and they begin to shoot People, kidnapping Bishops and Head of Churches; I was compelled to speak.
Normally, I don’t dabble into Politics because I am a Pastor. But I saw the way things were going and I felt that I have to say something before they Kidnapped the General Overseer.
So, I announced to them that from now on, its going to be “Fire for Fire”. And some People misinterpreted that I am asking my Peoplw to go and buy guns.
And so I had to come back to correct that impression – I said that Christians don’t need guns (We don’t need AK47). I told them that all that Samson used was: Anointing and “The Jaw Bone of an Ass”.
Then I said that all we needed to do is – Use the Anointing and “The Jaw Bone of an Cows”.
So, we don’t need Police Permit to buy “The Jaw Bones of Cows”. And if the Police come to search your Churches and they found “The Jaw Bones of Cows” in the Vestry; you will tell them that I’m using this to teach the Sunday School children how Samson dealth with the Philistines.
From that day till now, they have not attacked the Church again because somehow they knew that I meant it and they knew that I don’t normally talk – Which is why some People think that maybe I am Weak!
There is a difference between being Meek and Weak!
So, Congratulations to those of you who has been Anointed – With your Anointing and “The Jaw Bones of Cows”; you will be able to Subdue your enemies – Amen!
God can turn a “Single Man” to a “One-Man Army” – Judges 15: 1-16.
We have this Story of Samson – You know the Story. A Single Man wiped out a thousand of his enemies and the rest fled, otherwise he would have done more.
You know that there are enemies and there are enemies. The enemies we have back home in Nigeria, might be different from the enemies you have here in Europe.
I am sure that you have heard me say before that there are demons everywhere – In Africa and as well as in Europe. The only difference is that the demon in Africa didn’t go to School but in Europe and America, the demons there wear 3-Pieces Suit and they ride Royce Rolls – And we are meant to deal with all these Forces.
There are Forces that does not want the Church to grow and Darkness must bow to Light – Amen!
So, you have not been Anointed for fun:
1. You have been Anointed for such a time like this because Europe must be saved!
You have been Anointed to deal with enemies called Sickness, Diseases, Pandemics!
Because when the Pandemics broke out; the Specialist in all these Advanced Countries said: Oh God, Africa is Finished. They thought that we will be dying like Chicken.
But though we have no money, we have no Hospital, no Drugs but we have God. And so, we cry to Him – Help us as You are the Helper of the Helpless.
And He (God) spoke to me and I made it known that: Only those whose time has come will die.
Since the Pandemics began, the number of People who died in Nigeria through that Pandemics is still less than three thousand (3,000). That is Probably less than the number that died in a day in some of these Places in Europe or America.
2. We are being Ordained because there is a War to fight – Not the kind of War you fight with guns or bombs but “Spiritual Warfare”.
What made Coronavirus so fearsome is because there are some enemies you cannot see – It is a Spiritual Enemy.
God has raised you up to make sure that there won’t be another Pandemics. And if it raises its head again, you will be there to deal with it and you won’t Panic!
Some of you – I hope you are listening all over Europe or reading now on the Label of DMC; even after the Pandemics has Subsided, it is still holding some of you Captive with fear – That is why you don’t want to return to Church!
And the Bible says that if you fail in the “Day of Trouble”; your Strength is Small.
I hope you will hear me now – Some of you now sit down at home on Sunday, sipping tea and watching the Sunday Service on YouTube.
I Challenge you in the Name of “The Most High God”; break lose – Amen!
I am looking forward to see you on Friday, 21st October 2022 (During The RCCG Festival of Life Service 2022 – Watch Out for the Full Text Transcript of this Service “ONLY” on the Label of DMC).
And if you say: I’m not coming on Friday, I will sit down at home and drink tea – I will decree that, that tea will become something else (Laughs!).
God can turn just “One Man” to an Army! And then you can imagine what He can do with all of you being Ordained today!
You are More Than Enough to take over Europe for Jesus Christ. Because the moment you are Ordained, the attention of The Most High God is on you – He watches over you wherever you go: Whether you know it or not.
And anyone who attempts to touch you is asking for trouble because He made a Decree in Psalms 105: 14-15 – Touch not my Anoinred.
Do you know the meaning of that? – There is an “Unseen Wall” of Fire round about anyone who is truly Anointed and Nobody touches Fire!
The African Elders has a Saying: Even Mad dogs recognises Fire!
You can make a Research on it even on Google – Has there ever been a Mad Man who was burnt to death?
They will tell you none ever – Because even in his Madness, if you tell a Mad Man to touch Fire, he will say: I’m not that crazy.
The “Wall of Fire” that my Father has built round those of you Anointed, will never go out – Amen!
But then you need to know that because He is “The Unchangeable Changer” who can raise up and bring down; like in the Bible Text that we read, just as:
1. He can Change Somebody from being Ordinary to becoming a King; He can also Change a King to a Mad Man.
You know the Story in 1 Samuel 16:14 – King Saul who began to Prophesy from the moment the Oil touched his head, he did another kind of Prophesying when God sent an Evil Spirit to trouble him.
2. He can Change a King to an Animal.
In Daniel Chapter 4, He told the King to go and be an animal for seven (7) years and let us see who really is the King of Kings.
That is why I trembled when I see a Man of God, being used of God and the Man of God becomes Proud!
He (God) knows how to humble People – He can raise up, He can bring down and Nobody can ask Him why You are doing what You are doing – That is the frightening thing about God. He does as He Pleases – You don’t like it, you can sue Him and see who will win.
Some Years ago, one Governor says that he was going to revoke the Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) of the Redemption Camp.
I sent Somebody who could talk to him that you are on this Earth because my Father gave you Certificate of Occupancy (C of O). If He (God) revokes the Certificate of Occupancy (C of O); you will leave this world.
3. Just as He can turn a King to an animal and if the animal repents, He can Change the animal back to a King,
That is the Story in Daniel Chapter 4.
4. As for those of us who are His Ministers, Revelation 1: 16 and 20; teaches us a very serious Lesson.
It says that we are Stars in His Hands!
Do you know what that means:
I. It means that Nobody can touch you as long as we are in His Hands.
II. But it also means that if He wants to deal with you, He doesn’t have to look for you – You are already in the Palms of His Hands. All He has to do is to close His Hands and you will discovered that His Hands are so big that if He should close it on you, you still stop breathing.
I’m sure that you have heard People who will tell you – Don’t mind People like Pastor E.A Adeboye.
I. It is written in Romans 11:29 that the Gifts and Callings of God are without Repentance – That is True!
II. They say: Once God has Called you, once God has Anointed you; that it is forever – That is True, I’m not arguing with that.
But then “The Giver” and “The Caller” can withdraw!
King Saul was still on the Throne for some thirteen (13) years after God has left him.
Like I have told you before – Those of you who are old enough to remember – If they take the Light, the fan will still keep on rotating, the water in the fridge will still remain cold for a while. But the rotating will decrease steadily.
I told them in America at a Conference several years ago – World Conference of the Remembrance of The Mordern Day of Pentecost, which took Place on Azusa Street in the Year 2006; when I spoke to them on: “The Fire Must Never Go Out”.
I told them that if you have a Congregation of one hundred thousand (100,000) and you loses a thousand (1,000) of them; it won’t show – The crowd of one hundred thousand (100,000) and a crowd of ninety nine (99,000) looks alike. It is only one (1) Chair that will be empty out of every one hundred (100).
But then, if you don’t wake up, Steadily one hundred thousand (100,000) becomes ninety nine thousand (99,000); and then ninety eighty thousand (98,000); and then ninety seven thousand (97,000). And if you don’t wake up, then you will discovered that the crowd of one hundred thousand (100,000) has become fifty thousand (50,000).
: You can get to read the Full Text and listen to the Audio of Pastor E.A Adeboye’s Message during “The Mordern Day Pentecost” as Preached on Azusa Street in 2006 on these Links:
I appeal to you my children – I’m not only your dad, I’m your Coach. Be careful. Because if you are going to be honest to yourself – Little by little, your Temperature is dropping. You are beginning to Pray like “Mankind Churches”, you are beginning to behave in a way that is “Politically Correct”,
We are not of this world – Our Government is from Heaven.
The way we know the Pentecostals – There are three (3) Significant Ways of knowing the Pentecostals:
1. They believed in Miracles.
2. They Pray in Tongues.
3. They are “Very Noisy”.
But many atimes, when you People are Praying, we can’t even hear you – How can Pentecostals be in a Place and that Place is not shaking?
But because you live in a Place where everybody is quiet, you are also becoming quiet.
Anybody who doesn’t like Noise shouldn’t go to Heaven. Heaven is a Noisy Place – The Hallelujah there sound like Thunder.
Wake Up because we are running out of time!
Shall we bow our Head Please!
I want you to cry to the Almighty God: “Unchangeable Changer”; Change me for the better because of the Anointing flowing here today. Don’t make me Lukewarm, make me “Boiling Hot”.
Go ahead and talk to the Lord!
Thank You Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Father, You are the Consuming Fire.
Upon all these Your Children, send down Your Fire, wake us up, Change us for the better, revive us Oh Lord and use us to bring Revival to Europe.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.