Before we Proceed further in our Studies, I believed that we need to make one (1) or two (2) things clear:
1. This Sunday Series that we do for you started during the Coronavirus Crisis (DMC NOTES: April Year 2020) – When People could no longer go to Church.
And so, we felt that since we couldn’t go to Church at that time; we should reach out to you every Sundays from our Headquarters.
And so actually, this Series should have stopped when the Coronavirus Crisis ended but we found out that it has been a Blessing to so many of us and so we felt that we should continued even though we moved the time from early Morning to Afternoon.
And so, we need to appreciate the fact that this Series is a Supplement and it is not intended to take over your Morning Service in your various Churches.
A Supplement does not replace a Meal.
And the Word of God is Clear – You are not to avoid the Assembly of one another.
There is something Powerful in “Corporate Anointing”.
And so, those of us who Probably has fallen into the habit of saying: No Problem, why should I go to the Church in the Morning; afterall daddy GO will soon come in the Afternoon – You are making a very serious mistake. Better get back to your Churches
If you want to know the Great Power of “Corporate Anointing”; I will encourage you to read what happened in 1 Samuel 19: 1-end – You will discovered that there is “Tremendous Power” in “Corporate Anointing”.
The Only People who could say: Oh, thank God we have Supplement coming in the Afternoon are those who are “Too Old” to go to the Church in the Morning.
They are the only People who has an excuse – And they have to be really, really Old not to even go to Church.
So I’m sure that Majority of us don’t qualify for that!
2. The Second Thing that I want to bring to our attention is something that God Himself brought to my attention.
That when we are dealing with a Series, we always assume that the People who are joining the Series on the way already knows what we have said before – And that is not always true.
There are People who are joining the Series for the first time. And so occasionally, we need to backtrack and talk about what had gone before.
And so, if you find anytime that we are repeating any of the Topics that we have treated before:
I. For you who has been with us from the beginning of the Series; it will be a very Good Revision.
II. For those who are joining for the first time, it will be a very Great Blessing.
And the Bible made it clear – You are to love your Neighbours as yourself.
If it is only for the benefits of those who are joining for the first time that we repeat some of the Previous Sermons; Please enjoy it as a “Refreshing Repetition” and then know that this is being done for those your Neighbours who are joining for the first time.
Another thing to Note is that – In dealing with a Series, there are certain things that occasionally we jumped over – New Revelations that are very Crucial to our Understanding of the Series but we jumped over, Probably in our eagerness to go to something New.
I mean, many of you who has been following us on the RCCG Holy Ghost Services for this Year 2023 – We remembered what happened in the RCCG February 2023 Holy Ghost Service.
In the RCCG January 2023 Holy Ghost Service, we have spoken about the Size of God. And because there were so much to say about the Size of God; I felt that we have discussed the Size of God enough and so now, let us go and discussed about the Nature of God.
But God reminded us that: No, you haven’t even finished with my Size.
Yes, you have spoken about how long my Legs are, how wide my Hands could be when I spread them out. But you have overlooked one very crucial issue – And that is the implications of my long Legs and wide Hands and that is the Point of Influence.
And I’m sure that many of us are tremendously blessed when we learnt about the Influence of God even before we begin to learn about His Nature.
It will interest you to know that the Almighty God says that you haven’t even finished with His Size; you haven’t even finished about His Hands.
And so you might be surprised that whenever He gives the Go-ahead, we might be talking about the Hands of God because it is one thing to have hands, it is another thing to know what the hands can do for you.
A Little touch from the Hands of God can Produce some tremendous Impacts!