And it came to Pass in the fortieth Year in the Eleventh Month, on the first day of the Month, that Moses spake unto the children of Israel, according unto all that the LORD had given him in commandment unto them.

The LORD our God spake to us in Horeb, saying ye have dwelt long enough in this mount: Turn you and take your journey, and go to the mount of the Amorites.
Behold I have set the Land before you: Go in and Possess the Land which the LORD sware unto your fathers – Deuteronomy 1: 3 and 6-8.
As you begin the Journey of 30 Days into the Month of November, do hear what the Lord is saying to you very well – On this first day of this Month of November:
1. You will climb up on all of your Mountains, you will Cross all of your Valleys – Amen.
2. You will Cross Over all of your Rivers, you will Possess all of your Possessions – Amen.
3. To you and your Households, there shall be no more discouragement and idleness in all of your Undertakings – Amen.
Every of your “Close Doors” are hereby flung open in Jesus Name – Amen.
Do you believe this awesome News is yours?
… Surely, there are Better Days Ahead – So, don’t lose Hope friends – There is Eleventh Hour Miracle in the Air!
It’s never over until God says it is over – Sixty one days still Stand ahead of you in this Year 2022.