Redeemed Christian Church Of God Youth Ministry
There are many youths out there today, and their population is much more than every other age group
in society. Coming back to Christiandome today, we are grateful that many youths in this part of the
world have started embracing the LORD on a much intimate level, and are now going to Church in large

This is something to be grateful for, particularly as we consider how there was a time when many youths
are not interested in the things of God, and are not even interested in commiting themselves to church
and its activities. However, praise God that a revival happened and things became what it is now.
One of the things we are grateful for is the establishment of certain new ministries and churches that
are vehemently youth inclined. These new worship centers, which are usually started and pastored by
young ministers themselves, are always tailoring their activities in such a way that these young folks can
relate. Therefore, many young people are always flocking to many of our new generation churches and
ministries, and detaching themselves from some other places where it seems as if they only operate in
an archaic way.
However, a church like the Redeemed Christian Church of God has been around for many years now,
and keeps evolving in such a way that the young folks are still interested in staying in the church and
thrive in it. This is contrary to what is available in several other older churches, because some young
people sees them as old people’s churches. Pastor Adeboye Family(Opens in a new browser tab)
It is not good when you see a church that is only for the older folks. This is because there will be a
challenge of continuity. When the old people pass on to glory, there will be no one to carry on the
works. This is why some churches seemed to die, and their buildings are used for some other things.
Redeemed Christian Church Of God Gives Attention To The Youth
We can’t deny the fact that RCCG gives great priority to young folks. Actually, it is a very good thing that
the church is giving great attention to young people and making them feel involved in the scheme of
The fact remains that young people always have the urge to do a lot of things and explore. If they are
being given a chance to express themselves somewhere, they will give themselves to to whatever it is.
Since the devil is very aware of these things, he keeps throwing many things to them so they can keep
paying attention to those things. Of course, we all know that the devil is only interested in stealing from
them, killing and destroying them.
Therefore, rather than allowing them to fall into the hands of the devil and its evil system, then the
church can help create a good and pure environment that will help the youth flourish endlessly for God’s
And we should be grateful that a church like RCCG don’t just ignore these young ones as if they are
nothing and significant. Rather, great attention and significance is given to them, and these young ones
are involved in many ways.
In fact, even the General Overseer, Daddy Adeboye, is a man that loves these young ones and don’t just
ignore them. He doesn’t joke with them, and is always committed to helping them become all that God
has destined them to become.
Redeemed Campus Fellowships
One of the major ways we can see how much value the leadership of the Redeemed Christian Church of
God has attached to the youths is evident as we behold their campus fellowships in different parts of
the country. You will easily see their fellowships well taken care of by the leaders, with good
auditoriums and so on.
This is one of the reasons why, in many of our higher institutions, you will easily see that RCF usually
have a whole lot of members, much more than several other fellowships on campus. So, you see, there
is usually an enabling environment in their camp that makes people want to join them. They are
reasonably taken care of, and God is glorified.
The Popular P.daniels
Pastor Daniel Olawande, fondly known as P.daniels, is one of the finest blessings to the Body of Christ in
this generation. He is a young firebrand Minister of the Gospel who keeps touching lives all around the
country, and God is increasing him. A lot of young believers in this part of the world knows Pastor Daniel
Olawande, irrespective of their denomination.
And, as you should know already, he is a product of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. He was
given a good platform by the church, and this has expanded his influence. While there are some blessed
young ministers that are scattered across some other places that are not given adequate support, Pastor
Daniel Olawande is enjoying a whole lot of support from the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
For instance, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye is his spiritual father, and he has good access to the well
respected father. In fact, even Mummy Folu Adeboye is a mother to him. These people keeps giving him
necessary support, and it has been benefiting him and his ministry greatly.
Redeemed Christian Church Of God Youths
RCCG youths are stakeholders in the church, and they are usually involved. Hence, they are usually eager
to stay and contribute to the growth of the church without looking elsewhere. And God is glorified.