SCRIPTURE: Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. Isaiah 60:1
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Constant light equals constant rise.
Many times, we wonder why some people pray more than others. While some people cannot maintain their communion with God at the place of prayer, others seem so addicted to God that they almost permanently remain at the place or in the mood of prayer.
There are some people who do not struggle to fast or engage in spiritual exercise, but for others, fasting is a serious struggle.
Now, what is the difference between these two categories of persons?
The difference is the degree of their access to light. Constant light equals constant rise. You arise and shine because your light has come (Isaiah 60:1). When you have light, you keep rising in fasting and prayer.
Beloved, before you can turn to God in prayer, you take His Words along with you (Hosea 14:2). That means if you are not turning to God in prayer, it is possible that His words are lacking.
Jesus says in John 15:7;
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
If you are loaded with words, there is always something to tell God. If you have not run out of revelation, you can never run out of supplication. So, accessing constant light from the Word guarantees constant rise in life.
Remember this: Constant light equals constant rise.
1. Make up your mind to rise by revelation.
2. Devote yourself to reading the Scriptures, spiritual books, gospel materials, etc. Listen to messages that will sponsor light for your rise.
PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You help me access my next level in life. Give me the right insight that will sponsor my rise, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: God is light and He cannot associate with darkness because “in Him there is no darkness at all.” Culled from “AM I BITTER?” by Dr(Mrs) Becky Enenche.
DAILY READING: 2 Kings 16-18
AMAZING FACT: Humans experience 70,000 thoughts each day.
PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Receive fresh hunger for prayer and the study of the Word, in Jesus’ Name.