September 17 2023 Daily SCRIPTURE: HOSEA 14:1-9

Hosea 14:1-9 (ESV):
1 Return, O Israel, to the Lord your God, for you have stumbled because of your iniquity.
2 Take with you words and return to the Lord; say to him, “Take away all iniquity; accept what is good, and we will pay with bulls the vows of our lips.
3 Assyria shall not save us; we will not ride on horses; and we will say no more, ‘Our God,’ to the work of our hands. In you the orphan finds mercy.”
4 I will heal their apostasy; I will love them freely, for my anger has turned from them.
5 I will be like the dew to Israel; he shall blossom like the lily; he shall take root like the trees of Lebanon;
6 his shoots shall spread out; his beauty shall be like the olive, and his fragrance like Lebanon.
7 They shall return and dwell beneath my shadow; they shall flourish like the grain; they shall blossom like the vine; their fame shall be like the wine of Lebanon.
8 O Ephraim, what have I to do with idols? It is I who answer and look after you. I am like an evergreen cypress; from me comes your fruit.
9 Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know them; for the ways of the Lord are right, and the upright walk in them, but transgressors stumble in them.
Prayer Points Related to the Message:
Repentance and Returning to God: Begin by confessing any sins or iniquities in your life and ask God for forgiveness (Hosea 14:1).
Surrender to God: Pray for a heart willing to return to the Lord and to acknowledge Him as your God, not relying on human-made idols (Hosea 14:3).
Seeking God’s Healing: Ask God to heal any apostasy or backsliding in your life and to turn His anger away from you (Hosea 14:4).
Desiring God’s Blessings: Pray for God’s blessings to come upon you, just as Israel was promised to blossom and flourish (Hosea 14:5-7).
Renunciation of Idols: Renounce any idols or false gods in your life and declare your commitment to serving the one true God (Hosea 14:8).
Seeking Wisdom and Discernment: Ask God for wisdom and discernment to understand His ways and to walk in His righteousness (Hosea 14:9).
Thanksgiving: Take a moment to thank God for His mercy, love, and grace, which are freely given to those who return to Him.
Intercession: Pray for others who may be in need of repentance and healing, asking God to touch their hearts and draw them back to Him.
Commitment to Obedience: Declare your commitment to obey God’s commands and to follow His ways in your daily life.
Praise: End your prayer with praise and worship, acknowledging God’s righteousness and His perfect ways.
Remember that the message of Hosea 14 encourages us to return to God with sincerity and humility, trusting in His mercy and grace to heal and restore us.