Day 2 sermon Bishop Oyedepo

The secrets of God enable us access to what redemption has offered us access to everything pertaining to life and Godliness.
Those who do wickedly against the covenant the destroyed. I (Bishop Oyedepo) saw in scripture the mystery of hitch free marriage. Wives submit tonylur husbands, husband love your wife, the mystery remains valid forever, no technology can change it.
My prayer is at every one of us will return with definite encounter that will keep us in the covenant.
Topic: The fake covenants!!
Everything about our life in the Kingdom demands faith to experience! James 1:7 let him ask in faith lest he thinks he shall obtain anything without Faith. That’s why faith has always been under attack from one generation to another. Luke 22:31 Satan desire to sift you like wheat but I have prayed for you.
Covenant highways are Gods sworn verdict. Hebrews 6:16 covenants are not premises they are sworn verdict know what it take to access delivery and connect if you are interested.
Ezekiel 37:10 I saw the mystery of Ezekiel command dry bones! Faith is a universal currency that works for anyone that connect with it. The same faith if applied here or anywhere in the world attract the same value.
Why does Satan fight Faith?
1. It takes faith to be saved
2. It takes faith to live an overcomes life
Earnestly contend for the faith Ephesians 4:5 one faith one baptism
Few definitions of Faith
The just shall live by faith
What is faith? Faith is not a religious practice it is a mystery – 1 Timothy 3:9 Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.
Every truth we believe brings the hand of God to bare for delivery Isaiah 53:1 , Luke 1:45 by the hand of the Lord… Every truth you believe brings Gods hand to perform. Acts 11 God behind the scene is what makes faith works
2. Faith is a spiritual force that establishes our active partnership with the invisible to command the invisible, 2 Corinthians 5:7 we work by faith and not by sight
Faith is my access to the world of unlimited possibility and Lazarus came back to life
Faith is not waiting for God to work but putting Gods word to work, James 2:18
Faith a lay all fears! Faith destroy fear, Bible faith has no place of fear. One great evidence Bible faith is rest, it brings people into rest. God shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace.
Whatever the Bible say faith can do then it will. There is no irreversible case with faith.
What it takes for faith to work?
1. Recognized that faith is a personal asset – The just shall live by his faith Habakkuk 2:4 Galatians 2:8 we are responsible for whether our faith work or not.
Everyone is responsible fur building his faith! The faith that works is the faith that is personally guilty, you have a church of 1000 only 5 believe and are going higher others are still looking if it works. What you don’t believe another man cannot believe for you!
Until you engage with your personally built faith you can’t know if it works, if you don’t feed your faith it will die!!
Another mans u believed cannot make your faith of no effect.
Why is my faith not working?
Its either weak or not existing, build your faith!!
The faith that works is a word triggered faith Acts 8:37 word lazy people cant grow , the word is the only inauthentic source of the faith that work’s.
3. Heart rooted faith is the faith that works
4. Love boosted faith Galatians 5:6 if you have no love it profits nothing. When God is out of the equation faith is of no effect.
Whatever God makes for you is for him! You must have a heart for God. Whatever God cannot do in my life let it be undone, whatever God cannot Give me may I never have it, wherever God cannot take me to may I never get there.
You can’t be in love for God and lose command
5. Faith that works is offence free faith Luke 17:1 , Matthew 11:6
5. Action driven Faith: James 2:18 show me thy faith without thy works and I will show you my faith by my actions! The faith that works is the action Driven faith.
Offence free faith the faith that works
Mark 8:38