Being Extracts from the Proceedings of Day 4 Evening Session of The RCCG Ministers’ Conference 2022 to herald the Main Convention Starting on Monday 8th August to Sunday 14th August, 2022.

1. I went out this Morning to Dedicate our “EXHIBITION CENTER” at the Original International Office.
… “Big Name that kills a dog.”
But it has been transformed into Exhibition Center, with Pictures of:
I. The day I was Ordained (for example).
II. The Original Microphone that I used.
III. The car my father-in-the-Lord used.
… Quite a lot of things.
So, you are welcome to see things at the Exhibition Center.
It would however not be opened until this Wednesday (10th August 2022) as they still have some more Pictures to hang to make the Place fully ready.
2. But on my way back I saw someone driving on this Camp as if he was on a Race Horse.
Please, tell your Drivers (because I know he is not the Car Owner) – If you drive above 40km per hour (40Km/He); you will be arrested Particularly during this Convention (RCCG 70th Annual Convention 2022).
And I will see to it that you are not released.
Why? – There are many children here, and I don’t want one crazy fellow killing anyone on this Camp Ground.
Please, let that one be made clear! – The Employer of Driver will also be arrested.
Many of you have never seen the other side of me.
So many years ago I was talking to some of my children – “Why didn’t you talk?” We are afraid of you, Sir. “Have you ever seen me angry before?” We have not seen you angry, that is why we are afraid.
How many of you would like to see me angry?
The Bible says: “Be angry but sin not.” God is Love!
Something happened years ago when we were still using the First Auditorium.
We were having a Ministers’ Conference like this one, and I said “Let nobody be late for the next Session. Don’t let me be here before you. Do you understand?” Yes Sir!
And then every other Person was seated except one fellow who happened to be my favourite MInister – He just strolled in.
As a matter of fact, he was so close to me that other Ministers send him to me whenever they needed anything.
I looked at him, I said “Oga, you are just coming?” Yes Daddy. “Did you hear what I said about coming late?” Yes Sir, but… “From this moment, you are Dismissed!”
They all thought it was a joke! He went to talk to Papa DGO (DMC NOTES: Pastor J.H Abiona, of Blessed Memory). That one told him, “with the Present Fire, I can’t help you.” He went to my wife (DMC NOTES: Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye), because he knows that I won’t refuse her anything. She told him, “the way things are going, I think you should go and Prepare for your own Ministry.”
If your Speed exceed 40km per hour (40Km/Hr) on this Camp (Particularly during this RCCG Convention 2022); you will be arrested.
There are two (2) types of arrest – Physical and Spiritual – You will be arrested Physically and Spiritually.
If they kill a child of somebody who came to be blessed by one stupid fellow, what are we going to say?
“To be forewarned is to be forearmed!” – So be warned.
… That’s the tough one! The other Announcements are not.
3. I don’t want Market on the Roads. If you are caught, the goods will be confiscated.
We will send the ones that can be used in the kitchen to the kitchen, the others which cannot be used will be sent to the Motherless Babies Home.
But they will not be released to you.
I hope you are hearing oooo? Because the Elders have a saying, “Let us know our characteristics so we will not offend one another”.
4. Please, tell your children, particularly the Girls. If you dress carelessly on this Camp Ground – And I am not talking about during Convention alone but always, you will be arrested.
So, if you dress exposing your body, you will be arrested Spiritually and Physically – You are supposed to come for Jubilee; don’t go with a Curse.
And if you live on the Camp, tell your Visitors to dress Properly or else, they will not get to you!
5. As the Lord lives, from now on, every grain of sand on this Camp Ground will be Fire!!!
6. By the Grace of God, we have started Producing our Plastic Chairs.
Our own (RCCG) Chairs has our Logo on it so that no one can steal them and they are in various Colours.
We are now Producing for the 3Km by 3Km Auditorium.
A day is coming when we want to start a New Branch and you will walk away with the “Cost Price” of the Chair – And the Cost Price is far, far better.