1. Finally, our RCCG National Convention 2022 is here!
Our RCCG National Convention is always on the Second Week of August every Year – And so, we shouldn’t have any confusion about that.
It is going to be from Monday, 8th August to Sunday, 14th August 2022.
The RCCG National Convention this Year (2022) will be Extraordinary – The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) will be Seventy (70) Years Old and that Convention is going to be Fortieth (40th) Convention held on this Redemption Camp.
And so we have “Double Jubilee” Celebrations!
The Theme for this Year’s RCCG National Convention 2022 is: “PERFECT JUBILEE”.
Now, Jubilee means certain basic things.
For Example, it means:
I. Total Restoration.
It means that if you have lost anything at all; by Divine Decree in the Year of Jubilee, it must be returned.
II. In the Year of Jubilee, Slaves were allowed to go Free.
III. In the Year of Jubilee, Debtors are allowed to go without Paying.
IV. So,.a Year of Jubilee is also a Year of New Beginning – You are allowed to go and start all over again from where you missed it and then going on Free at the Command of God.
V. The Year of Jubilee is where no one can hold you back – Because when God opens, no Man can Shut.
So, you can have a rough idea that this Year’s RCCG National Convention 2022 will not be Ordinary at all – The Program is going to be absolutely different from the one you have known
The theme of the 2022 RCCG Annual convention is PERFECT JUBILEE
When is RCCG Convention?
THE RCCG 2022 CONVENTION HOLY GHOST CONGRESS comes up on DATE: Monday 8th August 2022 – Sunday 14th August 2022. The VENUE for the August 2022 Holy Ghost convention will hold at the Redemption Campground in Ogun, Nigeria. In Addition, the event will also be broadcast at all RCCG Churches/Parishes across the world.
TIME: 8AM Daily, SUNDAY- 11AM (GMT+1).
MINISTER: Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye and other anointed ministers of God.
RCCG 2022 Annual Convention Date Theme Guest Speakers – Read More
For Example:
I. There will be a Place on the Campground where Young Ones can just go and sing Praises to God from Morning to Evening.
II. During this Year’s RCCG National Convention 2022; there will be a Place where the Older Ones may just go and sing Hymns till they are satisfied.
III. During this Year’s RCCG National Convention 2022; there will be seven (7) Locations where all that will be going on there is Prayers.
So, you just find any of the Locations – Nobody is leading the Prayers, you just want to Pray and will just go to one of the Locations, settle down there and just Pray.
IV. And whether you like it or not, during this Year’s RCCG National Convention 2022; there will be Football Match Competition.
V. And Visitors will be coming from all over the world.
I’m just giving you a hint about what will happen during this Year’s RCCG National Convention 2022!
2. Our RCCG Mid Year Fasting and Prayer will begin on Monday, 4th of July 2022.
And instead of Lasting for a Whole Month; it is going to last for just ten (10) days.
And so, it will end on Wednesday, 13th of July 2022.
Your Pastors will give you the details of the Fasting on Sunday, 3rd July 2022.
It won’t be Fasting as usual!
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, even the Blessings that will come from this Midyear Prayer and Fasting for Year 2022 will shake you on those ten (10) days!
We are expected to be meeting every day in those ten (10) days in our different Parishes for Prayers by 6.00pm every day.
And if you want to do the ten (10) Fasting as Combined (Dry Fasting); you can do seven (7) days Continuous Fasting!
You must take this Fasting very seriously!
3. Now, like I told those of you who are hear yesterday (On the 30th of June 2022 during the RCCG July 2022 Holy Communion Service); some People out of Laziness have decided that they can watch everything (About the Holy Ghost Service) on Television.
It is Good to watch it on Television – It will be Televised throughout.
But like I said to them – If you are watching on Television and Fire is burning on Television, do you feel the Heat?
You are watching on Television and rain is falling; does your dress get wet?
And there are certain things Television cannot transmit!
Oh, Glory be to God for His Power that He can reach the whole world through the Television.
But when the Almighty God knows that it is out of Laziness that you sat down at home; you will be hearing the Testimonies of those who are Present!
There is something called “Corporate Anointing” – The Bible says that Fire begets Fire!
When Fire is burning in row 1, row 2 and then row 3. Before you know it, it gets to row 4, row 5 and then row 6.
There are certain things that you get because you are there!
4. Oh, but some Jokers said that Churches should not open for three (3) Months.
Who is your Commander? – God or Boko Haram?
Let the devil try any nonsense. From now on, it is going to be Fire for Fire!
I understand that one funny fellow said that some People are calling on God and suddenly He didn’t answer them.
Well, the one who said that should know that there is a Yoruba saying – That the mouth the Snail uses to blasphemy God; that mouth will kiss the Ground.
From now on, anybody who dares blasphemy Jesus Christ will taste the Fire of the Almighty God!
But how are we sure that we are Safe?
Let me ask you some few Questions because this is a New Beginning!
I. Are you alive today because of the Precautions you took during Coronavirus?
II. Are you alive because you wore Mask or because you wash your hands?
But there are some People who never left home; they didn’t go anywhere and they caught Coronavirus and they died.
And I looked at the Bus Conductors – I always look at them and say: God, You are Wonderful.
Because the Passengers were coming in and going out.
How many People does the Bus Conductors come in Contact with on a daily basis? – Collecting money, giving Change; touching this and touching that but yet they didn’t contact Coronavirus.
Why? – Safety is of the Lord! And Nobody dies until their time comes.
Tell your Neighbour that Nobody is going to kill me; I don’t know about you!
I don’t want to say much because I know whatever I say some People will want to twist it.
But I have searched the Bible from Cover to Cover; and there is no where in the Bible where God said that a Child of God cannot defend himself. If you find the Place, let me know.
He said that if they slap you on the Right Cheeks, turn the Left. If they slap you on the Left; what did He say?
When God is silent over an issue; do you know the meaning of that?
It simply means that it is over to you!
Every Enemies of the Church; as long as my Father is on the Throne, as long as Jesus Christ is still living and as long as His Name is the Consuming Fire. If they didn’t repent, the Fire of God will consume them – Amen.
I’m not talking to everybody but to my children – Only my children comes for the Holy Ghost Service.
God bless you!
. . Discovery Media Crew; Reaching Out to the world through the Power of the Gospel!