1. At long last, the RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2022 is around the corner – It will start from 5th to 10th December 2022.
By the Special Grace of God, we will be talking about: “DOUBLE PORTION”.
If you love your friends and neighbours; invite them – This will be one RCCG Holy Ghost Congress that you will never, never forget.
2. I told you before that by the Grace of God, those of you who are ready to join me that they will Fast and Pray between Saturday 26th November to Friday 2nd December 2022.
The 2nd December 2022 would have been an Holy Ghost Service Night for December if it were not being a Holy Ghost Congress Month – So, that will help you to locate the date.
And now every day after Church Services during those days of Fasting and Prayer; we will gather before 6pm. At 6pm on the dot; we will begin to Pray
There will be no Ceremonies – We just want to Pray for one (1) Solid Hour.
Our Peayer Points will be Only three (3) Peayer Points:
I. We will Praise God for His Patience over us as a Nation.
II. We will confess our sins – The sins of all of us Christians.
Because as the Bible Text we will be reading will tell you (2 Chronicles 7: 13-14)- If there is a Problem in the Land (And we have Problems in the Land now – Things are getting funny every day now). If you don’t learn to laugh in Nigeria now, you will develop Hypertension.
Whatever we have done wrong Particularly we Christians; we haven’t Prayed enough!
He said that: My People that are called by my Name (That is Christians) will humble themselves and Pray and we confess our evil ways and forsake them. He said that we will hear from Heaven.
III. We will just ask for Mercy o – Oh Lord, Mercy!
That is what we should be asking!
As in, you know what is going on in our Country – It doesn’t even make sense any more. Our Naira now is not even worth the Paper it is being Printed upon.
And while People were hungry, trying to find enough money to buy bread; our bosses are thinking of making the Naira more beautiful.
Even if it can’t buy bread, at least it will look beautiful.
So every day, for one (1) Hour, we will Pray for that one (1) Hour – You will Thank Him with your Substance. You will call it Thanksgiving.
We are Thanking Him because it is by His Mercy that we are not consumed.
You will give Him Thanksgiving Offering for six (6) days and then go!
Then on the seventh (7th) day; which is Friday 2nd December 2022; we will gather here at the Redemption City of God.
By then, we would have gone round the Wall of Jericho six (6) times and on the seventh (7th) day we will gather.
When we gather; we will start by 7pm (Nigeria, West Africa Time) because some of us will come from far:
I. At 7pm on the dot; we begin to Praise Him on that day – We could sing, dance, Praise Him in anticipation of answers to our Prayers.
II. And then after the “Common Dancing” et cetera et cetera; then we will have one (1) Solid Hour of “Individual Praise” – Where Nobody will disturb you.
You will just Praise God for all He had done for you since you are born.
III. That will be followed by one (1) Solid Hour of asking Him to forgive us.
Confessing to Him all the sins that you can ever remembered from the time that you can remember anything – Including when you stole a cube of sugar when your mother wasn’t looking.
IV. And then, there will be one (1) Solid Hour of you crying to God for Mercy.
V. After that, we will leave the rest to God.
So, on that Friday, after we have done four (4) Solid Hours; we will let the Holy Spirit tells us what to do Next!
God must be Merciful unto us – We have to hold on to Him and say: Please, Help us!
We need to Thank Him for all He has done in the Past, we need to apologise to Him for all our Failures and then we cry to Him for Mercy!
So, I expect to see all of you on Friday, the 2nd of December 2022 – And as you come, be ready to Pray!
3. Do you know that up till now – And this is November; Daddy hasn’t told me “YET” (Put the word “Yet” o) that there is going to be Elections in Nigeria Next Year (2023).
We will continue of course as if there is going to be Elections.
I’m saying that: Adeboye (I’m not talking of other People); God has not told me “YET” – He may tell me tomorrow but as at this moment that I’m sitting before you, He has not told me “YET” if there will be an Election Next Year (2023).
And of course as usual; anyone that comes to me and say: Pray for me, I will Pray for them because it is my Duty.
My Duty is to Pray and it is up to God to answer!
I’m not trying to frighten you; I’m not telling you that I know something Secret that you don’t know – I am not a Prophet but just a Pastor.
But I am your Pastor and you need to Pray!