1. Let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy Name. Lift your hands to Him and worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Let Him hear your voice – Tell Him that you love Him, you appreciate Him. Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration. Bless the Almighty God for this Very Special Day in our lives. Worship Him and lift Him High.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen!
2. Now, I want you to lift up your voice to Him loud and clear and say: Father, if you are Blessing only two (2) People here today; Please let me be one of them. Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
3. I want you to Pray this Prayer with all your Heart – Cry to Him and say: Father, bless Kenya with Peace, with Harmony, with Progress, with Prosterity, with Joy and with Revival. Go ahead and cry to the Almighty God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
What a Mighty God we Serve
What a Mighty God we Serve
Heaven and Earth Adore
Even Angels bow Him
What a Mighty God we Serve
King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Owner of Heaven, the Owner of Earth; the God of Kenya, we Worship You. Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
Today, in a Very Special Way; visit Your Children, meet all their Needs, Supply all their Needs, let their Joy Overflow and Please Father, bless Kenya.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
You will shake hands with two (2) or three (3) People and tell him or her – Neighbour, I love you but tonight, my Miracles will be bigger than yours!
Now, let’s be seated.
Mark 3: 1-5
1. And he entered again into the Synagogue; and there was a man there which had a withered hand.
2. And they watched him, whether he would heal him on the Sabbath day; that they might accuse him.
3. And he saith unto the man which had the withered hand, Stand forth.
4. And he saith unto them, Is it Lawful to do Good on the Sabbath days, or to do evil? to save life, or to kill? But they held their peace.
5. And when he had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand was restored whole as the other.
I am extremely delighted to be here today. You may not know why but I will let you into a Secret!
My First visit to Kenya was in 1976 – That was a long time ago.
There was a Conference of all “The Pentecostals” in the world – It took Place at “UHURU PARK”. It has just been opened then.
OpenHeaven.net NOTES: “UHURU PARK” is in Kenya and located along Langata Road, 15 Minutes drive from the City Center – The “Uhuru Gardens” is Kenya’s largest Memorial Park. “Uhuru” is a swahili word meaning “Freedom”. The Gardens were officially declared a National Monument in 1966 because of their Historical importance. Of importance to note is that it is Kenya’s Birthplaces.
And during the Conference, it got to a Stage where they said that we are all going to Medidate and a Musician was Playing Guitar on the Altar and the rest of us were to close our eyes, focus on God and Pray.
As I was doing so among thousands of People, suddenly I had a Vision – And I found myself in “The Throne Room” of God.
I won’t bother to go into details of what happened there but that Vision Changed my Life completely.
So, anytime that i return to Kenya, it is like returning to that Conference of 1976 – There is a sense of “Home-Coming”.
So, I’m extremely delighted to be here. I can tell you Stories upon Stories of what happened to me when I come to Kenya because I have been coming since then.
But this time around, when your Continental Overseer (OpenHeaven.net NOTES: African Continent 5 Covers East Africa, which includes Kenya and the Continental Overseer Africa 5 is: Pastor Peter Amenkhienan) said to me a Month or so ago that our Headquarters Church is ready for Dedication – Please come and dedicate!
I laughed at him – You are talking of this Year? This Year when you know that I’m booked two (2) Years ahead.
But then, just about two (2) weeks ago, God spoke to me again – I know that after the Convention, you want to rest. Why don’t you go to Kenya to rest?
So, that I’m here today is not in my Plan at all but it has always been the Plan of God. And it can only mean one thing – There must have been at least one Fellow in Kenya whose Miracle can no longer wait!
If you are the one, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
And so, let me Decree that in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ; from now on you will enjoy Rest – Amen!
You can be seated – I think that if I go now, you are already blessed!
Jesus Christ entered into the Temple and He found a Man there with a “Withered Hand”.
To the Man with a “Withered Hand” – It means you have a hand that was Strong before but little by little, the hand became weaker and weaker and weaker until it has now become Practically Useless.
A “Withered Hand” means “Steady Degeneration”.
But before the day was over, the “Withered Hand” was restored.
We have just finished the Convention (RCCG 70th Annual Convention 2022); with the Theme: Perfect Jubilee. And if you followed on Television or read through on the Label of OpenHeaven.net; you will recall that I defined Jubilee as being made up of basically two (2) things – RESTORATION and A NEW BEGINNING.
I believed that the Anointing of the RCCG Annual Convention 2022 is just Overflowing to you.
Because in the Story of this Man – We see the Story of a Man who enjoyed Restoration and a New Beginning.
Physically speaking, when we talk of Withering (“Withered Hand”); it is Possible for any Part of the body to wither. Probably the commonest of them will be the eyes because when you go through the Scriptures, you will hear this again and again.
I. Like in Genesis 27:1 – The Bible said that the eyes of Isaac grew dim because of Old Age. It didn’t suddenly became dim, it grew dim.
II. In Genesis 48:10 – Israel eyes grew dim because of Old Age.
So, it is Possible that the eyes that used to be very bright before gradually become blurred.
I remembered years ago, I went to visit somebody in an Hospital – One of my daughters who happened to be an Optician (OpenHeaven.net NOTES: An Optician is an Eye Doctor).
She says: Daddy, we want to test your eyes. I said what is wrong? I didn’t come here to be tested.
She said that we just wanted to test you – You are sixty (60) Years Old.
And then she brought out all manner of things – Writings so tiny. And I said that Nobody can read this.
She said that you could read it when you are Young. I said that I will Prove it to you that by God’s Grace that my eyes are still Good.
But she was amazed that I could read certain things at sixty (60) Years Old. She said that under normal circumstances, as you grow Older, your eyes will grow dimmer.
But the Good News is that it doesn’t matter what Part of your body had withered, God has the ability to restore them – Amen!
And I am decreeing to everyone here today inclusive those reading now on the Label of OpenHeaven.net – If there is any Part of your Body that is not as Good as it used to be; before you walk out of here; that Part will be restored – Amen!
2. But “Withered Hand” could mean more than Ordinary Physical Withering – Materially, hands can wither.
I. In 1 Kings 17: 8-16; when the Bible was talking about the Widow of Zarepheth who said that I have only one Meal left.
One Meal left means that there used to be more Meals but gradually we have only one Meal left because we have been consuming without Restoration.
II. When you talk about the Woman with the Issue of Blood that somebody mentioned earlier in Mark 5: 25-34.
The Woman was Healthy before, she was rich before and then trouble came. And in going from one Physician to another, she spent all she had.
… She was withered Physically and withered Financially.
III. When you read the Book of Job 1: 1-3 – The Bible described Job as the wealthiest Man in the East (He was Wealthy). But trouble came and he lost everything.
There are many People who used to be considered Rich but today gradually the wealth has been diminishing. The Good News is that no matter how withered your Finance had been, my God will restore – Amen.
Because Job 42:12; the Bible tells us that when God turned the Captivity of Job; He blessed him Double.
Everyone of you here today or reading now on the Label of ; who had “Withered Finances”; my God will restore – Amen!
3. Then one can Withered Spiritually.
There was no one born “Demon-Possessed” – Every Child that is born is born Clean. Even if the mother is a Mad Woman, the baby will not necessarily be Mad.
I. When you read Matthew 12: 43-45; the Bible says that somebody could have just one (1) demon and for one reason or the other that one demon went out. And then look around for somewhere to dwell, couldn’t find any and so came back to check his former residence and found the Place still empty.
He will say fine, all the demons he found while looking for another accommodation (Terrible ones). He will say come, I used to live somewhere and then the Bible says that the Man will end up with eight (8) demons.
… That Fellow had Withered Spiritually!
II. And when you read a Story of the Backsliding Prodigal Son in Luke 15: 11-24.
When that boy left home, he left home with a lot of Materials, got to a Foreign Country and had many friends and was having a wonderful time enjoying himself.
And then the famine came and steadily the boy who used to be the Son of a Wealthy Man became somebody who wanted to even eat the food that Pigs are eating and they won’t even allow him to eat.
He withered until he got so low that one day he said: Wait a Minute, I think that I better go back home. It is better to be a Servant who can eat than a son who has Nothing to eat.
That Story is the Story of a Backslider.
Backsliding many atimes doesn’t happen suddenly.
There are many Christians who started off Hot – When they Pray, demons tremble. Immediately the door of the Church is opened, they will be the first to be there.
But then maybe something happened – Probably the Pastor Preached a Sermon they didn’t like. What is all the Problem all about? Then maybe they will miss one Sunday and then after some time, they hardly come to Church again.
Oh, there are People who could Pray for three (3) hours Non-Stop and after some time, they will feel that two (2) hours is enough. After some time, an hour is enough now. Afterall, all He said is: Ask and then believe.
I once said in a Place where they are marking the one hundred (100) Years of Penticostalism and I was invited to come and speak. And I spoke to them on “The Fire must not go Out”.
And I told them that when the Fire is going out, it happens gently that you may not even noticed it.
OpenHeaven.net NOTES: The Anniversary of Mordern Day Holy Ghost Outporing – The Azusa Street Centennial Conference took Place in USA in Year 2006 under the Theme: “THE FIRE MUST NEVER GO OUT”. You can get to read the Full Text or listen to the Voice Note of the Message with the Underlisted Links:
A Pastor could be in Charge of a Congregation of one hundred thousand (100,000) People and then gradually the Congregation became Ninety thousand (90,000). And say that the Congregation of Ninety thousand (90,000) and one hundred thousand (100,000) look almost alike. Its only just one (1) chair out of every one hundred (100) chairs that will be empty.
Little by Little, many Christians has Withered!
I. They don’t Pray the way they used to Pray.
II. They don’t Study the Bible the way they used to Study the Bible.
III. They don’t even Sing the way they used to Sing.
But there was a time – Some of you knows what I’m talking about:
I. Before you Sleep at Night, you Pray.
II. You woke up in the Night to go to the toilet, you Pray.
III. You woke up in the Morning, you Pray.
IV. Before you ate, you Pray.
V. After eating, you Pray.
… You are always Praying! There is something about Jesus Christ that is always drawing you.
But gradually, even when they are singing a Chorus, you said you already know it – You just go along and it doesn’t mean much to you anymore.
Many of you had Withered Spiritually, but today at The RCCG Solution Center in Kenya, there will be Revival – Amen!
We will get back to how you used to be – Full of Fire, Full of Love for Jesus Christ, Hungry for God; that shall be your Portion in Jesus Name – Amen!
But now, the Bible Text that we read shows us that it was in the Church that God met this Man with the Withered Hand – He was still coming to Church, his hand was Withered but he was still coming.
It could be that he was hoping that you can never tell one day, maybe one day!
Because when we talk about Jubilee, if you follow the Convention, Jubilee is also a Personal Affair. And when your Day of Jubilee comes, Nobody can stop it.
If you read that Story very well – There were so many People who were angry that Jesus Christ was going to heal the Man but Jesus Christ ignored them all.
When God wants to bless and He has decided you are the one He wants to bless; it doesn’t matter what your friends think, it doesn’t matter who is angry; when God opens, no Man can shut. And He is going to open the door for Someone today – Amen! OpenHeaven.net
That is why I asked you to Pray that Prayer I asked you to Pray – That if You are blessing two (2) People, let me be one of them.
It is because the Bible says: Love your Neighbour as yourself. You must love yourself first.
The Gathering of tonight, it is Possible may be for only one Fellow to walk out of here with a Miracle.
It all depends on two (2) Individuals – God and the Person that the Almighty God wants to bless.
Because when all those People were waiting to catch Jesus Christ – Is He going to heal on Sabath so that they can accuse Him?
He ignored them. He was angry that they were this kind of People that I wanted to restore a Withered Hand and instead of feeling excited/happy; you are waiting to catch me? He ignored them.
When I say that it depends on you and on God:
1. It depends on God because in Romans 9: 15-16; it says: God said that I will show Mercy to whom I will show Mercy and Compassion on whom I will show Compassion.
… So, that is God’s Part.
2. Where is my own Part?
You know that there is a Popular saying: If the Mountain will not come to Mohammed, Mohammed will go to the Mountain.
I know that God is Sovereign – He does as He Pleases. He has the right to choose whosoever He wants to bless here tonight.
That’s up to Him – He is the Almighty God!
However, He will always create a Way for you if you know how to handle God.
Because He said in His Words – He said: Blessed are the Merciful, for they shall obtain Mercy.
But if He says that if I am also Merciful, then I will obtain Mercy – The Day I read that, I say Good. From today, I will obtain Mercy. OpenHeaven.net
How? – Because I will show Mercy. Show Mercy to who? Show Mercy to those who are Perishing. I will not keep my mouth shut. Anywhere I found Someone that I’m sure is not Born Again, I will talk because I’m showing Mercy to such People.
If you read Jude 1: 21-23; it says have Compassion on those who are going to Hell Fire. Pull them out.
If all of us here will make up our Mind that from now on; anyone who sins, every opportunity we have to Witness, we will Witness – Then we are being Mercuful and being Merciful then we can obtain Mercy.
I was once invited to come and Preach at a Presidential Wedding – The daughter of the President of Nigeria was getting married and they invited me.
And you know when the President’s daughter is getting married, all the who and who are there – People who will never come to Church, all the Ambassadors of every Nations in the world, they were there.
I spoke to the husband and wife, I think for about five (5) Minutes and then turned the rest to Salvation Message.
By the time I finished, when I made the Altar Call, you will be amazed.
Somebody wrote to my son and said: What kind of Papa is your father? Making Altar Call at a Presidential Wedding?
That is why I agreed to come – That is how to obtain Mercy.
How many of you will be Preaching the Gospel from now? You will be Witnessing everywhere you go – Day and Night; you will obtain Mercy.
But then He also said that Somebody will also obtain Mercy – That is in Proverbs 28:13. He said that if anyone will confess and forsake his sin, he will obtain Mercy.
It started by saying that if you hide your sin, you cannot Prosper but if you will confess and forsake, then you will obtain Mercy.
He said that it is Possible to Pretend that you are Holy – You can come to Church and say that I am a Worker, I am a Member of the Choir, I am an Usher, I am even the Assistant Pastor In Charge; Pretending to Men that you are Holy. He says that you are in trouble.
He says but if you can confess and forsake, then you will obtain Mercy.
I was in Zambia some years ago and the then President happened to be friendly with me.
So I went to his Church to Preach on Sunday (The RCCG Church there then was just a “Small Church”) and so I went to the President’s Church to Preach.
And I spoke to them – You want Mercy? Then you must confess and forsake your sins.
When I made the Altar Call, the first Fellow to come forward was the Pastor of the Church. And when the rest of the Congregation saw the Pastor going forward; what do you think happened?
Because you see, this is not a matter of who you think you are; it is not the opinion of People about you that matters – It is the opinion of God.
When the time comes to leave this world; it would be you and God alone. Everyone will follow you to the Graveyard but when it comes to putting the Fellow inside, everybody will back off. Even your wife who says: Let me die with him, she won’t jump in.
So today, Please make up your Mind – The God of Restoration is here and He says that He will be Merciful to only the Merciful. Stop Pretending.
If you have not been Born Again, if you have not had this “Real Personal Experience” with Jesus Christ; make this your Day – Confess your sin, Forsake them and obtain Mercy.
If you know that you are Backsliding, if you know that you have “Withered Spiritually”; come back to Him – He will restore you. The Choice is yours and I have done my duty.
So, I know that there are some of us up there – It will take a while to climb down. If you really mean to come back to Jesus Christ for Restoration or you want to come and give your Life to Him afresh (First Time), come now. I will count from one (1) to ten (10); we will Pray and there will be Restoration. So, I’m counting now!
Those of you who are already infront, I rejoice with you because you are going to Pray and very soon, things will Change.
But there are some People who should be here but the devil asked them to sit down. You are missing an opportunity of a Lifetime.
We are going to Pray but I appeal to those of you who knows that you have backsliden – You know that you have “Withered Spiritually” who should be Standing here right now. While we are Praying, come quickly. A Day like this may not come again but you have this opportunity now.
Now, those of us infront and those on the way, cry to Jesus Christ and say: Lord, have Mercy on me, save my Soul, forgive all my sins; from now on make me one of Your Children and I will serve You.
And those of you who has Backsliden, say: Lord, I’m running home to You. Receive me back into the Family of God, Help me Lord and have Mercy on me.
The rest of us, let us Stretch our hands towards our Brethrens and intercede for them. And say: Father, have Mercy on these Your Children, save their Souls, forgive all their sins, give them a Brand New Beginning.
Thank You my Father and my God. Glory be to Your Holy Name.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Saviour, I want to bless Your Holy Name and I want to Thank You for Your Words. I want to Thank You from the bottom of my heart for all these People who has come forward.
You Promise Lord that whosoever will come to You, You will no wise cast out. They have come to You now, Please receive them, have Mercy on them, forgive their sins, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash them Clean. Please, write their names in the Book of Life, receive them into the Family of God.
And every Backsliders that has come forward today, Father Please restore and receive them back into Your Family, let it be well with them.
And Lord, I Pray that from now on, anytime this Your Children will cry to You, You will answer them by Fire.
Thank You Lord!
And my Father and my God, I’m committing everybody here today to Your Hands, let this Day be a Day of Restoration: If there is anyone who has “Withered Physically”, Father restore; anyone who had “Withered Financially”, Father Please restore; anyone who had “Withered Mentally”, Father Please restore; any Marriage that had Withered, Father Please restore; anyone who had “Withered Spiritually” – Particularly those who used to hear from You before and they are not hearing from you again, Father Please restore.
My Lord and my Saviour, I Pray that everyone here today or reading on the Label of OpenHeaven.net – You will go out of here with at least a Miracle.
And once again Father, I’m begging you – Let there be Revival in Kenya.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Those of you who has come forward, I rejoice with you and I am Personally Promising you as a Man of God that from now on, I will be Praying for you.
So, I will need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests. The Counsellors will get the information that I needed and then give me a Copy. And I Promise you that I will be Praying for you!
God Bless You – Amen!!!