What happens in the Days of “Fresh Air” – There is Love and Unity in the House.
I. How come a Fellow Christian cannot put food down and you will eat it?
You are afraid that they will Poison you.
That is “Bad Breathe” and not “Fresh Air”.
Christians are the one destroying themselves.
In the days of the Apostles, they were eating together.
Ask yourself: When last do you eat with Somebody in the Church? Do you even trust them? – We are all suspecting ourselves!
Pastors cannot even trust themselves!
How did we get here?
… In the days of the Apostles, they were eating together!
II. When last do you hold Love Feast in the Church?
You are afraid of the food and you bless it and bless it.
This is a food a Fellow Brethren Prepared o.
Why? – Because the heart of Men are desperately wicked.
III. You can’t trust your child with Somebody in the Church!
They can kidnapped the child and tell you that they don’t know where the child went.
IV. A Fellow Brother cannot come and sleep in your house.
He will close one eyes and open the Second eyes!
V. Even today, People are killing Pastors in the Church.
How do we get here?
In the days of “Fresh Air”; there is Love, there is Unity and No Competition among Brethrens!
Today, you want to Outshine your Fellow Pastor; you want to Outshine your Fellow Choirmaster.
If your Choir friend leads Song today, you want to come tomorrow and lead your own to be better.
Error! – How do we get here? Who did us like this?
In the days of the Apostles, they were going from House to House, loving one another. But today, everybody is a Suspect!
… Enough is Enough!
Hear me: When there is “Fresh Air” and I see a Redeem Sticker on you and you are trekking and I’m driving; I will Park and carry you!
You are coming from the Old Arena to the New Arena in your car alone and People are trekking – Error!
I agreed that there are “Bad People” among the “Good People” but if you are doing Good, God will keep you!
He says that: When the ways of a Man Pleases God, He maketh his enemies to be at Peace with him.
Too many wrong Stories – But the People of the other Religion love each other.
We are the Originator of Love because God is Love!
Are we going to Love ourselves?
Look at your Neighbour and say: I Love You!
Are you a Redeemer? – All Redeemers are supposed to love each other.
Please Stand – Hold your Neighbour to your Left and Right Hands as we sing this Song:
We are Redeemer
United in Love
Jesus is for us
We shall Conquer
We are together
United in Love
Jesus is for us
We shall Conquer
We are Victorious
United in Love
Jesus is for us
We shall Conquer
Covenant Children
United in Love
Jesus is for us
We shall Conquer
If there is Love, there is Revival – The First Evidence of Revival is not speaking in tongues but in showing Love
E je ki a feran ara wa (Let us Love each other).
… That is “Fresh Air”.
Are you ready:
Chorus of the Song
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Shout Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah