You may want to write down your Prayer Points now:
1. You want to Thank the One with the Everlasting Arms for choosing you to be one of His People.
He said in His Words that you have not Chosen Him but He has choosen you.
Many People heard the Gospel the same way you heard it but they didn’t accept it.
2. You say: Father, Stretch Yiur Everlasting Arms to the Very Source of my Life.
And if there is any evil there, remove them today; if there is any Poison in my Source – Known and Unknown to me; Stretch Your Everlasting Arms to my Very Source and remove all the evil there.
3. You say: Father, Stretch Your Everlasting Arms to my Future and if there is any evil waiting for me there; Please cancel them. If there is any danger waiting in my Future, Please remove them.
4. You say: Father, because Your Arms are Everlasting, anything that is responsible for my Problems now – Any evil, any sin I have committed; Please destroy it today and wipe them away.
5. You say: Father, Stretch Your Everlasting Arms to my Future; bring in all the Miracles, all the Signs and Wondees there now to me.
Bring my Future to me now!
6. This Prayer is for those of us who needs Help urgently.
Father, before this Night is over, Help me urgently. Don’t let me reach the Ground.
7. Father, since Your Everlasting Arms are underneath; Pick me up and begin to lift me up Higher and Higher everyday.
8. Because of the Law of Harvest:
Pray that Father, all those People who are here today; as You are answering my Prayers, answer their own Prayers also.
Please, go ahead and talk to the Almighty God!
You have only 15 Minutes to Pray – Make sure that you make your Prayers Very Intense!
Cry unto the Lord now!!!