Memory Verse: Romans 1:20 – For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (KJV).
Lesson Bible Text:
Psalm 19:1-14; Micah 6:8; Mark 12:28-32; Romans 1:18-25.
Lesson Central Truth:
God has a good purpose for every aspect of creation.
When God created the universe and all that is in it, He did so with a purpose. Indeed, every part of God’s creation has a purpose–to glorify Him and reveal His power. As human beings, we were created to glorify Him and to live in loving relationship with Him.
Beloved, you were created in the image of God. You were created for His glory, not your own. Your breathe is borrowed from Him and is to be used for Him. Your treasure is not yours, it’s His. Everything about you are all for Him. You will fulfill your purpose as you get to know him, love him, live with him, and glorify him. Take note that discovery of our purpose, what you were made for, and the living out of that purpose, transforms everything about us–this will definitely cause us to live for Him in all things.
A. The Sun And Stars Testify To God’s Glory – Psalm 19:1-6
B. The Word Reveals God’s Will – Psalm 19:7-14.
A. Called To Walk Humbly With God – Micah 6:8
B. Called To Love God Supremely – Mark 12:28-31.
A. Our Innate Knowledge Of Our Creator – Romans 1:18-20
B. We Are Accountable To God – Romans 1:21-25.
Psalm 19:1-14
The sun, moon and stars are all created for a purpose – to light up the earth both day and night. The firmaments declares God’s glory in their exceptional activities on earth. David looked to the heavens and saw the glory of God declared. He saw it in the sky, with the glory of the sun and clouds and the beauty of sunrises and sunsets. “The heavens tell of the glory of God. The skies display His marvelous craftsmanship” (Psalm 19:1). As the sun spreads its light and diffuses its heat across the heavens and the earth, it can serve as a shining spotlight as creation declares the glory of God. The declaration of David is a great one and we can testify that indeed, creation declares His glory day after day.
God’s word declares His glory. The word of God is greatly rich in all ramifications. The problem will often have is that we don’t realize the wealth we possess in God’s Word. All that we need to live out His glory and fulfil His purpose in our lives has been provided in His Word. How much of His Word is really active in your life? Have you discovered the purpose and will of God concerning you? Answers to these and many other life confusing questions can only begotten via God’s Word. David was a man like us who suffered many things and had many questions. David understood God’s sovereignty and his own depravity. He knew where to find help and answers. The Word of God is perfect, trustworthy and revives our souls. As believers, we can boldly declares:
“Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles” (Psalm 119:50).
Micah 6:8; Mark 12:28-31
Micah 6:8 encourage us to emulate God’s mercy. God is well known for His mercy. He has always shown great mercy in all His dealings with mankind. Because of this He expects us as His people to love mercy. In Micah’s time the Jews were not showing mercy to the poor. They lent money to a needy person at high interest and when he could not pay back his loan in time, they took his outer garments and let him suffer from cold and nakedness (Micah 2:8). Widows who could not pay their creditors were cruelly driven out of their homes with their children (Micah 2:9). There was no compassion or pity at all for the plight of these poor and needy brethren. Pause and ponder on these questions: Have you shown enough love and consideration for others? Have you cared enough for those who are suffering and gone out of your way to help them? Do you pray for those who share their problems and difficulties with you?
Beloved, note that love and mercy can only be produced supernaturally from a heart that God fills, and this will happen when you walk humbly with Him.
To love God supremely and above everything is a pivotal command for every Christian. What does it mean to love the Lord with our total being? When we love God it means nothing is placed in high importance above God. There is no holding back with our love for Him. Our relationship with God is built on the premise of absolute love for God. True love for God enables you to follow all of His commands. Remember that God is love and we love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). We are to love Him with all that we are and more than anything else. God is the only One who: Initiated our love for Him. Gives us the desire to love Him. Loving God enables you to love others. People will know that we are God’s disciples when we love one another (John 13:34-35). We live to fulfill His purpose for us when we love Him with all our being and as well love our neighbours as ourselves. Beloved, Christianity is built in love and loving one another must be our lifestyle.
Romans 1:18-25
We were created to worship God; we can expect to see the Creator’s hand prints in His creation as evidence of His majesty and awesome power. Indeed God expects the whole earth to see His creation and to recognise His power and majesty. God has clearly revealed Himself in nature so that men are without excuse. Universal internal awareness of God’s truth. We have inborn knowledge of our Creator and by knowing this will always stimulate us to worship Him as our only true God. God’s everlasting power and deity have been clearly visible and thus understood from the very beginning. Ignorance is no excuse, but human beings can’t even plead ignorance as an excuse. Why? Because “they knew God” but “didn’t glorify Him as God.” As believers, we have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God. Everything we are and have should acknowledge and worship Him everyday of our lives.
The problem we have today in the world is that people are unrighteous, separated from God, and in need of His righteousness. In His holiness, God has revealed His anger toward those who have suppressed His truth in their unrighteousness. God has made the truth about Himself evident to everyone, yet many knew Him as God, but wouldn’t worship or give Him thanks as God. The wonderful thing is that this set of people claiming to be wise, they became fools instead. They worship man-made idols, even though creation reveals the existence of God. Humanity is accountable to God. We are more accountable to God for being a believer. Your day to day activities should acknowledge God’s presence, glorify and worship Him. The knowledge of Him will always keep us safe in this sinful and idolatrous world. Remember that one day we shall all give account of our stewardship.
Lesson Action Word
God has created us for His purpose, to reveal His glory, to love Him, to acknowledge and worship Him. Make God’s purpose number one priority.
Lesson Prayer Point
Father, may Your purpose prevail in our lives in Jesus Matchless Name. Amen!
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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.
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