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Thanksgiving And Celebration Of Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adenike Adeboye’s 75th Birthday.

Pastor Folu Adeboye marks 75th birthday in style - Punch Newspapers





DATE: 13TH JULY 2023


Praise the Name of the Lord – Hallelujah.

Let us Pray!


My Lifetime, I will give God my Lifetime,
My Lifetime, I will give God my Lifetime,
If I give God my Lifetime
He will take care of me,
He will never ever let me down,
I will give God my Lifetime.


Heavenly Father we want to Thank You.

King of Glory we Adore You, we Bless Your Holy Name.

We Thank You Oh LORD, even for bringing us together once again in Your Presence, to listen to a few Words from You.

Father we Pray that in the next few Minutes, You’ll speak to me, You’ll speak to Your People.

At the end of it all, You’ll take all the Glory, all the Honour, all the Adoration.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen.

Let’s clap for Jesus.

Praise the Name of the Lord – Hallelujah.

I feel unworthy and yet honoured to be called upon to say a few words concerning Mummy today -The Celebration of our own Dear Mother, Grandmother, the Matriarch of RCCG Worldwide, the Mother in Israel.

And most especially, our General Overseer’s Sweetheart, Girlfriend, Choko Milo, Sweetie Pie, “Honey Socca”, “Cookie Dough” of over Fifty (50) years.

I said ‘unworthy’ because looking around you’ll see many People who can do justice to this task. But I said ‘honoured’ because what I am doing today is a Privilege.

And I know that even any one of us given this Privilege would jumped at it.

So Daddy, Mummy: on behalf of myself and my “Azuka Betito” (Pastor Siju Iluyomade), we say Thank You!

I just want to share a few Thoughts that I call: “REFLECTIONS.”

And I have Three (3) Points to urge us, within the time given to me.

Psalms 90:12 says: So teach us to Number our days, that we may apply our Hearts unto wisdom.

This is the Oldest Psalms in the Bible. But it’s curious that Moses in that Psalms said, teach us to Number our days, and not “our years”.

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Yet, what most of us Celebrate is our “years”.

For Example, we are here to celebrate Seventy Five (75) years.

There seems to be an issue there – Just to Number our days; and yet we celebrate Seventy Five (75) years.

1. I think God is telling us through that Scriptures, that Life is Brief.

And we should not unadvisedly and aimlessly rush through Life.

But we need to settle down and take “Measured Steps” and “Wisen Steps”; think and walk and live Purposefully.

So today, we are gathered here to give Thanks and Praises to God and to celebrate –

Not just Seventy Five (75) years; but Twenty seven thousand, three hundred and Ninety-three (27,393) Days: of God’s Mercies, of His Unmerited Favour, of His Faithfulness, Loving kindness, Protection, Provision and Guidance.

… And I believe that, that’s the business that we have come to do today!

Some People might say: Hey, why Days and not years? The answer is not far fetched. God is saying, Number your Days – Celebrate Days:

– Because He is the Ancient of Days.

– He daily loads us with Benefits.

– He gives us our daily Bread.

– He says, “I will fulfill the Number of your Days“.

– Even His Mercies are given to us on a daily basis.

– He is a God that adds to His Church everyday.

So I think God is telling us that we need to think about this very deeply – If you ask me to count one (1) to seventy five (75); it’s so easy.

… Even the grandchildren can do that under five (5) Minutes!

But when you tell me to count twenty seven thousand, three hundred and ninety-three (27,393) Days; that becomes a bigger deal.

When you are looking at seventy five (75) years in terms of days, then you’ll begin to appreciate the Faithfulness of God, the Mercies of God:

In watching over you and being your Ebenezer (your Stone of Help) for Twenty seven Thousand, Three hundred and Ninety-three (27,393) Days.

People of God you know; when you think about Days, a lot can happen in in one Day:

I. Job lost all his ten (10) children in one Day – Ten (10) funerals; freshly dug sand one Day!

II. In one Day, he lost all his Wealth, all his Possessions;

III. In one day he lost all his Honour: his Servants were no longer bowing down to him.

IV. He lost his Mobility, he lost his Place and Position in Council at the City Gate – All in one (1) day!

All these happened in sequence – Day after Day.

And remember that the sun smites by Day, arrow flies by Night, there’s destruction that wastes at Noonday.

Yet, inspite of all of these, God has kept Mummy for twenty seven thousand, three hundred and ninety-three (27,393) Days!

Let’s look at another dimension – An old Statistics says:

– Fifty six Million People die every year;

– Every Month, 4.6 Million;

– Every day, one fifty three thousand (153,000).

– Every hour, six thousand (6,000);

– Every minute, one hundred and seven (107).

– Every Seconds, two (2) People die!

Yet, we are here to Celebrate twenty seven thousand, three hundred and ninety-three (27,393) Days.

… Let’s look at another dimension;

Mummy, your Heart beats four thousand eight hundred (4,800) times in one hour.

If the Heart stops beating for twenty (20) Seconds, one becomes Unconscious and dies.

Every year, your heart beats forty two thousand (42,000) times.

Today, twenty seven thousand, three hundred and ninety-three (27,393) Days: your heart has continuously beat for 3.1 Billion times – It did not stop one Second.

And anybody looking at you: you still look beautiful as before – That’s why your husband calls you Girlfriend. You bring back Sweet Memories, you are still looking Splendid, a Paragon of Beauty and brains; and heightened Spirituality.

Mummy, we Celebrate you!

And we need to realised that if God had taken any one of us, He would still be a God of Faithfulness, without Injustice. Good and Perfect are His ways – Unquestionable!

He is One that looked at Jesus Christ (the Innocent) and said: “You are Innocent, go and die for those who are Sinners” – He is a Sovereign God!

He says, I would have Mercy on whomsoever I want to have Mercy on; I will have Compassion on whoever I Choose – No one can Question Him!

Inspite of all the ups and downs of Life, and all the issues of Life, God has kept you by His Mercies for twenty seven thousand, three hundred and ninety-three (27,393) Days.

And we can still gather like this to Celebrate with family and friends; to give Him Thanks and Praise – I think God is Worthy of all Praises, He is Worthy of all Adoration.

No wonder the Psalmist says in Psalms 89:1


I will sing of the Mercies of the LORD
For ever I will sing,
of the Mercies of the LORD;
I will sing of the Mercies of the LORD
For ever I will sing,
of the Mercies of the LORD.

With my mouth will I make Known Thy Faithfulness, Thy Faithfulness;
With my mouth will I make Known Thy Faithfulness, to all Generations!

… People of God, that’s why we have gathered here today.

2. In all circumstances, no matter what happens, be Cheerful and give Thanks.

The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 – In every thing give Thanks: for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

And He added in Psalms 34:1 – I will bless the LORD at all times: his Praise shall continually be in my mouth.

… That is why we are gathered here today: to Thank God!

3. Deep and Sober Reflection.

You know, when one is Celebrating Birthdays, you are not supposed to just start throwing a Party and making merriment.

The first thing you need to do (after your Morning Prayers) are Reflections – Looking back!

The Celebration of a Birthday is supposed to be a Day of Deep and sober Reflection of how far God has brought you.

You see, it’s only when you reflect and look back; and remember the days of Little Beginnings. And the Past Graces and the Mercies of God, that you can really evaluate; and Thank Him Profusely and Profoundly for what He has taken you through, for where you are today and where He is taking you to.

Dear Mummy, I said the Title of this short Exaltation is “Reflections” – I Thank God for all the Testimonies and the Tributes that we have heard.

God is asking you, and all of us here (inclusive all those reading now on the Label of DMC) to look back.

So Mummy when you look back, what do you see? – I’m sure you see the Mercy and the Faithfulness of God.

1. Starting from the Salvation of your Soul – No one can come to God unless God draws him or her.

You must not take it for granted that God saved you and how He connected you with Daddy GO.

You gave Daddy a Birthday Gift of a Bible and two (2) white handkerchiefs. And that made him make up his Mind, “this is the woman I’m going to spend the rest of my Life with.”

When you think back at that, you’ll give God Thanks!

2. I know you’ll remembered how God used your father (Of Blessed Memory) to silent all those who ignorantly due to your Pedigree opposed to your Marriage to our father-in-the-Lord.

Because of his Humble beginnings – A man who had no car, no house, who walked barefooted for the first eighteen (18) years of his Life.

The only thing that he (Daddy GO) had then, was that he was an incurable Optimist.

Obviously, this is not the Picture of “a Knight in Shinning Armour”.

But looking back today, just see what the Lord has done!

3. When you look back at your Story, I’m sure you know, and we’ve seen that you have Sacrificed a lot:

I. There was a time you left your Paid job in Ilorin (Capital City of Kwara State) to follow a Man who said God has Called him – Not only to a City (Lagos) but to a bush. The wilderness that God Promised him, that He was going to build a City for him. And you followed him!

But today, see what the Lord has done!

II. I know those days Life was tough Financially. You didn’t earn salary for twelve (12) years after starting Christ the Redeemer Nursery and Primary School. Both of you were Paying Salaries of Pastors and Workers from the little money that remained in your hands.

But somehow, the Mercy, the Grace and the Faithfulness of God towed you through – That is why we are celebrating today!

III. You told me just Last Week, that for three (3) years, there was no Electricity on this Campground. You were walking around with lanterns – Navigating your way around this Campground that was filled with Armed Robbers, filled with Serpents and Demons.

I remembered Daddy GO told us the Story of when he was walking at Night and he saw a tree, there was fire on the tree. But in the morning, the leaves were green.

So, there were Demons here! Many of us would have ran away but you stood your ground: because of your Love for God, Devotion to the work of God, and the Love for your Sweetheart and your children.

… That is why today, we are Celebrating!

IV. When we look back, we see a woman of Great Resilience, who inspite of tough and difficult circumstances and Spiritual Attacks: you stood your ground, Fasted and Prayed with Daddy.

V. And I remembered a time I came to you sixteen (16) years ago. It was a tough time for us in Ministry, and you shared a Story with me – That you had a Dream, that some evil men attacked you in the Dream. They used a cutlass on you in the Dream (you showed me) and when you woke up, the mark of the cutlass was there!

I am sure none of our wives would wait in the Campground if that kind of thing happened to them – They would have bolted back to the City.

… Yet you stood your ground: that is why we are Celebrating today!

VI. I remembered that the only Weakness that you have (from Daddy’s Testimony) is that: you are a Generous Person beyond Measure.

Mummy, I’m sure you remembered the day when there was only one (1) tuber of yam for the family, and you gave it away – One tuber! And Daddy GO said: What the Bible says is that, “if you have two (2) coats, give one away”.

Your answer to him was that, “my Darling, you and I we know how to Fast; but this one doesn’t know how to Fast!”

Mummy, because God is on your side, before the end of that day, somebody brought six (6) tubers of yam for you – – Hallelujah!

People or God let’s clap for Jesus! God has been Faithful.

4. When we look back we see a woman with the heart of Gold, whose Life is Profitable to God – An Impeccable Role Model, Ardent Missionary with Kingdom and Heavenly Perspective and Focus.

I. We have heard of Christ the Redeemer Schools Ministry; which today has over two hundred and sixty (260) Schools to its name.

II. We have heard of the Habitation of Hope – A Home you built for Street Boys and Orphans.

III. We have heard of the Holistic Ministry – Which is a Home you built for women coming out of Prostitution.

IV. CADA (Christ Against Drug Abuse) – You facilitated building of Hostels and Sponsored Vocational Skills all over the Place.

V. How about African Mission? – Currently African Mission has eleven (11) Chapters spread across Europe, Canada, USA and Nigeria.

And the Mandate is Premedicated on one of the most compelling Scriptures that we all have. Which is Matthew 25 – Which talks about taking care of the Poor, the Hungry, the Thirsty, the Naked, the Homeless, the Sick.

And in the Open Heavens of today (13th July, 2023) – Daddy GO referred to that Scripture in one of the Conditions of making Heaven.

You connected to that, and all throughout your work we can see the Fulfilment of Matthew 25, even in your Life.

VI. Today, to the Glory of God, the Christian Social Responsibility (CRS) Arm of the Mission (RCCG) following your footsteps, has within the last four (4) years been able to Complete in Nigeria alone, 1.5 Million Projects. And we have spent Fifty (50) Billion Naira.

… Just because you went ahead and set the Foundation.

5. As I run to a Close, I need to say that, looking back we see a woman who is the Power-Behind-Her-Home and so loved by her husband.

Daddy GO says, you can slap me, you can lie against me, you can critize me, it doesn’t bother me! But if you touch my wife, you will see the other side of me!

Let’s clap for Jesus!

6. When we look back, we see the Mercy, Protection, Provision of God, through the ages:

How God chose you and your husband (Daddy GO) as Living Legends to grow a Church from thirty nine (39) Parishes in 1981, to a “Proper Phenomenon”, that has in Nigeria alone, fifty six thousand (56,000) Parishes; not to talk of the whole world.

Today, we can boast of RCCG in one hundred and Ninety-eight (198) Nations of the world.

And Jesus says, the Church would endure till He comes.

Looking back, we need to remember, that it’s not only human beings that look back. Even animals look back.

If you’ve been to a Bull Fight; when a bull wants to fight and the Matador (dressed in red) is taunting the bull.

The bull doesn’t just charge forward, No! It goes back.

What is it doing? It’s thinking of the Old Stories it has heard, of how its forefathers dealt with Amarinze the Cat – The Matador of Namunda. He remembered all those Stories, the Testimonies of the things God has done for him.

And the Matador thinks that this bull has no intention of coming after him.

In a split Second, the bull would just charge forward. And because it has charged up, it has remembered the Past Victories and Mercies; instantly you will see Matador flying even above!

That is the same Principle that David employed in 1 Samuel 17:37 – The Bible says, before David begin to fight Goliath he looked back, he remembered God’s Faithfulness, God’s Mercies:

David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the Lion, and out of the paw of the Bear, He will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.

And I know God never Changes – If God has kept me this far; if God has shown me His Faithfulness; that same God will not abandon me.

With that same Principles, he was able to face the New Thing that was in front of him.

Some other People, they look back – What do they see?

The Rich fool in Luke 12:17-19, what did he see? He say his own achievement – There was his Possession, children, and Exploits. He did not give Glory to God. He did not acknowledge God as His Source.

He boasted in his Achievements, forgetting that the Bible says in Romans 19:16 – So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth Mercy.

Not you (Mummy GO) – You look back and you see God as your Source.

And so as I close, Hebrews 13:8 says, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

So Mummy, as we reflect on God’s Goodness and Mercy, and Faithfulness in your Life in the Past, it gives us Confidence and implore us that the same God Who has been Faithful to you, will not leave you.

He will Stand by you and He will see you through, in Jesus’ Mighty Name – Amen.

The Bible says: Say ye to the Righteous, that it shall be well with him (Isaiah 3:10).

As you face the Future, my Charge to you Mummy, is found in Ephesians 5:15-16 – The Amplified Version.

It says:

See that you walk carefully, living life with honour, purpose and courage, turning from people who tolerate evil, not as the unwise. But as wise, sensible, intelligent, discerning people: making the very most of your time on earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity, and using it with wisdom and diligence, because the days are evil.


Mummy, our Prayer is that as you are Celebrating today: your Life and that of your husband and all your Plans will continue to be Profitable even unto God;

And God Who had been your Mainstay would be with you even to the very end, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

Better days are ahead of you – Amen.


Psalms 49:20 says, Man that is in Honour, and Understandeth not, is like the Beasts that Perish.

… All those dogs that cars kill on the road.

A man in Honour: you get to a Place, they Stand up for you, they show you to your seat.

A woman in Honour, they bow down to you; they Celebrate you.

It says, if you lack Spiritual Understanding: you don’t know why God created you, you don’t know your Purpose.

The People we are celebrating today,, they have discovered their Purpose through an encounter with Jesus Christ. And today; the rest is History.

So today,, if you are here, you don’t know why you came to this world, you don’t know your Assignment, you don’t have that Personal Encounter with Jesus Christ.

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Don’t you know that one day you will go back home? And the Bible says you will give an Account of your Stewardship.

A man in Honour – Who is not Born Again; who has not Surrendered his or her Life to Jesus Christ, the Bible says that you are no better than a dog or a beast.

So, if you here this afternoon or online or reading now on the Label of DMC; you can’t remember when you Personally took a Decision for Jesus Christ.

The Bible tells us in Jeremiah that you must know Jesus Christ Personally, Practically and Directly.

You don’t have a Second Birthday? – Everybody that is here, we have one Birthday that we are Celebrating like today.

But for you to make Heaven, for you to be Born Again; you must have another Birthday – That one is being Born Again; not of the flesh but of the Spirit.

So as all eyes are Closed – Maybe you’ve Surrendered your Life before, and your name was still in Heaven. Is it still there?

Moses said that God can blot out names – If you sinned and you have not confessed, is that name still there?

Or you’ve never ever had an Encounter that gives you two (2) Birthdays – I want to give you an Opportunity to just Surrender your Life.

So if you know you fall into any of those two (2) Categories, then put your hand on your Chest and repeat after me and say: Lord Jesus, I come to You right now. I know I am a Sinner, because You said all of us have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.

Please, forgive me of all my sins. I Plead the Blood of Jesus to wash me Clean of all my sins.

Fill me with the Holy Spirit, give me a New Heart and help me to obey You.

Please, write my name in the Book of Life and lead me on my way to Righteousness.

If you said that Prayer, all your sins are forgiven you; God has given you a New Lease of Life this day that we are Celebrating Mummy GO.

I congratulate you!

If you don’t have a Bible Believing Church that you attend, there’s a Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) every five (5) Minutes walking distance – We Welcome you!

And today would be a Noble Day in your Life, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

Mummy, once more, we Celebrate you!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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