BIBLE TEXT: MARK 10: 46-52
DMC NOTES: Hertfordshire is the County immediately North of London and is Part of the East of England region, a mainly Statistical Unit. To the East is Essex, to the West is Buckinghamshire and to the North are Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire.

1. Why not lift your hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy Name. Give Him all the Glory, Honour and Adoration for keeping you up till now. Lift up your Voice and let Him hear you – Praise Him, Worship Him and bless His Holy Name.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.
2. I want you to talk to the Almighty God and say: Father tonight, give me Your Very Best. Go ahead and talk to the Most High God.
Thank You Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father is the Greatest
My Father is the Greatest
He is Greater than the Greatest
My Father is the Greatest.
Father, we bless Your Name – King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, we Worship You.
Thank You for everything that You have done for us these Past few days and Thank You because You always reserved the Best for the Last.
And so tonight, we know that You are going to give us the Best. Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
In the lives of everyone of us here tonight, Father do something New.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Name of the Lord – Hallelujah! Kindly be seated.
We thank the Lord of Light – The One whose Light is Perpetual (It doesn’t fail, it doesn’t dim).
He called us the Light of the world – According to Matthew 5:13.
And the Light Up of Hertfordshire tonight, Please don’t just take it for granted. This Program has started in Nigeria for almost the Past one (1) Year now and many States in Nigeria has been Lightened. And it has left behind a lot of Testimonies.
There is nothing Good in Darkness and I believed that as you are here for the “Light Up” Herefordshire; every Parts of your Life shall be Lightened in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ – Amen!
Welcome to “Light Up” Hertfordshire in Jesus Name – Amen!!!
I thank God for the Testimonies that we heard during the RCCG Festival of Life (FOL) 2022.
And on the basis of these Testimonies, I want to say to Somebody (Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC) – That which you have been waiting for, will happen tonight – Amen!
And I am also decreeing that all the Yokes in your Life will be gone tonight – Amen!
Now, If I remembered the Prophesies that came on Friday Night (During the RCCG FOL 2022); it was “So Big” that I took some for myself
What God said is that: There will be “No More Losses”; “No More Sorrow” and “No More Death” – Amen!
DMC NOTES: Kindly Watch Out for the Full Text of the Message for The RCCG Festival of Life (FOL) 2022 “ONLY” on the Label of DMC!
And I just felt the Lord whispering something to me when I was sitting down there – Probably because some of my children who are Footballers are here!
Daddy wants me to tell Someone – Whoever that Someone is: That Someone will be the first to score seven (7) Goals in a Match here in the United Kingdom (UK) – Amen!
When it happens, we will all know. And then you will know that my God can do the Impossible!
Another Testimony that we heard tonight is about Someone who came here so that we could join our Faith with her’s. And she came and it was unto her according to her Faith.
All of you who came tonight and reading now on the Label of DMC; believing God for something Great – I Agree with you. What you want, you will get it – Amen!!!
Mark 10:46-52
46. And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his Disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging.
47. And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou Son of David, have Mercy on me.
48. And many charged him that he should hold his Peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou Son of David, have Mercy on me.
49. And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of Good Comfort, rise; he calleth thee.
50. And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus.
51. And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight.
52. And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy Faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.
When Light comes your Way, certain things will automatically happens.
We just learnt over the Weekend (During The RCCG FOL 2022) that our God is Unchangeable – That whatever He has done before, He can do it again. Whatever He has done for anyone, He can do it for you.
So today, we want to take a “Quick Look” at some of the things that He did for Bartimaeus on the very Day He (The Light of the world) Passed by:
1. The first thing that He did was that the Stigma in the Life of Bartimaeus disappeared.
You asked any Sunday School Child who is Bartimaeus?
He will say a Blind Man. Even though Bartimaeus has been made to see more than two thousand (2,000) years ago, the world still Prefers to call him “The Blind Bartimaeus”.
The world tries to call you by that which is not okay in your Life:
I. Oh, don’t you know that Sister who should be married by now who is not yet married?
II. Don’t you know that Brother who has been looking for job for all these Years and hasn’t gotten yet?
III. Oh, don’t you know the Sister who had been married for so many years and there is Nothing to show for it?
That is the way People of the world behave – They just want to talk about viz-a-viz that which is the Problem.
In Luke 13: 11-17; the Bible talks about a woman who was bent double and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t raise up herself.
I’m sure that if you asked anybody in the Town – Who is the Fellow you saw today on your way to the Market?
Oh, I saw the woman who was bent double.
But the day the Light of the world Passed by, that which was the Stigma in the Life of Bartimaeus; the Stigma in the Life of the woman bent double; all disappeared!
So, I have Good News for Someone here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC – Whatever is still the Stigma in your Life will disappear today – Amen!
There was one of my Pastors who was always sharing Testimonies after the Lord came into his Life.
Do you know that it wasn’t long before his name became “Testimony”.
… That shall be your name – Amen!
2. The Second thing that happened to Bartimaeus is that – All along, he didn’t know that he has so many enemies until the day that he began to cry to God for Help.
He wasn’t calling on them for Help – It was Jesus Christ that he was crying to. Do you know what they did? They told him to shut up.
The world wants you to remain in your Problem – If you are Poor, they want you to remain Poor.
Oh, even those who are very close to you – They Preffered that you wait until they dash you a Piece of dress before you can wear Good Cloth.
The moment you don’t have to see them before you spend, they begin to wonder: What is wrong with him?
But I have Good News for you today – Just as God exposed the enemies of Bartimaeus that day; the Light of God will expose your enemies (Amen).
3. The Third thing that happened that day to Bartimaeus (Which is going to happen to Someone here today) is that his cry was heard.
There were so many People saying: Shut Up, Shut Up; but God heard him out of the crowd.
There are many of us who are here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – When it is time to Pray now, hopefully we will be Praying loud and clear; we will Pray the way we should Pray and not like “Sophisticated People” will Pray.
When “Desperate People” Pray, they don’t Pray the way you People Pray.
I have said that if three (3) People has an Accident and you take them to the Emergency Section of an Hospital.
And the first one is a Chief – Big Man and there is only one Doctor and the three (3) of them are there; some even gasping for breadth.
And the Chief says: He should see me now? He knows I’m a Chief, I don’t have to open my mouth loud before he attends to me!
And the other one who is a Professor said: Well, I think that I better speak but I must speak Professorally – Well, Doctor, I’m in Pain you know.
And the third one is an “Ordinary Person” like me. Then he says this is not the time for “Big Grammar” and he lifted up his voice and said: Doctor, help me?
Who is the first Person who will get attention? Who is going to be the first Person to receive a Miracle? – The DMC Family Members!
You see the Bible says in Jeremiah 33:3 – It says: Call on me (Not murmur, not whisper). You can’t call with your mouth close.
If Someone is going away from you and you want that Fellow to come back; you will lift your voice until he hears you.
Because He (God) Himself said in Isaiah 55:6 – He said: Call on Him where He may be found.
Call implies make it loud!
Bartimaeus made it loud and God heard him.
And in the Name that is above every other names; Somebody Prayer will be heard today – Amen!
4. The fourth thing that happened to Bartimaeus that day is that when the Lord heard him; it is the same People who asked him to shut up that God said: Go and bring him.
In Acts 16: 25-34; the Bible tells us of what happened when Paul and Silas were in Prison and they put a Man in Charge to make sure that they don’t escape, waiting for the Morning so that they can kill them.
But when they Prayed and sang Praises, when they didn’t do it quietly – The Bible said that all the Prisoners heard them.
And when there was an Earthquake and the Light of God flooded into that Prison; the Jailer was the one who was washing their wounds and Preparing food for them.
Your Number One (1) enemy will become your Servant very soon – Amen!
5. The fifth thing (Which is even more beautiful than the 4th one) is that when these former enemies got to Bartimaeus, they Prophesy to him. They said: Be of Good Comfort!
In other words, they are saying: You are about to get a Miracle. And they were already Congratulating him – Be of Good Comfort.
You know God says in Proverbs 16:7 – He said that when a Man’s way Pleases God, He will cause even his enemies to be at Peace with him.
I am believing God that within the next one (1) week; the People who are thinking that you cannot become anything will begin to say: Be of Good Cheer – Amen!
6. The Sixth thing that will happen is that as soon as Bartimaeus heard that the Lord was calling for him, he removed his Garment with the Assurance that he will never needs it again.
I believed that the Garment of Shame that you wore in here; you are not going to wear it out – Amen!
Because the Bible says in Isaiah 61: 1-3 – It tells us about the kind of Anointing of God has given to Jesus Christ, the Light of the world – To replace your Garment of Shame, Garment of Suffering (Spirit of Heaviness) with the Garment of Praise.
But everything that did not allow you to Pray the way you ought to Pray – You know that you occasionally want to Praise God and then you remembered something and that thing tells you – Shut your mouth. All these years you have been shouting Hallelujah anyway, where is the result? Today, you will get results – Amen!
Everything that can be called the Spirit of Heaviness is going to be replaced with the Spirit of Garment of Praise – Amen!
7. And then the Seventh thing is that you will cease to be a burden.
You see because I have Studied this Passage again and again – I’m thinking of one day when I will Probably combine all my Sermons on this same Passage into a Book.
The First Sermon I Preached on this Passage after I became a Christian was tagged: “TEN (10) STEPS TO MIRACLE”.
And there had been other ones afterwards.
Because I was wondering when I was Studying and Re-Studying – What exactly was the Problem(s) with the Multitudes? Why were they asking this Fellow to shut up?
And I realised it waa because he was a “Burden” to them because he was always begging.
I. When they gave him money, they were not happy because they could have spent the money on something else.
II. When they didn’t give him money, their conscience troubled them.
So, every time thet saw him, he was a Burden – Whether he got something or he didn’t get something!
So, they were in a mood of Celebration – Jesus was Passing by, they were all following Him, they were having a Nice time and suddenly this Fellow wanted to interrupt their rejoicing.
That is why they said: Not today; shut up your mouth!
In that Name that is above every other names – From today onwards, you will never be a Burden (Amen).
And so you see when this Man finally got to Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ said: What do you want?
He said what I want is only one thing – Give me Light because the eyes are the Light of the Body.
Don’t let anybody deceived you – There is no Sickness as terrible as Blindness. It is not Good at all.
Because once you are blind, the only Colour you ever see is Black.
If we switch off the Light here, all the Blue, Green, Yellow; that we were seeing here will disappeared. If we switch on the Light, everybody will be wearing black.
So, he said:
I. Give me Light so that I won’t have to beg again!
II. Give me Light so that these People won’t be calling me by my Problem anymore.
III. Give me Light so that I won’t become a Problem to anybody.
… Just give me Light!
The Conclusion of the matter is this:
Let there be Light could be:
1. A Command – Genesis 1: 1-3.
When God made Heaven and Earth and He looked around and see that everything is confused, there was no Order. He discovered that the Person causing the trouble is Darkness and He commanded that let there be Light.
2. Let there be Light could be an Invitation.
In Matthew 11: 28-30; the Lord says: Hey, come unto me all you that Labour and are heavy ladened and I will give you rest.
Come, leave satan, leave Darkness and come to my Light – Its an Invitation. You can accept or refuse it.
3. It could be a Plea – It could be God begging you.
In Revelation 3:20; the Lord said: Behold I Stand by the door and I knock. If you hear my Voice and you open the door to me; then I will come in.
Do you know the Greatest Lesson of this thing you called Shutters by the Windows? It is that it doesn’t matter how bright outside may be, you can shut it out.
The Sun can be Shinning bright and you just don’t want Light in the room – You have the Power to put on the Shutter.
The Almighty God can be outside your door knocking – Let me come in, if I come in, Light will come in, we will dine together, we will Fellowship together, I will bring all the Glory that belongs to me into your Life.
But you can say: Go away, I don’t need you!
And if God Stand there and knock and knock and you don’t respond; of course He goes away.
4. But let there be Light could be a “Cry for Help”.
That was the case for Bartimaeus! Light of the world, give me Light too, I am tired of Darkness, Poverty, Shame, of not even knowing what I am eating (Whether it is meat or Cockroach).
Give me Light – That is the Prayer you will be called upon to Pray today.
I don’t think that God could have done more than what God has done for you this Past few days.
Because when I thought about it – I was at the Holy Ghost Night and whether you believed it or not, this Year’s Festival of Life (FOL) 2022 is one of the best we ever had.
I’m not saying so because I was the one who Preached – I have Passed by the Age when I feel Big when People says “Well Done”.
Nowadays, they don’t even say “Well Done” again. It is as if to say: What else could could you have done.
But I felt the Presence of God – I mean on my way home, I was behaving almost as a Child. It was as if two (2) People are at Play – Your Father is saying this and you are laughing, cracking jokes in an Holy Ghost Night. Because where the Spirit of God is, there is Liberty.
And then to finished it, I came for another Festival of Life (FOL) for the Youth. And instead of letting this eighty (80) years Old Man rest, they had to drag him out because God knows that there is Someone here whose Cup of Blessings is yet to Overflow.
So, the Choice is yours – Whether you are going to cry to Him for Light or you are going to ignore His Invitation!
So, before we begin to Pray, if there is anyone and you know that God has been knocking at your Heart saying: Hey, boy/girl; you have not yet surrendered your Life to me, you are Pretending, you haven’t really surrender to me.
And you want to say Lord, you can come into my heart and take over my Life. I surrender to You now.
If there is anyone like that here, come very quickly. I will count from one (1) to five (5) – God is saying this is the Night. I want you to surrender to me. Whether you are Young or Old, come as I count now.
Now, those of you who are already infront, Please cry to God and say: Jesus Christ, Please save my Soul, I surrender to You now. From this moment onwards, You will be in Control of my Life, I will do whatever You say, wherever You want me to go, I will go, whatever You want me to do, I will do it – Just come into my Life.
And the rest of us, Please intercede for these People with all your Heart.
Pray that the One who save your Soul, will save their Souls also.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Saviour, I want to bless Your Holy Name for Your Word.
And I want to Thank You for these Your Children who has decided to come and surrender their lives to You.
Please, remember Your Promise that whosoever will come unto You, You will no wise cast out. They have come now, Father, Please receive them, save their Souls, write their names in the Book of Life and Please Lord, move into their lives.
And from this moment onwards, when they cry to You, answer them by Fire and let them serve You till the End.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Congratulations, all of you!
I want to assure you that from now on, I will be Praying for you.
And I just want you to follow the Counsellors – They will get down your names, Addresses and Prayer Requests. And then they will bring you back very quickly.
Let’s clap for Jesus Christ as they go!
Now, if you have your “Smart Phone” with you, you can put on the Light there (Switch on the Torchlight).
The Bible says that: The Just shall live by Faith.
As you lift up your Light (Torchlight); you will cry to the Almighty God and say:
1. Father, let there be Light in my Life, in my family, in my Town, in my Country, in your Church – Let there be Light.
Open your mouth and cry to the Almighty God.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
2. And then you Pray even with Greater Vigour and say: Father, the Light You have given me, don’t let it turn to Darkness.
Open your mouth and Pray to God.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
I. When the Light shone to the Life of Bartimaeus, Sickness disappeared, Poverty disappeared, he never begged again.
II. When Light shone in the Life of Bartimaeus, loneliness disappeared.
III. When Light shone in the Life of Bartimaeus, the one who used to be by the roadside begging became the Centre of Attraction.
IV. When Light shone in Bartimaeus’ Life, sorrow ended and Joy came in.
And so I decreed in the Name that is above every other names – In your Life; there will be Light; in your Family, there will be Light; in your Churches; there will be Light; in your Town, there will be Light; in this Nation, there will be Light; everywhere you go, there will be Light. You won’t know sorrow again, you won’t know Poverty again.
And in the Name that is above every other names, your Light will never go out!
So shall it be. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
If you believe and that you want that Light, then shout a “Big Hallelujah” – Hallelujah!
Please be seated and don’t put off the Light yet.
One of the ways we show the Almighty God that we believed all that we have received, is by Thanking Him.
And so very quickly, we are going to say Thank You to the Almighty God and then I will teach you how to Pray the Last Prayer – Which incidentally, is the most important of all the Prayers that you have Prayed tonight.
So, we will give our Thanksgiving Offering – We will dance, rejoicing to show the Almighty God that we have received and our Light has come. And then I will Pray the Final Prayer for you and then you will Pray.
Father, we Thank You. Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Father, kindly receive the Offerings of Your, bless it Lord, use it for Your Glory.
And I Pray that, these Your Children will never lack, that in Your Own Miraculous Way, You will always give them More Than Sufficient.
That Your Light will continue to Shine on them.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!!!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
It is now time that you will Pray for yourself.
Say: Father, all that I am Praying for is that my Light will Shine forever.
The Lord has given me Light – So satan I Command you to take off your dirty hands off me, off my family, off on all those People who are Precious to me and off my Nation.
Go ahead and cry to the Lord now!!!