Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

He is the King of Kings
He is the Lord of Lords
His Name is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
J – E – S – U – S
He is the King
Eternal Rock of Ages, we bless Your Holy Name.
Thank You because Your Name is I am that I am; You are the Only One who never grows Old.
Thank You for Your Children who are here – Strong, Vibrant, Full of Life.
Thank You for the Strength You have given to them because Your Words says that the Glory of Youth is their Strength.
Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
My Lord and my Saviour, I Pray that today’s afternoon, You will speak to these Your Children in such a manner that for the rest of their lives, they will be Shinning for You.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let me hear you shout a “Youthful Hallelujah” – Hallelujah!
God Bless You – Amen. Please be seated!
Hebrews 1:7 – And of the Angels he saith, Who maketh his Angels Spirits, and his Ministers a flame of fire.
I’m delighted that your Theme for your Section of Festival of Life 2022 is: “FLAME”.
When I heard about it, I said: Oh, God what a Theme! I hope my children understand what they are talking about.
You see, when we talk about Flame, there are three (3) basic types of Flames and each of them is Identified by its Colour!
I. You may not identify them by touching them – As a matter of fact, you don’t want to touch them.
II. It is not easy to identify them by their Heat – And there can be hotter ones from the other.
But you can identify them straightaway just by looking at them by their Colours!
Red Flame is the kind of Flame you get from Firewood, Coal and things like that, that are gotten from “Cheap Materials”.
But Red Flame is the coldest of the lot but it is still dangerous – That is why the Signal at the Cross Section of the road is “Red for Danger”.
When the Light turns Red, it means “Stop” or you might die.
And any of you can leave this Arena tonight or finished reading on the Label of, at least with Red Flame!
Because according to the Bible Text (Hebrews 1:7) that I read to you; once you become a Minister of God, you are at least Red Flame to the enemy.
Because the Word of God says clearly: Touch not my Anointed and do my Prophet no harm – Once you become a Minister of God, if anybody tries to touch you carelessly, he is touching Fire.
All you need to do to qualify to be a Minister of God is to be Born Again.
Once you sincerely surrender your Life to Jesus Christ; according to John 14:12, the Works that Jesus Christ did, then you can do also and you can even do “Greater Works”.
I thank God for the enjoyment that we have had so far and I know that we are going to enjoy more – Sing, Dance, Jump. But I am not sure that you travelled from wherever you travelled from just for the fun of singing and dancing.
I believed very firmly that you are gathered together to sing like this, to dance like this, to Praise God with all your heart because you want something Extra out of Life. You don’t want to be an “Ordinary Church-Goer” – You want to become a Commando in the Army of the Lord.
I’m sure that you will love a situation where you can heal the Sick, you can raise the Dead – If I’m right, say Amen (Amen).
All you need to become a Minister of God and to do the works that Jesus Christ did; is believe in Him Wholeheartedly and be Genuinely Born Again!
I mean that everybody knows that Blue Stands for Love. And that Flame that comes from Gas – You turn on your Gas Cooker, the Fire that comes out looks Blue and Blue is the Colour of Love.
I. It is also a “Dangerous Colour” because Songs of Solomon 8:6 tells us clearly that Love is as dangerous as Death.
Gas Flame is the kind of Flame that even water cannot put out!
If there is a Fire Outbreak in a Gas Station, Oh you better call for Experts as if you Pour water on it, it will increase.
You know what happened in 1 Kings 18: 22-39 – When Elijah called on Fire from Heaven, the Fire leaked the water.
There is a Fire – The kind of Fire that no amount of water can put it out
The Bible says so in Songs of Solomon 8:7 – It tells us that much water cannot put out Love.
… The Fire of Love, the Fire that has the Colour of Love cannot be put out by water!
I was delighted when you are singing that Song – Today Oh, I will lift up my Voice in Praise.
And then they are asking – No matter what I face.
Then someone concluded by saying – When Success comes my way (I laughed). Another one say – It s Riches or something.
The Original singing of that Song is – When trouble comes my way.
In order words – My Love for Jesus Christ is such that Nobody can discourage me.
Paul the Apostle says: What can separate us from the Love of God?
II. Blue Flame is the kind of Flame that is used to Purify Precious Materials.
It is called “The Refiner Fire”.
That kind of Fire that they use to Purify Silver and Gold!
I believed that the Lord is looking for Youths in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); who cannot be discouraged by Coronavirus.
When you Pass Gold or Silver; through Blue Flame, they Shine better, they become Purer.
Blue Flame turns “Ordinary Iron” to “Steel”.
I’m sure you know that when you want to turn Somebody to become as “SAS” – That is the Title for Commando’s in the Army – After they have done very well in the Military, Normal Army Level; then they select them to go for further Trainings.
And from the little that I have discovered from just Watching their (Commando) Armies; when they select about a hundred (100) of them, if twelve (12) finishes the Course, they considered that Set an Extremely Successful one.
The meaning of “SAS” to a Commando is – The Special Air Service (SAS). It has its origins in the North African desert. It was formed as 62 Commando in July 1941 to undertake small-scale raids behind enemy lines.
The Almighty God says in Malachi 3: 1-3 – It says that God is going to Purify sons of Levite by Passing them through the Purifier Fire, just like the Refiner will refine Silver and Gold.
The Bible talked about what will happen on the Day of Judgement when we get to Heaven – Anything that is Wood (Materials that will Produce Red Fire); is going to be consumed. It is only those things that are Gold, Silver or Precious Stones that will last forever.
The White Flame is the kind of Flame the Welder uses – Welder’s Flame.
I. It is the kind of Flame that even the Welder has to cover his face when he is working – The kind of Flame that you don’t want to look at.
And you know why? It Stands for Holiness, Purity – White is the Colour of God!
That is why you find out in Isaiah 6: 1-3 that even the Angels that Stand in the Presence of God has six (6) Wings.
They use only two (2) Wings to fly; they use two (2) Wings to cover their faces as they don’t want to look at God and they use the other two (2) Wings to cover their legs otherwise the White Flame will wipe it out.
If you read Exodus 34: 29-35; you will see that after Moses has caught a Glimpse of God; the skin on his face Change so radically that “Ordinary People” could no longer look on his face till he died.
After that encounter with God, he has to cover his face with a veil.
That kind of Flame that when they hear you coming or approaching, they will flee may it come upon you now – Amen!
White Flame is Blue Flame applied under Immense Pressure – You apply immense Pressure to Gas before you put the Fire on!
How I wish that just the number of you here or as many as are reading now on the Label of Openheaven.net will become White Flames?
Because if you do become White Flames, you will take over Britain for God in less than two (2) years.
You remembered Acts 19: 11-17 – The Bible says that God Performed Special Miracles by the hands of Paul.
Now, every Miracle is something Special. So when the Bible now says: “Special Miracles”; that means: Special, Special Action of God.
The Bible says that demons will see handkerchiefs from Paul coming and they will run.
I’m believing that a day will come; among you Young Ones that when the devil hears that you are about to hold a Meeting in any Town, every Witches, every Wizards will flee from that Town – Amen!
But White Flame is Blue Flame applied to serious Pressure!
I will give you three (3) Quick Examples to show you the three (3) kinds of Flames in Practical terms:
1. I sent out a Young Fellow to go and start a Church. And when he got to the town, he discovered that there was a River there – The fishes were very big.
And he asked the People how come that the fishes will just be swimming about as they seems not to be afraid of them.
And he said: Why is it that Nibody is catching this fish? And they told him that they are “Sacred Fish”. If you catch them and you take them home, no matter how hot the water may be, they will just be swimming.
He said: Is that so? And they said: Yes. And the boy said that here is meat and the People said that it can’t be eaten.
And so the boy went behind them, caught one of the fish, brought it home and say: I cover you in the Blood of Jesus Christ and put the thing on Fire.
He had a Nice Dinner.
That is Red Flame!
2. There was another Young Fellow sent to start a Church.
He got there, rented a house but he didn’t know that the house he rented was next to the house of the High Priest of the Town.
And this boy was Performing Miracles, Signs and Wonders so much that all the People who used to come to the High Priest for help were now coming to this Young boy – The Church was growing.
And the High Priest got angry and decided that what I will do is to kill this boy. So he summoned all the Powers of the devil.
One day, the boy has gone out with Windows and Doors locked. And when he returned from the Church, right there in the Living Room was a hen sitting on some eggs.
Now, you are “Too Little” to understand that – That one in Africa means that: You either run back or you are dead. Because if you try to kick that hen, as soon as you lift your leg, the leg is going to Freeze. You bend down to Pick the hen, your back will break.
So the Man has connected with the devil – Placed death waiting for that Man. He wanted to get rid of the boy.
The boy looked at the hen and eggs and said: Lord, Thank You! You know I don’t have money to buy chicken and you have Provided one. When was the last time I ate eggs? And he said: Hen, welcome to my table; egg, you are welcome.
You know the rest of the Story – He had a very nice Dinner and by the following morning, breakfast was with eggs.
When the Chief Priest didn’t hear any cry of sorrow or anguish coming from that boy’s house and he saw the boy going to Church the Next Day; he gave his Life to Jesus Christ.
That is Blue Flame!
3. I’m sure that you have heard about Terrorism in Nigeria – They never tell you the True Story because the True Story is difficult to tell.
But then, there was this my Young Fellow who was Pastoring at Maiduguri (Capital City of Borno State in Nigeria) – That is Probably the troublest Part of Nigeria.
And the wife just gave birth to a set of twins.
When he was out, the Terrorists came and they found out that he was out – Where is your husband? He has gone out.
Oh, we come for him but since he was not in, let us leave him a mark that we called. So, they took the Young Twins and split their throats.
The Young Man came back, found the two (2) babies in a Pool of blood and dead.
When I heard the Story, I sent for him and the wife. I comforted them as much as I could and said: Alright, come down to the South, at least you will be more Secured here.
And the Man said: Daddy, you thought us never to turn back on the enemies. You thought us that it is Darkness that will flee from Light and not the other way round.
So Daddy, with your Permission, I’m staying here – I was sent on a Mission and that Mission must be fulfilled.
Today, in that same Maiduguri, not only do we have Churches there; we have Schools, we have Maternity Centers – That boy refused to move.
That is White Flame!
So, what kind of Flame do you want to be? – A Flame that you will be “Playing Church” or a Flame that will Stand Up and say to the devil: This Land belongs to Jesus, I am His Representative, I am not moving until United Kingdom (UK) bows to Jesus Christ!
You have Placed me here and here I will Stay – If I go from here, it is either I go to Iraq or Iran or to any Place where the war against the Church is hottest. That is the kind of Flame that I want to be!
So, what is your Choice – Red Flame or Blue Flame or White Flame?
Is there anyone here at all who have not even gotten the Fire?
You see, for you to become anything at all – For Firewood to become Fire; then Fire must first be applied on the wood.
In everyone of you, there is a Potential – A Potential to be Great, to be a terror to the devil!
But wood will not become Fire until it catches Fire.
And I’m sure that God brought me here this Afternoon to tell you that, that Potential in you is going to be Activated – Amen!
So, I’m starting by saying: Anyone who is not yet Born Again – That is you have not yet really surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ.
You are singing like we should all sing, shouting like we all shout; but you know yourself that you have never experienced the Lord Jesus Christ. Run out here now and let us Pray with you so that you can become a Child of the Living God.
So, I will count from one (1) to four (4) – And I’m counting now!
Now, all of us are going to Stand – Pray for these People that we want Genuine Salvation for these People right now.
I want you to Stretch Out your hands to them and really cry out to God for them – That the Almighty God will save the Souls of these People.
Those of you infront, cry to God too – And say: Lord, Please save my Soul. I want to become a Potential for Fire. Save my Soul, give me Genuine Salvation. From this moment onwards, I want to become Someone that can Catch Fire for You.
Please save my Soul, let Your Blood wash away my sins and I will serve you from now on.
Thank You Father. Glory be to Your Name. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Name.
I want to Thank You for these Your Children that has come to You today.
Lord, Please receive them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins and from now on Father, write their names in the Book of Life and let them become a Child of God indeed.
From this moment onwards, anytime they cry to You, answer them by Fire.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, the Counsellors will be attending to you in a moment but I won’t let the Move of the Holy Spirit slow down at all.
We want to Pray straightaway and we are going to catch Fire too.
You are going to be Speaking in Tongues very soon.
So, all of us together:
1. If you have not been Baptised in the Holy Spirit before; cry to God and ask Him to Baptise you with the Holy Spirit.
2. If you have been Baptised in the Holy Spirit before; cry to Him that He will Baptise you with Fire.
3. If you have been Baptised with Fire before; tell the Almighty God: I don’t want to be “Ordinary Red Fire”; I want to be “White Flame”.
I want You to send down Your Fire on me Oh Lord!
Open your mouth and Pray – And I want you to Pray with all sincerity; I want you to cry out to Him louder than you shout when you are shouting Hallelujah!
Please Lord, set me on Fire for You – I don’t want to be “Ordinary Flame”, I want to be a Commando for the Almighty God; I want to be White Flame, a terror to the devil, a Commando in the Army of God!
My Father and my God, I commit Your Children into Your Hands.
Your Words says: Joshua, son of Nun was Full of the Spirit of Wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him.
Moses caught Fire at Horeb and then Passes the Fire on to Joshua. And from that moment onwards, Nobody was able to withstand Joshua.
Today, I Stand as Your Representative and I Pray that, that Fire that fell on me will fall on all these Your Children.
This very Day, my Father and my God; Set these People on Fire, make them White Flames and let them Shine for You forever.
Thank You Almighty God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
And the rest of you – If you believed that you are leaving this Place burning High for God, I want you to shout a “Burning Hallelujah” – HALLELUJAH!!!