1. Thank You Lord!
I have Good News for somebody here tonight, or reading now on the Label of DMC:
My Father told me (in the Prayer Room) that His Healing Anointing will be”INTENSED” tonight – Amen.
… That’s the word He used – “INTENSED”.
2. Daddy also asked me to tell you:
You know He gave us a Word during November 2022 Holy Ghost Service at the Redemption Camp:
That the Month of November (2022) would become known as “the Month of Open Wombs.”
And He wants me to tell you, that Prophecy covers you too – Amen!
3. Oh, Thank You Father!
The Lord says Cancer is leaving right now – Amen.
4. Thank You Daddy!
The Lord asked me to tell Somebody here tonight and by extension reading on the Label of DMC:
He said, the time has come to move that Mountain – And it shall be moved – Amen!
… If you are that Fellow, I want you to Stand on your feet, and with anger Command every Mountain in your Life to move!
5. Thank You Daddy.
He wants me to remind you of a Story:
Several years ago, I went to Preach at Obafemi Awolowo University (Ile Ife, Osun State Nigeria). And just as we gathered together the rain began to fall.
And it fell heavily but none of the Students left! I was wondering why? I didn’t know they had a Plan.
As soon as I finished, they took the Chair I sat on, cut it to Pieces; and each one had a little bit.
According to the Testimony I heard later on, one of the Students took his own but to his Sister who had been mad for sixteen (16) years.
As soon as he touched her with the Piece of wood she jerked like somebody who had been asleep and said, “Oh, I have had a very bad Dream!”
They didn’t tell her, “you have been mad for sixteen (16) years”: she said, she had a bad dream.
Now, the Lord asked me to tell you that Story because, Someone here, God wants me to tell you: Your Long Night of trouble is over – Amen!
6. Daddy said there is Someone here tonight, and I want to say Amen to this even before I tell you.
He said, like in the case of Bartimaeus, your Testimony will bless Generations yet unborn – Amen.
7. Glory be to God
The Lord asked me to tell Someone: The enemies say they are going to use your children to torment you;
He asked me to tell you: it is their children that will torment them – Amen!
8. Daddy says He is going to Command into the Life of everyone of you here here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC, Blessing, Victory and Promotion – Amen.
Let’s wave our hands to Him and shout a Big Hallelujah – Hallelujah.
9. Oh, Thank You Father!
Daddy says there’s Someone here, before the New Year (2023); you will wear a New Garment; and it will be a Garment of Joy – Amen!
10. Thank You Father.
The Lord asked me to tell Someone, from tonight onward, you will never be disgraced again – Amen.
11. Thank You Father.
I know this is true of me; but I know it might be true of Someone else.
The Lord said there is someone here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC.
He said – I have heard your Cry for Mercy, I will be Merciful unto you – Amen.
12. Thank You Father.
The Lord said there is Someone here or reading now on the Label of DMC:
You are comfortable – You are swimming comfortably in a River.
He said because you came tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC – I will let you now begin to cruise in an Ocean – Amen.
The Great Mouth of “I Am that I Am” Himself has Spoken His Words into our ears and He will Speedily fulfill His Words in our lives!