Thank You Lord!
Well, why don’t you just lift your hands to the Most High God and Bless the King of kings; Bless the Lord of lords, Bless the Ancient of Days. Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration. Bless His Holy Name.
He is Worthy to be Praised, He is Worthy to be Adored and there is none like Him – He is the Almighty God.
He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending. He is the Highest, the Greatest, the Oldest, the Wisest, the Richest, the Beginning of all beginnings, the End of all endings, the Unchangeable Changer!
He is the Holy One of Israel, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Soon-Coming King; the One Who opens and no man can shut, the One Who shuts and no man can open. He is the One Who Decreed, “Let There Be Light” and there was Light!
Praise Him, Adore Him, Worship Him: let Him hear your Voice. Praise Him!
King of kings Thank You. Lord of Host Thank You. King of Glory Thank You: Blessed be Your Holy Name.
Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.
The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob,
Jehovah the Man of War,
Your Mercy endureth forever and ever
Oh Praise His Holy Name (Amen)!
King of kings and Lord of lords; the I AM THAT I AM, the One Who lives forever!
Only the one You kill can die; only the one You make alive will remain alive. Thank You Father!
Thank You for Monday, Thank You for Tuesday, Thank You for Yesterday (Wednesday), Thank You in advance for today (Thursday).
Accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name!
Father today, like never before, Please visit Your Children and let every Yokes be destroyed today.
By the time this day is over, my Father and my God; let everybody, without any Prompting shout Hallelujah!
Thank You Father. Glory be to Your Holy Name.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Shake hands with two (2) or three (3) People and say: Good Evening, welcome to Double Blessing!
… And then we may Please be seated.
Well, as at 6p.m. today, the number of children born during this Holy Ghost Congress had increased to Eleven (11) – four (4) Boys and seven (7) Girls.
Well, let the Girls shout Praise the Lord!
And the Boys shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Don’t worry Boys: you will soon catch up – Afterall today, we have three (3) Boys and three (3) Girls. So, by tomorrow I am sure the Boys would have taken over.
… If you believe that say Amen Boys – Amen!
You know very well that tomorrow (Friday Day 5, 9th December 2022) is the Big Night. My only advice is that you come early, because there will be no empty seat tomorrow.
And tomorrow, we will be discussing: “The DOUBLE PORTION”, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.
But for tonight, I’ll talking very briefly on: FROM CURSES TO BLESSINGS.
My Bible Text is Psalms 40:1-3.
And it is always Good to appreciate what is Good – I think the Choir was very, very Good tonight.
So, let’s encourage them by giving a round of applause to the Almighty God!
I want to Thank God for those who have spoken before me – Our beloved President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) Bishop Francis Wale Oke.
… It is only among the Pentecostal that you find the Pastor claiming to be the father of a Bishop.
Well, the Bishop happens to be my son. I’ve known him for donkey years. He was my Student at the University of Lagos; way back in the 1970s. So, I have known him for a long time. You are looking at a True Man of God; a True Child of the Living God.
Let’s give the Lord a big round of applause!
And I want to Thank God also for my daughter (Mercy Ezekiel) who gave the Second Talk – That was Wonderful; Beautiful.
I have known her for more than four (4) decades. And if you are looking for a Woman of God, a terror to demons; that’s the one there.
Let’s give the Lord the big round of applause!
Psalms 40:1-3;
1. I waited Patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.
2. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.
3 And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.
… God is going to hear the cry of Somebody here today – Amen!
I believe that Passage is written for me.
If it is written for you, let God hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!
You know, there’s something called “Fearful Miracles” – Somebody is going home tonight with Fearful Miracles – Amen!
On Earth there are Two (2) Major Powerful Forces – One is called CURSES, the other is called BLESSINGS.
… Two (2) very Powerful Forces!
You see, in Genesis 1:26-28, when God created man He told him, “you are to have Dominion.”
But then a close examination of the situation on Earth is that, there are many things beyond the Control of the man that was asked to have Dominion. He said he should be fruitful, multiply, et cetera.
But a man can Plant in the best of soils and still have no Harvest.
Why? Because he has no Control on rain.
In the Deuteronmy 28:12, the Bible says God can give Someone rain in its Season – That is Someone who is Blessed!
But in the same Deuteronomy 28:24, the same God says: the rain for that Particular Person will be Powder and dust – That is the man who is Cursed!
And Amos 4:7-8 tells us that God can rain on one Part of a City, and leave the other Part dry.
When we talk about having Dominion, there are certain Parameters beyond the reach or Control of a man.
Apart from ‘No Control over Rain’ there is the issue of Competition.
In John 5:2-9, the Bible tells us the Story of Multitudes of Sick People by the Pool of Bethesda. That an Angel will come and stir once a year. It says the first fellow to get in would be healed.
The Bible tells us there was a man who had been there Thirty eight (38) years – He believed, he had Faith that if he could only just get in as soon as an Angel has stirred the water, that he would be healed.
But he said, I have tried thirty eight (38) times and failed thirty eight (38) times because each time I was coming Somebody got in before me – Competition!
Even among children of the same mother there could be Competition.
If you read Genesis 25:21-26, two (2) Boys (Twins) in the same womb were already quarreling before they were born.
The day they were born, the first one came out first; the second one grabbed the leg. I don’t know what he was trying to say – Maybe, he is saying to him, “where are you going?”
So, even your own brother – Son of the same mother, can be a Competitor; saying to you, “you aren’t going to make it.” Not to talk of several enemies: Known and Unknown, headed by their Big Oga – The devil.
Because 1 Peter 5:8 says, your enemy, like a roaring lion is walking about seeking whom he may devour.
Now, the Bible says in Genesis 3:19, when God was Pronouncing a Curse on Adam He said, “from now on you will sweat before you eat”.
The Implication of that (thinking like a Mathematician) is that, if Somebody has to sweat before he could eat; if the situations were reversed; Somebody can succeed without sweating.
If the one who is cursed had to sweat you know what that means? He would work like an Elephant and eat like an Ant. Then it means if the other fellow is Blessed, he will work like a Rat and eat like an Elephant.
Today we want to discuss these Two (2) Forces very briefly: because your Life as it is today, is being controlled by either of these Two (2) Forces.
I mean, if you consider for example, the case of ISAAC – Isaac was a Blessed fellow.
You will discovered that the Bible tells us that in a time when there was famine in the land, Isaac sowed in the Land and he reaped a hundredfold in one year.
… We will talk more about that later.
We want to know – Why is Someone Succeeding and another one is failing? You need to find out: Is he Blessed or being Cursed?
And the reason we have gathered tonight is that, in the Name that’s above every other names, even if you were cursed, that curse is going to Change to a Blessing – Amen!
What exactly do we mean by a Blessing?
If you read Genesis 27:22-27, when Isaac was blessing Jacob – Pay attention to what he said:
He said: The dew of Heaven will cooperate with you, the Earth Will cooperate with you – By bringing you its fatness, the People of the Earth (whether they like it or not) will cooperate with you, your Brethren; your mother’s children, they will cooperate with you. He said, even your enemies (those who dare curse you), they will be taken care of.
In very Simple Language, a Blessing is a Summon to all Forces in Heaven, on Earth, even Underneath the Earth that they must join together to see that the one who is Blessed will Succeed.
… That is the meaning of a Blessing:
A Summon, a Decree to all Forces in Heaven, on Earth, Underneath the Earth to support you to make sure you Succeed.
That is why the best Prayer anybody can pray for you is to say – “GOD BLESS YOU”!
And I want to say that one for free – GOD BLESS YOU – Amen!
That is why when I am going about at Night (minding my own business) Praying for Nigeria, Praying for the rest of the world, Praying for our Church all over the world in more than 190 Nations of the world; and Somebody would see me and say, “Daddy Pray for me.”
And I will turn to them and say God Bless You! And they still say, “Pray for me – I have already Prayed the Best Prayer I can ever Pray for you!
When I say ‘God Bless You’ I am saying – Let all the Forces in Heaven, Forces on Earth, Forces Underneath the Earth cooperate with you; so that you will Succeed.
So I am saying to Somebody right now: God Bless You – Amen!
Now, when you compare that to Genesis 3:17-19, when God was cursing Adam see what He said – He said: the Ground will work against you.
Instead of the Ground Producing Good thing it will Produce thorns and thistles. Until you sweat heavily no food.
And He said, “you will depreciate so steadily until you finally die.
That is a Curse! RCCG HOLY GHOST CONGRESS 2022
A Curse is saying, let all the Forces in Heaven, on Earth, Underneath the Earth work against Somebody; so that you will never make it.
I Pray for Someone tonight – Every Curses upon your Life shall be destroyed – Amen.
So, when you are looking for a Copy or a Sample of full-blown Blessing; read Deuteronomy 28:1-13 – It tells you what will happen when you are Blessed.
It says, your body will cooperate, the Ground will cooperate, your enemies will be taken care of, Rain will cooperate, your Competitors will be handled.
That is why He says you are going to be Head, you won’t be tail. He said you will be lending to Nations and you won’t borrow. Enemies that come against you one way will flee before you seven ways. The Fruit of your body, of your Ground; even your animals will be Blessed.
And if you want to read what full-blown Curses can be, read the same Deuteronmy 28; Pick it from Verse 15 and read it to the end – It is a terrible kind of something to read.
But if you want to read through the Bible like some of us (by His Grace, I have done that more than once) you can’t jump that.
Because it says, when Somebody is cursed, the body won’t cooperate: all manners of Sicknesses and Diseases would just be jumping up and down in the body.
It says the fellow depreciates rapidly, the Heaven would be Brass, the rain will be Powder, and the enemy will be let loose on rampage.
Consider JERICHO ,- 2 Kings 2:19-22.
The Elders of Jericho said to Elijah, our City is just looking beautiful but even the water is very bad. There is barrenness, there is death.
Why? Because Jericho was cursed! – In Joshua 6:26, Joshua cursed Jericho.
And one thing you should know about a Curse is that – It flows like a River. Once it starts on Somebody, the children, the children’s children are in trouble.
Any Curse coming up on you from your forefathers, God will destroy today – Amen.
On the other hand consider ISAAC: (that I mentioned earlier on) in Genesis 26:1-16.
In the midst of a famine, when everything was dry Isaac Prospered so Mightily.
When everybody else were crying that things were hard, there was a man who Prospered so Mightily that the King of the Nation came to him and said: “Sir, go away from us, because you have become Mightier than us.”
… Onw fellow became Mightier than a Nation!
I know by considering the circumstances (not only in Nigeria) Practically almost all over the world – By Human calculations; the coming Year is supposed to be a very tough year.
But do you know one thing – There is Somebody listening to me now or reading now on the Label of DMC, the coming Year (2023) is when you are going to Prosper the Most – Amen!
Why? Because you will be Blessed! When you are Blessed, while others may be suffering you will be blossoming.
So, the Cursed Person is like a man driving in the wrong direction and going at high speed. He is driving towards destruction and others are saying, “hurry up!” Pushing him further and further.
I mean, see GEHAZI (for Example) – You know the Story of Gehazi in 2 Kings 5:20-27.
He lied to his Master, he Cheated. And the Master turned and Pronounced a Curse on him.
He said, “The Leprosy of Naaman would cleave on you and your Seed forever.” And the Bible says immediately, he was covered in Leprosy!
And if you know anything about Leprosy: it destroys the body steadily and rapidly – Fingers begin to drop off, toes will soon be gone, nostrils gone. Everyday the Leper goes steadily towards the Grave.
Whereas a Blessed man will be going Higher day by day; as all the Forces in Heaven, on Earth and Underneath the Earth continue to Support him; Pushing him Higher and Higher.
For example JACOB in Genesis 30:27-43.
The Bible tells us that he just kept on Increasing until he became Exceedingly Great.
From tonight onwards, in the Name that’s above every other names, that will be your Testimony – Amen!
Now, to move from being Cursed to being Blessed requires tremendous amount of Anointing.
To transform a Life against all Forces in Heaven, on Earth, Underneath the Earth – A man that all forces are working against.
To transform him to Someone that all the Forces now are helping; it takes a tremendous amount of Anointing.
Because to bring Somebody who is already in a pit (a Miry Clay, Horrible Pit); to Pick him from there and put him on a Mountain top, you have to do it in Steps:
– Pick him up from the hole.
– Put him on the Level Ground.
– And then pick him from the Level Ground and begin to lift him up.
The fellow who is driving madly in a wrong direction; for you to get him to now begin to drive in the right direction (at speed):
I. First, you have to Stop that rapid downward trend;
II. Turn the car around;
III. Bring him to Level Zero where he started driving in the wrong direction;
IV. And then say alright, go in this direction – I’ll support you!
That is where the Bible Text for tonight came from – Someone discovered all of a sudden, “where am I?” And he saw Oh, I am in a Horrible Pit; I am surrounded by Miry Clay: the more I try to get outside the deeper I sink.
And that fellow cried to God and God heard him and brought him out to where he can Stand firm.
And then as He (God) begins now to lift him Higher, he began to sing a New Song.
Somebody will sing a New Song here tonight – Amen.
I’ll just tell you maybe one Story and then we’ll round up, so that we’ll go ahead and pray. And we will Anoint you – so that the Anointing will destroy whatever Curses my might be in your Life.
Some of you remembered the Story of a man, a very Wealthy man who had a quarrel with his wife.
… The wife happens to have a little connection with the devil.
So the wife Pronounced a Curse on him and told him, “By the time I finished with you, you will be trekking in Lagos.” The husband laughed and thought it was a joke because at the time the man was saying that, I think the man had about fourteen (14) cars.
“How can a man with fourteen (14) Cars, with Good Business, Fat Bank Account, become Somebody who would trek?”
But the Curse began to work! And one by one the cars were sold; Money dried up until there remained only one old car and fifty (50) Kobo in the Pocket of this man.
At that time fifty (50) Kobo was big money – Probably will be about Five hundred (500) Naira or something.
We’ve been Witnessing to him but because there was Plenty of money he didn’t feel he needed Jesus.
All of a sudden, God in His Infinite Mercy opened his inner eyes and he said to himself: “I have fifty (50) Kobo left, and I am hungry. If I eat with this Fifty (50) Kobo I won’t have money to buy Petrol for my car, then I will trek (like my wife Prophesied). If I use the money to buy Petrol what will I eat?”
That’s when he drove to Ebute-Metta (The National Headquarters Parish of the Church) and gave his Life to Jesus Christ.
The day he was Sharing his Testimony, he was dedicating two (2) Big Houses (New) in the same Lagos.
The tide turned!
The Tide is going to turn for Somebody today – Amen.
After tonight, by the time the Almighty God finishes with you, as we are entering the New Year (3023); you won’t even remember that you have suffered before – Amen.
But it takes a massive dose of Anointing to change curses to Blessings; to change a Victim to a Victor.,
In Judges 15:11-16, the enemies within bound Samson and handed him over to the enemies without.
Some of you have a rough idea of what that means – That Relatives from your own family handed you over to the enemies in your husband’s house and the situation becomes complicated.
Enemies within handed Samson over to the enemies without and the enemies without were already rejoicing. They thought they have got this one now.
But the Bible tells me, “that the Spirit of God came down on him not gently (massively). Dose of Anointing – and the ropes were broken; and the enemies (those of them that were not fast enough to run) a thousand lost their lives.
Tonight, God is going to anoint you – It will be a “Double Portion” kind of Anointing to Prepare you in readiness for tomorrow.
I’ve told you that the Purpose of this Particular Congress is to Change you from “Receiving” to “Becoming” – Amen.
You will receive Freedom tonight: There will be a New Turnaround for you tonight – Amen.
And by the time God has done what He wants to do tomorrow, you will become a Blessing to others – Amen.
Before I get out of here for a while, I want to give you an illustration of how God can Change Curses to Blessings – By telling you the Story of a man in the Bible.
His name is known as LEVI – In Genesis 49:1-7.
When his father was about to die, he called all his children together and he blessed some and cursed some (depending on what they had done in the Past).
Among the ones that he cursed was this fellow called Levi because they had done something very horrible.
What their father said is that they won’t amount to anything – “They will be scattered in Israel”.
By the time we got to Numbers 3:11-13, all of a sudden we read that God commanded Moses and said to him, “Bring Levi near.”
The father said they are to be scattered but God said, “No, No, No! Bring him close to me. I cancel the Curse of his father. Bring him close to me because I want him to become my firstborn.”
You know what happened that led to that dramatic transformation?
Something had happened in Exodus 32:25-28: Moses had gone to be in the Presence of God to receive the Ten (10) Commandments.
While he was away, the People decided to Worship an idol. They made an idol for themselves. By the time Moses returned, he saw the People dancing naked before a Golden idol. “Ha? What is this?”
But Moses knew that he could not face the children of Israel alone so he stood by the gate and cried out, “Whoever is on the Lord’s side, let him come to me.” The Bible said, all the children of Levi gathered together to Moses.
God looked down from Heaven and saw the children of Levi crossing over to Moses saying, “We are on the Lord’s side.”
God said, “Alright, if you are on my side then I am on your side.”
You know the Bible says, “I love those who love me.
That is God speaking: If you say you are on my side, I will be on your side.
If God is for us, who can be against us? – Romans 8:31.
If God says, ‘I am on your side,” every Curse will come to an end and Blessing will take its Place.
So, I am not begging you tonight to give your Life to Jesus Christ. If you haven’t done so the Choice is yours!
Are you tired of Curses? Would you rather move from Curses to Blessings? Are you tired of working like an Elephant and eating like an Ant? Are you tired of all Forces in Heaven, Forces on Earth, Forces everywhere working against you?
And you want a situation where whatever you touch now will begin to Prosper because God is on your side?
The Choice is yours!
So, if you are here and you have not yet surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, He is Calling on your now, “who is on my side let him or her come unto me .”
Those of you who want to surrender your Life to Jesus Christ; those of you who will say, “I don’t want to have anything more with the devil, I don’t want to have anything more to do with Curses and Evil Forces waging war against me.”
Do so now, and then we will Pray for your Salvation as we continue with the rest of the Program.
Cry to God now – Say Lord have Mercy on me. Save my Soul, deliver me from Curses. I don’t want to have anything to do with the devil, I don’t want to have anything to do with Curses anymore.
Go ahead talk to the Almighty God!
And Please, the rest of us shall we intercede for these People? Let’s Stretch our hands towards them and Pray for them – That the Almighty God Who saved our Souls would save their own Souls also.
Let’s Pray for them!
Thank You!
If you are ready to Genuinely surrender to Jesus, cry to God to have Mercy on you, wash you Clean with His Blood and write your name in The Book of Life.
Ask Him to take away Curses from your Life and give you Blessings.
Thank You Father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God I want to Thank You for Your Word.
I Bless Your Holy Name for the People who have responded to the Altar Call;
Father please, remember Your Promise, that whosever will come to You, You will in no wise cast out.
I am asking Lord God Almighty that tonight, You will receive these People. You will forgive them, You will Please save their Souls and let Your Blood wash them Clean.
And I Pray Lord, they will now become Members of the Family of God. That they will never think of going back to the world for the rest of their Life.
Father, let them serve You.
And I Pray that every Curses upon them will be destroyed tonight.
Thank You Father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Now, those of you who just surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.
Very Good!
I am rejoicing with you. I Promise to be Praying for you by the Grace of God.
So I’ll need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.
In the meantime, I think we should have some Music while we wait for our New Brothers and Sisters. Thank You!
I want Decree to you in the Name that’s above every other names – You will all be Greater than I – Amen!
And if you received that let me hear you shout a Big Hallelujah – HALLELUJAH.
Now, we want to move on to the last Part of the Session for tonight – which is the ANOINTING.
As soon as you are Anointed, I want you to begin to cry to the Almighty God – No more Curses in my Life. From now on it is going to be Blessings all the way.
Thank you Pastors!
1. Let all of us lift our Voices together in one accord to the Almighty God and say: Father, every Curses that has been operating in my Life, I believe you: I will see them no more.
… Go ahead, talk to the Almighty God!
Thank You father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
2. And then this time round you lift your hands to the Most High God and say: Father, I believe You; from now on I am BLESSED:
I am Blessed in the Morning, I am Blessed in the Afternoon, I am Blessed in the Evening, I am Blessed at Night time. I am Blessed all the days of my Life; and my children are Blessed with me.
Go ahead, talk to the Lord!
Thank You Father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God, I Stand in my Position as a father to these Your children and I Pronounce:
On each and everyone of you from now on you are Blessed!
Everything you touch shall Prosper!
The Host of Heaven will support you; The Host on Earth will support you; even the Host Underneath the Earth will obey you.
You are Blessed: no more Curses for you.
You will never fail again; no more barrenness for you.
It shall be well with you – Whatever you touch from now on will Prosper.
The world will hear about you and they will Bless God for your sake.
So shall it be forever!
And the Blessings you have received you will never lose;
And the Curses that have been destroyed now will never resurface.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name, you are BLESSED – AMEN!!!
… Let me hear a “Blessed Hallelujah” – HALLELUJAH!!!!