1. Well, let’s lift our hands to the Almighty God and bless Him – Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration; bless His Holy Name. He is Worthy to be Praised.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
2. Let’s lift our Voice to Him and say: Father, visit me this Morning in a Very Special Way. Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
I have a Father
Almighty Father
He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords
I have a Father
… Repeat!
Almighty Father, King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jehovah El-Shaddai, the God who is More Than Enough.
We are all saying Good Morning to you today – Thank You for Loving us, Thank You for Preserving us, Thank You for another opportunity to have an Encounter with You. Father, Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Early this Morning, we have come to seek You because You said in Your Words that those who seek You early will find You. Please today, let us find You, let us have an Encounter with You.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Wave at one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Morning, God Bless You.
And you may Please be seated!
And open your Bibles to Isaiah 1:19 – If ye be Willing and Obedient, ye shall eat the Good of the Land.
When I read that Passage some Years Past; I was asking God to really explain this to me – Is there anyone at all that will not be Willing to Prosper? I can’t imagine anybody who will say: No, I don’t want to eat the Good of the Land.
I understand the Obedience Part of it; it is the Willingness Section that I’m not so sure about.
Then He (God) explained to me that what He is saying is that: If you are “Willingly Obedient”; not just Obedient but “Willingly Obedient” – If you will Obey God Willingly and you don’t have to be forced, Nobody has to compel you, you enjoyed obeying God (“Willingly Obedient”); then you will eat the Good of the Land.
So, we want to talk this Morning briefly on: “The Miracles of Divine Breakthrough” – You know this Month (February 2022); we have been talking about Miracles.
“The Miracles of Divine Breakthroughs” is being “Willingly Obedient”.
1. Psalms 24:1says – The Earth is the LORD’S, and the Fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
God Owns everything.
2. Not only does He Owns everything, according to Isaiah 66:1; because Heaven is His Throne and the Earth is His Footstool; He controls everything – From Heaven, right down to Earth and Underneath the Earth; He is in Control.
3. And according to 2 Kings 7: 1-11; Heaven has Windows.
Remember the Adviser to the King when the Man of God Prophesied and said that within twenty four (24) hours; there will be Supernatural Abundance.
That Adviser said that if God were to make Windows in Heaven – God does not have to make Windows in Heaven as the Windows are there already.
In Malachi 3: 8-10; God made it clear – All He has to do is just to open one of the Windows when He said: You bring all the Tithes into my House and see if I won’t open a Window of the many Windows in Heaven and Pour you out a Blessing and you won’t have room to contain it.
God controls All, Heaven has Windows, just one Window opened to you is Enough!
Before the Sun sets today, God will open a Window to you – Amen!
When they were developing Computers, they got to a Stage where they started talking about Windows. And those of you who are Young, you know the meaning of Windows – How useful a Computer is, it is determined by how many Windows.
There are many Windows in Heaven, all you need is just for one to open unto you.
And so because He (God) controls all, He owns all, He can combine Heaven and Earth to bring you a Breakthrough.
He can cause Somebody who is withholding your Blessings to hear a Voice.
I mean you know the Story in 2 Kjngs 7: 1-11 that I mentioned earlier on – God caused the People laying a Siege on Samaria to hear a Noise. The Noise came from Heaven and they heard it and they fled. Wealth was transferred because some People heard a Noise.
In the Name that is above every other names, anyone withholding your Wealth will hear a Noise today – Amen. And anyone who can Help you, wherever they may be, they will hear a Voice from God – Amen.
… All you have to do is just Obey God!
Luke 5: 1-7 shows us clearly that even fish obeys Him (God).
Because when I was a Young Christian, I always ask God many so called “Silly Questions” – Peter fished All-Night, then he threw a Net and caught so much fish. I said how come?
And the explanation that I got and I heard some Bible Scholars saying that must be true is that while Jesus Christ was Preaching, the fish also gathered to hear Him – They came to hear their Maker.
And when He finished speaking, He told them – Jump into that Net and the fish obeyed Him.
In Matthew 17: 24-27; Peter was sent by the Lord Jesus Christ to go and fish because they needed Money to Pay Tax. And the Lord told him that the first fish that you will catch, open its mouth; you will find a Gold Coin there.
… Fish don’t eat Coins, they eat worms. But God commanded this Particular fish to swallow a Coin and makes sure that you are the one that the hook will catch – The fish obeys Him.
If God has to send a fish to Help you, He will do so this Morning – Amen.
There are certain things that may happen; some People may take them Lightly – Probably I don’t know, maybe because of my closeness to God, i look at everything as Miraculous.
I have told you the Story – When I was in Ilorin (Kwara State, Nigeria); my wife and I, we were broke, we have no Money. We are working but by the Grace of God, once we collect our Salary, whatever little bit we need, we set aside and the rest goes to the work of God. And we were doing it Joyfully as we wanted to do it.
When we wanted to Preach on the Television in Ilorin (Kwara State, Nigeria); they told us in those days that they won’t allow Christians to Preach on the Television but I said that they will allow me.
I went to them, they learnt that I was a Lecturer at the University and so they were careful. So, they charged me exorbitantly to drive me away but I Paid.
Being the first Christian Television Program, it became very Popular; they realised this and so when I came back the following Quarter to renew the Contract, they Doubled the amount that they charged me before – But I said that I will Pay and I Paid.
Three (3) Months later, they increased it again – Trippled it; I said that I will Pay.
Some of you who knows Pastor Adesina, go and ask him as we were together there at that time.
So, there was this occasion we have no Money, we were broke – You know where the Money had gone. And then one of our children in Ilorin then suddenly came in one Evening and he brought a fish almost the size of a Man. He said that i saw them selling this fish and bought it for my father-in-the-Lord.
And there was a Fellow who came from Lagos to come and greet us and he was leaving the following morning. He saw the fish when they brought it in and so my wife said that if we don’t do something about this fish tonight, this Fellow will just look at the fish and go tomorrow without tasting out of it. So, she cut the head of the fish and cook it. It filled up a big Pot – So that this boy can taste out of the fish.
Just as we were about to sleep by 10.00pm; some People came and said: Well, we have been travelling all the way from Lagos and we know that when we get to your house, we will find food. They have a house in Ilorin, they came to my house and my wife said: Glory be to God; went into the Kitchen, Prepare food, they ate and enjoyed themselves. The Leader said to the others that I told you that if we get to the house of Pastor Adeboye, we will find food.
In the Name that is above every other names, there will always be Sufficiency in your house – Amen
… All you need to do is just to obey Him.
2 Kings 4: 1-7 – That Widow came to the Man of God – I have Nothing left except a Bottle of Oil. The Man of God said: Fine, go back, borrow Empty Vessels, borrow not a few, shut the door on yourself and your children, begin to Pour out the Oil, set aside that which is Full.
… Step by Step, Silly Commandments:
I. Borrow Empty Vessels – What do I need Empty Vessels for?
II. Pour out the Little Oil – What kind of Advise is that?
III. Shut the door on myself and the children and begin to Pour the Oil and that which is Full – Full of what?
When God wants to Perform Miracles, all He demands from you is “Willingly Obedience” – Don’t query Him (God).
Some People has said to you – People who don’t have anywhere they are going that: Don’t Pay Tithes. Let them don’t Pay their own Tithe but you decide to Pay your own Tithe.
First Fruit is of the Old Testament – Let them say their own, you just obey your God.
If you are Willing and Obedient, you will eat the Good of the Land – That is the Promise of the One who can never fail.
I will tell you one more Story and then we begin to Pray – I will want you to Pray with all your heart this Morning.
We were building the first Auditorium at the Redemption Camp and I wanted to roof the Auditorium. I told everybody to leave the Auditorium to me and they take care of their own Areas.
What is going to cost me to roof that thing was seventeen thousand Naira (#17,000) – Naira was Powerful in those Days and it will be Powerful again in Jesus Name (Amen),
Out of the seventeen thousand Naira (#17,000) that I needed, I had one thousand Naira (#1,000) and I was believing God for sixteen thousand Naira (#16,000). And then one of the Area Pastors came to me and said: Daddy, Please I need one thousand Naira (#1,000) to roof the building for my Area. Please give me one thousand Naira (#1,000).
Up till today, I don’t know how he knew that I have one thousand Naira (#1,000). I told him that if you don’t get out of my Office, I’m looking for sixteen thousand Naira (#16,000), you are looking for one thousand Naira (#1,000) – Get out of my Office.
He saw the way I spoke and he took off immediately.
And God spoke to me and said: Son, give him the one thousand Naira (#1,000) – Just be Obedient. He asked me to call him back, i gave him the one thousand Naira (#1,000) to the Area Pastor and he was galloping away. I said that it is not your fault, now I’m back to Zero and your own Problems are over.
And God spoke to me and said: Son, why are you grumbling? There are two (2) Problems, i used you to solve one and so only one Problem is left.
… I couldn’t tell God that the only one Problem left is my own.
From today onwards, whatever you call a Problem; God will take care of it – Amen
Before the end of that day, a Woman came all the Way from Port Harcourt and said I have just collected the house rent from my Tenant and God said that I must take it to you today. She gave me the envelope, I Prayed for her, she left. I opened the envelope and it was seventeen thousand Naira (#17,000) I needed.
I know the God that I am talking about – I’m not talking Theory, I’m talking Experience. Obey Him and He will take care of you.
Stand on your feet and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
There are those of you who are not seeking first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness – He said: Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, then all other things will be added unto you.
If you are here and you have not surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ because surrendering means I will be “Willingly Obedient”; come now – Come and surrender your Life to Him, let Him save your Soul and He will take care of you from now on.
So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, you come. If you don’t want to come; that is your Choice. So, come very quickly. He will carry you and your Problems. I will count from one (1) to five (5).
The rest of you, let us lift our Voices to the Almighty God and say: Father, from now on, I will be “Willingly Obedient”. Please, let me eat the Good of the Land. Open your mouth and cry to the Almighty God.
Now, those of you who has come forward and those on the way, talk to Him and say: Lord, have Mercy on me. I surrender my Life to You, I will obey You Willingly – Just forgive all my sins and I will do Your Will for the rest of my Life. Let me eat the Good of the Land.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Saviour, I want to Thank You for Your Words, I want to give You all Glory and Honour for those who has come forward now. Please Lord, receive them in Jesus Name and in Your Mercy, forgive them in Jesus Name.
Please save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins.
Father, I’m Praying that beginning from now, they will be doing Your Will and when they call on You, answer them by Fire.
Thank You my Father and God. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, those of you who has come forward – Congratulations. I want to rejoice with you that from now on by the Grace of God; I will be Praying for you.
So, if you turn to your left, you will see a Man there lifting up a Placard, Please follow him, he will take you to where some Pastors are waiting and they will bring you back.
God Bless You as you begin to go now.
Well, if you know that you want to be “Willingly Obedient” from now on, take an Offering that will show God that you mean Business. He is the One who says: Give and it shall be given.
Obey Him, do it Willingly. Don’t give Him something that will show Him that you are treating Him like a beggar. He is not a beggar, He owns everything.
Lift your Offering to the Almighty God and then say loud and clear that: Father, I will be “Willingly Obedient”; send Help to me.
Open your mouth and Pray as if you mean it – From the East, West, North, South and from Heaven Above, send Help to me. All those who can Help me, let them hear the Voice from You saying: Go and Help my son, he needs Help. Send Adequate and More Than Sufficient Help to me Lord and send it very quickly, urgently as I need it now.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Now, with Joy in our hearts, let us dance to the nearsst basket and give our Offering before we take the Final Blessings.
Over to you Band.
As usual, there are some People who wrote asking for Special Prayers and they were invited to come to Divine Encounter.
If you are one of such, you can come forward now so that we can Pray for you.
And the rest of us; go ahead and talk to God – Tell Him what you want as a very Special Breakthrough from Him that you want Him to do for you this Month (February 2022).
So, go ahead and talk to Him wherever you are now or reading now on the Label of DMC.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Holy Name. I Thank You because I know that with You, all things are Possible.
Everything these Your Children are asking for this Morning, Please give unto them.
You are a Burden Bearer, every Burden troubling these Your Children, Father take the Burden away.
Whatever these Your Children are asking for that if they get it their Joy will be Full, Father give unto them.
In a Very Special Way Lord God Almighty, visit these People today – Young and Old, everyone of us, my Father and my God, let every Day of this Month (February 2022) be Miraculous. Give us our Testimonies.
Father, bless the Offerings of Your Children, Sanctify it, Use it for Your Glory and don’t let us ever beg again.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Well, if you have received your own Miracles, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!!!